BARBOUR'S BIG BOWLDER. According to a story now going tho rounds, William Barbour, multi millionaire of Morristown, N. ' J., .came to, the United States from England fifty years ago, a poor boy. Walking along the roads .of rural New Jersey, he came to a big bowl tier just at the noon hour. He sat an it, ate his frugal lunch and dreamed of the future. Then he started out to hunt for work and found it. He grew rich and forgot all about the old bowlder until a few weeks ago, when he fell to thinking how it had inspired him with its strength and size and rug gedness and how on that day so long ago he decided that when he grew to be a man he would have it for a monument. So he journeyed to it, arranged to buy it from the owners of the land on which it lay, and then commenced to negotiate with a railroad company to have it transported to his home. He was told that no car was big enough to hold it. "Build one big enough," said he. "and I'll pay for it." This was done, and the bowlder was load ed. Then it was found that the bridges were too Iqw to permit its passage, and its owner was com pelled to give reluctant assent to its being chopped down to the right size. It was linallv delivered at his home, at a cost of f? 10,000. Wash ington Herald. Duels end Doctors. The men who have been urging the par-sage of more stringent anti dueling laws in Austria recently made an appeal to the physicians to aid the cause by refusing to act for friends on the "hold of honor." "If we cannot prevail uiKn surgeons to withhold their co-operation,'' a writer in an Austrian paper says, "we shall endeavor to have them co responsible with the principals. Men light, they say, to kill, and yet, no matter how fearlessly the duelists draw their swords or pistols, they always have a thought of the sur geon who will help them if things should go wrong. Keep the sur geons away, so that the wounded man must depend on his second for first aid in case of injury, and he will think again before he lights." An Amiable Husband. During the recent bearing in Lon don of the divorce suit brought by the daughter of the late Sir John Blundell Maple against her Gorman husband, Baron von Kekhardstein, one witness testified respecting the baron's neglect of his wealth v wife, who lavished money upon him. The witness reported this conversation between the couple, which she over heard, "Will you give me one hour a day of your company pleaded the baroness. The baron replied la conically, "Not one." "I want you to be seen walking or driving with me," said the wife. The baron de clined to make any concessions. "Just one hour a week," urged the baroness at last. "No, it would spoil my career," declared the baron. Alias Wat His Real Name. - In the South Orange (N. J.) po lice court recently a prisoner on bit ing asked his name responded, "Alias Shaheen." "Aliases don't go in this court," said Justice Roll, with some asperi ty. "What'B your real name ?" "Alias Shaheen," reiterated the accused. Of course no police justice would ever submit tamely to such foolish ness as that, and the offender was standing face to face with trouble when a police officer explained that he was a Syrian and told the literal truth about his name. Much molli fied, Justice Roll extracted $5 from 'Alias for noddling towels without a license and allowed him to go on his way rejoicing. Law Notes. Wooden Flywheel. After an accident to a flywheel in a large European electric station the superintendent designed and had constructed a flywheel of wood which ha a diameter of eighty-five feat and a rim width of ten feet. The thickness of the rim is about twelve inches, and it is made up of forty-four thioknosees of beech planks with staggered joints. The Awards were glued together and then bolted. The inside consists of a double wheel, the twenty-four spokes of which are faflteaed -to two hubs. Spokes and hubs are operated at geventy-six wohitions a minute, which corresponds to a peripheral ppeed at the rim of 138 feet a sec ond. VfcsttfM of Poor Food. At a recent military enrollment in Baden, Germany, of 604 young men liable to service only 20 per cent were found to bo- up to the physical fltandard. The peasants of this country were at one time among the , most robust in the empire, but ow . ing to the dearnesa of meat and the .'fact that the, milk, which once was a staple article oHiood, ia now sold to ; cheese factories their physique has' degenerated. The Boy That Does Not Have to Be Told. Rev. Charles M. Sheldon, One of the rarest qualities in a servant in the house is the doing of things that need to be done with out being told. One of the finest qualities in a workman is this quality. Young men working their way through college are in valuable if they have this quality. A tool is left out on the lawn; there is a rail off the fence; there is a lock broken from a door; there is a window pane gone somewhere. The boy who tends to these things be cause they need attending to with out specific directions is the boy who, other things being equal, is going to be in demand when he gets into the great world, and it is the attention to little