liwzl Meeting. I In order to reach more men and i boys, Mr. Price has moved the pace for holding the revival from j the Methodist church to the court house. The house is crewded ev ery night. A great deal of inter est has been shown in the meetings, more interest is being shown every night. The singing is good, it is led by some of the young men of town. Mr. Price intends to con tinue the meetings during the week and perhaps longer. Ser vices every night. Everybody invited. LOCAL AND rOiSOXAL. JlissMary Yonnt, cf Newton, is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. P. Henkel. . " - Mist Annie Stint returned last week from a visit to friends in Hickory. Mrs. J. W. Farthing, of Boone, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. . A: Watson. Mr. George Moore left last week for Jamestown. Miss Rose Earnhardt is visiting her cousin, Misa Ruth Crisp, at North Wilkesboro. Mr. Ed Healen, of Brytjon City, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Healan. Misses Nettie Strieker and Lola Hardin, of Chester, S. C, are spending a week at The Martins. Mr. W. W. Scott, of Washing ton arrived in Lenoir last Satur day to spend his annual vacation. Messrs. Dennis Rabb and Claude Moore returned Saturday from trip to Jamestown, Richmond and Washington. i.iiTwia. vuvivi 11 Mi.,., v..- nurt Une or two persons were ham Aberncthy and Fml Hamby bruised a little and all on Iwanl The pain in Ma's head has gone, She's as happy a can be, Her health is right, her temper bright Since taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea ct night. Dr. Kent and Uranite Falls D. Co. Open Switch. Last Thursday afternooa as pas senger train No. 10 was backing into the station here, it ran into an open switeh at the Lenoir Mills aud jammed into some freight cars. Fortunately the train was not go ing fast and no one was seriously returned Friday from a short visit to Greensboro. President Roosevelt succeeded in killing a 37.r pound lear in the canebrakes of Louisiana, where he was hunting last week. Mrs. H. M. Teague and little daughter. Margaret, who have been spending a week in Hickory, returned to their home Saturday. Read the new advertisements of liernhardt Seagle Hardware it Furniture Company, Price-Cline Harness & Tanning Company and Rank of Lenoir in this issue. Miss Roberta Stover, daughter right much shaken up. One of the passenger ears was damaged by the breaking of an air coupling and the smashing of Several windows, the extent of the damage leing perhaps ?,")0. The switch was evidently thrown open by some boys playing around the yards, as the yard crew here had passed over the track just a few minutes In'fore, when it was prop erly set for the main line. The colored switchman, Sam Greer, had not, however, locked the switch to the main line, hence the boys could move it. Two boys were seen only a little while le of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stover, aud fore tampering with another switch emlly rose and set as is stated m Holy writ. Mr. Harmon showed an interest and earnestness in nis subjecj that indicated he had giv en it much study and conscient iously believed his contentious. Mr. Crisp then made a second speech elaborating and emphasizing his position. Mr. Nichols then spoke on the negative side, taking practically the same ground occupied by his colleague and also quoting many bible passages, applying them lit erally and emphasizing his argu ments by strong and forceful lan guage. All the speeches were in terespersed with qaick reparte and bright witty remarks, whieh were heartily enjoyed and vociferously applauded by the large audience. The committee of judges retired and after much deliberation re turned a decision in favor of the aflermative, at the same time com plimenting the arguments of the negative highly. The occasion was so successful and entertaining in every partieu lar that an effort will be made to have the discussion repeated here at a future date. The Bailey Camp lx)ys are auxious to discuss this question with anybody at any time, at Railey's Camp and while they are not disgruntled over the deci sion here, they have a challenge open at all times for a discussion at their home school house. A weak Stomach, causing dpep- n, a weeK Heart wiui paipiuou or iiH -ruiittent pulse, always means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart erves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. Snoops Restorative aud see how quicly these iliuents disappear. Dr. bhoop ol Racine, Wis. will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. our