The Lenoir News. ( j The News Printery J 13 NOW PREPARED TODO HiiWSrArEK. THE VEKY ' BEST ADVERTISING MEDI UM. READBY EVERYBODY. ONLY 1.00 TIIEYKAR. 1 i YOL K JOB FKITIG. AIX 4 fix THE . LATEST TYPE FACES f USED. GIVE US A CALL. t Q ' ATRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. 1 ' I I 111 III 111 II 9 ' H. C. lARTTN", EDITOR AND PROP. ' . PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AXD FRIDAYS. PRICESl.OOTHE YEAR. VOLXJME, X. ' LENOIR, N. C, OCTOBER 18, 1907. X 0. 14. Be Loyal or Get Out Charlotte Chronicle. It may be to some employer or it may be to some cause, but ' the first prerequisite to decent manhood is loyalty. The man who is cross grained, or wobbly, is mighty poor spoke in the business wheel" The fellow who is constantly halting and pulling backward ought to be given a hoe or a sack and pat into a cotton patch. Elbert Hubbard, in one of his little preachments, says that if the concern where you are employed is all wrong, and the Old Man a curmudgeon, "it may be well for you to go to the Old Man and confidently, quietly aud kindly tell him that he is a cur mudgeon. sil think if I worked for a man 1 would work for him," says Mr. Hubbard. '"I would not work for him a part of the time and the rest of thetimework against him 1 would give an undivided service or none. If put to a pinch an ounce of loyalty is worth a nound ol cleverness. If i you must vilify, condemn and eter nally disparage why, resign your position, and when you areoutside damn to your heart's content. Hut 1 pray you so long as you are a part of an institution, do not con demn it. Not that you will injure the institution-Miot that but when you disparage the concern of which you are a part you dis parage yourself. Explain to him that his policy is absurd and preposterous. Then show him how to reform his ways, and you might offer to take charge of the concern and cleanse it of its secret faults. Do this, or if for any reason you should prefer not. then take your choice of these: !et out or get in line. You have got to do one or the other now make your choice. If you work for a man' in heaven's name work for him. If he pays you wages that supply you your bread and butter, work for him, speak well of him, thiak well of him, stand by him and stand by the institution he re presents. "More than that, you arc loosen ing the tendrils that hold you to elopraents. the institution and the first high wind that comes along you will be uprooted and blown away in the blizzard's track and you probably will never know why. The letter only says: "Times are dull and we regret that there is not enough work," etcetera. Tke business man is ever on the lookout for the man who will help him instead of hinder the business. The country is full of those who want to sit and harp to "the old man" about reasons why this or that cannot be done and seldom comes along the man who wants to Rhonhler the responsibilities of troubles, as well as executive auth ority when things are going easily und nleasantlv alone. They all want to be boss most of the time, but want to sidestep the troubles. Murderer Captured. Times-Democrat. Concord, N. C, 14. Chief of Police Boger receired a telephone message from the conductor of a a southbound freight train yester day telling him to have several officers at the station to take charge of a negro murderer, who is want ed at Greenville, S. C. Officers Sides, Braswell and Earnhardt went to the station and when the train arrived, they found their man under the guard of Conductor G. L. King and a deadhead fireman, 15. C. Defor, both man of Green ville. The negro was brought to the lockup by the Concord officers where he will be held for the Green ville officers, if he is wanted there. 111 . 1 . i I 1 V nen ne was nrsi asKeu nis name he said it was "Kid" Sul livan, but later stated that his real name was George Roberts. He stated also that about two weeks ago a loy about i s years old, my steriously disappeared and that he was suspected of having done away with the young man and was want by the Greenville authorities for that offense. A negro fireman on the freight train, by the name of Columbus Dantzler, knew the murderer and identilied him as being George Davis, wanted for the murder of a white man at Greenville about the ''Oth ot last May. 1 he man was killed and thrown in the river. The Unknown Poor Lot Angeles Times. The Bishop of London's first message to the millionaires of New York was that they must help ,he poor. In the sense in which the bishop meant the message it was to a certain extent unnecessary, for the reason that New York mil lionaires do help the poor. They are even lavish in their charities. Thev have endowed hospitals for the poor, have built homes of re fuge for them, they give lilterally to settlement work, and in many other ways endeavor with money to pat a better aspect on the life of the slums. This is all very well and all very good, but there is another class of the poor who are entirely over looked by tins system, lhe poor who expect