LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Ivey Jones, of Hickory, is visiting friends in Lenoir this week, " Mr. Lawrence Wakefield made a business trip to Greensboro Monday, Mrs. Richmond, of Virginia, is visiting her daughter Mrs. O. L. Bernhardt. Mrs. J. V. Farthing, of Boone, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. A.Watson. ' Eev. E. 8. Gragg, of Shull's Mills, is assisting in a meeting at Draco this week. 'Possums are good and ripe now, Mr.L. IV Henkel is off on a business trip to Watauga. Mr. J. E. Mattocks made a bu siness trip to Blowing Rock Wed nesday. . ' Miss Mlna Atkinson is visiting relatives and friends in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Messrs. W. C. Ervin and I, T. Avery, of Morganton, were here on business Tuesday. Mr. W. 8. Miller is figuring on building a new business house on his vacant lot adjoining the court house grounds. Read the new advertisement in this issue of Lenoir Realty & In surance Company. Mr. Geo. E. Moore returned from Blowing Rock Wednesday, where bad spent the summer. The Board of Education of Caldwell County was in session" Monday transacting routine work. The best way for you;todo when you want to sell something is to .i i 4V. if. juh an nuici uacuiciit ill nuc iwws Asheville roted on prohibition or open saloons last Tuesday and prohibition carried by a vote of practically three to one. The latest news from Judge Council, who is suffering from an attack of pneumonia at his home in Hickory, is encouraging, he is improving. Mr. P. M. Keever gave a din ner last Friday at which there were four generations present. His Grandfather, Father and Mother and himself and family. The school at Yallc Cruris has opened the new session with a strong corps of teachers, Mrs. W. (r. Randall and Rer. Hugh A. Dob bin having been added to the Faculty. We are pleased to note that Mr. Collett Powell, who was recently operated on for apendicits at Dr. Long's Sanatorium at Statesville, is improving and will soon le able to return home. The nice new brick Baptist church at I'owelltown will be ded icated next Sunday. The dedica tory sermon will be preached by Rev. Dr. W. H. Owaltney, of Hickory, at 11 o'clock a. in. Miss Henrietta Montgomery, who ha.s been cashier at the depot, has resigned and Mr. (). D. Ander son, of (Jreenville, S. ('., lias been appointed in her place. 31 r. Anderson was checked into the office this week. Tuesday evening, little Carlton Doty, while playing around the Home Milling ('oinnanv's mill, put his hand on some of the mov ing machinery and had two of his fingers badly cut. Dr. McXairy dressed the wound. We are requested to announce that the churches of 'edar Valley and Kbenezer, will be dedicated on Sunday 2th. Rev. II. M. Blair, editor of the Christian Ad vocate, will preach the dedicatory strmons at Cedar Valley at 11 a. in. and at Ebenezcr at 3 p. m. The author of the book to lie published, entitled "Aaron Tonin of the Persimmon Tree Bottom," mentioned in the News some time ago, informs ns that it will soon be ready for the press and that he thrnks"the demand for 'this won dorful book will be immense. Axnemonial service in honor of Rev. Mr. Skilcs, who for many years was a. faithful missionary in Watauga and Ashe, will be held at St. Joints church on the Wa tauga River, on Sunday the 1 3th inst.. beeinine at 3 p. in., the 12 of October being the 100th anni versary of Mr. Skiles1 birth. Mr. R. C. Campbell calls our at tention to the fact that the old Fairfield burying ground is very much grown ovCr with briares and brambles and suggests that some steps be taken to put the place in order. He says he will start a fund by giving $5.00 to clean off the grounds and put the graves in decent shape. This is a matter tliat snould receive the hearty support of all persons interested. Mr. James T. Montgomery, of Lenoir, and Miss Delia Norman, of Charlotte. wer married on the 3rd and are now on their bridal tour. Mrs. R. H. Harstin and chil dren, who have spent the summer with Mr. J. A. Allen, have re turned to their home in Washing ton, D. C. A revival is in progress at the Methodist church this week and is well attended especially at night. Rev. W. M. Bagby, of Hickory, and the local Methodist minesters are assisting the pastor, Rev. D. V. Price. Preaching each day at 