H. C. MARTIN, Editor and Prop InUred tttho Puctnfflce at Lenoir, N. C., m , leonodHHiM mall matter. If your paper does not reach you promptly, let us know bo ve can see where toe trouble is. Anonvmons communications will sot be brinted. -." Advertising rates low and wOlbe given on application. Telephone No. 54. Subscription price $1.00 a year 50cts. six months. 25c ts. three months. Friday, Oct. 18, 1907. Arrival and Departure of Trains. NORTH BOUND. No. 10 Mail and Ex. ar. 2:12p.m. No. 62 " " " 1:40p.m. SOUTH BOUND. No. 9 Mail and Ex. de. 2:40 p.m. JTo.63 " 9:05 a.m. The students and faculty of "Wake Forest College have bean having trouble over the matter of hazing. Several students were suspended temporaily for practic ing it and about 75 other students made application to be admitted to the University. It is passing strange that the young men of the present day, mast of them, do not appreciate at all their opportuni ties. Now, here is one of the leading educatianal institutions of the State, seriously hampered and hindered in its work, because of a lot of rattle-headed Ixjys bent more on having what they call fun, than on trying to get an edu cation. This thing of permitting the strident to run the 'schools is working an injury to the cause of education and the young men who are such ardent clamorers for their rights. When they grow up to manhood they will regret that they spent so much of their time in hazing and cultivating athletic sports. The mental and norval training of students have become secondary considerations in most of our colleges. Doing HusineHs Again. "When my friends thought 1 was about to fake leave of thin world, on account of indigestion, nervousness and general debility." writes A. A. Chisholin, Treadwell, Is'. Y., "and when it looked as if there was no hope left, 1 was persuaded to try Electric Bitters, and I rejoice to say that they are curing iue. I am now doing business again as of old, and am still gaining daily." Bent tonic medicine on earth, (iuranteed by J. E. Shell, druggist, 50e. Serious Shooting vTear Mt. Airy. Times-Democrat. Mount Airy, N. ('., Oct. 11. News has just reached this city of a desperate shooting scrape near Ward's (lap, Va., several miles from Mount Airy (in whiah two vmen were probably fatally wound ed.) The men are brothers in law, Sydney Tow and Orville McMUlian. They quarreled Sun (lay morning ;over family affairs, McMillian occusing Tow of abus ing his wife. In the afternoon the men met again, Tow in the meantime having borrowed a shot gun. lie was observed by Mc Millian as he approached and Mc Millian secured his own gun and both men began firing. McMillian was shot in the stomach and lower limbs, while Tow's wounds are in the shoulders and neck. Both men are dangerously wounded and both may die of their wounds. Bitten by a Spider. Through blood poisoning caused by a spider bite, John Washington of Boiqueville, Tex., would have lost his leg, which became a mass of run ning sores, had he not been persuaded to try Bucklen's Arnica Salve. He writesf "The first application re lieved, and four boxes healed all the ores." Heals every sore. 25c. at J. E. Shell's Drug Store. When a woman likes tobacco smoke in the house she isn't mar ried yet, but she is trying to le. New York Press. "Hold on to the Philippines!" eiclaimg'Admiral Dewey. All right, Admiral; and you hold on to the gift house. Bristol Herald Courie. Ttventy.Two Drowned. Charlottle Observer. SaultSte Marie, Mich., Oct, 1 The Steel steamer Cyprus, owned by the Lackawanna Transportation Company, and on her second trip down the lakes with a cargo of ore was wrecked last night in Lake Superior off Deer Park, which is about 30 miles from Grand Marais, and all of the crew of 22 excepting the second mate were lost he was washed ashore near Deer Park lashed to a large raft and bar. He is in critical condition aud is bieng given careful medical attention in the hope that his life can be saved He has suffered terribly from cold and exposure in addition to the battering of the waves, two bodies have also washed ashore at Deer Park. The Cyprus was a new boat 44U leet long with a capacity of 7,400 toes. She had made but one trip to the head of the lakes and was bound down ou her second trip. Futher details of the disaster seem to indicate that the founder ing of the new ship was dew to a sudden leak through whieh the waters rushed with such volume as to overcome all efforts to keep the vessel afloat. The second mate, C. G. Pitz. is the sole suvivor. I wo other bodies both with life preservers strapped upon them have been found by the life savers near the place the Cyprus founder ed. The mate Pitz was so exhaust ed by this battle with the sea's aud seriously injure d in the surf that but little information can be gathered from him ot the pres ent time. Afliicted with Sore Eyes for M Years. I have been afflicted with nore eye for thirty-three years. Thirteen years ago 1 became totally blind and was blind for sii years." My eyes were badly Inflamed. One of my neighbors insisted upon my trying Chamberlain's Salve aud gave me half a box of it. To my surprise it healed my eyes and in v night came back to me P. C. Earln, Cythiana, Ky. Chamberlain's Sal ve i for Hale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and (tran ite Falls Drug Cor Powder Explosion. Industrial News. FONT . NET, ml.. Oct. 15.