THE NEWS. H. C. MARTIN, Editor and Prop gateredatthu P.mtofltc t Lenoir. N. C, M toond-laH mall matter. If your paper does not reaoh you promptly, let Us know bo we can 6ee where the trouble is. ' . . Anonymous communications will not be printed. . . Advertising rates low and will be given on application. Telephone No. 54. Subscription price $1.00 a year 50cts. lix months. 25cts. three months. Tuesday, Oct. 15, 1907. Arrival and Departure of Trains. NORTH BOUND. No. 10 Mail and Ex. ar. 2:12 p.m. No. 62 " " " 1:40 p.m. SOUTH BOUND. No. 9 Mail and Ex. de. 2:40 p.m No. 63 " 9:05 a.m. The Cocaine Evil. Carolina Spartan. Health Inspector Cofield brought the sale of cocaine before the med ical association last week. He ex hibited prescriptions given by Dr. Orr to county convicts and tilled at the Maddox drug store. The association did not consider that the law was violated, but sugges ted that the whole subject was worthy of investigation in the future. If cocaine was the only mind and will-destroying drug on the market it would be easy to deal Avith it. Iut we hare morphine, a variety of headache cures and these get-well-quick remedies in every drug store. They are of such a nature that the occasional administration by the physician begets a habit which soon becomes an incurable vice. There is not one of these terrible drugs that wreck body and mind but what are prescribed by physir ians. The ever ready hypodermic syringe has wrought evils that are far in excess of the beneiits bestowed. The physicians, the custodians of the health of the people, should do all they could to exterminate the drug dope habit even if they have to burn their hypodermic syringes and give up the use of death producing drugs. Doing Business Again. "When my friends thought 1 was about to take leave of this world, on account of indigestion, nervousness and general debility." writes A. A. Chisholm, Treadwell, N. Y., "and when it looked as if there was no hope left, I was persuaded to try Electric Bitters, and 1 rejoice to say that they are curing me. I am now doing business again as of old, and am still gaining daily." Best tonic medicine on earth, (ruranteed by J. E. Shell, druggist. 50c. Ruling Sustained. Ashcville, X. C, Oct. 10. In the United States court here today Judge Pritchard rendered his de cision sustaining the ruling of Btandingmastcr Montgomery, in refusing to allow the state's at torneys in the railway rate case hearing to investigate the books of the Southern railway prior to June 30, 1905. The court says that the excep tions to the ruling of the stand ingmaster are without merit and are therefore overruled. The ap peal of the defendants was argued last Saturday by counsel and since then Judge Pritchard has had the matter under consideration . The state counsel wished to in vestigate the railway books for many years back and insisted that past records are necessary for es tablishing the state's claims. The railway object to this contention upon the ground that delving into old records is unnecessary and ex pensive and a loss of time, claim ing that a speedy settlement of the 1 matter is important as the rail toad is losing allargesum of money on account of the railroad rates. A weakfitomacb, causing dyspep sia, wees Heart with palpition or intermittent pulse, always means Weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nerves. Strengthen these inside or , controlling nerves with Dr. Snoop's Restorative and see how quicly these ailments disappear. Dr. Snoop of Racine, Wi. will mall samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Yonr health Is certainly worth this fdmple trial. Sold by J. E. Shell, druggist. Men's Thank Offering $1,000,003. llalolgh Evening Times.' Richmond, Va., Oct. 9. Onoof the largest collections ever taken up was gathered in the men's thank offering service in Holy Trinity Church at 8 o'clock this morning when a great corporate communion of the men, attending the Episcopal general convention was held. The offering totals up, it is said on good authority, about one million dallars and huge ba sins of gold were necessary to hold the bunches of bank notes, banks of gold, tied many of them in the Americau colors or in streaming purple ribbons. The collection was taken in utter silence, there fore was all the more impressive. Private detectives and policemen were scattered through the church to guard the treasure. Seventy seven diocese contributed. The offertory thanksgiving song after this largest single offering in the history of Christendom was a mighty shout sf triumph. The occasion of the offering is 300th anniversary of the Ameri can church and it was decided that the churchmen of America should thus express their thanksgiving for three centuries of primitive Christianity on this continent. A preliminary condition was that the offering should be over and above the usual contributions of the church, a special effort, in o way to interfere with apportion meut to each church from the head of missions or with parochial ex penses of each congregation . Thomas A. Edison, the great Anier ican inventor, says "Fully eighty per cent, of the illness of mankind conies from eating improper food or too much food; people are inclined to over-indulge themselves." This is where