FCR THE LITTLE ONES. Fop en Outdoor Party the Potato Rjco Is a Grest Funm:ker. along the ground for a distance of a hundred fect'or so about five feet apart A basket is placed at the farther end, from which the con testants start. Two Dlavers berin together, cadi armed with a spoon, who must pick up the potatoes, one bj one, with the spoon and carry them to the basket, into which they must drop them. The players may take up the potatoes in any order they please, but a separate trip must be made for each one. Sometimes thev try to throw the potato into the basket from a distance, but if it misses it must be picked up, and so time is lost instead of gained. When all the players have had their turn the winners are pitted against each other until one of th contestants has shovoi luiu herself the more skillful. elf or A Poison Show. Some people would c:ill him a crank, but nobody could deny he had method in his crankiness, says the Chicago News. This i- what he did: In the front window of his drug eMre, arranged in a semicircle, with a human skull in the (.enter, he put a lot of thin;:.-, mo-tiv drugs, with label- attached giuii:: their names. On a card conp:cinu.-ly shown w ere the words. "Y. en tiling in this window is a deadly po.son." It is worthy of nto that atnouii the articles was a t ipirette, plated be tween the jaws of the ku!l; a deck of cards, some live, a pint of vhi-kv a.nd a pir.t of wine. It is al- worthy of note that a majority of the peo ple that looked at the display voted for the cigarette as the most deadly poison in the lot. Your Dog. The more you talk to a dog the better he likes it, and ho tunes his temper to your every mood. Are you merry? He frisks and frolics and jumps up at you with wild aban don. Are you sorrowful '? lie will lay his head softly on your knee, looking up into vour face with ador ing, kindly eyes that, far more pret tily than any words, beg you to cheer up. and tell you that he. at all events, thinks you worthy of the ut most good fortune. The rigid kind of a dog never lets you forget how much he loves you. l'runi Paul and Fiametta. Carriages That Were Not CarriageD. It has surprised many readers of the Bible to lind the word "car riages" used in it, that being, as we use it, a modern word. It may be found in the fifteenth verse of the twenty-first chapter of the Acts, in the New Testament, the passage be ing, "And after those days we took our carriages and went up to Jeru salem." This means that the apos tles walked and carried their belong ings or baggage with them, the word that is translated "carriages" mean ing "that which has to be carried." Timbuktu. While Tennyson was an under grauate at Cambridge he won a prize for a poem on "Timbuktu." When the subject was assigned a discussion at once arose as to the possibility of finding a rhyme for the word. Many bright young fellows tried their wit at it in a sort of bur lesque competition. The following lines were adjudged the best: If I were a cassowary On the plains of Timbuktu. I would eat a missionary, Prayer book, Bible and hymn book too. Dictionary Girls. Guessing the "dictionary girls" affords amusement for a dull hour. Here are a few of the list, and oth ers will come readily to mind: A disagreeable girl, Annie Mosity; a warlike girl, Millie Tary; a geomet rical girl, Polly Gon ; a sad girl, Ella G.; a very pleasant girl, Jennie Rob- "y. I Miniature Trees. Little oak trees an inch and a half in height are grown by Chinese gardeners. They take root in thim bles. Banbury Cross. This Is the real, true Banbury croBs. ' Here Is tho very samo road whero the horao Bore the flno lady with bells on her toes, But whither she wandered off nobody knows. Maybe the little boy riding astride Mis little cockhorse was asked up beside That very hidy and both rode away To some pretty castle and there spent the ; , day. : For more of the story we're quite at i loss, , But this la the real, true Banbury orosa WEIRD ODD LOTS. The mummy of an Egyptian" prin cess, Eaid to be over 3,000 years