I tf THE NEWS. H. C. MARTIN. Editor and Prop Catered kttkw fustoffic at Lenoir. X. tecoad-issmail utter. If yoar paper does not reach you promptly, let us know to we can se where the trouble is. Anonymous cominaniction will mi be printed. Advertising rates low and will be riven on application. Telephone No. 54. Subsc-iption price $1.00 a year 50cts. six months'. 25cts. three months. Friday, Oct. 25, 1907. Arrial and Departure of Trains. NORTH BOUND. No. 10 Mail and Ex. ar. 2:12 p.m. No. 62 1:40 p.m. SOL'TH BOUND. No. 9 Mail and Ex. de. 2:40 p.m. No. 63 9:05 a.m. With tho present progressive steps taken by Caldwell County in education and material advance ments, she should by all means do something in the way of improv ing, permanently, hei public roads. No community can truly prosper and reach its highest point of de velopment until the highways are better than they are in this part of the country. In the death of Mr. John Chas. McNeill last week, at his home in Scotland County, N. C, the Char lotte Observer lost one of its bright est and ablest staff officers. His taking off. in his young manhood, was a distinct loss to the State and Southern literature. His place will be hard to till and the entire South mourns his death. Oppressing The Debtor. Statesville I jandniark. The following is from the North Carolina Christian Advocate: 'From our exchanges we gather that in some towns bad debt col letting agencies have been estab lished. Their business is to collect old accounts and if debtors fail to pay in a reasonable time they are published much after the fashion that tax collectors advertise de linquents, with this difference, however, that the tax gatherer'ad vertises property for sale to realize on the taxes due, whereas the col lecting agency advertises the de linquent in the newspapers and on the bulletin I wards, not to sell his property, for it is protected, if he has any, by the homestead Isw, butforthe purposeof exposing him, it being the only penalty he can in flict. 'This mode of procedure is causing considerable commotion in some quarters among the unfort unate debtors. It is a novel plan, and it is difficult to tell how far it may reach. The man who never intends to pay will not be helped toward honesty by such a policy, and is not greatly injured in pub lie estimation when he is exposed. "But there are many good peo pie as honest as daylight who are poor financiers and who get behind and are forever unable to catch up. They want to pay, but seem doomed to permanent bank ruptcy. If a merciless creditor presses such a wellmeaning but un fortunate man to the wall, and publishes him as a fraud, he does a helpless but honest man a great injury. "Some people the shabby gen teel might, through pride rather than honesty, pay to save re putation, but the element that has entirely lost selfrespect would be more completely hardened by ex posure. This Advocate is a stern believer in debt paying. It is a part of our religion. F'aul tells us to 'owe no man anything, but to love one another.' (Rom., i:i:S) "We would not defend a debtor who shunned the payment of a just claim, but we should Ik- merciful toward the uufortuuate who would pay but can't, and nothing could be more humiliating to an honest man than to be published as a fraud." Do Travels 300 Miles. Exchange. Chicago, Oct. 19. Left in Col umbus, O., more than 300 miles away, on March 18, Trii Clark, pet dog and companion of May Clark, 16 years old, of 235 North Clark street, turned op in Chicago yesterday and discovered his mis tress. lie had made one of the most re markable journeys by an animal on record, and acomplished the ad ditional feat of singling out the family with whom he formerly lived from among more than 2,000, 000 persons. How the dog found the residence of his young mistress will always remain a mystery. When Miss Clark came out of a restaurant yes terday he was sitting, wan and gaunt, in-front of her lodgings. At the sight of her he dashed forward, and before she realized what was happening he had both paws around her neck. Miss Clark and her mother have been living in their present quarters only three weeks. AV Great Aatbtptlc LINIMENT (Forarly UrtfMlUkd BmI tor 5 EXALS WITHOUT SCtR. Piiwili' Mom? 6ad ia UqaM mmi Stab. L. RICHARDSON. Ulg. CWht uucsaoao. ft. t "Acute confusional iusanity" is the latest. That must be the kind some women are stricken with af ter having tried ou about a hun dred hats without being able to make a choice. Washington Post. Does your back ache? Do you feel tired aud drowsy and lacking iu am bit ion" If 80, there is eoiuethiug wrong with your kidneys. DeWitt Kidney Aud Bladder Pills relieve backache, weak kidneys, aud in flammation of the bladder. A week's treatment 25 cents. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and (traiiite Tails Drug Co. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Kacine. Wis. t hese tests are proving to the jeop!e without a penny's cost the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere ns Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. Sold by J. E. Shell's Drug Store. Race Riot in New Orleans. A party of negroes barricaded themselves in a down town house at New Orleans last Thursday and started a small riot. One police man) was killed and several were wounded. The trouble started in front of the Second (Jerman Presbyterian Church during services when sev eral negroes became lxisterous. Patrolman CampJell, who attempt ed to arrest them, was killed. The negroes ran to a nearby house, which they barricaded. With shotguns, revolvers and razors they awaited the police; a few of them gathered quickly and storm ed the house. Sergeant Cambions was mortally wounded and Patrol man Wenck and Corporal J. W. Ibinn received serious ou:nN. A company of local milita which happened to lie drilling in front of police headquarters when the fighting was reported volunteered for service and were rushed to the scene of the riot. The riot ended after an hour and a half siege of the house by the police. The officers routed the ne groes by burning them out. mor' tally wounding one and arresting five others. To check a cold quickly, get from your druggist some little Candy Cold Tablets (-filled Preventics. Druggists everywhere are now dispensing Pre ventics, for they are not only sufe, but decidedly certain and prompt. Preventics contain no (Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sicken ing. Taken at the "sneeze stage" Preventics will prevent Pneumonia, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc. Hence, the name, Preventics. Good for fe verish children. 