health is certainly worth this imple trial. Sold by J. K. Shell, ruggist. and were ordered away and it is thought they found the mill switch unlocked and changed it, for hav ing been ordered from the other one. Such lovs are heading to wards the penitentiary unless their parents take more control of them. The Debate. As was anticipated, the debate last Saturday night, IMween the Railey's Camp and Ree Mountain 1 J J A 1 uenaung societies, was one oi int mast enjoyable affairs of the kind ever held here. Owing to rcligeous services Ik1 ing conducted in the court house, the debate was held in the Odd Fellows Hall, which was kindly donated for the purpose. Promptly at eight o'clock a good crowd of ente rested listeners had assembled and a little later every available seat was occupied and many persons stood or sat on the lloor. Two of the Railey's Camy speakers, Mr. W. L. Harman am George Nichols were on hand ready for the contest, while the Ree Mountain club, had only one representative, Joseph 1). Crisp Mr. W. C. Crisp, the other debater of that club failing to get here. It was agreed under the circum stances that Mr. Crisp should have two speeches, while the other gen tlemen had one each. The body of Mr. John Nelson, Our readers are familiar with son of Mr. Rufus Nelson, of this the subject, "Resolved that the countv was received here last oat- earth revolves on its axis once urday from Lowell, Washington, every twenty four hours.' and buired in the town cemetery Messrs. J. A. Dnla, George W Saturday afternoon. Walsh and John Bobbins were se " i Youne Nelson went west near lected as judges and II. C. Marti two years ago and was engaged at requested to act as chairman work at Lo well, Wash., whea he Mr. Crisp, representing the af was taken with menengitis last limative side of the question, made July and died within 48 hours, the opening speech of 25 minutes Mr. Jno. R. Hartley, who was denning and describing the we: with him and had him taken to know theory of the revolution of th a hospital communicated the sad planets, using many biblical quo news to the young man's parents tations and indulging in man here. The body was prepared for pretty flights of oratory. His burial and buried there, but later, speech sparkled with humor an as soon as arrangements could be witticisms. He was followed by made it was disintercd and ship- Mr. Harmon, who said he was no ped hero and buried as stated scholar or astronomer and he above in the soil of his native state, claimed to know little about the size or motion of the sun, moon atwl c4ata 1 i 1 4 ootrl c rioil The only true constipation cure ..... .... must begin It soothing, hording no- studied Ins bible nnd lie argued tlou when it enters the mouth. Hoi from a biblical standpoint, utiot- ister's Rocky Mountain Ten restores . ' ' the whole system to a healthy, nor- ing many texts of scripture that mal coudltlon. 1-cents, Ten or the earth wns firmly Hied on its Tablets. Dr. Kent andUranite Falls I ... ...... DrhgCo. I foundations and mat the sun nt- Mr. lhos. r. Uumgarner were married last Tuesday at the home of the bride at Moravian Falls. Mr. J. 1 . Rabb, ot Lenoir, was in town a few hours Monday. He was on his way to McDowell county to look after purchasing a tract of timber. M o r r a n t o n Herald. Mr. John Alexander, of Spar tanburg, was here Saturday look ing at some real estate with a view to making some investments. He did not buy any property out right, but leit an oirer on some valuable residence property and it is possible a deal may be closed later. The many friends of Miss Hess Widby, of Marion, and Mr. Lee Dale have received the following invitations. Mr. aid Mrs. J. It. Widby invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter, Elizalieth Cornelia, to Mr. Earnest Lee Dale, on Wednesday morning at 7 -M o'clock, Oct. 30th, 11)07, at their residence in Marion. Obstinate cases of constipation and nasty, mean headaches promptly dis appear when you take DeWitt's Lit tie Barly Riser Pills. Shell, Dr. Kent and Drug Co. Sold by (Granite J. E Falls Buried in Native Soil. County Teachers' Association. The County Teachers A?ocia tion cf Caldwell County wiU hold its first -meeting Saturday,-Nov. 16th, 1S07, at the Graded School auditorium. An excellent pro gramme Ins been prepared and subjects that are vital of interest to come and every one who desire so to do will have an opportunity to say something. This meeting is not only for the teachers, but for all friends of education. Es pecially do we urge the County Roard of Education and all school committeemen to be present. Come and let's make this the banner day of educational interests in the his tory of Caldwell County . The fol lowing programme has been ar ranged: 10-10:20. Opening Exercises. Rev. I). P. McGearchy. Music Mrs. Jones and Miss England. 