indigestion finds it beginning in nearly eyery case. The stomach can do just so much work and no more, and when you overload it or when you eat the wrong kind of food the digestive organs, cannot do the work demanded of them. It is at such times that the stomach needs help; it demands help, and warns you by headaches, belching, sour stomach, nausea and indiges tion. You should attend to this at once by taking something that will actually do the work for the stomach Kodol will do this. It is a combina tion of natural digestants and veget able acids and contains the same juices fou in', in a healthy stomach It is pleasant to take. It digests what you eat. Sold by J. E. Shell, Or. Kent and Granite Falls Drug ( 'ompany. The Path of Progress. Ohio State Journal. There is no good reason, if hum an life cannot get up on a level of the beatitudes, that it should not try to get as near as it can. There is no good reason why, if business cannot be done on the square and the golden rule govern it completely, that it should not get as close un der these influences as possible. There is no good reason, if politics cannot be atisolutely pure and un selfish and upright, that it should not hope to reach as close as may lie to those whole some conditions. It often happens when one contends for higher ideas in the rule of so cial and political life that he is told it is no use trying to establish a millennium this year, that the world is not ready for it, and such bosh, as it is liable to stagger weak hears and make them let go of high aims. Xolody is expecting a mil lennium now. No one is counting on a sinless world during the pres ent centuries. But the righting for one that is to come a few thou sand years from now is making this age better, and is Jmak ing manlier and truer the life of the man who is engaged in the conflict. Indifference to this fact is next door to a crime. These men, who go alone catering to downward tendencies and compromising man ly effort with selfish purpose, pile up evil by creating despair. Men should see a higher purpose in their Jives than such experience implies. "To every haven of de sire each yearning opens a portal," sang Gerald Massey. It is so The path of progress leads in tnat direction, and in no other. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to tne people witnout a penny's cost the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's uatarrn Kemedy. Hold by J. E Shell's Drug Store. IGRS Great Antiseptic LINIMENT (Formerly Tutle Oil) lrsjet sad Bat tor 85 HEALS WITHOUT SCAR. Promts wound poisoning, inflammation, pain, or- i. Monay Bavad in Jloma and Stable, U BICHARDSON. Uig. Chamkt. eauMsaoao, . 0. Tramps. Pittsburg Dispatch. In dealing with the vicious class, the tramps proper, the roads are equally serviceable. There should be no option here. Every tres passer on a freight train should be sentenced to work on the roads in the locality where captured. Ev ery vagrant caught loitering any where should be sentenced in like manner and compelled to do hon est labor for the benefit of society, being given in return food, lodg ing and a small compensation. No tender sentimentality should be permitted to -intervene to prevent these sejiteuces being exemplary. If an occasional prodigal son should be caught no harm will be done. He might as well eat the husks with the vagrant swine as with any other. In truth, the tramps are a menace to every hon est man and woman. Floating about irresponsibly, they prey upon society at will. They de generate from mere idle vagabonds to ordinary thieves and malefac tors. Their numbers serve to con ceal the movements ol fugitives from justice who mingle with the derelict mass. It is, indeed, time that vigorous measures should be adopted to cope with this grow ing evil. Notice. , Quite a number of debtors have paid also a large number have notified us that they would meet their obligations at an early date and asked ns not to publish their names. We will gladly extend the time from the 15th to the -."ith of this month. Very truly. Tinted Collection Agency. Fish and Oysters. I will have Fresh Fish and Oys ters every Tuesday and Friday. Call or phone your orders. CITY CAFE. Hallman. Ginseng Seeds and Roots for Sale. Well budded Roots $'2.00 per hundred and upwards. Discount on larger lots. Delivered at Gar den for cash, only. Wm. H. Kicken, Patterson, N. C. NOTICE. I will be at the various precincts use y in the County on the following dates for the purpose of collecting taxes for 1907: Hudson Oct. 14th. Granite Falls l.rth. Petra Mills " 16th. Little Kiver " 17th. Kings Creek " 18th. Yadkin Valley " 19th. Patterson " 21st. Buffalo Cove " '22nd. Richlands " 23rd. Globe " 24th. Wilson's Creek " 25th. Collettesville " 26th. Gamewell " 28tb. North Catawba " 29th. Lenoir and Lower Creek Oct. 30 and 31st, at court house. This Oct. 2, 1907. J. M. SMITH, Sheriff. Notice. I have now the Town Tax Books and want the people to pay their taxes promptly. No town script taken on taxes, but it will be paid by Treasurer. Let me have your taxes promptly so the work of making good streets can proceed. Respectfully, J. L. COTTIiELL, Tax Col V YiJ FOR SUMMER READING there's nothing like a good novel. Take one with you even on a short outing. Have