old, which was knocked down for "a few guineas in Covent Garden, is the lat est addition to the long list of weird lots which have figured in auction sale catalogues in recent years. Not long ego the head, little larger than a hen's egg, of a central Mexican pygmy was an offer, and earlier we read of such grewsome lots as a piece of the skin of a notorious pi rate, a book bound in a malefactor's skin and a strip of epidermitabelcd with Jeremy Bentham's name. A hangman's rope, a donkey's skin in pickle, 'coffins (bankrupt stock) and relics of prisons and criminals hare all found recent purchasers, while a few years o a colonial official en tered a London auction room just in time to bid (if he had been so dis posed) for the mummy of a Maori chieftain who had once dined as a gue-t at his own table. Westmin ster Gazette. Bull Fights In Japan. "Few of us, however long we live in Japan, know about all its cus t ey.s and habits," write- a corre spondent. "Bull fighting is the great semiannual sport for the peo ple in Uwajjjua and vuinitv. The !.:; are generally held in thecoan trv on the mountainsides, whore t!iiH!ai:d- of people can ee the halls gore each other. Thev are great, heavv, rolling, fat animals, -iii h as 1 have never seen in any oilier part of the empire. They are t allowed to k-.ll each other, kit are gored enough to do cop-ideraHle damage. It is al-o dangerous for ly-tanders. "A iow months ago I saw i;e or -i of them being led through the street- on their wav back tp-m the light, and they were still Miortmg and looked so hcive thai 1 got out of tlii' street till t'ney pas-ed. I was pcrtoctlv willing to give them com plete right of wav." Herald. ' York Paganini's Violin. Writing to a German paper from Genoa, a corresjondent says that tin1 reports as to Paganini's violin are "onlv too true." "There can l.e no doubt." lie savs. "that tlr.s price less work of Stradnarius is slowly but surelv disintegrating. The 10 liii is the propertv of the municipal ity, hut the wood worm ha- 'ah en po--e don and lllll-t be rrM'."'. v.! '..) prevent total lo-s. Then- are al ready manv signs ,f de.av on the surface, and masters of the vi dm maker's art sav that unless remc! es are applied soon the relic, valuable in it.-elf and made doubly so be cause it was once the projX'rtv of Niccolo I'aganini. will fall to pieces. These masters also sav that when the violin has been restored it will be more easily preserved if it is played upon occasionally." Raccoon Hair Charm. "Over in Memphis there is a man who savs he went all through the civil war and figured in some of the hottest battles, but never received a scratch," said Clarence F. Hendley of Meridian, Miss., at Hartman's. "The old soldier explains his luck by telling of a ball of raocoon Kair worn around his neck during the battle. He eaid an old negro wom an told him that bv wearing a ball of raccoon hair around his neck on a copper wire he would never get hurt or have a spell of sickness, lie told me he tried the experiment just at the beginning of the war and that it proved successful. He says he has never been ill one day, nor ha9 he ever met with any kind of acci dent, and he gives all the credit to the raccoon's hair." Nashville Ten nesscean. Judicial Definition of "All In." In the recent case of State versus Hennessy, !)0 Pac. Rep. 221, the Ne vada supreme court gives a defini tion of the slang phrase all in. The question came up in connection with the admission in evidence of a dying declaration, the declarant's statement that he was "all in be ing relied on to show that lie was under a sons; of impending doath. The court said, "The ei predion 'I am all in' is one frequently made use of in this western country, and when used under the circumstances In question may, wc think, be taken to have meant tlwii th speaker con sidered his life wM5 practically at an end." Law Notes. Shadow! That Sing. At the recent exposition of the French Society of Physic exhibi tions were given of an ingenious combination of the phonograph with the