48 Preventics 25 cents. Trial Boxes 5 cts. Sold at J. E. Shell's Drug Store. Will Have Sixteen Tunnels. Industrial News. Asheville, N. C, Oct. 19. The South and Western, now being built between Marion and the Blue Ridge, is to have sixteen tun nels, within a distance of leas than twenty miles by rail. The railroad construction engineers are now at work on the huge 2,100-foot tun nel, onefifth of a mile in length, which is located on the main line of the new road, hear Blue Ridge, N. C. There is one section of the road, which is twenty miles by rail, but only four miles in a straight line, or "as the crow flies." This is perhaps the roughest part of the road, just where the sur veyors laid off the route as it em erges from the Blue Ridge moun tains. Nevertheless the road is considered a piece of strikingly bold and excellent engineering skill, and its completion from Mar ion to Blue Ridge, which is a mat ter of a few weeks, will be followed, it is said, by the putting on of re gular train service to Marion, where a connection can be made with the Southern railway. f WMle They Last When Writing dot your i's ami cross your t's. i It's customary to do so. and what's customary is generally fashionable. ; nilP fO!'f-0nntliliilwi unn't 1 u i i . . . ..v ... , ..v.. i ,n , complete, however, without one of I those' 1 1 FINE BOXES Of PIPER like we are now offering. Don't be satisfied with any "old thing." but get the kind sold here. It's letter and anvltodv can afford it. 64 acre farm within five miles of Lenoir, almost level land, good state of cultivation, public place. Ordinary dwelling, good barn. $1,500 00 140 acre farm within four miles of Lenoir, 10 acres bottom, seven room house, fine orchard. 3,500 00 145 acre farm within four miles of Hickory. 8 room dwelling, 4 room dwelling, 100,000 feet of timber, IS acres bottom. 3,000 00 135 acres on Kings Creek, 8 room dwelling, 4 aud 3 room tenaut house, good store building, good trade, conveuient to school and church. 3,750 00 50 acre farm, 10 room house and 6tore building at Hartland 2,000 00 125 acres on Laytown, 50,000 feet of timber 300 00 20 acres within two miles of Lenoir, 40 cords of wood, per acre 360 00 100 acre timber land on Mulberry h50 00 10 acres at Blowing Rock on New Macadam Road fine building site 600 00 Nice building lot near Fairfield 600 00 Lot 100x150 feet ou Mulberry street 300 00 Lot 100x250 feet on Mulberry street 400 00 3 room house and 1-2 acre lot at Collettsville "00 00 5 room house and good lot at Granite Falls 1,000 00 7 room house and lot 54x250 feet on Prospect Street 1,000 00 6 room house and lot 100x259 feet ou Academy Hill, fincshade 2,200 00 7 room house aud 4 room house on lot of 11 acres on Prospect St. 2,500 00 t 12 acres in Granite Falls 200 00 26 1-2 acres within 1 2 mile of Granite Falls 1,000 00 12 room house, modern and conveuient, large lot, near the square 4,000 00 Klegant home and three acre lot on Mtillerry street, on top of ridge 4, 500 00 Several nice lots at Valmead. Easy terms. Two nice building lots on Ashe Street 65x150 feet each S0O 00 Modern six room house and nice lot near Fairfield .',000 00 Six room house and large lot 62x455 feet on Vance Street 1,750 00 Vacant lot 62x150 feet fronting street paralell with C. & X-W. R. R. 300 00 Farm 27) acres. miles from Lenoir, 4 room house pr0 00 Farm 12.'J acres, two miles from Granite Falls on Dudly Shoals road, 4 loom dwelling, two tenant houses, 100,000 feet merchantable timber. Lies on ( J unpowder Creek, IS acres bottom 2500 00 12 acres and 3 room house near Coffey Wagon Co., can be divided into lots l'joo 00 "WE SELL the earth.- Ill 8 I! J. E. MATTOCKS, Secretary. MR BOOK COMPl.ij 1 1 Yom Doirt See x Good Enough See A. W. Dula. x Examinations free. If you do not need Glasses we tell you so, and no charge is made for the test. all and consult us about your eves. t t Southern ALFRED W. DULA. OPTICIAN. LENOIR, N. C. 1 WHT1HI flffl JR s New Goodyear Rubber Tire Machine --the best machine for the purpose made--our Mr. Ringstaff will put on new tires for vnn while vnn wnit. I PRICE-CLINE HARNESS & TANNING COMPANY. Do you get the News! If not, you should subscribe right now. $1 .00. Operating Over 7,000 Hiles of Railway. . . . yCICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS . . . NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST. Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts Affording First-Class Accommodations. Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars on all Through Trains. vatlon Cars, Dining, Club aud Reser- For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the Southern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. L Vernon, T. P. A. Charlotte, C. S. H. Hardwick, P. T. M. Washington, D. C. J. II. Wood, D. P. A. Asheville, N. C. W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A. Srhnnl Rnntrc I 1 Tablets Pencils X t Lenoir Book Company. X Other School Supplies. Anderson's Pressing Club, $1.00 Per Month Limited to 3 Suits. Small Charge for all Extra Suits. CALL OR 'PHONE ANDERSON'S BARBER SHOP, NO. 54.