one by you for afternoons if you stay at home. THIS BOOK STORE IS POPU LAR because it furnishes wholesome reading in the latest as well as the Standard fiction. Come in and look our Books over. Don't be too hasty in choosing. You are entirely welcome to look over as many and stay as long as you like. Does your back ache? Do you feel tired and drowsy and lacking in am bition? If so, there is something wrong with your Kidneys. DeWJtt s Kidney and Bladder Pills relieve backache, weak kidneys, and in fiammation of the bladder. A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold by J. E Shell, Dr. Kerit and Granite Falls Drug Co. BUSINESS LOCALS. PANTS-the $2.00 and $3.25 grades for 51.50. The Racket. A Lady Hats, Heady to wear at verv low prices. The Racket. Bring in vour baby carriages and go-carts and have rubber tires put on them. P. M. Keever. . Elegant stock Men's andChildrens Clothing, latest styles at moderate prices. M. M. Courtney. J WANTED 100 to 1000 cords of wood cut or cut and deliverd bv con tract. J. E. Mattocks. If vnn nra IrwiL-mtr rvf Tlracu Httta see e Watson. A For the prettiest, newest styles in Ladies Cloaks and Rain Coats, see I M. M. Courtney. PANTS ANDCLOTHINti-I have a new lot of clothing that I bought at great reduction and expect to sell them eheai. Come and see theui. The Racket. If its a nice Suit you are looking for see Watson. STREET HAtfK-We now keep a nice team and vehicle in readiness for us of any one in the town. Phone or call in person and vour wishes will be attended to. , Lenoir Livery Co. Suits at Watson's from $:1.50 $20.00. JUST- RECEIVED A new and up-to-date line of sample Umbrell Covers. P. M. Keever FOR SALE At a bargain one 5 horse power double cylindergasoliueJ engine. Joe Powell, Jr. Nl All kinds of Yankee Watson's. Notions HARWAINS In pants, the $1.50 and $1.25 grades all at 51.00. The RacketX FOR SALE A good Walter A. Wood mower and rake. Apply to W. 1 Heffner, IxMioir, N. C. 4 FOR SALE A -ood work horse pigui years old . Appiy 10 1 Sidney E. Dula, 4J lenolr, in . V. WHOLESALE PRICES Yon can buy Hats, Shoes, Pants, Shirts and Suits for men and boys at wholesale price. The Racket.- Rain Cloth, Broad Cloth, Flannehj etc. nt the Racket and at right prices)! Our Millinery opening on Thurs day and Friday October 10 and 11th and you are invited. M. M. Courtney FREE At any time, come Bee my goods anu compare prices and. q ual lty witn any mrcenant in the town. The Racket. For new Dress Goods and all staple and fancy notions the newest, see i M. M. Courtney. FOR SALE That fine gentle horse which you have seen palling our large ice-wagan. Citizens Light & Power Co. SAMPLES A specialty Racket till Xmas. at th WANTED Two thousand bundles of good fodder. Dr. Ivey. 1 LOST-Between Lenoir and Hibrl ten one black Cashmer shawl, the finder will please leave it at the News office or return to Mrs. W. H. Crad doc and receive re ward. FOR 8ALE- Jersey C01 It. H. Ho lsclaw. If taken patiently and persistently will relieve the most obstinate cases of indigestion, constipation, bad blood, bad liver no matter how long standing. That'i what Holllster'a Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 85 cents, Tea or Tablets. Dr. Kent and Oanite Falls Drug Co. 8 room house and good lot at Granite.Falls 7 room house and lot 54x250 ft. on Prospect St. Beautiful building lot of 1 1-4 acres on top of Ridge near Mr. John Tolbert's. Good shade and fine view. Can be sub-divided 6 room house and lot 100x250 feet on Academy Hill, line shade 7 room house and four room house on lot 1 1 4 acres on Prospect Street. 6 1-2 acres in Granite Falls 261-2 acres within 1-2 mile of Granite Falls 12 room house, modern and convenient, large lot near the square Elegant home and three acre lot on Mulbery Street. On top of ridge 27 acres, 2 miles from town, dwelling and barn Several nice lots at Valmead. Easy terms. 9 acres near Lower Creek Trestle "We Sell The Earth" Lenoir Realty & J. MATTOCKS, X X School Books Tablets Pencils X Other School Supplies. Lenoir Book Company. Operating Over 7,000 . . . L'lCK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS . . . NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST. Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts Affording Klrtt-CUsj Accommodations. Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains. Dining, Club and Reser vation Cars, For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the Southern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. L. Vernon. T. P. A. J. H. Wood, D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. S. H. Hardwick, P. T. M. W. II. Tayloe, G. P. A. Washington, D. C. Are You Send for the Dr. When you want money go to the Bank. Do you want your land measured! Get the survey or. These people know their business so does Price Want a Collar Fitted. PRICF-CLINE HARNFRR ----- - nMww Anderson's Pressing Club. $1.00 Per Month Limited to 3 Suits. Small Charge for all Extra Suits. CALL OR 'PHONE ANDERSON'S BARBER SHOP, NO. 54. S $ 1000 00 1000 00 1250 00 1200 00 2500 00 200 00 1000 00 4000 00 4500 00 950 00 2000 00 Insurance Co., Sec. & Treas. ! t i fliles of Railway. I 4 Sick:- h THINK miUIPANY n W Willi llllll A

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