-. Fontanet was practically destroyed today by theexplosion of the plaut of the DuPont Powder Company. The dead number from twenty five to fifty". More than sii hundred persons were injured and every building in the town was wholly or partially levelled to the fround. Where stood a thriving and busy town of 1,000 people this morning' tonigt there is ruin aud scattered wreckage. The dead and mort striously inijured have been taken away. Five hundred inhabi tants' all more or less wounded, remain to gathertheir scattered household goods and sleep under tents and on cot, gaurded by sol diers of the state. Thomas A. Edison, the great Anier ican inventor, says "Fully eighty per ceiu. 01 uie luness 01 maiiKiiid comes from eating improper food or too mucn rood; people are inclined to over indulge themselves." This i where Indigestion Buds Jt beginning in nearly eyery case. The stomach can do juat so inuoh work and no more, and. when you overload it or when you eat the wrong kind of food the digestive orgaus, cannot do the work demanded of them. It is at such times that the stomach needs help; it demands help, and warns yon by headaches, belching, sour stomach, nausea and indiges tion. You should attend to this at once by taking something that will actually do the work for the stomach Kodol will do this. It is a combina tion of natural digestants and veget able acids and contains the same juices found in a healthy stomach It is pleasant to take. It digests what you eat. Sold by J. E. Shell. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug company. A rouud-shouldered, man is of great use in a community, for the sight of bim makes others straigh ten up. Atchison Glolie. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now disguising Pre ventics, for they are not only safe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Preventics contain no Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sicken ing, laken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will prevent Pneumonia, Hronchitis, La (irinne, etc. Hence. the name, Preventics. Hood for fe verish children. 48 Preventics 25 cents. Trial Hoxes 5 cts. Hold at J. E. Shell's Drug Store. Subscribe to the Lenoir News $1.00 ICRS Great Antiseptic LINIMENT (Forntrly TartU Oil ' LsrMl snd Bt tor 5 HEALS WITHOUT SCAR. Prvrante wound poiaonin, iBnaunatioa, mi Maa. fetooay Sri in Ham. and Stabla, L PICHARDSON. Kff . CfcnM. aMmssnao, a. c Boone Items. The County High School was established by the Board of Eda cation at Cove Creek Academy. The parties interested in boring for oil have begun opperatioua on Cove Creek. The railroad subscriptions for tha Lenoir and Blowing Kok rail road steadily grows. About 1100- 000 is now iu sight. Mr. Moses H. Cone, of Blowing Hock, ltctured iu, the auditorium of tha A. T. S. Wednesday even ing. The subject was an' intellec tual feast. The teachers of the A. T.S. gave an outing to Howard's Knob last Friday evening. About 75 weut. The trip was highly appreciated by all. A. M. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, bv Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people without a penny's cost the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's t atarrn Keiuedy. Sold by J. K. Shell's Drug Store. Elkville and Blackstone. We have had a few Old Jack Frost" reather, vou bet. visits from and windv Miss Lou Ist)ll, of Lenoir, who has been visiting her parents, re turning home last Saturday. Mr. W. A. Smith, of the place, attended court at Wilkesboio last eek. Mr. Kdgar Shuford returned from Winston last Frida . lie eports a fine time. Mr. .1. II. I shell went to Lenoir last Saturday returning Sunday . Sandy. Oct. IT), '07. If taken patiently and persistently will relieve the most obstinate'eases of indigestion, constipation, bad blood, bad liver no matter how long standing. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. i ents, lea or Tablets. Dr. Kent and (ianite Falls Drug Co. - - A snob is a man trying to act ike the hero iu the novel girls go wild about. It is as hardibr the average us the vir man to see his faults tues of his fellows. There is such a big difference etween what a man is and what he claims--to be. A man is up against tough luck if he marries a woman who knows that she knows more than he doe. Notice. (Juite a u umber of debtors have paid, also a large numlxir have notified us that they would meet their obligations at an early date and asked us not to publish their names. We will gladly extend the time from the 15th to the 25th of this mouth. Very truly, United Collection Agency. Fish and Oysters. I will have Fresh Fish and Oys ters every Tuesday and Friday, ("all or phone your orders. CITY