A Vein of Kaolin Near StatesUl. StttesTille, X. C, Oct. 1G. Eecntly J. T. Chion discovered on his place, new town, Trht he thought to be a larj xein of kao lin, and h is now sure that it is the genuine article. Experts and others who haTe examined samples of the laj pronooace it a high grade of kaolin, and of coarse this means moth to Mr. Cashion, as there is a large amount of the clay on his place. Kaolin is a name applied to all porcelain clays which eudure the fire without discoloration. It is very valuable, and is used for making the tiner grades of earthen ware. The is eonsiderabla kaolin mined in North Carolina, but there is no manufacturing plant in the state using the product, all of it I wing shipped to points in the north. Trouble on The Warpath. Coiu-ord Tiiut. A a result of frictou with the Jamestown Exposition manage ment half a doen or more of the attractions on the warpath wore dark last week, the electric Power having leen cut oil' on orders of the management. It is alleged by thn management that the conces sionaries are behind in their pay ments to the Exposition. .The 101 Wild West Show and Hell Cate two of the big attractions on the path art among those closed The Wild West Show wa schedc'ed to leave the Exposition Saturday, but it has been enjoined from doing so by the Exposition com pany Many suits are threatened as a result of the complications. For a New Hotel. Catawba County News. Hickory, X. V. Oct. 14. Hick ory is to have soon a large and comodious hotal. Sines the burn ing of the Hickory Inn last March the town has been without adequat hotel facilities to accomodate; a large travelling patronage. Hut a company is being formed to build a large modern hotel, and options arc secured already on desirable locations. Efforts wert saade to secure the site on which the Hick ory Inn stood but the owner of the property, Mr, Frank Lough ran of Asheville, demanded such a price that negotations were called off. But other, and more desirable, locations can be secured at a reason able price. It is likely that a good deal more Indiana coal would be burned if it were not so mixed with car shortage, which affords no heat knywhere except under the collar. Indianapolis News. The man who thinks that treach ery is good politics sooner or later finds that all the world knows that he who is false to oue will be the same to two. Greenville Sun. Thin woman may now be able to grow fat, since they will not have to can y a heavy pair of hips around with them wherever they go. Los Angeles Times. It takes a lot of money to educate girls aud aftar they graduate but few of them are able to support a husband. Chicago News. The best way to make money speculating is to bet against your own judgment. New York Press. When you meet a man w ho has money in the bank it's a pretty sure sigu that h is not a poet. When you face misfortune il is time to turn you back on discour agement. i lleveuge may 1k sweet, 1 ut seek -lag It Is apt to sour one's dispo sition. When a man aims at nothing lie tseldotn misses his target. Better a word in season than an hour lecture out of scasou. CONDENSED STORIES. A Colored Gantleman Who Looked WitH Disfavor on Speculation. Morris Sellers Larger, the yotnig Montana millionaire who is devot ing himself to the theatrical busi ness, said at a dinner, apropos of his new theatre in New York: I think that theatricals offer a fine elJ for shrewd investors. They are very steady. They are not as the slave trade was during the civil war. "Ferhaps you have heard of the clave who wanted to buy his free dom. This was before the war, and THE SLAVE BCTUTCJTKD HIS HEAP AJTD FALTEKED. since he was a very good slave his ma-ter would not sell him to him self ut any price. "But as the war approached its end the master not unnaturally changed his mind. He sent for the slave one morning and asked him if he was still of the same mind about purchasing himself. "The slave scratched liis head, looked at the ground and faltered: "'Well, Marsc Henry, Ah did wanter buy mahse'f, but Ah been a-tudvin' erbout it right sniaht lately, sail, an' Ah done come to do 'elusion (hit in dose times niggah prop'ty am too onsartin', sah, to put anv nionev in.' " A Churchman's Wit. Archbishop Patrick J. Kyan of Philadelphia is as famous for his wit as he is eloquent as a divine, and many arc the stories told of his quick repartee. When Wayne Mac Yeagh, former attorney general of the United States, was counsel for the Pennsylvania railroad he called upon the archbishop in company with Mr. Roberts, president of the