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. The Bee Mountain Debating So ciety has proposed to meet the Bailey Camp Debating Society, in open discussion, here on Saturday night, October 19th, to debate the question "Resolved that the earth revolves around the sun once in m i every twenty tour Hours. ine reply of the Bailey Camp Society is anxiously aw aited and we hope to give our readers definite infor mation in our next issue. The new rural free delivery route Ko.o leading out from Le noir has been established and Mr. DcLong Little will be the earl ier. The route will go out by way of Gamewell and return by way of what is known as Dulatown. a colored settlement a few miles south west of town. It will sup ply a community that has not heretofore had good mail facilities. The service will begin Nov. ltltli. Can Your Little Girl Cook? Can she make a pan of biscuits? If so, bring her to our store at 3 o'clock on Saturday the 19th of October. At 3 o'clock a Buck's Junior Range-not a toy. but a real stove in miniature-will be given to the little cook fourteen years of age or under, who can make the best pan of biscuit. All material will be furnished by us. See the stove now in our widow. Get full partic ulars and a number at our store to-day. Benriiardt-Seagle Mw. & FMrmtare Compamy. Job Printing. The News Notice. boast of doing fancy Printery does not' printing The pain in Ma's bend lias gone, She's as happy as pan le. Her deal th is right, lier temper bright Since taking llollister's Kooky Mountain Tea i;t night. Dr. Kent and (iranite Falls 1). Co. Off to The Exposition. Last Tuesday Messrs. Joe L. Hayes, Thomas Moore. Dennis Kabb, Jacob Moore, C. L. IJader and Dr. Claude Moore left for a visit to the Jamestown Imposition. Obstinate cases of constipation and nasty, mean headache promptly dis apxar when vnu take DeWitt's Lit tie Karly Riser Till. Sol.! by .1. K Shell, Dr. Kent Hint (irnnite Falls Drug Co. Real Estate Deal. Mr. H. P. Hartley has sold his line farm a mile and a half south east of town to Dr. J. 11. Weaver. The consideration being $(. ."00. He takes in part payment the old Newland home, near the Weav er School building and seven acres at a valuation of 4 .000. DeWitt's Carbonized Witch Hazel Salve is good for little burns and big burns, small scratches or bruises and big ones. It is healing and soothing. Good for piles. Sold by J. K. Shell, Dr. Kent anil (iranite Palls Drug Co. The Annual Meeting of the or Stocholdcrs of the 'Caldwell Land of doing better work than can be ', Lumber Company will be held at done elsewhere, but we do say we Company's OHiec. in Lenoir. X. have the best equipped office in 1 ('.. on Wednesday. October Kith, this part of the country. With 1007. at ten o'clock A. M., lor the power presses and careful printers, ! transaction of all business that we can do as neat work as can be ; may properly come before it. in done in this vicinity and we will eluding the election of I Mrcctors to be pleased to submit samples and serve for the ensuing year, prices and give estimates 'on job1 Transfer books will close Octo ber 1 at :? o'clock P. M., and re Improvements at Graded School. The Trustees of Lenoir Graded School have recently bought and had put in the clrtss rooms, new and modern hyloplate black-boards for the use of the pupils. They have also bought a lire es cape to be placed accessible to the second and third floors. The fire escapes will lie put up at once, thus adding much to the safety of the children in case of fire. printing at any time. Afliieted with Sore Kyes for ISIS Years. I have been afliieted with sore eyes for thirty-three years. Thirteen j ears ago 1 became totally blind and was blind for six years. My eyes were badly Inflamed. One of my neighbors insisted upon my trying Chamberlain's Salve and gave me half a box of it. To my surprise it healed my eyes ami mv sight came back to me. 1'. ('. Earls, ('vtliiana, Ky. Chamberlain's Salve is for sale by J. K. Shell, Dr. Kent and (iran ite Falls Drug Cor County Commissioners. The County Commissioners were in regular session last Monday and transacted routine business. A good many claims were audited and ordered paid. The new sec tion of public road from P. Moore's ridge field to the foot of the mountain was received turned over to the supervisors of