Lenoir News. 1 i The News Printery i IS NOW PKtPARETrTlTDO A TWICE-A-WEEK FAMILY NEWSPAPER. THE VERY BEST ADVERTISING MEDI UM. READ BY EVERYBODY. ONLY 81.00 THE YEAR. YOUR JOB PRINTiM. ALL THE LATEST TYPEFACES USED. U1VEUSACALL. A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. I he h. a martin, editor and Prop. published .Tuesdays us mm. price si.oo the year. VOLUME X. LENOLH, ZST. C, OCTOBER 22, 1907. XO. 11. Tbe Bible in The Schools. Industrial Newi. Theoretically there is and should be a complete separation of eharch and state in the United States. In factthert are few, if anj, provisione in oar organic law which are of more importance than whieh pro ides for the carrying out of the biblical injunction to render unto Caser the thiugs that are Caesar's and unto God the tkings that are God's. But in reality the fact remains that despite this provision it way be said that America is a religious country. ''The Lord's day, com monly called Sunday," is univers ally olwerved, both by law and by custom, as a day of rest and re ligious oltservanes. All oaths are taken upon the Bible. Church property is exempt from taxation. While our greatest public men with almost a unanimoue voice have al ways preached of the nocssity of re ligious training, teaching and ob servance. Perhaps in no other civilized country on the face of the globe is there so little atheism or aguosticisni an exists in our own country. All this Iwingtrue, it is with a gasp of astonishment that one reads the pronuncianiento delivered by President Schneider, of the 'hicago 4kard of Education, who said: I believe with Jean Jacques Rousseau, that religion should not be taught to any one, in any form, until his or her mind is mature. As for Bible in the public schools I object to it. H is not fit for chil dren. I would not object to a history f the Bible in the schools as a masterpiece of literature. It hrm!l b thn iust the same ae Byron's poems or any other of the great master-pieces. And for thi' vamn rensnn I should be rlad to have on the reading liet a history of the Koran, or of religion of Confuncious or of Buddia. Teaching the Bible in the pub lie schools is a subject about which there has been much debate, lor the reason that so many denomina tions interpret the Bible in so many different ways, and it is next Bad Wreck on Southern. CTATE ns- Charlotte Observer, me MooresTille iiterprise veils Greesboro, Oct. 18, 2 a. m. that Mr. R. E. Kiitler, of that Northbound passenger train No. neighborhood, pieked 4.5 pounds 33, of the Soathern Railway, trav- of cotton Monday eling at the rate of 60 miles an While on his way home from hour, ran into an open switch at church at Durham Sunday night, Rudd, a small station four miles Mr. Frank Taylor was held up by north of here, last night about a disguised highwavmeu and rob 10:20, striking a freight headon bed of 7.50, the robber covering and killing and injuring many his victim with a gun while he re persons. At thi hour the name lieved him of his cash of only one person killed can be ascertained, Mrs. June Thomas, of Danville, Va., wife of a freight engineer. A loreigner is kuown to be dead and the tireman of the freight is thought to be. The first day coach was entirely plit open and the engine of the passenger was completely demol ished. The wreck did, -not catch lire, however. The Pullman At Palmersville, Stanly county, Sunday afternoon, Tom Hunt ac cidentally ehot and killed Amos Lilly; another negro. The pistol fell out of Hunt' pocket and the ball passed through the thigh of Lilly, making only a flesh wound. but he died in about an hoar. Thus. Whitaker, a printer 4." years old. who had lived in Dur i i- i coaehes and passengers therein diil 1111,1 a iuimi,"' 1,1 vears. Wlts un",u not suffer. Practicallv all the i 'lying condition in a stable in i ltkif tit-ft it it i a ' u ail t K mill persons in iiu nm any cacu were -u"L " 11 1 injured, about -jr. in mnnber. it is came imua nigiu. ne nau thought. They were brought in drinking, lay exposed in the the Pullman coaches to Summit 'table and when the whiskey avenue crossing, tins city, wnere p"-" i" " "v ' " they were met by carriages and thoroughly chilled that He ami. carried, the dead to the undertak jn Anson Superior Court last er's and the wounded to St. Leo's week R. J. Phelps brought suit Hospital, half a mile away. A against J. J. Little to recover the newly married couple, of Gastoiiia, value of a mule and harness he it is thought, was in the day had traded Little. Phelps claimed coach, and the bride is reported that when he made the trade he as mortally wounded. At this was so drink he didn't know what time it is impossible to get more he was doing. Theie was evi details of the catastrope. dence both ways as to Phelps' Freight train No. S3, as near as condition at the time but the jury ean be ascertained, had taken the decided that he was soler enough siding at Rudd to let No. 34 pass, to know what he was doing and The head break man, for some un- L,avt him no damares. known reason, left the swith open. rausinp the disaster. He has left m for parts unknown. They Make You Feel (iooil. The pleasant purgative effect ex rierienceri bv