A LITTLE NONSENSE. . Tha Drummar Wa Equol to tho Ooea- ' slon In Hit Retort. I happened recently to be travel ing on a local train which was a marvel of newness. The engine wheezed and puffed and pulled, but evidently the load was too much for it, and tho delays were very numer ous. The passengers were not in the best of humor, and tho conductor came in for a great deal of harsh criticism. One man on tho train, a drummer, was especially indignant and taunted and gibed the con ductor unmercifully: "This blankety, blank, blank train is just about the limit. Why, it couldn't beat molasses in winter," etc. Finally the conductor's patience became exhausted. "Say."' he said to the drummer, "if you don't like this train why don't you get out and walkr" "J would," responded the drum mer, "onlv my wife don't expect me until the train gets in.'' .Judge's Library. More Regulation. Miss Lady Bug Why was your flight arrested ? Mr. Lightning Bug The fly cop said I was exceeding the speed limit j and wasn't displaying my light in i front. Kansas Citv Times. ' Not Interested. "When I was your age," said the severe parent, "I was compelled to earn my own living."' "Sir," answered tin1 complacent youth, "I know too little of the cir cumstances to attempt to defend my grandfather." Washington Star. Obliging Her. "What are you turning the gas down for?" demanded Mi-s IVchis. "I'm going to kiss you," replied Jack Xervey. "I'd just like to see von!" "Oh. you would? Then I'll just leave it up." Philadelphia Press. Precocious Cutter. Nay bo r That boy of yours 6eems to be a bright one. He'll cut out a name for himself some day. Popley (angrily) lie's done it al ready on our newly painted back fence. Catholic Standard and Times. Inherited. Miss Gush Mrs. Richley carries herself so splendidly always. Noth ing ever disturbs her. Mrs. Chellus Yes, indeed. She carries herself just as steadily as her grandfather did the hod. Phil adelphia Press. The Inetinct of Mental Dependence. "Do you understand everything the teacher says?" "Course not," the boy answered firomptly. "My not understanding icr is what shows she is smarter tlian I am." Washington Star. Sounding the Depth of Knowledge. "He knows much that knows enough to know that he knows noth ing." "True, but he knows more that knows enough to look as if he knew everything." Brooklyn Life. Worse Still. "That moan Mr. Snagley leaves everything for his wife to do, doesn't he ?" "No. He makes her do every thing before he leaves." Cleveland riain Dealer. Too Much So. "That poor young lady who was so frightened at the station and whom we befriended had verv taking ways, hadn't she?" "What! Is your watch gone too?" Baltimore American. 8he Knew. Mr. Jolt He says he can't sec through my jokes. I wonder whv? Mrs. Jolt Because they're your jokes, I suppose. Yonkers States man. A Touch. Passenger Captain, you touch at Lakeville, do you not? Captain es. We collect anoth er fare there. Yonkers Statevnan. Rowlands Arc Acquitted. Charlotte Observer. Thojuryiuthe Superior Court was given the Rowland case at midnight precisely, after ten hours of argument and charge. The State attacked the veracity of the la.st witnesses for the defense aud it championed the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, which had so stoutly and steadily aided in pressing a prosecution which it had initiated. The defense charged the State with suppressing facts, and it attacked the Brotherhood. It was known that there would be no verdict until to-day if then. Many persons predicted acquittal; others said the jury would le ''hung." A very few said guilty as to Rowland himself, while some said there would be a Scotch "not proven." At 1):'J0 a. m. the jury sent word to Judge Long it was ready with its verdict. He went to the court room at once. The solicitor was sent for. It was twenty minutes before he arrived. Elmer Shaffer, one of the prosecuting attorneys, was also present for that side. All the attorneys for the defense, "Wat son, Harris, Holding. Ryan and Hicks, were on hand. Dr. and Mrs. Rowland were brought in. with them being Rowland's uncle, the (Mils, and Mrs. Rowland's sis ter. The silence M as simply in tense when the foreman of the jury. Harper, announced the verdict, which was "not guilty. "' As he spoke the words there was a rattle of applause and cheers from many of the crowd which jammed the court room. Judge Long struck the desk sharply and declared such behavior an outrage; saying the court room was not a theatre and that if he knew the men who made the demonstration he w ould tine each .100. WKKP FOK JOY. He then left the bench and a strange scene begat. Dr. and Mrs. Rowland and attorneys Hicks and Harris cried. Mi's. Rowland and her sister hugged each other fully a minute, while they screamed for joy. Their lawyers shook hands with the late prisoners, and