f The Lenoir News. ( i The News Printery J I 13 XOW PRPARYDljrDO I i fcVSfArEH. THE fcKl BLST ADVERTISING MEDI UM. READ BY EVERYBODY. ONLY Sl.OO THEYEAR. YOUR JOB PRINTING. ALL THE LATEST TYPE FACES USED. tilVE US A CALL. A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASIC f 4 ; ' i EC. C. IMmTTN, EDITOR AND PROP. . PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AX3 FRIDAYS. PRICE Sl.OO THE YEAH. VOLUME X. LENOIR, IST. C, OCTOBER 25, 1907. XO. 12. A Darin; Escape by Three Girls. Charlotte Observer. Asheville, Oct. 21. Three girls, their ages ranging from 12 to 18 years, made a daring escape from the county home or ''house of cor rection," near Asheville, last night by tearing their blankets in strips, tying the strips together and then casting the rope out the window and over a small shed and going hand over hand down the rope to the ground Inflow, a distance of probably 30 or 40 feet. The girls were Mary Lee Rogers, Vance Moody and Birdie Triplett, alias Mag Lewis. The escape of the girls was not made known to the officers until this morning about daylight. The local police went on a search for the fugitives and soon rounded uv the Rogers and Moody girls in the Victoria sec tion, a mile or more from the city. In the meantime the sherifl of Caldwell county had paid a visit to police hcadquuiters, seeking in formation relative to a girl about IS years of age. for whom he had a warrant charging her with being implicated in a highway robbery and murder in Caldwell county some time ago. The description of the girl, whose name the Cald well county officer gave as Mag Lewis, tit the description of the girl "Birdie Triplett" in the house of correction, and Patrolman Young, after learning that the girl had escaped, went on the search for her. He found her in town and placing her under arrest, es corted Jier to the railway station, where the Caldwell officer, pit par ing to take his departure, identi lied her as the person lie wanted. The woman was turned over to the Caldwell officer. It is said that the woman was implicated in a roblx'ry and mur der in Caldwell, for which two men tried some time ago at Lenoir were convicted and given long sen tences in the State prison. It is alleged that the girl Mag Lewis The American Horse Harper's Weekly utters this so liloquy on the horse in America: Over three centuries ago, at the time of the Spanish conquest, there was not to be found in the new world, so it has been practically proved, a single animal that an swered to the description of tie horse. Horses, indeed, which the Spaniards brought with them, were objects at first of great terror to the natives, who took them to Ik? four-legged supernatural beings come purposely to aid the con querors. Yet recent research by the Whitney Mission has estab lished beyond doubt that long le fore Columbus the Americas were overrun by horses from the moun tains of Alaska to the plains ot Patagonia. In 181't) the chance discovery in New Jei-sey of an equine fossil uf an unknown kind led to more met thodical investigation of America, with the result that prehistoric horse bones have been found in California and Oregon; between the (iulf of Mexico an the Caro linas; in Texas, Florida and the valleys of Mexico; in the Western slopes of the Hocky Mountains. Horses, too, must have been num erous in this country previous to the appearance of man, researches having brought to light their fos silized remains mixed up with pot tery and the stone arms ol cave dwellers. How is it, then, that the equine race, represented in America by kinds ot tossils considoranl v more numerous than in Kurope, came STATE MTWS ITEMS. The Tar Heel, published semi weekly at Greensboro, has suspend ed publication and the plant will be sold. Bert Cousins, who was injured by the explosion of a boiler at a saw mill near Thomasville Monday of last week, died Thursday. The postothce at (ilass. ('alarms county, and the store in which it was located, were roblie 1 Friday I night. Some money and stamps i were taken from the post office and ja lot of flour, meat. shoes, etc.. j from the store. j At the carpenter shops of 1 1 i;f ; finaii & Mull at Drexel, near Mor jgauton. Wednesday afternoon, D. jC. Franklin, an employe. wu as The Old Men of The South. Harper's Weekl j. Coonl Withers, of Virginia, died the other day. He was an old man, and one of the few re maining officers of the Confederate army. A long time ago he was Lieutenant-Governor of his State, aud afterwards he was United States Senator from Virginia. Ills death reealls a pleasant time when the South was sending its best to Washington. After the old par tisan reconstruction policy was practically overthrown by Mr. Hayes' withdrawal of the Federal troops from the State capitals. Col onel Withers was one of the noble group of Southerners who accepted the results of the war in good mauv sacrifices for their States. He was in Washington with and ade Hampton and Lamar, and the others the headquarters of ; t-'-itig'1 (..!.: i . . - 1 1 1 t ... 