charity, who look for it and accept it as a matter of course, appear to le eared for with ample sufficiency. They are not allowed to go either naked or hun gry. But there is another class who do not stretch out their palms for the alms that are given, however freely and with whatever good will. Where are they, and who aretheyl And what is being done to help them? Alas, there are all too many of the unknown poor. They are everywhere and they outnumber, ten to one, the, poor who publicly proclaim themselves. Every city in America has hnnderds of thrm, Los Angeles leing no exception. They are all sexes and all ages, and they can be found only where the superficial see her would think last STATE NEWS ITEMS. Statesville Landmark. A turpentine plant at Kingsdale, near Lumberton, was burned Fri day night, causing a loss of 110,000. Fire destroyed a small house on the outskirts of Greensboro Fri day light and Lizzie Jeters, an aged colored woman who was in the house alone, was burned to death. Claude James, a young white man, was convicted in Forsyth Superior Court last week of man slaughter, for the killing of a ne gro, and'was sentenced to rive years on the read. Zr-LSTjursince Depaitmc-rit The Lenoir Realty and Insurance Co. Strong, Liberal, Home and 'Northern Insurance Companies, representing in nearly 3.".0m.()0).oO. All lines of Insurance placed Fi re ssets Mr. C. C. King, father of Editor Jo. King, of the Durham Herald, died suddenly at his home in Dur ham Friday night. His remains were taken to Kinston for inter nient. The trial of Percy G. Fonvillc. charged with aiding and abetting Franc II. Jones in defrauding the Charlotte National Bank, is in nroirress in the Federal Court at Greensboro. Hon. William Randolph Hearst, who was invited to speak at the Salisbury fair and has been adver tised as an attraction, has notified the fair management that he will le unable to attend. . Fire, L,ife, Accident, Health, Burglary, Fidelity Steam Boiler, Plate Glass Efnployers' Liabilty Live Stock. i our po.icv aine careful attentioi urge or mikiII. will have the Let us write it for von. J. L. JARVIS, Manager. man and woman were accused of the murder and when the woman was convicted she told on Davi causing his arrest. Davis made one statement that he had left home about sii months of looking for them. ago and had been in Richmond and We do not hear ot these people. Danville, lie stated afterwards They make no outcry; they seek no that only two weeks ago his mother help. Hut only the good Lord and sister advised him to leav e, Ik! knows what a struggle some of cause the authorities wanted him them are mating against despair. in the Lot case. These are the people who ought to A reward of 150 stands for ha looked after, most of all. A mil- arrcst and if he is the right man it lionaire w ith money to give can will go to the conductor and dead- give it herewith the assurance that head fireman. he is providing real help where it Chief Boger has communicated is wholly deserved. For the sup- with the Greenville authorities and port of the public poor every man's will hold the negro for further dev- house and property is subjected to taxation, but the unknown poor suffer and die with no hand raised to hely them. If rpal coffee disturbs your Stomach, your Heart, or Kidneys, then try thin clever Coffee imitation Ur. Snoop's Health Coffee. Dr. Shoop has closely matched old Java and Mocha Coffee in flavor and taste, yet it haB not a single grain or real Hnfffi in it. Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with Malt, JNuts etc.. Made in one minute. No tedi ous long wait. You will surely like it. Get a free sample at our store Harrison & Co. They Make You Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect ex perlenceu oy all wtio use unauioer laln'a Stoinack and Liver Tablets, "Pneumonia's Deadly Work condition of the had so seriously effected my right Cr and the healthy rannie uonnor, inkkfi one feel iovful. Price. 2ft of Rural Koute 1 Georgetown. 1 enn., cents. Samples free at J. E. Shell's, "that I coughed continuously night Dr. Kent's and Granite Falls Drug and day and the neighbors' predlc- Co.'s Drug Stores. Dion consumption seemed inevit able, until my nusnana orougni home a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis Submit, SayS Dr. VenablC covery, which in my case proved to be the only real cough cure and re- Special to The Observer. Utorerof week, sore lungs." When ,.i ir all other remedies utterly tan, you vaae rorei, vei. i. 1 u,u may still win in the battle against correspondent, while in Raleigh Inngand throat troubles with rew . , , , . -f . ,. r Discovery, the real cure. Guaranteed to-day, learned that , 5 students of by j E iel, draggMt 50c and 1. ake forest College have sent a Trial bottles free. message to President Venable, of the University, asking admission to that institution. Dr. Venable immediately wired back expressing his regrets at the estrangement lx'tweon the students and the faculty and advised sub mission to the faculty