The Lenoir News, i The News Printery t I IS im)W 'pKEPAUEl) TOI)d I A TWIOE-A-WEEK FAMILY NEWSPAPER. THE VEUY BEST ADVEKTJ8INU MEDI UM. HEAD BY P.VEHYBODY. ONLY 01.OO TIIKYKAR. !Y()UK JOB I'KINTIISO. ALL THE LATEST TYPEFACES USED. GIVE US A CALL. ATRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. H. O. MAHTIN, Editor and Prop.' PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. PRICE 81.00 THE YEAR. VOLUME X. LENOIR, N. C, OCTOBER 15, 1907. INTO. 13. Col. Davidson's Liquor. Charlotte Observer. One by one they yield to tempta tion. Satan has pitched his tents in the oity and is proving himself no respecter of poisons. "They have gone and done it now," said Bill Piper, the fish man, yesterday. "Yes, they've got a descendant of signers on a charge Of retailing. Col. Leroy Davidson has been pulled by po lice officers." The news spread over the city like wild tire, entering every nook and corner, dashing in and out of place after place. Husybodies moved about and put out the word. Everybody heard it. Sergeant Youngblood and Mc Whirter, a Scotch-Irishman, a Dutchman and a Highlander, are the guilty ones. They went up in one of the Norman buildings, on Poplar street, where Col. Leroy Davidson, broker, trader and des cendant of signers, has his office and captured two barrels of beer, 11 quarts and 35) pints of rye whishey, a box of wine and a case of real champagne. This haul caused considerable adverse com ment on the part of the proud peo ple of Charlotte. The meddesome nnlifwmnn are censured for their i'"""- - nerve. ''Isn't it a shame that we can't have discriminating officers," said Bill Piper, the fish man, "and not Iw humiliating memlcrs of first families. It has come to a pretty pass that a man can't keep as much liuiior as he pleases without being molested by a lot of cops." Kveryltody was hot under the collar. This thing of pulling any and every fellow for blind tigering is hurting the reputation of the community. Some folks thought that ttie officers went a step too far when they captured Henry Miller, the quiet, peaceful old col ored janitor of the Second Presby terian church, but thai is not a drop in the bucket to taking a man of the blood of Col. Davidson who was required to give bond and he will have to stand trial like a com mon blind tiger. In Mark Twain's splendid story, "The Man That Corrupted Hadley burg," there is a wag who watches the good men fall and takes their photographs as they pass out, and he laughs as the wicked scheme mows down leading men of the city. On the day of the final test, when the few remaining landmarks yield to temptation, the pkotographer is in his glory, as he stands high on the back of a rear seat, in the church, with wide open eyes and beaming face. One man, a very pious old fellow, who has a count erpast in this city, is tempted, and when this fact is made known in the mass meeting of citizens, the picture taker bends almost double and says: "Saw off my leg! Yesterday, when Bill Piper, the fish man, heard the startling nows hnsftid: "There. I cad, let me die!" Tt will be recalled by readers of The Observer that Amos Bigg, an adjutant of the Salvation Army, yielded some time ago and got into thehands of policemen. Of course he lms confesssed his sins and prom ised to do letter, bnt the hope o great riches, offered by the devil, was so flattering that he could not withstand it. Therefore, weak and frail man that he is, he fell Henry Miller, the good old janitor who for years rung the bell of one of the leadiag churches of the city had converted the place of God in to a blind tiger. The almighty dollar was what he sought. He saw judgment day a way off yonder in the hazy future, but the prosp ects of much gold, line. clothes and financial standing in the common The friends of Col. Leroy Dav idson believe that he is innocent of the chages preferred against him, but the police officers do not agree with them: Two cases, the officers believe, can be made out without much difficulty. This remins to be seen. After Twenty-Five Years. New York American. ' After serving twenty -five years of life sentence for the murder of his wife, Michael Hachett, a former New York policeman, yesterday walked out from the gray gloom of Sing Sing prison into sunshine and freedom under a parole which was granted recently by the State Board of Pardons. His release came as a reward under the new law for the 25 years' good conduct without a single complaint since the begin ning of his term in 1883. During all these years he has not had a glimpse of the outside world, and all of his impressions had been formed from occasional papers and pictures he has been able to obtain. He had never seen a trolley car nor an automobile, and a skyscrapper was an imagined mystery. 