10:20 11:20. Woman's Better ment Association. Miss Viola Roddie. of Greensboro, X. C. 11:20 11:30. Rouud Table. 11:30 12 M. Duties and Re ponsibilities of School Committe men. Capt. Edmund Jones. 12-12:20. Teaching 1". S. His tory. Supt. John L. Harris. 12:20 -12:30. Round T a b 1 e . i Hiirli School work. l .n 1 :.W. Dinner 1:30 2. (ira Supt. Cha ory, X. C. 2-3. Drawning. Mrs. D. X. Read. Webb and Ware's repre sentative. 3 3:10. Round Tabic. 3:10-3:30. How to Secure Bet ter Attendance. V. H. Beach. 3:30 4:30. Educational Pro gress in (. aidwell ( ounty. Snpt. Y. D. Moore, Com. on Proirraiuuis. ON J A n k V Dinner. jO a in mar aud 1 iagrm3. 1 y) M. Stale v. Hick-i 6) 0 From Kinfs Large frosts and Creek. cold weather for the time of year. Have had ice nearly an inch thick, although the days are very pleasant now. The farmers are very busy now m I . preparing lor sowing wneai, some have sowed a lot. It has beeu an unusually nice fall for the farmer ,uul we have much to be thankful for; good crops and good iecd stored awav in our barns. Mr. Smith Fureuson and wife visited their daughter, Mrs. Rom 'arlton, of Meadow Hill, last Sun day. Mr. Tony Sherrill and wife, of Lenoir, were visiting at .Mr. Otis Teague's a lew days ago. The free school at this place onened with HO children and more i expected. Mr. letor Ucacn, prin cipal; Mr. Finley Laxton, ass't. The writer made a pleasant call at the News olhce some tune ago and enjoyed it very muck. The boys around here are mak inn the 'possums '-hop. Some very large ones have been caught. As for myself I'll take something else, please. Long life to the News. A Fiji km). Doing Business Again. Hitten by a Spider. Through blood poisoning caused by a spider bite, John Washington oT Bos(jueville, Tex., would have lost his leg, which became a mass of run ning sores, had he not been persuaded to try Bucklen's Arnica Halve. He writes: "lhe first application re- ieved. and four boxes healed all the sorex. Heals everv sore. 'ific. at J. K. Shell's Driifr Store. Our line of Fall and Win ter goods is now on dis play and ready for inspec tion. Everything nice, neat and new in Dress Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Ladies Coats and a full line of Shoes of the neatest and latest styles. New line "King Quality" Shoes for men, the best in town just open. Prices and styles right, give us a call before mak ing your purchase. Yours Very Truly, I. A Terrific Explosion Near Thomas ville. Industrial News. Thoraasvill, X. C, Oct. !.". Yesterday afternoon, five miles southeast of here, near Hopewell church, a fearful epxlosion occured at the sawmill of Cicero aud mav- nor Kennedy. As they were saw inc logs suddenly the boiler explod- d. Albert Consius, the fireman, aud Maynor Kennedy were stand ing near the boiler at the time- Maynor was blown forty feet away and was terribly scanded. Cousins was knocked down, badly scalded and the base of his skull lractured and is still unconcious. It in feared that he w ill die. Two other men were working at the mill but escaped unhurt. The boiler was blowa forty feet from where it was stationed. The engine was totally demolished, pieces of it bieng blown about four hundred yards awav. The cause of the explosion is supposed to have been a defect in the bottom ef the boiler. Sparks ot lire set the woods on lire more than one hundred yards away. This is the most awful aceident of the kind ever recalled in this vie initv. ! Anderson's Pressing Club. I $1.00 Per Month Limited to 3 Suits, f Small Charge for all Extra Suits. 0 - - - 1 CALL OR 'PHONE ANDERSON'S BARBER SHOP, NO. 54. I A father, going iuto his stable When my frieuils thought 1 was about to taha leave of this world, on account of irrdipestion, nervousness and fteneral debility." writes A. A. Chisholu), Treadwell, ". Y., "aud when it looked as if there was no hone left, I was persuaded to try Klectric Hitters, and 1 rejoice to say that thev are curluer me. I am now doing business again as of old. and am sun D"' " ,Uvmtlr fm,n.1 hi little medicine on earth, (iuranteed by v"v J. E. Shell, druggist. 