then a large number of people followed this lead. Next the Rowlands took a carriage and went to their boarding house on Polk street. Quickly they went from there to directly opposite the postoflice and over the Western Union Telegraph oflice. They then held a public reception. Some of their very en thusiastic friends drovt up with a wagon load of flowers which wera presented to them. At 1 o'clock they and the uncles (Jill left for the home of the latter near Henderson. The Raleigh public, like other publics, is fickle. But a few days ago the Rowlands appeared well nigh friendless. To day they were like locusts for numbers, it ap peared. The only true constipation cure must begin its soothing, healing ac tion when it enters the mouth. Hoi inter's Rocky Mountain Tea restores the whole system to a healthy, nor mal condition. iW cents, Tea or Tablet. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Had Confidence in Him. Atlanta Constitution. ''Mind now," said the judge, "you are sworn to tell the truth, ami if you do not the penitentiary will Iw your portion." The man took the oath and then whispered to his friend: "John, I'm feared it's all up with you. The judge says I've got to tell the truth." "That's all right, Jim," said his frie.id, with confidence. "I ain't a worryin' 'bout that, kaze you can't do it." If you take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills you will get prompt relief from backache, weak kidneys, Inflammation of the bladder and urin ary troubles. A week's treatment 25 cent!. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and (iranite Falls Drug Co. No wife was ever fully satisfied that she knew what her husband was really thinking about when she was talking to him. Catarrh )ro prove nnqnostlonablr. and beyond any doubt, fint Catarrh of the imno and throat can be cured, am funiluhliif patltmtt through drtiKirlsM, small free Trial Boxui of Dr. Bhoop't Oatnrrh Cure. I do thli because I am to certain, that l)r. Khoop'i Catarrh Cure will bring actual substantial help. Nothing certainly, Is to convincing at a physical test of any article of real, genuine morit. But that article must roues true merit, else the Utt will condemn, rather than advance It. Dr. Phoop'a Catarrh Cure it a tnow white, healing antiscpUo balm, put up in beautiful nickel capped glaal Jar at Ma Buch toothing agent a Oil Kucalyptua, Thymol, Menthol, etc., are Incorporated Into a velvety, cream like Petrolatum, Imported by Or. Bhoop from Burope. If Catarrh of the note and throat hat extended to the stomach, then by all meant alto uie Internally, Dr. Shoop'i Kestorati v. Stomach distress, a lack of general strength, bloating, belching, biliousness, bad taste, eta surely call for Dr. Snoop' Restorative. For uncomplicated catarrh only of the nose and throat nothing else, however, need be tued but Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure J. E. SHELL How to Cure a Cold. The question of how to cure a cold without unnecessary loss of time is one in which we are all more or less interested, for the quicker a cold is jrotten rid of the less the danger of pneumonia and other serious diseases Mr. H. W. L. Hall, of Waverly. Va., lias used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for years and says: "1 (irm ly believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. 1 have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me."' For sale by J. E. Shell. Dr. tKent and (iranite Faljs Drug Co. JAMESTOWN TEH-GEHTEHHUL rani, Niiur April 26-Nov. 30, 1907. .Southern Railway announces ex tremely low rates to Norfolk, Ya., and return on account of the above occasion. The following round trip rates will apply from Hickory: Season Tickets i?17 55 Sixty Day Tickets .... 14 65 Fifteen 1 ay Tickets . . 13 05 Coach Excursion tic'ts 7 50 Coach Excursion Tickets will be sold on each Tuesday, with limit seven days from date of sale, will be stamped ''Not Hood in Pull man or Parlor Cars." Other tick ets will be sold tbiily April lUth to Nov. :50th inclusive. The Southern Railway will af ford excellent passenger service to and from Norfolk on account of this occasion. For further information, ami Pullman reservations address any Agent Southern Railway or write W.H. TAYLOE, R.L VERNON. :0. P. A. T. P. A. Washington, D. C. Charlotte, N. C LAND SALE. Hy virtue of a decree rendered in a certain special proceeding in the Su perior Court of Caldwell County en titled Albert McKinzie vs. Li.zie Mc Kinzie. I will on Saturday, the lVih day of October, 1007, at one p. in., at the Court House door in Leuoir, N. C, sell at public auction a certain house and lot at Freedman, in Le noir. N. C, formerly owned by Eliza Norwood and now occupied by Albert McKinzie and his wife. Teruis of sale: Twenty-five per cent cash aud balance on credit of three mouths. Title reserved until