all who use Chamber lain's Stouiack ami Liver Tablets, between the men on account of the and the healthy condition of the . .. ... , hodvand mind which thev create Pohlllllon eiec lion . makes one feel iovful. Price, 25 Braver passed Thrash cent. Simmies free at J . r.. fMien s, Pr. Kent's and Granite Falls DniK ( 'o.'s Drug Stores. Dr. L. B. McBravcr, a promi iisnt physician of Asheville, and P. H. Thrash, a distiller, fought tiercel r on the streets of Asheville Monday before they could be se parated. There was bad feeling to impossible to teach the Bible without giving to the instruction imparted the coloring which is in accord with one of these many in terpretations and against the others. But Mr. Schneider's state ment does not go to this phase of the matter. A fair interpretation of what he says seems to be that he would put the Bible upon the same level as the writings of Mahomet, Confucius, Baddha and Byron. But even this is not all . He seems to be opposed to the teaching of any religion to children, not only in the schools, but anywhere or by any person, allowing the youthful mind to grow and develop in ab solute ignorance of the great truthe of religion, and then, when at mat urity, grope its own way to the truth in the unlikely event that it should care to try after having gone through such a childhood. To say that the spread and gen eral adoption of the views of Mr Schneider would work hovoc with the morals of our nation is but to put it mildly, and it is indeed un fortunate that the second largest city in the entire county should have at the head of its educational system a man with such distorted views. We w ould rather have in our midst a man infected with the smallpox than a man iufected with the views which this leader of edu cation is turning loose in Chicago. You never have any trouble to get children to take Kennedy's Laxative "Cough Syrup. They like it because it tastes nearly like maple sugar. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is a safe, sure and prompt remedy for coughs androids and is good for ev ery member of the family. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Life irt the Open. Southern Field. Pure air, wholosome water and the mixed diets of roots, bulbs, fruit, fish and tlesh eominon in most sections of the South, com bine in makiuc conditions desi rable lor right living. The sura iner is not too hot nor the winter When Mc on the streets Monday he promptly wnaieu mm across me neau wiui a big stick, making the blood flow freely. Thrash went at the doctor and the two fought so fiercely that they were separated w ith difficulty Neither was seriously hurt. If real coilee disturbs vour Stomach your Heart, or Kidneys, then try this clever Coffee imitation Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee. Dr. Snoop has closely matched old Java auu Mocha Coffee iu flavor aud taste, vet It Ima ,,rtf a arira cruin nf rpfil too cold. The landscape of the coffee in it. Dr. Snoop's Health aK ia vnriul t.haro i nn wirlp. Coffee is made from pure toasted . . ... grains or ccreais, wim man, nut, reaching prairie monotony white etc MRtie jn one minute. No tedi- xritk snnw in th lonp winter, but ous long wait. ou will surely like ' I If (iut n traa umiiiA at. inir store a. J J ....At'1' "v" everywnere irees auu veruurc anu Harrison & Co. birds of song All seasons permit life in the i :il open air, under genial sues, wun little or no limitation on the op portunities for pleasurable living There are plenty of chances to fish. in .alt w.itor and frpKh and wild JU ooiv , .,.. 4. ,u i couniy as a game imiwiic, lch us that there are more birds on i Birds Incrersed Ten Fold. Nwton Fnterprise. Mr. T. Edwards, who represents a company that has several thous and acres of land leased in this ITEMS OF INTEREST. James Green, an aged veteran of the civil war, was stricken with ap oplexy while testifying in a bur glary case in a court at Fitzgerald, Ga., and fell "dead from the witness stand. A railroad traiu ran into an auto mobile containing five persons, at a crossing in Philadelphia Monday night, and four ot the live were killed. One of the victims was a woman and another was the year old child of the woman. A news dispatch tells that the 10-year old son of Geo. Moore, of Whiteville, Da iesx county. Ky., was killed by a candle moth flying into his mouth. The moth lodged in his windpipe and the I my died in a few moments despite theefVorts of a physician, w ho was present, to rcliec him. A resolution calling for separate chools for Italians, Syrians and Russian Jewish children in Hat tiesburg. Miss., has been adopted by the local board of education. It will be presented to the city coun- ... ... . . , A .1 . 