CAFE. Hallman. Ginseng Seeds and Roots for Sale. Well budded Koots 2.00 per hundred and upwards. Discount on larger lots. Delivered at Gar den for cash only. Wm. H. KIcken, Patterson, N. C. p. yy i r. w li?i-:i'IJ.IIdbJ FOR SUMMER READING there's nothing like a good novel Take one with you even on a short outing. Have one by you for afternoons if you stay at home. THIS BOOK STORE IS POPU LAR because it furnishes wholesome reading in the latest as well as the Standard fiction. Come in and look our Books over. Don't be too hasty In choosing. You are entirely welcome to look over as many and stay as long as you like. LENOIR BOOK COH Does vour back a.ehn Tin tired aud drowsy and lacking in am union: n so, mere is something wroug wim your Kidneys. DeWltt Kidney and Bladder Pilln backache, weak kidneys, and In flammation of the bladder. A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. BUSINESS LOCALS. Bring iu your baby carriages aud go carts and have rubber tires diU on them. P. M. Keever. A WANTED 100 to 1000 cords of wood cut or cut and deliverd by con tract. J. K. Mattocks. If vou are looking of Dram (inn,) a see Watsou. J i If its a nice Suit you are looking ior see watson. STREET HACK We now keep a nice team and vehicle in readiness ror us of any one in the town. Phone or call In person aud your wiohes .. III 1 A 1 11. - V win oe attended to. , TjAllfiir T.ivorv Cn Suits nt Watson's from H3.50 to JU.UU. J II ST RECEIVED A new up-to-date line of sample Umbrella Covers. p. M. Keever. FOR SALE At a bargain one 5 borne power double cylindergasoline engine. Joe Powell, Jr 4 tn Kinds ot lankoe notions at Watson s. ' a FOR HA LK-That fine eentle horse ...i. :i i. - w ii nui juu nave seen pulling our arsre ice-wairau. " Citizens Light 4 Power Co. FOR SALE-A fine Jersey Cow. R. H. Holsclaw. SAMPLE SHOE 8ALE-Now on at Toe on the dollar. j The Racket. Hood Milling wheat at 1.25 ne bushel. ' Home Milliner Co. . o 5 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Now is the time to get vour winter nnoes, ior the lot cannot stay here ai inese prices. Tile Racket. !.','") per bushel for urood Milli'mr tvneat. Home Mi I nir Co -77.. rrr; 7 .H n. 1 1 1 a a ti WHUKS-ln samples 11 an sons oi st vies ami at 75 cents in the $1.00 while thev last. ComU Sow. The Racket. Jy The Home Milling Co. will irive you $1.25 per bushel for -your goodJ milling wheat. -1 Tyyewriter Office. 1'aper at the News LENOIR MILLS-Will pay $1.25 per bushel for good milling wheat. SALESMEN WANTED For Lu bricating Oils. Ureases and Paints in Caldwell and adjacent counties. Salary or Commission. Address Clover Oil and Paint Co., Cleveland, Ohio. vv ;vb 1 mi - ah tne gi wheat we can get at S1.2C Air nn imi All the good milling 5 per bushel. Lenoir Mills. H NOTICE. I will be at the varioas precincts in the County on the following dates for the purpose of collecting taxes for 1907: Hudson Oct. 14th. Granite Falls " 15th. Petra Mills " 16th. Little River " J 7th. Kings Creek " 18th. Yadkin Valley " 19th. Patterson " 21st. Buffalo Cove " 22nd. Richlands " 23rd. Globe ' 24th. Wilson's Creek " 25th. (Jollcttesville " 26th. Gamewell " 28th. North Catawba " 29th. Lenoir and Lower Creek Oct. 30 and 31st, at court house. This Oct. 2, 1907. J. M. SMITH, Sheriff. Recent Arrivals. Two nice building lots ou Ashe St,, $5x150 ft each 1800 00 Modern six room house and nice lot near Fairfield 3000 00 Six room house and large lot 62x455 feet on Vance Street Vacant lot 62x150 feet fronting street, parallell with Caldwell & Northern railroad. Farm 27 1-2 acres, two miles from Lenoir, four room house Farm 123 acres, two miles from Granite Falls on Dudly Shoals road, 4 room dwelling, two tenant houses, 100,000 feet merchant able timber. Lies on Gunpowder Creek. 10 acres bottom. -We Sell Lenoir Realty & Insurance Co., J E. MATTOCKS, Sec k Treis. t School Book; Tablets Pencils t t t Other School Supplies. t Lenoir Book Company. Southern Railway I Operating Over 7,000 . . . V.UICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS . . . NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST. Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts Alfordlng Flnt-ClaM Accommodations. I Elcisnt Pullman Sleeplnf Cart on ill Through Trains. Dlnlnr, Club a ad Reser vation Cari, For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the Southern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. L Vernon, T. P. A. J. H. Wood, D. P. A. Charlotte, N. O. Asheville; N. C. S. H. Hardwick, P. T. M. W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A. Washington, D. C. . la Are You Send for the Dr. When you want money go to the Banlc. Do you want your land measured! Get the survey or. These people know their business so does Price Want a Collar Fitted. E- The News Printery is the only print shop in town turning out first-class work. Try us. 1750 00 300 00 950 00 250 00 The Earth" ! t AND. fliles of Railway. Sick:- S i i i ! I ! T i - ... mi 1 1 ; j 1 & & & & 1 :

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