LOCAL AXD rEKSOXAL. Mrs. II. M. Teague has been Tisiting in Hickory this week. Mr. J.D. Moore, of Wilkesboro, has been here this week on busi ness. Mr. C." D. Coffey, of Wilkesboro, came to Lenoir on business Tues day. . Bora to Mr. and Mrs: V. M. Hoke last Wednesday night, a daughter. Booth Lowrey at the Graded School auditorium next Wednes day evening, 23rd. Mrs. T. Lee Carlton, of Georgia, is here on a visit her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Stine. Mrs. B. B. Hayes, of Hudson, spent this week visiting relatives and friends in Lenoir. t Messrs. M. E. Shell, J. T.Spen cer and Theo. P. Kincaid left Tuesday for the Exposition. The Editor of the Topic and wife left Wednesday for Raleigh on visit to friends and relatives. Dr. G. W. Baby, of Blowing Rock, passed through Lenoir Wed nesday on a visit to Hickory. Dr. C. C. Weaver and several of the college girls left Monday on a visit to the Jamestown Exposi tion. Miss Mamie Cox, of High Poiat, has taken a position in the dry goods department at Xewland's store. Rev. T. A. Atkins, of Blowing Rock, will preach at the Episco pal church next Sunday at 11 o'clock. Mr. R. II. Johnson, of Yaney county, an old Weaver school boy has been spending a few clays here this week. Dr. ('. C.Clapp, of Newton, will preach at the Reformed church it Sunday at 1 1 oVlock and also at night. Miss Fanny Brickhouso, of Nor folk, who has been spending sev eral week at The Martin's, returns home today. Work was commenced Wednes day morning on the concrete side walk from the center of town to the depot on West Main street. Mr. I). F. Messick, of Patterson, has moved his family to Lenoir so as to get the benefit of Lenoir's schools. They are occupying rooms in Lenoir Academy. The city fatheis are just linish ing a splendid piece of macadam work on North Main street, ex tending from the Presbyterian Manse to the old McRary shop. The Lenoir Opera Company has been incorporated, with L. P Henkel, ('. V. Henkel and 1). .1 Craig the principal stockholders. , Ine object is to conduct an opera bouse in Lenoir. Rev. W. II. McNairy, who is iu Philadelphia for treatment for his eyes, writes encouragingly to his folks and thinks he is being bene fitted. He will probably be away several weeks yet. Mr. Ceo. W. Lex and wife, of Philadelphia, came to Lenoir this week. Mr. Lex is secretary of the Caldwell Land & Lumber Co and was attending a meeting of the stockholders here. A uumber of our subscribers j have told us they wanted to pay their subscriptions in wood and now is the time we would like to have it. We will take wood in unlimited quantities on subscrip tions. Booth Lowrey, the famous read er, elocutionist and impersonator, will appear at the Graded School auditorium on Wednesday even ing, 23rd at H o'clock. This is the first attraction of this season's Ly ceum Course and promises to be good. The many friends of Rev. R. P. Walker will be glad to know that lio has sufficiently recovered from his recent illness to resume his pastoral duties. lie expects to preach in the Baptist church next Sunday at 11 a. m. and also at night at the usual hours. New Church Site. The Methodist congregation of this place has bought of the heirs of the late Dr. W. M. Earnhardt, the splendid lot adjoining the Methodist church and will pro ceed as soon as practicable to build a large handsome new church. This is an ideal location and will afford ample room for - a church and parsonage should the congregation decide to ase it for the purpose. The price paid for the lot was (3.500. Obstinate eases of constipation and nasty, mean headaches promptly dis appear when yon take De Witt's Lit tle Early Riser Pills. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Tax Values. Register Miller has about com pleted a tabulated summary of the taxable values of Caldwell as listed during the present year. The value of real estate in the county as returned is little over 11.950,000 and the personal prop ertyover tl.435,000. The total amount of taxes as ssessed is $31 069,00. There are iu the county 2441 white polls and 244 colored Ofthetaxe8 levied over $11,000 of the sum will go to school purposes. The pain in Ma's head has gone, She's as happy as can be, Her health is right, her temper bright Since taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Dr. Kent and (iranite Falls D. Co. Town Bonds. The town Commissioners have not yet sold any of the recently Toted town bonds, but they are in correspondence with a number of brokers and others on the subject. The demand, just at this time, for such secureties is not very creat and the bonds may not be sold be fore about -the first of the year. The Commissioners expect to ad rertise the IhhhIs m a numln'r of financial journals before a great while and try to get everything in shape to begin active work on the construction of the water works ami sewerage eanv in the coming year. DeWitt's Carbonized Witch Hiw.( Naive is good for little burns and big burns, small scratches or bruises and lig ones. It is healing and soothing Wood lor piles. Hold !y J. K. Shell, Dr. Kent and (iranite balls DrugCo. The Debate. We are pleased to announce that the joint discussion between the Bailey's Camp Debating Society and the Bee Mountain Debating Society, has at last been arranged to take place at the court house in Lenoir on tomorrow, Saturday evening, 19th at 8 o'clock. The question is, "Resolved that the earth revolves around the sun ev ery twenty lour nours. I his is a question on which there has oeen a difference oi opinion ever since Copernicus, or one i of the older Chaldean astronomers dis covered the revolution of the planets. The debaters on the aftimative side of the question will be Messrs jonn ami . i-.. irisp, ana one other speaker yet to be announced while the negative of the question will be upheld by Messrs. W. L Harman, Y. 1). Galyen and George Nichols. This discussion will be one oi me events oi the season and we feel sure the speakers wil be greeted by a large audience. M. .M. COURTNEY'S, NEW M A STOCK OF GOODS Bailey's Camp D. S. Comjng. Blowing Rock, N. C, Oct. 14, '07 The BaMey's Camp Debating Society wilfmeet