Glolie township. Mr. M. X. Havshaw tendered his resignation as County Attorney but the commissioners did not till the vacancy. We understand Mr. llarshaw resigned because of some missun derstanding between himself and the board of commissioners in rp gard to the matter of fees in the case of A. A. Kent against the County for damages. open October 1 7, 1007. (iKoKHK W . Lkx, Secretary y. i Millinery Stomach troubles. Heart and Kid ney ailments, can be quickly cor rected with a prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Snoop's Restorative. The prompt and sur prising relief which this remedy im mediately brings is entirely due to its Restorative action upon the con trolling nerves of the Stomach, etc. J. E. Shell's Drag Store. A weak Stomach, causing dvspep sia, a week Heart with palpition or Intermittent pulse, always means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. ShoOp's Restorative and see howquioly these ailments disapear. Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis. will mail saiuules tree. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainlv worth this simple trial. Sold by J. K. Shell, druggist. When a man announces that he is a candidate for office it is ft sign he isn't ashamed of his past. Thofn' A). E dison. the great Aiuer ican inventor, says "Fully eighty per cent, of the illness of mankind comes from eating improper food or too much food; people are inclined to over-indulge themselves." This is where indigestion finds it beginning in nearly every case. The stomach can do just so much work and no more, and when you overload it or when you eat t tie wrong kind of food the digestive organs, cannot do the work demanded of them. It is at such times that the stomach needs help: it demands help, and warns you by headaches, belching, sour stomach, nausea and indiges tion. You should attend to this at once by taking something that will actually do the work for the stomach Kodol will do this. It is a combina tion of natural digestants and veget able acids and contains the same juices found, in a healthy stomach It i pleasant to take. It digests what you eat. Sold by J. K. Shell, Dr. Kent and (irauite Falls Drug ( 'ompany. Intuition is the term a woman applies to what the average man knows as merely ''because." They Make You Feel (iood. The pleasant purgative effect ex perienced by all who use Chamber lain's Stomack and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create makes one feel joyful. Price, 2" cents. Samples free at J. K. Shell's, Dr. Kent's and Wrauite Falls Drug Co.'s Drug Stores. A woman will forgive a man al most anything except failing to note audibly that she is pretty. Bitten by a Spider. Through blood poisoning caused by a spider bite, John Washington of Hosqueville, Tex., would have lost his leg. which liecaiiie a mass of run ning sores, had he not been persuaded to try Ducklen's Arnica Salve. He writes: "The first application re lieved, and four boxes healed all the sores." Heals everv sore. '25c. at J. K. Shell's Drug Store. Opening The cbief trouble with glory is that it takes so much work to keep it from becoming tarnished. If the world will approve of what a man is doing he manages to let himself get caught doing it. M. M. COURTNEY'S. Thursday and Friday 0c tober 10th and 11th, 1907. Our Milliner, Miss Caison. has purchased in the best Northern Markets a splendid stock of Fall Millinery Goods made up of the very latest and most stylish to lie found in the markets. We extend a cordial invitation to all the ladies to attend our opening and see the new pattern hats and large display of Fall Millinery Goods. Dress Goods and Fancy Notions. Our Fall and Winter stock sclecfotj by our buyer in the lest Northern markets is large and complete in the newest fabrics and weaves and latest styles and colorings. Ladies Cloaks in the latest styles from New York's liest manufacturers. Shawls, Sweat ers, new style long Scarfs, newest effects in Belts, Hnckles, lilting, Collars, Ties, Hand Bags, Umbrel las, etc. etc. Kiblxm stock always the best is now complete. Our "RadclifiV and ''Godman" ladies fine shoes will interest you. See us always for the newes and lest of everything at low est prices. IN RTHEY. The News Printery is the only print, shop in town turning out first-class work. Try us. i i