1 ..:... . some of whom were at the old Met I making, anoui ...... icumou ropolitan Hotel. They were all very loal. but they were all as Democratic as they were poor. Withers had been a good soldier. and he was a good loser. He sel dom complained of anything that a Republican soldier had done, and it was delightful the friendliness of the old Con feds with that simple minded gentleman and soldier den eral Burnside, who served in the Senate with them. But they had their taste in politicians; they never loved the men they ("allied Jim Blaine, Bill Chandler, and "that feller Conkliu'." Withers was about when Matt Ransom put his arm around Cleyeland after his first inauguration and expressed Cordon listing in lacing a belt who; i t i Lamar some unaccouniaiue way no in the shafting, w hicli ( ne arm .o'lv badiv in was was ; per w as minute, and killed torn on and the udv iad:v man gled. As a result of the Federal Court at (ireensboro. which adjourned last week, seven white men were sentenced to the penitentiary They are G.W. Yickers. Rankin Brewer, Guildford county; .1. X. Xance, Rockingham; (Jeorge Wash ington Marshall, Plus Cheek, Yad kinlcounty; J. Frank Ordwcll. Stokes county; Willie Hodges, Wilkes 'ounty. All these sen tences were for one year except Hodges, IS months, ami Ordwell. two vcars. The Lenoir Really and Insurance Co. Strong, Li'teral. Home and Northern insurance ompanies. representing Fir. : as-, :ian ;.'.".(MHI 00(1 IM Ad lini-s ui' buianc' placed Fire, Lire, Accident, Health, Burjlnry, Fidelity Stenm Boiler, Plate Glass Employers' Liabilty Live Stock. i our po ic -a me can fill .arge or sma uve the iltention. Let us write it forvou. laiviiimiitu :inish from this his deep and abiding iov to see a country to reappear thousands ot Democratic President once mon centuries later with the Spanish These old boys might have remain conquest? For but acentury after ed in power if they had ''figured' ( 'ortc. there were alreadv in e- a little better, but they are most of ictuiuK lnril nf wild horses in the them L'one now. and the dtath of regions of the Plata and the Withers only recalls their ghosts prairies of the Far West. By some this temporary ex tinction of the American horse-has been attributed to the increasing ad mi ted that she was i cold and the encroachments of the has since mixed up in the affair and that s'.ie got part of the money. She was sent to the county home or house of correction for HO days from the city police court and her term would have expired to day. The other two girls were sent to the home just last Saturday. One of them is scarcely VI years of age. She is Mary Lee Rogers and is a very pretty and attractive girl, wearing her hair in a plait down her back. They were sent to the home for disorderly conduct. (Mag. Lewis is now in Caldwell jail on a bench warrant, charged with being implicated in the kill ing of Lawrence Xelson. Hditor News. ) "Pneumonia's Deadly Work had so seriously effected my rigid lung," writes Mrs. Fannie Connor, of Rural Route 1 Georgetown, Tenn., "that 1 coughed continuously night and day and the neighbors' predic t ion consumption seemed inevit able, until in y husband brought home a bottleof Dr. King's Xew Dis covery, which in my case proved to be the only real cough cure and re storer of week, sore lungs." When all other remedies utterly fail, you may still win in the battle against lung and throat troubles with New Discovery, the real cure. Guaranteed by. I. K. Shell, druggist, 50c and 1. Trial bottles free. The grateful citizens should ex perience no serious trouble in so curing a Thanksgiving turkey, if he is fortunate enough to own a piano and a kitchen range and a few suits of household furniture on which he can give the accom modating grocer a lien. Bristol Herald-Courier. L'lacial hemisphere. It is certain that the elephant and camel dis appeared at the same time. An other explanation is that the horses succumbed to a malady uch as the "rinderpwt," in South Africa. Again, what about this exodus may possibly hare been a species of the present- day Columbian vampire bat, which sucks the life-blood of its vietims, and in the districts it infests prevents the horse leing used as a beast. Stomach troubles. Heart and Kid nev ailments, can oe quicm cor rected with a prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Snoop's Restorative. The prompt and sur prising relief which this remedy im mediately brings is entirely due to its Restorative action upon the con trolling nerves of the Stomach, etc. J. K. Shell's Drug Store. They Make You Feel Good. The pleasant purgative effect ex perienced by all who use Chamber lain's Stouiaek and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the body and mind Which thev create makes one feel joyful. Price, cents. Samples free at J. K. Shell's, Dr. Kent's and Granite Falls Drug Co.'s Drug Stores. If you take DeWitt's Kidney and Hlnd'der Pills you will get prompt relief from backache, weak kidneys, Inflammation of the bladder and nrin ni-v tron hies. A week's treatment SS ,.,,- Hold bv J. K. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Shook Her Husband Speechless. Sallisbury Post, Kith. A little before 8 o'clock last night a giant negress, who said her name was Caroline Waugh and her home in (ireensboro, lifted a de mure little negro off his feet, shook him until his teeth rattled and marched him to the station. More than this, she bought two tickets to (ireensboro and landed him on the inside of a seat when Xo. PJ got here. The woman explained that the little rat of a fellow is her hus band and that two weeks ago the wiles of a less corpulent woman turned his head and heart. She learned only Monday that he was in Salisbury and quitting the wash tub came here for him. The man was cowed and speechless. When a horse stops suddenly in the sti-eet it shows its bringing up. Woman War on Merchants. brought 8IH.cjai to Charlotte Observer. Spartanburg, S. C, Oct. 16. There promises to 1e a lively war between some of the merchant of the city and one hundred of the most prominent ladies of the city over the question of closing the stores the year around at (5:30 p. m., except during the month of De cember and on Saturday night. Most of the merchants of the city have agreed to close early and wil linidv signed a petition to do so, O J o though several flatly refused, while others signed under protest. The indications are that the ladies will win the fight and by the end of the week they wil in all probability have secured the promise of all the merchants who refused to close to fall into line with the others. In the event the mer chants who have refused thus far to sign the petition for early clos ing hold out, the ladies will re sort to heroic measures and may not trade at their stores. The hus bands of many of the ladies are aiding them in the movement. Later advices show that the ladies have won in the tight. A weak Stomach, causing dyspep sia, a week Heart with palpition or intermittent pulse, always means weak Stomach nerves or weak Heart nerves. Strengthen these inside or controlling nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restorative and see howquielv these ailments disappear. Dr. Shoop of Kacine, Wis. will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth this simple trial. Sold by J. K. Shell, druggist. Boone Items. On last Sunday, in Middle Fork of Xew River, four miles from Boone, a three year old child of Mr. Sanders Shore, was drowned Mr. A. M. Dautrhertv was in town Thursday, tie is opening a silver and lead mine on Laurel Fork five miles from Boone. Mr. Cranford, of Colorado, who has leen prospecting in this county all summer, has found some fairly good lead ore on Meat Camp, and it is rumored that he will mine it in the near future. The summer hotels at Blowing Rock have closed for this season Three thousand people have vis J. L. JARVIS, Manager. Big Doing Business Again. "When my friends thought I was about to take leave of this world, on account of indigestion, nervousness and mineral debility." writes A. A Chisholm, Tread well. N. Y., "and when it ooked as if there waft no hone left, 1 was persuaded to try Klectrie Hitters, and 1 rejoice to say that thev are curing ine. I am now doing business again as of old, and am still gaining daily." Best tonic medicine on earth. Hnrantecd by J. K. Shell, druggist. !Wc. ited there during the summer. Mr. S. M. Hugger, of Banner Klk, says he has almost decided to write a history of Watauga county Manv of the liest citizens have re quested him to do the work. A rural library has been estab lished at Silver Stone. A. II The pain in Ma's head has cone. Sbe s as nappy as can oe, Her health is right, her temper bright Since taking Hollisters Koeky Mountain Tea rd night. Dr. Kent and (iranite Falls D. . The notion prevails to large ex tent, in labor circles, that when a strike is won, labor has gained a victory, and capital suffered de feat. This is a mistaken notion, for the success of any strike means additional cost to production and higher prices to the consuming public. Janesville (ia.otte. Guns, Little Guns, all kinds of guns at all kinds of prices and to suit every need, occasion, and test. We are ready for the hunting season with a magnificent line of guns, ammunition, and sportsman's supplies. This week wo are making several special which you can't af ford to miss if you're a ''true sport.'' 1 SEABLE Hardware & Furniture Co. You never have any trouble to get children to take Kennedy's Ijaxatfve Cough Syrup. They like it because it tastes nearly like nianle sugar. Kennedy's Laxative Oougli Syrup is a safe, sure and prompt remedy for coughs and colds and Is good for ev ery member of the family. Sold by ,F. K. Shell. Dr. Kent aud Hranite Falls Drug Co. Everybody knows that "GARLAND'' Stoves and Ranges are the world's liest. They combine elegant finish, durability, and convenience, with economy of fuel, and in spite of all competition hold their station far in advance of all others. We take pleasure in calling the at tention of our readers to their merit. R. II. SPAIXIIOUR & CO. Subscribe to The News. t