Pennsylvania system. "Your grace," said Mr. Mac Yeagh, "Mr. Roberts, who always travels with his counsel, will un doubtedly get you passes over all the railroads in the United States if in return you will get him a pass to paradise." "I would do so gladly," flashed the archbishop, "if it were not for separating him from his counsel." On one occasion Archbishop Ryan complained to a Philadelphia editor that one of his sermons had been badly reported. "I am sorry," the editor respond ed, "but one of our best men, who is likewise a Catholic, did it." "What is his name?" the prelate inquired. "Kilpatrick," answered the ed itor. "And he came mighty near doing it," was the archbishop's final shot. Humble Fruit. James Wilson, the secretary of agriculture, was discussing in Wash ington the aid which his department gives the American farmer. Secretary Wilson pointed out the benefit that had In'en derived from the introduction of darum wheat, of the wheat testing machine and of the mothod of extracting potash from granite. "In fact," said Mr. Wilson, mul ing, "I believe that eventually our finest products will be cheap enough to be within the reach of all. Then the story of the loy and the hot house grapes will be as dead and antiquated as the theater hat stories of the past. "This boy ho was a bootblack entered a grocers one day, and pointing to some superb grapes said: " 'Wot's the price o' them thero, mister t "'(lie dollar a pound, my lad tlie clerk replied. "A look of anguish passed over the hoy s lace, and he said hastuy: " 'Then give us a cent's worth o' carroK I'm dead nuts on fruit.'" PAIN Paa b tl ii1 rln urbK b to aim Pia Kccctvswa. blood prwsurr-oottut M3 csuti.j. At but. to on Dr. Mops, an-i to txoi ta bas matrd a lm pick Thai tabt called Or. Kbocp H-a2ach Tablet eoaxt blood areaura aay treat paia mm lu 1 uriaraui pleaac? Jelihtful. Orally. ixi taitij, U tureljr KjutCiM tiw blood circu lacioa. If too kav a teadaebe. tt't blood pram. 11 a t palatal penal with vobmb. bm tmase, U roa art ttoeplMa, mka, perrm. it blood anarwooa blood ananu. That wmlr la a eercamtj, far Dr. ghoop Hadarc Tablet Mop It n S auaotaa. aad tae tablea tutBlf dutnbuH the nnacuial blood prewura. Bnuat tout aofer . aad kMBt M ft red. aad rveiU and pais tou? Ot court it doe. It cocv nation, blood pmtur. You'll lad it whara ptua ir alwar. h i uraply Common Seam. Wa peU at 3 eecu. vi cbcarfullj recojBlMQd Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets J. E. SHELL LAND ENTRY NO. WTO. T. W. Land euters and locates 30 aere of laud in Caldwell County, Kio? Creek township, on the watare of Heaver Creek, beiuuiii; on a poplar. Jerry beavers corner, and runs West to a hickory, thence N. to E. J. Land's line, thence E. with said Land's line to another tract of said 1-anb, thence S. I'i east with said Land's line to a stake, thence a W. course to the lecinninr. En tered Oct. 1'!, 1 WOT. T. W. Land. A true copy. J. L. Miiler, Entrv-taker. JAMESTOWN IEMENIENIL April 26-Nov. 30, 1907. Southern Railway announces ex tremely low rates to Norfolk, Va., and return on account of the above occasion. The following round trip rates will apply from Hickory: Season Tickets 17 55 Sixty I ay Tickets .... 14 C5 Fifteen Day Tickets . . 13 05 Coach Excursion tic'ts 7 50 Coach Excursion Tickets will be sold on each Tuesday, with limit seven days from date of sale, will Ik? stamped "Not Good in Pull nviii or Parlor (.'are." Other tick ets will be sold daily April 19th to Nov. 30th inclusive. The Southern Railway will af ford excellent passenger service to and from Norfolk on account of this occasion. For further information, and Pullman reservations address any Agent Southern Railway or write W.H. TAYI0E, R.L VERNON. ;a. P. A. T. P. A. Washington, D. C. Charlotte, N. C LAND SALE. by virtue of a decree rendered in a certain special proceeding hi the Su perior Court of Caldwell County en titled Albert McKinzie vs. Li..ie Mc Kinzie, I will on Saturday, the lUth day of October, 11)07, at one p. in., at the Court House door in Lenoir, N. C, sell at public auction a certain houne and lot at Freedinan, in Le noir. N. C, formerly owned by Eliza Norwood aud now occupied by Albert McKinzie and his wife. Terms of sale: Twenty-five per cent cash and balance on credit of three months. Title reserved until purchase price is paid in full This Sept. 12th. W. H. BOWER, Com. A Certain Cure for Croup Used for Ten Years Without a Failure. Mr. W. C. Bott.a Star City. Ind.. hardware merchant, is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. His children have