'This is a new world for me," he said on reaching this city, five - - Cl vi hours after his release. "As policeman 25 years ago, I thought T knew everv nook and cranny of the city, but the people are' dif ferent, the buildines new, nnd so big that I am bewildered. If you lisul suddenly Dlaced me in the heart of the city I would have leen lost as completely as if I had never been here before. "The women theinsclvcsare love ly, but I don't like their clothes. They are top heavy. Look at those tremendous hats and short kirts on that when 1 left the out ide world women were much le omingly attired and looked sweet - r and less tlashy." Many of the actions v and com ments of the paroled man were pat hetic. While at the station he was continually fumbling in his pock ets and taking out their contents . When he noticed that his actions were attracting attention, he said, with an embarrassed smile; "I lavcn't had pockets in my clothes for 25 years, and I'm not used to them. I am always afraid the things I put into them will get ost." Hachett was a model prisoner When he left, Warden Frost gave him a check for 1450, which repre sented his savings from the pay which he received for work done in the prison. This sum was de posited in a savings bank, and Hackett says he is not going to touch it, but will seek to add to his nest egg. You never have any trouble to get children to take Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. They like it because it tastes nearly like maple sugar. Kennedy's Laxative Uougli Syrup is a safe, sure and prompt remedy for eouirhs and colds and is goxi lor ev erv member of the family. Sold by f. E. Shell. Dr Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. An Unfortunate Comparison. Norfolk Virginian-Pilot. As Napoleou returned from F.l ba and was received by the Old Guard with cheers that still ring in the ears of every Frenchman, so does Bryan return to the Demo cratic party with more favor, with more confidence, ana with more love than ever. Danville Begis ter. Yes! And just how mauy days after this was it that Frauce went down at Waterloo and Nopoleon was banished to die at St. Helena! DeWItt's Carbonized Witch Haxel Salve is good for little burns and bi burns, small scratches or bruises am big ones. It Is healing ana soothin Wood for niles. Sold by J. E. She! Good Manners. Hartford Con rant. It is generally true that unless good manners are acquired in child hood they are never acquired at all. A kind of veneering may be put on later, but it very seldom goes with the original grain. Sometimes a man who has suddenly become rich fancies that good manners are a special detail of wealth as to which, however, he is wholly in error, lint tins is nis uiea, anu ne tries to work it out. He gets the proper sort of clothes as if be havior were in some way a matter of tailoring; he equips his house hold with an array of servants; he gets himself elected into a club; he heads subscription lists and goes to public dinners. In short, he gets into the swim all around, and is part of everything going. But the subtle and habitual . regard for others the instinctive respect for the comfort and convenience of one's neighbors, whether known or unknown he does not tret. If this habit of mind were for sale he would have it in short order; he would buy it. But unfortunately for those who have grown up apart from an atmosphere of social good will, habits' of mind are growths and not bargains. In a crowd, whose personal rights are the same as his own, he elbows his way- through with his old domineering push; he carries himself toward less conspicuous persons as if they were his hired servants although he is badly bred who does not treat servants with civility; and a sudden adverse emotion will provoke him nto stormy anger or unseemly de nunciation. He has the veneering 1 right; but it is almost invariably a poor job, and does not stick fast or liesmooiu uurmg moment of excitement for which it was i 1 t . . A 1 4 made to serve. The recent well know instance of a retired railroad president attemping, under con tradiction by his successor, to smite his successor's face, is a fair ex ample of the failure of veneering as a substitute for youthful training "Pneumonia's Deadly Work had so seriously effected my right une." writes Mrs. Fannie Connor, of Rural Route 1 Georgetown, fenn. that 1 coughed continuously night nd day and the neighbors preuio tion consumption seemed inevit able, until my husband brought home a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery, which in my case proved to be the only real cougn cure ana re storer of week, sore lungs." When all other remedies utterly fail, you may still win in the battle against lung and throat troubles with New Discovery, the real cure. Huaranteea by J. E. Shell, druggist, 50c and fl. Trial bottles free. Rat Attacks Praying Woman. Philadelphia Iuquirer. While kneeling in prayer at her bedside .last night, Mrs. Mary Fitzpatrick, 1401 North AVamock street, was interrupted in her de votions by a large rat. The rodent crawled up her back and clung to her kimono, and even when the terrified woman shrieked and grabbed wildly at it, the animal refused to let go until Mrs. Fitz patrick 's four children routed the , X I'll , enemy, unecnnu, a oov years old, ran to the window and cried, "Murder." With drawnireTolver a policeman rane the bell and dashed upstairs only to find four white gowned children huddled in a corner or tne room auu ineir mother lying on the floor in i