cinematograph, whereby tlie ligures upon the screen were caueod to go through all tho motions of singing, while the sounds issued concordantly from the phonograph, so that the illusion was astonishing ly complete. ' Similar combinations have been made before, but seldom with bo much attention to details; The apparatus employed is called the chronophone. Youth s Com panion. rh. r To rroT taxjursiiooablj . and 'beytTKJ as j QooX that Catarrh oi tba bom and throat can b cured, lam fumUhisf paenM (brooch druggists. . mau ire Trial Boxes oi Dr. Sboop'i Catarrh Cure. I do this beeaaw I an o certain, that Dr. Shoot) 1 Catarrh Cor will bring aetual substantial hlp. Kothinc eemintr. is to fonTinonf as a rhyiival fcwtoi any article) of real taenia bmHV But tbt article Baaat loautt trot merit, else the test will condemn, laibar than advance k. Dr. f hoop's Catarrh Curt Is a snow white, healinc uuuepea balm, pal an t beautiful aJckel capped lajsjara at He. 8uch toothtac aans as Oil Eucalyptus Thymol. Menthol, etc are incorporated into a tsItwcj. cream oka Petrolatum. Imported by Dr. Snoop troaa Burope. If Catarrh, oi the Boat and threat has extended to the stomach, then by all means t am net internally. Dr. Shoo t ReatoratiTa. Stomach diaueea. a lack ol general ttrenfta, baoatinc. btlehinf . buioaaraa. bad taste, eta, surely call for Dr. Snoop's KeatoratiTe. For uncomplicated catarrh only oi the nose and tbroat nothing- alas, bowerer. need be need hot Dr. Stoop's Catarrh Cure J. L SHELU !How to Cure a Cold. The question of how to cure a cold without unnecessary loss of time is oue in which we are all more or less interested, for the quicker it cold is gotten rid of the less the dauger of pneu uiouia and other serious diseases Mr. B. . L. Hall, of Waverly. Va., has used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for years and gays: "1 firm ly believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my IrifrWls and they all agree with uie." For sale by" J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite FullsJDrug ( o.8 f3M'' JAMESTOWN TER-CENTENNIftL April 26-Nov.30, 1907. Southern Railway announces ex tremely low rates to Norfolk, Va.. and return on account of the above occasion. The following r.nnid trip rates will apply from Hickory: Season Tickets 17 55 Sixty Day Tickets... 14 65 Fifteen Day Tickets. . 13 05 Coach Excursion tic't.s 7 50 Coach Excursion Tickets will le sold on each Tuesday, with limit seven days from date of sale, will In1 stamped "Not (iood in Pull man or Parlor Cars." Other tick- lets will Ik sold daily April 10th J to Nov. :K)th inclusive. ! The Southern Railway will af ford excellent passenger service to land from Norfolk on account of 1 this occasion. For further information, and Pullman reservations address any Agent Southern Railway or w rite W.H. TAYLOE, R.L VERNON. :g. p. a. t. p. a. Washington, D. C. Charlotte, N. C LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree rendered in a certain upecial proceeding in the Su perior Court of (.aluwell County en titled Albert McKiuzie vs. Lizzie Mc- Kinzie. I will on Saturday, the lUch day of October, 1U07, at one p. m., at the Court House door in Lenoir, C, sell at public auction a certain house and lot at Freedman, in Ie noir. N. C, formerly owned by Eliza Norwood and now occupied by Albert McKinzie aud his wife. Terino of sale: Twenty-five per cent casb and balance on credit of three months. Title reserved until purchase price is paid in full This Sept. 12th. W. H. rJUWKK, Com. A Certain Cure for Croup Used for Ten lears Without a Failure. mm. w v- a ' w n af vm a 4iij su v hardware merchant, is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. His children have all been subject to croup and he has used this remedy for the past ten years, and though they much feared the croup, his wife aud he always felt safe upon retiring when a bottle of Chanx berlain s Cough Kerned y was In the house. His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup, but this remedy never failed to