things and the habit of observation," which sees what needs to be done and then does it, which makes exceed ingly useful men and women. There will always be a position for such persons. There will always be a call to come up higher. It is in one sense a small thing to do these little things without orders, but it is the doing of them great captains, great engineers, great artists, great architects, great work ers in any department, and it is the absence of this quality that makes commonplace men and wo men, who will always have to live under the dominion of petty or ders, men and women who do no thing unless they are told to do it. It is this quality which makes volunteers in church work, and the invaluable men and women who do not have to be stood over. They are the joy of the pastor's heart; they are tfie persons who do not have to be watched. If you take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills you will get prompt relief from backache, weak kidneys, inflammation of the bladder and urin ary troubles. A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Some Modern Mothers. Baltimore American. Mrs. Style I'd like to see your baby, my dear. Is it hero in the park with these others?" Mi-s. Castle "Yes. it's here some where, but the new nurse my hus band engaged came while I was out, and I don't know her by sight myself yet." Tell The Truth. ExchaiiKe. Say! What do you reckon would happen if everybody would tell the trnth for 30 days! There would be more assignments than ever heard of and no courts or lawyers to collect the little surplus. Love's greatest miracle seems to lie in making the girl see genius in the man of her choice. Nature must feel somewhat ashamed when she sees what an ordinary drug clerk can do in the complexion line. It is a strange custom that drives a man to pretending that he enjoys classical music. Nature and her works probably would never have been noticed if people hadn't taken to falling in love. A bigot is a man who holds the same opinion of your opinions as you hold of his. Love is mighty apt to get lost trying to find its way through a crowd of relatives. Considering how nice heaven Is said to be, isn't it funny how peo ple like to stick to this old earth. The more a man actually has in this world the less pretending he has to do to get through it. Duty, like most other things, is nicer to read about in books than it is to do. Do you get the News! To ptotb unquestionably, Btidbeyond ny donbt, that Catarrh of the nose and throat can be cured. I am furnishing patients through druggists, imall Ire Trial Boxut of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure. I do thU because I am ao certain, that Dr. Shoop'i Catarrh Cure will bring actual substantial help. Nothing certainly, ti so convincing a a physical tost ol any article of real, genuine merit. But that article mutt possess true merit, else the test will condemn, rather than advance It. Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure is a enow white, healing antiseptic balm, put up In beautiful nickel capped glass Jar at 60c Such toothing agents a Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, etc, are Incorporated into a relvety, cream like Petrolatum, imported by Dr. Bhoop from Europe. If Catarrh of the nose and throat has extended to the stomach, then by all means also use Internally, Dr. 8hoop's Restorative. Stomach distress, a lack of general strength, bloating, belching, biliousness, bad taste, etc. urely call for Dr. Shoop's Restorative. For uncomplicated catarrh only of the nose and throat nothing else, however, need be used but Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure J. E. SHELL. How to Cure a Cold. The question of how to cure a cold without unnecessary loss of time is one in which we are all more or less interested, for the quicker a cold is totteu rid of the less the danper of pneumonia and other serious diseases Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va., has used Chamberlain's Cough Keuiedy for years and says: "I (irm ly believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me." For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. JAMESTOWN TER-CENTENNIAL April 26-Nov. 30, I&07. Southern Railway announces ex tremely low rates to Xoifolk, Va., and return on account of the above occasion. Tho following round trip rates will apply from Hickory: Season Tickets H7 55 Sixty Day Tickets.... 14 65 Fifteen Day Tickets . . 