all been subject to croup and he has used this remedy for the past ten years, and though they much feared the croup, his wife aud be always felt safe upon retiring when a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy was in the house. His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup, but this remedy never failed to effect a speedy cure. He has recommended it to friends aud neighbors and all who have used it say that it is unequaled for croup and whooping cough. For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. But the average man isn't half so anxious to bet on a sure thing as those Ixdiind the game. are to havt him. The Price of Health. "The price of health in a malarious district is just 25 cents; the cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes KllaSlayton, of Noland, Ark. New Life Pills cleanse gently and impart new life and vigor to the sys tem. 25c Satisfaction guaranteed at J. E. Shell's Drug Store. KILL. COUCH and CURE thi LUNC8 r. King's WITH Nov Discovery FOR QUCH8 PRICE Brv, jl, aiYA. v.. ISOLDS OLDS f rial Sottla Frst AND ALL THROAT AND IUN0 TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTOUX OB MONET REFUNDED. fifiliS m ffrsxi 3 a m A few dosea of this remedy will in Tariably cm an ordinary attack of diarrhoea. It can always be depeaded upon . eren la the more aerere attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbns. It is eqnalrr inccwfol for snmiuer disrrboea and cholera infantum la children, and is tUe means of saving the lives of many children eaih ye.ir When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Every man of a family should keep this remedy in hishouie. Bnritnuw. Price. 25c. . Large Sir. & c. E. W. A100SE, D. D. S. I have moved my office to rooms over the Postoffice, where I do all kinds of Den tal work. I will be absent from my office one week beginning- with the first Mon dav. in e:ich month. Respectfully, X E. W. MOOSE L.UA 4,1 J U A Candy Bawtl Lawtivt. For Sale by J. E. Shell. s XI ooc-oc TEIE MEWS S S A MAGAZINE READERS txtxTiuurn I beuKtVS? ajalaiooJMM - en aad aibda abaa Calia sad A k Ut U'aa. a yat TCV1 AID COSXTXT JCSmiL a arily atibfcariaa dmtmd rv cn la Am kaa Mratt ai tU J-DU KCAA Of A TKSUUUU VeUOS S Saek a 75 taaav W-Mf 120 colarad bUarapa J $Q75 yirtuwajw apgli ia Cattoraia T-a. . . . $275 All for $1.50 Cut out tbi advqtinuitnt aad ead wan $130 to SUNSET MAGAZINE JAMES FLOOD BLDC. S.A.N FRA-NO-SCO HOaiSTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bmy Hedidn tet Eaiy Fopl Bringt Ooldta Health aad Btuvxl Vir. A rcjl0 f jrConstiivitiao, lodlprntioa. I.iv and Kidnt-r Trouble, niiipUf. Ecem. linptir Blood, Bad Brtath, SiuirBtsh Bowels, H- l'li and Backache. It'i Rocky Mountain Ti-n in tat let form. M crnts a box. Ucnulnf made ti IIjlusteh I'Rfo Cojipaxt, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE Quinsy, Sprains anil Swellings Cu reil. "In NovimiiIht. l'.'Oi, I caught cold ami tin1 quinsy. My throat whs awol en so 1 coubl hardly breatht. I R- iil u, I ( ' h rt in Itrln i 1 1 ' 1 ii ! HjlImi htu! , i ....... - - - ! it tjiive me rclit'f in n short tune, li two diiys I was nil rirtit," sys Mrs T . .... .1 I-l. ( 11 a ouHins, i ixrerourn, jiirii. i nam horlain's l'ain balm is a liniment ami iii expeoially valnablelfor sprains and swellings. For sale liy J. K. Shell, Dr. Kent ami (tranite Falls lru(,' Co. F0 DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Relitrcj Indigastion, Sour Stomach, Batching of Gat, Etc PR IPARB D ONLY AT TM1 LABORATORY OF LJ E. C. DeWITT & Dr. Kent and Granite NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE, 4 $1,00 THE YEAR, i l BRING YOUR JOB RRINTING TO THE NEWS PRINTER Y. rrWORK DONE PROMPTLY.j HE MEWS fHMflffmHtHHHHftf L Q. Reid, D. D. S. : m m Denistry ia all its Branches. 5 Office, 'Shell Building, m Lenoir, N. C. Phone 85. J CB.HUMatry.ALD. LB. CsHry. MJL Class's Haart, D. McNAIRY, COFFEY & MOORE The undersigned offer their services to the people of Lenoir and vicinity for the practice of Medicine in all its branches. Office at LeDoir Drug Co. Store Phone 33., X. Main Bt., Lenoir, North Carolina. McNairy, Coffey & Moore. W. L. EiNOLAND, Lscsl M(r. I.KNOIH, C. Lt't us collect your bills, lloth good anil bad accounts col lected on reasonable terms. Kail road claims a specialty. 2 Office over First Nat. Bank. I'll! )N K NO. l.tK In -'sttfrtitttttttttFtfrtttt- 1 I 3Y oio. C Sweet to Eat LUA ClJ J A Candy Bowtl Luatln. J. E. SHELL R DYSPEPSIA COMPANV. CHICAGO, ILL, Falls Drug Company.

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