effect a speedy cure. He has recommendea it to friends and neighbors and all who have used it say that it is nn equaled for croup and whooping cough. For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. The happier a man is the cl6ser is that season when he is going to get a sudden drop. The Price of ; Health. "The price of health in a malarious district is just 25 cents; the cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes KllaSlayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cleanse gently and impart new life and vigor to the sys tem. 3."c. Satisfaction guaranteed at J. E. Shell's Drug Store. KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS r. King's WITH Hon Discovery ma doyens PHICR WOLDS OLDS Trial Bonis Free iru jk ai .no. AND ALL THROAT AND LUNQ TROUBLES. GUARANTEED BATI8FA0X0B1 OB MONEY &EOTNDED. Cata PllAMBERUlMR ' A Sw A few dose of this remedy will in variably care an ordinary attack of diarrhea. It cab always be depended upon, area in the more severe attacks of cramp colio and cholera morbus. It is equal hr successful for summer diarrhoea ana cholera infantum in children, and is t'ae me and of saving the lfm of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in hia home. Buy it now. Pwcs, 85c. Large Size , 5oc, E. W. MOOSE, i D. D. S. j I have moved my ofiice to rooms over the Postofike, I where I do all kinds of Den- tal work. I will be absent from my office one week be- k ginning; with the first Mon- day. in each month. O I Kespectfullv, i E. W. MOOSE. t Lax-ets 5 C Sweet (o Eat A Cindy Bowti Laxstivt. For Sale by J. E. Shell. J 17 (I I s jj THE MEW w AGAZItiE READERS ISUfl KAUZ3I batSdrilhaWiini!i $liO ayaat $0i0 ayaat aad ancles aboss CtUoraia sad Wat TOWI AR9 CC8XTXT JOORSUL a matftly pwbfcaana dmisi la tU Uiwm el Ike Wee BUB Of A T188SJUO WVXBQtS a book f 75 seaaa. mi. it 120 ealaraa ol $0.75 frcftaieeqiia aaats m Caliioraia OW'' Total .. . $2.75 AD for. $1.50 Cat eat this aoVatiaeaent aodaeadwitk$l30to SUNSET MAGAZINE JAMES FLOOD BLDC. SAN FKANOSOO HOLL1STERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bniy UeJicias for Bjij PtopU. Briags Quldu Eealh and Rtaewta Virtr A Dciflc forConstiJMttion, ln.lUrtk)ii. Live and Kidney Trouble. Plmplca. Ecienw, Impu? lilKHl,(ltJ Breath, Slunih Bowclj, Hfdioli nod Backache. It's lUKky Mountain Tea In tal let form, & ceuts a Ixjx. Gnie made t IIoLUstcb Dauo Cohpint, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Quinsy, Si)rain ami Swellings Cured. "In November. l'.'Ol, 1 Cftuglit cold and the quinsy. My throat whs swol en so I could hardly breathe. 1 ap ilied rhauil.erliiin's I'ain Halm and it gave me relief m a short time. In two davs 1 was all riirht." savs Mrs. L. Cousins. Otterbuni, Mich. Cham-j berlain's Tain Halm is a liniment and I is especially vabniblelfor sprains and ; swellings. ' For sale by J. K. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls lrug Co. i I FOR DYSPEPSIA mi: DIGESTS Dr. Kent and Granite NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE, 3 $1.00 THE YEAR, ft BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE NEWS PRINTER Y. Sr?WORK DONE PROMPTLY. : L. G. Reid, D. D. S, a Denlstry in all its Branches. S - I 2 Office, Shell Building, a Lenoir, N. C. , 17 UUUC M CB.Mc.Hab7. HO. L.H. Csfley, MJ). ClasccMaart, . 0. McNAIRY, COFFEY & MOORE. The undersigned offer their services to the people of Lenoir ,and Ticinity for the practice of aledlcine in all its branches. Office at Lenoir Drag Co. Store Phone 23., N. Main St., Lenoir, North Carolina. McNairy, Coffey & Moore, m W. L. ENGLAND. Local Mjr. I.KNOIH, X. C. Lt't us collect your bills. lkth good ami bud accounts col lected on reasonable terms. Kail road claims a specialty. Office over First Nat. Bank. m 1'iio.kn(vi:h. a erf is ov ofc i C Sweet to Eat LGA'ClJ O A Cindy Bowtl Lauthrc J. E. SHELL WHAT YOU EAT Roi.etej lDdiistian. Sour Stomach, Belching of Gas. Etc rtlPAKED ONLY AT THI LABORATORY Of DeWITT Sc COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL. Falls Drug Company. Ml