THE NEWS. M. C. MARTIN. Editor and Prop g&ttrvd UttM Kotnfic at LrwVT. C, If jrnr paper does not reach you promptly, let us know bo we can Bee , where tlie trouble is. Anonymous communications will Bit be printed. Advertising rates low and will be friven on application. Telephone No. 54. Subse-iptioii price $1.00 a year SOcts. ii months. Socts. three months. Tuesday, Oct. 22, 1907. Arrival and Departure of Trains. XOKTH BOUND. No. 10 Mail and Ex. ar. 2:12 p.m. 0. 62 '' " 1:40 p.m. SOUTH BOUND. 2:40 p.m. Xo. 63 '' " " 9:03 a.m. Seeking Easy Paths. Baptist Commonwealth. We are too much given in these davs to the seeking of easy paths. We do it at the beginning for our children. I'.verjthing that would seemingly test them or cause them to endure aught of hardness is tat out of their way. When we come to their education we follow the same plan. All their studies must be made interesting ami almost everything is sacrificed to that. Anything saoring of study, of work is ignored. The same system follows into collegiate circles. We hare been forming electiv t courses guided by this principle. The result that might be looked for lias almost inevitably followed. The easy path has for the most part been taken that is the line of least resistance. The same principle is to be discerned in the reading of the present lime. We read news papers and magazines and light fiction ad infinitum; we do not however, grapple with that whieh demauds thought. The process has been carried on so long that in the case of many the power of thought is radically weakened. Someone said in the writer's pres ence the other day that it is ques tionable whether nine-tenths of those who read would be able to master such a piece of work as Hut ler's Analogy. The same inlluence is to be seen in connection with lecturers and sermons. Anything demanding real thought is listened to impatiently aud that which is interesting is demanded. The truth of the matter is we have been and we seeking easy paths in our methods of education and in the area of reading and thought. We have to a large extent been feeding on pap and ladling it out w ith a spoon, not giving much time to the digestion of even that. It may be popular, but it is needful to call aitention to this which constitutes a real weakness at the present time. The easy thing is not the best thing always, either of childhood or manhood. It takes often times that which is arduous, which de mands strenuousness to produce fibre, character. It will not be amiss for us to think of this How to Cure a Cold. The question of how to cure a cold without unnecessary loss of time is one in w hich we are all more or less interested, for the quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger of pneumonia and other serious diseases Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va, has used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for years and says: "I firm ly believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me." For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. She Quit Her Coffin. Exchange. Wheliug. W. Va., Sept. 28. Balatives of Mrs Fred Hartsell, wife of a farmer living near Ilnnt iegton, were bemoaning her death Oter her coffin a few minutes before the minister 1 arrived to conduct the last rites, when she suddenly sat up, and, with a dazed look, climbed out. There was a rush of mourners for the open air, windows being used as exits. The mourners were terror-ltricken and the minister - Bwooned when a pale-faced woman over whole remains he had leen called to conduct services, met him at the door. Bryaa aaJTte Aera;e Jha. Philadelphia Ledger. William J. Bryan started his winter campaign of discourses with an address at Hichmohd en 'The Average Man," in whieh the ex pressed approval of the American aveiage man as against all others met in his recent travels. A speculative philosopher is not to be condemned to rigid cou sisteucy. Yet it niay be fairly asked, Why has Mr- Bryan never politically appealed to the Ameri can average man! No Bryau in citement has ever been addressed even to the average man of his own party. Nowhere has the average American's withes or welfare been in the Bryan talk. He won a nomination by the wildest riot of appeal to an extreme class which was then in high fever. Nothing average r normal entered his view. All productive effort by average men he has drenched with the rot ting acid of his agitatation. The highest Bryan hope for ten years has been the business devastation in which the average man might be excited to socialistic discontent by the grinding of poverty against the faces of family. Mr. Bryan is not ethically a pesti lcnce, because he lelieves more or less in the truth and beneficence of his teachings; but lie does not feel responsibility for his words. That much is evident from the easy con sistency with which he discards one theory for its opposite the tariff for silver, silver for anti imperialism, antiimperialisni for the referendum, the referendum for states, rights, and so on to the end of changing political temp tations. Of all men before the fore the publico, Bryan is the last to call himself the champion of the average man. ' He has no care for the