purchase price is paid in full This Sept. 12th. W. H. BOWER, Com. A Certain Cure for Croup Used for Ten Years Without a Failure. Mr. W. C. Bott.a Star City. Ind.. hardware merchant, is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. His children have all been subject to croup and he has used this remedy for the past ten years, and though they much feared the croup, his wife and he always felt safe upon retiring when a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy was in the house. His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup, but this remedy never failed to efTect a speedy cure. He has recommended It to friends and neighbors and till who have used it say that it is unequaled for croup and whooping cough. For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and (iranite Falls Drug Co. The less of consequence a thing is the more fuss the average wom an is able to make over it. The Price of Health. "The price of health in a malarious district Is just 25 cents; the cost of a box of Dr. King's ew Life Fills," writes EllaSlayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cleanse gently and impart new life and vigor to the sys tem, ""ic. Satisfaction guaranteed at J. K. Shell's Drug Store. ICILLths couch and CURE thc LUNC8 w,th Dr. King's flow Discovery FOR tfOUCH3 PRICE in. j. tt nn I WIS OLDS Trial Bettl Frta AND ALL THROAT AND LUNQ TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATI8FA0X0BY, OB MONEY BEgUMPED. A few dosea of this remedy will In variably care an ordinary uttuok of diarrhoea. It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colio and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantum In children, aud is the means of saving the lives of many children emh year. When reduced with water and sweetened it la pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy In his home. Bnv it now. Price, 25c. Laroe Size, 5uc. E. W. MOOSE, I D. D. S. t I have moved my office to rooms over the Postoflice, I where I do all kinds of Den ? tal work. I wHl be absent from my office one week be l ginning w ith the first Mon- day. iu each month. j Respectfully, E. VV. MOOSE I flK-PK c Sweet to Eat L.UA J a Candy Bowl Laiative. For Sale by J. E. Shell. TEE NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE, a $1.00 THE YEAR, BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE NEWSPRINTERY. rrWORK DONE PROMPTLY. TEE MEW MAGAZINE READERS ) IUNSET MASAZin beiutifuUy iiliitrasi good stortM M CA sod trticU about CaWoraia 1':)U and all lK (ar Wwl ayur TOWN AND COUNTRY JOURNAL a moalhly publication deroud tr cn t ik UrmUc totar ol tha U'3U Wast a J i MAD OF A THOUSAND WQNOEM a beak ol 75 pas, coalmining 120 color! photographs of $0.75 picturesqy spots ia California Total . . . $2.75 All for. . . $1.50 Cut out this aaSmtiiement and tend with $1.50 to SUNSET MAGAZINE JAMES FLOOD BLDG . SAN FRANCISCO HOLLISTCRS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Dniy Medioina for Busy People. Brings Golden Hoaltb and Roaewed Vlgcr. A Bpeciflo for Constipation. Imllpeition. I.lvo mul Kidney Troubles, Pimples. KczeniH, Iinpur' Hlooil, Bad Broath, Sluggish Howels, Ilcndiu ln mul Hncltnehc. If R.wky Mountain Tea lu tali l"t form, 35 cents a box. tlenuinn made bj II li.i8teh Drtco Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Quinsy, Sprains ami Swellings Curtul. "In November, T'Ol, 1 caught cold ami the quinsy. Sly throat was swol en so I coulil hardly breathe. 1 ap plied Chamberlain's Pain Halm and it gave me relief in a short time. In two days I was all right," says Mrs. L. Cousins, Otterbmn, Mich. Cham berlain's Pain Balm is a liniment and is especially valuablelfor sprains and swellings. For sale by ,1. K. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. FOK DYSPEPSIA DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Ptlievss Indigestion. Sour Stomach, Batching ol Gas, Etc PRSPAITBD OHLV AT TNI LABORATORY OT E. C. DeWITT Sc COMPANV, CHICAGO, ILL. Dr. Kent and Granite MEWS Mtf((tMClMf Ctf If t L 0. Reid. D. D. S. ' ' : Denistry In all its Branches. t Office, Shell Building 2 j Lenoir, N. C. Phone 85. is. C.B. McN.lry. M.D. L.H. Coffey, M.D. Claude Moore, M. D. McNAlRY, COFFEY & MOORE. The undersigned offer tbelr services to the people of Lenoir and vicinity for the praetioe of Medicine in all its branohes. Oflice at Lenoir Drug Co. Store Phone 2fl.i N. Main St., Lenoir, North Carolina. McNairy, Coffey & Moore. W. L. ENGLAND, Local Mgr. i UNITED COLLECTION AGENCY : I.KNOIK, 2T. C. Let us collect your bills. Hoth good and bad accounts col- jj lectod on reasonable jj terms. Kail road w claims a specialty. Office over First Nat. Bank. it 1'llONK.NO. l.'IK Lax-ets 5 C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel Laxative. SHELL J. E. Falls Drug Company. i ft

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