as the best coarse to take Three Tramps Killed. Charlotte Observer. Asheville, N. C., Oct. 14. Three tramps, who were stealing a ride, were instantly killed in a freight wreck near Campobello, 10 milps from SDartanburg, at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The ac cident was caused by a derailment, mid 13 cars were piled up in the wreckage. None of the train crew were injured. What Was It? Cleveland Star. On Sunday about half-past 12 o'eloek there was consternation prevailing among the sinners and saints by reason of a strange rum bling, rushing sound in the ele ments. Some thought it blasting, i nis acuon or uie siuueuu is in. othere Umtule, but the sonnd waH too uncanny for either and was tion shown for several days due ty hanl in M part8 0f the county f t i-L.i Oil I suspension oi nye sumenw lor w u secme(l to ,ltvt wl oyer from rwy .i t c a i. i aays on inasuay. luimors oi ine ,.nrlhwMt to the southeast, and withdrawal oi a number ot students - i, 1.,, ., im,0 iv have been afloat since Tuesday' but turM M to what it was Xhe gtn itwastnougnt inai te iacmty oninio!1 illdilieg to the lieiicf . " would reconsider tins action ana that all trouble would be settled. The climax, however, was reached this afternoon when the telegram was sent. that it was a meteor shooting through space and probably it was, but this religious scribe, be ing at church, was undisturlied and has no opinion to express. You never have any trouble to tret Stomach troubles, Heart and KM children to take Kennedy's Laxative nev ailments, can be quickly cor- Cough Syrup. They like it because reeled with a prescription knowu to it tastes nearly like maple sugar, druggists everywhere as Dr? Shoop's Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is Restorative. Tho prompt and sur- a safe, sure and prompt remedy for prising relief which this remedy liu- coughs andtoolds and is good for ev- mediately brings is entirely due to ery member of the family. Sold by its Restorative action upon the con- J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite trolling nerves of the Stomach, etc. Falls Drug Co. J. E. Shell's Drug Store. A gold brick weighing 217 ounces and valued at 3,700 was exhibited at Thomasville a few days ago. The material was taken from Capt. M, L. Jones' mine near Thomasville and was the work of one week. The 11 1th anniversary of the founding of the State University at Chapel Hill was celebrated at the University Saturday. DrSt. Clair McKelway. editor of the Hrooklyn Kagle, was the principal speaker. Mrs H. C. Mendenhall, aged IS years and a bride of only two weeks dropped on the streets in Gastonia Saturday night while walked with her husband' and died in a few moments. Paralysis of the heart. Friday morning, the 14 year-old son of Dr. J. K. Person was shot and kill! by the accidental dis charge of a gun in the kands of a companion with whom youig Per son was hantiag. In New llanover Superior Court at Wilmington last week John I) Bo wen, a former conduct r of the Seaboard Air Line, who was in jured in a wreck at Hamlet a year ago, was awarded $ 1&,000 damages He sued for 25,0O0. Xhe Booue Democrat says the oomoauv which is preparing to i bore for oil on Cove creek, . Wat tauga county, will put their a a chinery in position as rapidly as possible and hope to begin boring by November 1st. The company is also taking optious on large areas of land in Ashe county. AtGranitetJuarry, Howancoun ty, Friday night, the dwellings of Messers. .1. W. Hector and L. L alton and the postornce were burned. Most of the contents of buildings wer saved. The fire starUd in the residente occupied by Hector and owned by Mr W. S. Brown. The ceiling of the house was in ilames when the Hector fam ily were aroused and a child was slightly burned in the face. In Charlotte Friday afternoon the 9-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Moore died suddenly after an operation for throat trou ble. She had lieen at school the day Ix'forc and aside from trouble with her throat was in her usual health. The anaesthetic was administered, the operation completed and the child was preparing to leave the room with her mother when she fell unconscious and died a few hours later. IT ft 15 T TTK 81 n T 4 1 Yom Donl See Good Enough See A. W. Dula. i X free, need Kxaminations If ou do not (i lasses we tell you so, and no charge is made for the test. Call and consult us about your eyes. ALFRED OPTICIAN. W. DULA. LENOIR. N. C. Everybody knows that "GARLANR" Stoves and Ranges are the world's liest. They combine elegant finish, durability, and convenience, with economy of fuel, and in spite of all competition hold their station far in advance of all others. We take pleasure in calling the at tention of our readers to their merit. R. IT. SPAIjSTHOTjR & CO. 6 O O 0 frfrOO ; Anderson's Pressing Club. $1.00 Per Month Limited to 3 Suits. Small Charge for all Extra Suits. 5 CALL OR 'PHONE ANDERSON'S BARBER SHOP, NO. 54. I THE NEWS V .'

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