13 05 Coach Excursion tic'ts 7 50 Coach Excursion Tickets will be sold on each Tuesday, with limit seven days from date of sale, will le stamped "Not tiood in Pull man or Parlor Cars." Other tick ets will be sold daily April IDth to Nov. :10th inclusive. Tho Southern Railway will af ford excellent passenger sei vfoT to and from Norfolk on account of this occasion. For further information, and Pullman reservations address any Agent Southern Railway or write W.H. TAYL0E, R.L. VERNON. Q. P. A. T. P. A. Washington, D. C. Charlotte, N. C LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree rendered in a certain special proceeding in the Su perior Court of Caldwell County en titled Albert vs. Lizzie Me Kinzie. I will on Saturday, the 19ch day of October, 1907, at one p. m.. at the Court House door in Lenoir, N. C, sell at public auction a certain house and lot at Freedman, in Le noir. N. C, formerly owned by Eliza Norwood aud now occupied by Albert McKinzie and his wife. Terms of sale: Twenty-five per cent cash and balance on credit of three months. Title reserved until purchase price is paid in full This Sept. 12th. W. H. BOWER, Com. A Certain Cure for Croup Used for Ten Years Without a Failure. Mr. W. C. Bott.a Star City. Ind.. hardware merchant, is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. His children have all been subject to croup and he has used this remedy for the past ten yearg, and though they much feared the croup, his wife and he always feltsafe upon retiring when a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy was in the house. His oldest child was subject to severe attaoks of croup, but this remedy never failed to effect a speedy cure. He has recommended it to friends and neighbors and nil who have used it say that it is unequaled for croup and whooping cough. For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. The happier a man is the closer is that season when he is going to get a sudden drop. The Price of JHealth. "The price of health in a malarious district is just 25 cents: the cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life PillH," writes Ella, Slayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cleanse gently and impart new life and vigor to the sys tem. 85c. Satisfaction guaranteed at J. E. Shell's Drug Store. KILLthi couch uto CURE ths LUNC8 with Dr. King's Now Discovery PRICK OLDS Trial Bottle Fret an Mr dti OA AND ALL THROAT AND LUND TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY QB MONEY BEIUNDED, - 3 HAHBERLAM! A few doses of this remedy will In variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhoea. It can always be depended upon . even in the more severe attaclw t.f cramp colic and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea uud cholera infantum in children, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home . Bnv it now. Price. 25c. Large Sjzk, 5oc. IE W. MOOSE, ! D. D. S. y I have moved my office to 5 rooms over the Postoffice, where I do all kinds of Den- 5 y tal work. I will be absent 5 from my office one week be- t a ginning with the first M6n- 5 v day. in each month. 6 Respectfully, I E. VV. MOOSE 1 avtc C Sweet to Eat For Sale by J. E. Shell. flMWj JUL JJLJ Li' iJi MAGAZINE HEADERS ) SUNSET MA8AZ2XC DeauttiiuyiUMrated, food stones 41 en sod utklss about California $ 3U ud all th faf West ayear mm add coram journal moaihrr publication devoted A Eft to tho (ami, ban el lb $U:U West ayeaf ROAD Of A THOUSAND WONOCXS book of 75 pages, conttininj 120 colored photographs of $0.75 picturesque spots m California Toul . . . $2.75 Allfor. . $1.50 Cut oat this advertisement and scad with )li0 to SUNSET MAGAZINE JAMES FLOOD BLDG.. SAN FRANCISCO HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea NuggetS A Busy Modiolus fur Bajy People. Brings Golden Health and Renewed Vijcr. A specific for Constipation, Indlfrastlon, Live and Kidney Troubles, Pimples, Eczemx, Impur Blood, Bad Breath, Sluggish Bowels, Headaoh and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In Ul k-t form, 85 cents a box. Genuine made b; Houjster Druo Company, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Quinsy, Sprains and Swellings Cured. "In November, 1901, I caught cold and the quinsy. My throat was swol en so I could hardly breathe. 1 ap plied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it gave me relief in a short time. In two days 1 was all right," says Mrs. L. Cousins, Otterbnru, Mich. Cham berlain's Pain Balm is a liniment and is especially valuablelfor sprains and swellings. For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Relisves Indlesstlon, Sour Stomach, Oolohing of Gas. Etc. PIII3 ONLY AT THE LABORATORY OF E. C. DeWITT 6c COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Dr. Kent and Granite NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE,. $1.00 THE YEAR. BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE NEWS PRINTER Y. WORK DONE PROMPTLY. NEW t L. 0. Reid, D. D. S. ; Denistry inall its Branches. 7 J Office, Shell Building, Lenoir, N. C. Phone 85. J C.B. McNslry. M.D. L.H. Ceffty, .D. Claude Moore, M. D. McNAlRY, COFFEY & MOORE. The undersigned offer their services to the people of Lenoir and vicinity for the practice of Medicine in all its branches. Office at Lenoir Drug Co. Store Phone 23., N. Main St., Lenoir, North Carolina. ' McNairy, Coffey & Moore. W. L ENGLAND, Local Mgr. UNITED COLLCGTION AGENCY LENOIR, N. C. Let us collect your bills. Both good and bad accounts col- lccted on reasonable terms. Kail road $ claims a specialty. Office over First Nat. Bank. PHONK NO. 138. Ui . . j attt t tot 9-n m f s I nvci C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel Luutirc J. E. SHELL DYSPEPSIA Falls Drug Company. (0 ! i A fi

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