average man, and the average man does not vote for him. The IJryan bait is always a picture of destruction, conceived in socialistic radicalism and paiuted in expec tation of the time of upheaval. Thomas A. Edison, the great Ainer ican inventor, says "Fully eighty per cent, of the illness of mankind comes from eating improper food or too much food; people are inclined to over indulge themselves." This is where indigestion finds it beginning in nearly every case. The stomach can do just so much work and no more, aud when you overload it or when you eat the wroug kind of food the digestive organs, cannot do the work demanded of them. It is at such times that the stomach needs help; it demands help, and warns you by headaches, belching, sour stomach, nausea and indiges tion. You should attend to this at once by taking something that will actually do the work for the stomach Kodol will do this. It is a combina tion of nat ural digestants and veget able acids and contains the same juices found, in a healthy stomach It is pleasant to take. It digists what you eat. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Company. The Remarkable Mr. Rooserveit. Norfolk Landmark. What a remarkable man Mr. Roosevelt is! He is interested in more things, by many times, than anybody w ho ever before sat in the presidential chair, or than anybody, perhaps, who has held a position of similar public respon sibility in any part of the world. This is one of the traits that give him his strong hold upon the peo ple, liecause it makes him a con stant source of interest to them. Custom does not stale his infinite variety. A.n instance in point is found in a dispatch from Delta, La., dated last Friday, to the ef fect that the President, "buried in the jungles" on his hunting trip, had sent a special messenger to the earest town to get news of the progress of the baseball contests between the Chicago and Detroit teams. The dispathch said that the sympathy of Mr. Roosevelt and his party was with the Detroit nine, because it seemed to be "the underdog" in the fight. There must have been mourning in camp when the Sunday papers got there with the report of Chicago's fourth and decisive victory. If taken patiently and persistently will relieve the most; obstinate cases of indigestion, constipation, bad blood, bad liver no matter how long standing. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. iW cents. Tea or Tablets. Dr. Kent and (tanite Falls Drug Co. v Great Antiseptic LINIMENT (Farncrtr Tartle Oil) UrMt aa4 Bet for SJ HEALS WITHOUT SCAR. Pwmti n naming, tnf urm. pim. or. Ma Momt Sand ia fiaa and Stafata. L. RICHARDSON. aalabauM a C Education In The South. Southern Field. The educational progress of the South is keeping even paee with the mighty induutrial growth. The free public school system has penatrated every section The cities and towns enjoy graded schools aud higher instutions equel in every respect with those existing in places of the same size in the North Free libraries will be found in uearly every community, while iu many of the towns free text books are supplied to children of all classes. The colleges and private schools of the South have always enjoyed a high reputation and it is still maintained. The State diversities. Agricul ture Colleges anil State Experi ment Stations of the South rank with the best iu the diion. Geor gia has just established an agricul tural College in each Congressional district, the first State in the Lil ian to take this advanced stops in behalf of the farm life. Churches of all the leading denominations are found in the South, and the principal secret, fraternal and benevolent organiza tions are represented in every Southern State. In no section is there a higher regard for the sanc tity of the home. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people without a penny's cost the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere as lr. Slump's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by J. E. Shell's Drug Store. J. 1). Bryan was iu town last week and had with him a very ged tool, the bowl of a common dirt shovel, that he bought of David Lookabill 50 years ago, he having purchased the same at the sale of James Cavis, grandfather of H. A. Davis The shovel is a very crude, hand made affair, and was brought from Germany. Mr. Bryan seems to prize the aged relic very much. Wautauga Democrat. NOTICE. I will lie at the various precincts in the County on the following dates for the purpose of collecting taxes for 1907: Hudson Oct. 14th. Granite Falls " irth. I'etra Mills " 16th. Little River " 17th. Kings 'reek " LSth. Yadkin Valley " Hlth. Patterson " 21st. Buffalo Cove " 22nd. Richlands " 23rd. Globe " 24th. Wilson's Creek " 25th. Collettesville " 20th. Gamewell " 2Sth. North Catawba " 29th. Lenoir and Lower Creek Oct. 30 and 31st, at court house. This Oct. 2, 1907. J. M. SMITH, Sheriff. Notice. Quite a number of debtors have paid, also a large number have notified us that they would meet their obligations at an early date and asked us not to publish their names. "We will gladly extend the time from the 15th to the 25th of this month. Very truly, United Collection Agency. Fish and Oysters. I