the Bee Moun tain Debating Society at the Cour House in Lenoir Oct. 19th, at o'clock, p. m., to discuss the fol lowfng question: "Resolved that the earth revolves around the su every twenty-four .hours." Er cry body cordially invited to come Bailey's Camp 1). S. NOW COMPLETE IN HEN DEPARTMENT. See our New Clothing for Men, Boys and Children. K AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. See our Ladies, Misses and Children cloaks. See our best line of Shoes in town. See our new woolen blankets and cheaper grades. See our elegant stock of new Dress Goods. See our line of wide Dress Silks. See our new Dress Trimmings. See our big new stock of fancy notions, covering all the latest novelties from the cheapest to the. best. See our new stock of Fall Millinery Goods for the latest styles in Ladies Hats and all the newest trimmings, the largest stock and lowest prices. II C The First Attraction of the Season BOOTH LOWREY Humorist, Satirest, Reader and Impersonator Graded School Auditorium Wednesday Night, Oct. 23rd. 8 o'clock. Bob Taylor says. Those who hear him go away with aching sides and tear-stained faces. AT 9 O'CLOCK MONDAY MORNING. Seats on Sale at Shell's Drug Store. PICTURE FRAMES We have enlarged our Picture Frame department. Our stock is very large and made up of the best and latest patterns of mould ing Mr. A. M. Powell is in charge orders will have prompt attention. ITEMS OF INTEREST. Mr. !'. 11. Winston, a son of President Winston, of the A. and M. College at Kaleigh, a practicing iwyer in Ashville, and Miss Jose phine Wilkinson, of Tort Gibson, Miss., were married in Asheville Wednesday night. Last Wednesday a 2 year, old child of Mr. Chas. Starr, a farmer living in the eastern part of Guil ford county, while in a room alone fell headforemost in a bucket of water which had been left on the floor and was drowned beforo it was discovered. Its mother was sick in bed. Geo. K. Pritchard, brother of Jude Pritchard, who was some years ago appointed United States marshall for Indian Territory, has resigned his job and returntd to his home in Mitchell county. Pritchard is a fearless man and it is said he filled the office most ac ceptably. A weak Stomach, causing dyspep sia, a week Heart with palpition or intermittent pulse, always means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nerves. ' Strengthen these inside or coptrolling nerves with Pr. Shoop's Restorative and see howquie.ly these ailments disappear. Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis. will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth this simple trial. Sold by J. E. Shell, druggist. At Burlington Saturday Kllis Walker, eolored fireman of the Bur lington Hosiery Mills, wa caught, by some means unknown, in the My wheel of the .SO-iorse power Corliss engine and was torn to pieces his lody being terribly mangled. How to Mix It. A well-known authority on Hheu niatisiu gives the readers' of a large New York daily paper the following valuable, yet simple and harmless prescription, which any one cau easily prepare at home: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce l .oin pound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well iu a bottle. and take a teaspoonful after each meal and at bed tune. He states that the ingredients can be obtained from any good prescrip tion pharmacy at small cost, and, being of vegetable extraction, are harmless to take. This pleasant mixture, if taken regularly for a few davs, is said to overcome almost anv case of Rheu matism. The pain and swelling, if any, duninisnes with each dose, un til permanent results are obtained, and without injuring the stomach. W hue there are many so-called Rheumatism remedies, patent medi clues, etc., some of which do irive re lief, few really give permanent re- suits, and tne above will no doubt be greatly apreeiated by many sutlerers here at this time. Inquirv at the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the informa tion that these drugs are harmless andean be bought separately, or the uruniwiH iieie win mil me prescrip tlon for our readers if asked to. HI I - Hardware & Furniture Co. If you take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills you will get prompt relief from backache, weak kidneys, inflammation of the bladder and urln ary troubles. A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold by J. B. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. , W. II. Marse, a clerk in the em ploy of the Guilford Furniture Company, at GreenBboro, was ar rested Friday night charged with stealing stuff from the company It appears that while the prepri etors were out of the store Marse had taken rugs, bed springs, baby- carriages and other articles by the dray load, sent them to a vacant room and stored them. When caught he was going to the room with a number oi rues. Jie was sent to jail in default of bond Marse came to Greensboro from South Carolina. He was book keeper and cashier for the concern and it is also said that he had stolen sums of money at different times. May throw Girls Out of Work. New York, Oct. 14. Typewrit er girls may find their occupation gone, if what is said of a new in vention, turns out to be true. It is exhibited at the business show in Madison Square Garden. and is an automatic typewriter. run by compressed air and capable it ii said, of wiiting from 5,000 to 10,000 words an hour for 24 hours at a stretch. The inventor is Columbus, Ohio. A. McCall, of The only true constipation cure must begin its soothiug, healing ac tion when it enters the mouth. Hoi Ister's Rocky Mountain Tea restores the whole system to a healthy, nor mat condition. ta cents, lea or Tablets. Dr. Kent and Granite Fall Drug Co. An rjl AJ of Our line of Fall and Win ter goods is now on dis play and ready for inspec tion. Everything nice, neat and new in Dress Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Ladies Coats and a full line of Shoes of the neatest and latest styles. New line "King Quality" Shoes for men, the best in town just open. Prices and styles right, give us a call before mak ing your purchase. Yours Very Truly, fli 1 iw w ft