50c. son astride of one of the horses, ith a slate and peneil in his The three year-old grandchild hand. "ny, uarry: ' ne ex- of Mr. Saunders Shores was drewn- claimed. "What are you doing!" ed in the middle Fork of New riv- "Writing a composition,'' was the er on last Sunday evening. The reply. "YNell, why don I you little child had attempted to cross write it in the house!" asked the t.t in fn i thu Wot.r .,i ther. "IJecause," answered the m IV V S.V- III V4V- IMIVVt was found some distance down the stream lodged against a rock cold in death. The child had only been awav from the house about 110 min utes when it lifeless remains were taken from the chilly waters. Truly such a shock seems almost unbearable, and the friends of the bereft deeply sympathize with them in their great trouble. Watauga Democrat. Subscribe to the Lenoir .News $1 -00 little fellow, "the teacher told me to write a compositionjon a horse.' Our Dumb Animals. Afflicted with 8ore Kves for 113 Years. I have been afflicted with sore eyes for thirty-three years. Thirteen years ago 1 became totally blind and was blind for six years. My eyes were badly Intlauied. One of my neighbors insisted upon my trying Chamberlain's Halve mid gave me halt a box of it. To mv surprise it healed my eyes and mv sight came back to me. I. V. Karls, ('ythiana, Kv. Chamberlain's iSalve is for sale by J. V.. Shell, Dr. Kent nnd (iran ite Falls Drus-or A Meditation. Christian Advocate. The writer a little while ago sat in an old church. A doubly sacred place to him, for it was in part built by his ancestors aud for gen erations they had worshipped there It was r very sad mission which brought him there that day' and memories of the distant past came rushing through his mind. Away back vonder in his earliest child hood he sat in that same seat by the side of his mother and listened as her father proclaimed the word of truth. And then he had attend the Sabbath School there and re ceived instruction from a teacher ong since gone, but ne'er forgot; and then in after years he stood at the altar of that church and took the solemn vow to lead a holy life. Many years have come and gone since then, and varied have beeu the changes which these vears have brought. Nearly all who worship ed there it those early days have gone the way of all the earth, and now he finds the people now and strange. The cemetery, which almost smrroHnds the chureh, is filled witn graves, many of which contained those he knew and loved, aud whose hallowed influe nee has made such an impress for good upon his life. Thoughts sad aud solemn tilled his heart as he lingered there and meditated upon the sacred past. And it was all the mere a sad experience on ac. couut of a sorrow fresh aud sore which weighed upon his heart. There was comfort though and peace amidst it all because the Christ had said, "1 am the resurec tion and the life." That glourious truth or the lite lievond gives us strength and hope in the darkest hour. And while we are all hasten ing on we know that some sweet dav wr shall see and know as we cannot now. Savagery of Indians. Charlotte Observer. Winnipeg, Man., Oct 17. That indian taibes living within a few hundred miles of Winnipeg have reverted to the most brutal savagery was brought oat at the trial of chieftains of the Salteux tribe just ended at the Hudson Bay Company's fort at Norway. Sick and helpless members of the tribe were strangled and burned at the stake for no reason than to re- leve their relatives ot caring for them. Chief Joseph Pesequan was con victed of murder and sentenced to death. Chief Jack, of the Sucker baud of the same tribe, strangled himself to death in his cell the night before the date set for his trial . Two brothere named Eae ara in jail at Norway House, awaiting trial for several murders. Eyelids, a brave of the Crane band, gave sesatioaal testimony, specifically describing five strang ulation and burning in whieh he participated. In one instance the strangulation was not complete and and the victum was placed on a platform over a huge fire, where he was slowlv roasted to death. After the execution of Chief Joseph, Eyelids will be sent back to the North to tell his tribesmen what happens to stranglcrs. If a woman would stop to think when she is talking she might think to stop. Mr Irvin Calaway' who for a great many years, acted as guide for sight seers from his hotel at its base to the towering peaks of the Grandfather' died of paralvsis at his home on last Friday night. He had a severe stroke several years ago, from which he never entirely recovered' and when the second attack came he was a dead man liefore even medical aid could reach him. Wautauga Democrat. You are apt to get a stinging reproof if you interfere with the busy little lee.

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