will have Fresh Fish and Oys ters every Tuesday and Friday. Call or phone your orders. CITY CAFE. Hallman. h7 a I MS21M. -1 FOR SUMMER READING there's nothing like a good novel. Take oue with you even on a short outiug. Have one by you for afternoons if you stay at home. THIS BOOK STORE IS POPU LAR because it furnishes wholesome reading in the latest as well as the Standard fiction . Come in and look our Books over. Dou't be too hasty in choosing. You are entirely welcome to look over as many and stay as long as you like. I loe your back ache? Do you feel tired and drowsy ami lacking in am bition' If so, there is something wrong with your kidneys. DeW'itt's Kidney and Madder Pills relieve backache, weak kidneys, and in flammation of the hladder. A week's treatment U" cents. Sold by J. K. Shell. Dr. Kent and (Jranite Falls Drug Co. BUSINESS LOCALS. firing in your baby carriages and go-carts and have ruober tires put on them. P. M. Keever. WANTED 100 to MM) cords of wood cut or cut aud deliverd bv con tract. J. K. Mattock. 4 If you are looking of Dres (ioods, see Watson. If its a nice Suit for see Watson. vou are looking s STREET HACK We now keep a nice team and vehicle in readiness for use of any one in the town. Phone or call in person and your wishes ... ;n I,., . "in im- ii iniuru iu, . Lenoir Livery Co. N Suits f'.'O.OO. at Watson's from $.'1.50 to J 1ST RECK1 VKD A new and up-to-date line of sample Umbrella Covers. r. M. Keever. yti Ft R SA I.K At a bargain one 5 horse power double cylindergasoline engine. Joe Powell, Jr. w All kinds of Watson's. Yankee Notions at FOR BALK That fine gentle horse which you have seen pulling our large iee-wagan. . Citizens Light k P.ower Co." FOR BALE A fine Jersey Cow. iv. n. noisciaw SAMPLE SHOE SALE-.Now on at T.e. on th dnllnr The Racket. V Good Milling wheat at $1.2.r) per bushel. Home Milling Co. 7.3 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR Now is the time to get your winter Shoes, for the lot cannot stay here at these prices. The Racket. $1.20 per bushel for good Milling Wheat. Home Milling Co. HATTLE AXE SHOES-In samples in all sorts of sty les and at 75 cents on the S1.00 while they last. Com Now. The Racket. The Home Milling Co. will give you $1.2." per bushel for your good ,.,l'll.',w. .-i,.. Tyyewriter Paper at the News Office. ijttlNinK fli l IjIjS win pay fi.j per bushel for good milling wheat. V SALESMEN WANTED For Lu bricating Oils. Greases and Paints in Caldwell and adjacent counties. Salary or Commission. Address Clover Oil and Paint Co., Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED All the good milling wheat we can get at $1.25'per bushel. Lenoir Mills. Just rece ived a car load of good fertilizer. W. H. Cloyd. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets called Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre ventics, for they are not only safe, but decidedly oertaln and prompt. Preventics contain no tjulnlne, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sicken ing. Taken at the "sneeie stage" Preventics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence, the name, Preventics. Good for fe verish children. 48 Preventics 25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 cts. Sold at J. E. Shell's Drug Store. Ginseng Seeds and Roots for Sale. Well budded Koots $2.00 per hundred and upwards. Discount on larger lots. Delivered at Gai dcu for cash only. Wm. H. Kicken, Patterson, N. C. am a a-"w. t . , t f Recent Arrivals. Two nice building lots on Ashe St. 63x150 ft each SOD 00 Modern six room house and nice lot near Fairfield 3000 00 Six room house and Jarje lot 62x455 feet on Vance Street 1750 00 Vacant lot 62x150 feet fronting street, parallell with Caldwell & Northern railroad. 500 00 Farm 27 1-2 acres, two miles from Lenoir, four room house 950 00 Farm 123 acres, two miles from Granite Falls on Dudly Shoals road, 4 room dwelling, two tenant houses, 100,000 feet merchant able timber. Lies on 10 acres bottom. "We Sell Lenoir Realty & J. E. MATTOCKS, X School Books Tablets Pencil; Other School Supplies. t I Lenoir Book Company. J Operating Over 7,000 . . . QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS . . . NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST, Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts Affording First-Class Accommodations. Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains. Dining, Club aud Reser vation Cars, For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, trnvel via the Southern Railway. Kattv, Schedules and "other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. L. Vernon, T. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. S. H. Hardwick, P. T. M. Washington, WITMOUE New Goodyear Rubber Tire MaGhineihe best machine for the purpose made-our Mr. Ringstaff will put on new tires T for you while you wait. t WB-M M1FSS I TIIHINP CUM I s The News Printery is the only print shop in town turning out first-class work. Try us. Gunpowder Creek. 50 00 The Earth' Insurance Co., Sec & Treas. c)c) c)c)c) t t AND. niles of Railway. J. H. Wood, D. P. A. Asheville, N. C. W. II. Tayloe, G. P. A. D. C. 4 1 i i

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