1 Ci I in an elion 10 oniain i units iui erecting separate school buildings. Recent race antagonism in that vicinity, especially against Italians is the cause for the resolution. Miss Cfara Cecilta Leach, a wealthy woman of Worcester, Mass., was wedded a few days ago to John W. Maher, a former con vict. The roinance behind the wed ding involves the unwavering de votion of a woman of lank for a business man whom she loved, de spite the disgrace following his ar rest, indictment for larceny and brtrerv and consequent couviction ur larceny and incarceration for learly four years in jail. Three negroes who were placed n jail at Tunica, Miss., a few days ago on the charge of burglary, con fessed to a series of burglaries cov. ering ten years, they were taken frnm iail by a mob while the j sheriff and his deputies were con yeniently absent and the keys to thu rails were ulaeed where the ynchers found them without trou ble. Two ol them were hung to a telegraph pole and the other was shot to death when he tried to run away. (Jen. Syck, a veteran of the civ il war, was found dead in his yard near Pikeville, Ky., a few days ago and the dead body of a young widow he had married only a few- weeks before was found iu the house. The two had just returned from their honeymoon trip and the old man, who was insanely jealous, i supposed to have killed hie wife and then himself. She was his third, his lirst Iwing dead and his second having divorced him. An other case of an old fool marrying a young woman. O.W.F. tum 2. Pm. J.H BEAU, Cashier. WA. SHELL, A-Cejkkr. Before a business man can borrow money he must establish a credit. The people w ho make the loan must have confidence in the lorrower to skirt with and then adequate security. If the borrower, through continued deposits, has liecome know u to the officers of the bank, he has established a basis of credit which makes it an easy mafcter to se cure any reasonable accommodation. Ail business men require the aid of outside capital at times. Someday you wiil need to lorrow to dose some advantageous purchase. begin to establish uur credit now by opening a bank account and keeping it growing. 3r . ASSETS AND RESPONSIBILITY OVER $300,000. birds and four-footed game can "rl oml tuVen in sasnn. No l Ul u i ' i nni " ' ' - -' - 1... , . j this year man ne ever saw ueion on anv lands. One dav last week part of the country has more greater variety of resorts, in moun tains and bv the sea, than the South, and every State has its heal ing waters in springs, where the health-seekers from all over the world are to be found. "Pneumonia's Deadly Work had so seriously effected my right lung," writes Mrs. Fannie Connor, of Kural Route 1 Georgetown, Tenn., "that I coughed continuously night and day and the neighbors' predic tion consumption seemed inevit able, until my husband brought home a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis covery, which in my case proved to be the only real cough cure and re storer of week, sore lungs." When all other remedies utterly fail, you may still win iu the battle against Inngand throat troubles with New Discovery, the real cure. Guaranteed by J. E. Shell, druggist, 50c and 1. Trial bottles free. What a jolly good thing it would be for undertakers if men, like ets, had nine lives. he found sixteen covies in a short circuit over the lands. There ar ten times as many birds on these lands as there were when he first leased and posted them. He gets the privilege of hunting on these lands and keeping all other per sons except the owers, from hunt ing, in return for paying the tax on the land. The taxes amount to something over $500 a year. The land owners get the tax on their lands paid by foreigners and hav ten times the birds on their farms to war on insects. It is a very ad vantageous arrangement. Stomach troubles, Heart and Kid ney ailments, can be quickly cor rected with a prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. 8hoop's Restorative. The prompt and sur prising relief which this remedy Im mediately brings Is entirely due to its Restorative action upon the con trolling nerves of the Stomach, etc. J. E. Shell's Drug Store. Big Guns, Little Guns, all kinds of guns at all kinds of prices and to suit every need, occasion, and test. We are ready for the hunting season with a magnificent line of guns, ammunition, and sportsman's supplies. This week we are making several special which you can't af ford to miss if you're a "true sport." HMIT-SEAGLE Hardware & Furniture Co. IJ You Bont See Good Enough See A. W. Dula. I If vou take DeWitt's Kiduey and Bladder Pills you will get prompt rlief from backache, weak kidneys, inflammation of the bladder and urin ary troubles. A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and (iranite Falls Drug Co. free, need Rev J. H. BrendaH, who is a fine practical gardener, tried an experiment this year with the 'Im proved Imperial Sugar Beet.' He never planted the seed until June, and he has brought to this office one of the lieets that is 25 inches in ciruiuference, weighing 10 pounds. It is claimed that thie variety, when properly cmltivated, will yield :$0 tons to the acre, and this experiment clearly proves that Watauga soil is well adapted to its growth. DeWitt's Carbonized Witch Haiel Salve Is good for llttl burns and big burns, small scratches or bruises and big ones. It Is healing and soothing. Mood for idles. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co, t t t ALFRED W. DULA, f OPTICIAN. LENOIR, N. C. 1 Examinations If vou do not C lasses we tell you so, and no charge is made for the test. Call and consult us about your eves. THE NEWS AO t ..