faiut. "Aratbit mamma," whis pered the oldest 'boy, "and has killed her!" Investigation showed that the woman had only a flesh wound, and was more frightened than'hurt. The rat could not be found by the policeman. Obstinate eases of constipation and nasty, mean headaches promptly dis appear when you take DeWitt's Lit tie Early Riser rills, tioia oy Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Feeding S. S. Passengers. New York Journal of Commerce. oV the last trip of the Kaiser Wilhelm II, which required only a few hours more than five days, the passengers and crew numbering more than 2,200 persons, lived ex ceedingly well, as the stock-keep- records show. During the trip no less than 34,000 eggs were eaten and used in the preparation of food for the passengers and crew. This is an average of one dozen and a quarter for every man, woman and child on board. Thirty-two thousand pounds of meat of all ki nets were consumed, including 28,000 pounds of roast beef. These figures do not in clude the quantities of fish, crabs, lobsters, oysters, game, etc., which ere served. The record shows that more than ,000 chiekes were eaten . The victualling of a steamship of the size of those of the North German Llovd is a tremendous task. In addition to getting on board supplies for a round trip. i there must be a reserve supply that will last at least two wee lonsrer than it requires to make a complete trip. Everything is bought in enor mous quantities. On the last trip over of the North German Llovd liner Kaiser Wilhelm II 15.000 pounds of Hour were used in ad dition to this quarter of a to of biscuits were served. More than ,500 quarts of milk were con sinned, not including about 800 bottles of sterilized and specially prepared, fresh milk for babies Some idea of the appetites of the passengers on the Kaiser Wilhelm II may be gained from the follow ing figures showing w hat was con sumed on the trip: Oranges, 11, 000; lemons, 8,000; grape fruit. 70; grapes, 1,000 pounds; peach es, pears, apples, apricots and ber ries, in addition to 800 pounds of dried and evaporated fruits, 5,000 pounds. Otker foodstuffs were consumed in the following quantities: Ice cream, 850 pounds; beer, GOO gal Ions; butter, 3.200 pounds; salt 2,000; pepper, 30 pounds; cheese, 600 pounds; sugar, 8,000 pounds; coffee, 800 pounds; tea, 50 pounds; chocolate, 80 pounds. A statement j ust issued by the North German Lloyd shows that each year the company spends 4,500,000 for provisions for its steamships. If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, your Heart, or Kidneys, then try this clever (Jonee mutation vr. Shoop's Health Coffee. Dr. Shoop has closelv matched old Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, vet it has not a single grain of real Coffee in it. Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with Malt, Nuts, etc. Made in one minute. No tedi ous loinr wait. You will surely like it. Get a free sample at our store. Harrison it Co. Notice. The Annual Meetinjr of the Stocholdcrs of the Caldwell Land Lumlier Company will be held at Company's Office, in Lenoir, N. C, on Wednesday, Octolter l(5th, 1907, at ten o'clock A. M., for the transaction of all business that may properly come lefore it', in eluding the election of Directors to serve for the ensuing year. Transfer books will close Octo- ter 1 at 3 o clock 1. i., and re open Octolier 17, 1007. Gkokok W. Lkx, Secretary. They Make You Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect ex perienced by all who use L tiamner- lain's Stouiack and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind which they create makes one feel joyful. Price, 85 cents. Samples free at J. E. Shell's, Dr. Kent's and Granite Falls Drug Q.W.F. HARPER, Prei. J.H. BEALL, Whenever you have a dollar that of opportunity. Place your dollars will remain in absolute safety until ASSETS AND RESPONSIBILITY OVER $300,000, 1 11 Yoe Donl See Good Enough ALFRED 1 OPTICIA N. is) i? n r it, uv Our line of Fall and Win ter goods is now on dis play and ready for inspec tion. Everything nice, neat and new in Dress Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, ladies Coats and kfull line of Shoes of the neatest and latest styles. New line "King Quality" Shoes for men, the best in town just open. Prices and styles right, give us a call before mak ing your purchase. Yours Very Truly, W.A. SHELL, A-Cashlcr. you h-.ive no atmlute need for, Cashier. it is a mighty good pl.i:i to plant it in a bank where it is on hand to work for you when you need it. When once you break a dollar it quickly runs away; a nickel here; a dime there; and a quarter somewhere else. Dollars in bank form an emergency fund and are a great big lever with which to open the door in this strong bank where they vou need them. x t See A. W. Dula. Examinations If vou do not free, need Glasses we tell vou so and no charge is made for the test. Call and consult us about your es. t W. D U LA, LENOIR. N. C. 1 m tiy tempted him and he yielded. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drag Co, Drug Co. Co.'s Drug Stores. v

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