LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mr. Guss Goer left Monday for a risit to the Jamestown Exposi tion. Mr.T.H. Broyhill is visiting the Jamestown Exposition this week. Miss Mamie Steele, of Globe, spent-last week -writlrhenlstefy W. M. Moore. Et. J. A. White, of Mnrphy, was here Wednesday on a visit to Dr. Moose and family. Mr. Hal Martin returned Wed nesday from Murphy, where he has been for some time. Rev. R. P. Walker will preach at Treland Academy next Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Rev. D. P. McGeachy will preach at Lower Creek church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Mr. J. S. Zimmerman, of Wins ton, was here Wednesday on t visit to his mother. Mrs. J. X McRary. MLss Beta Contre, of Newton, who has been visiting Miss Georgie Mundie, returned to her home Monday. Mr. Arthur Foard spent Satur day and Sunday in Statesville with his father, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Foard. Mrs. J. M. Downum and daugh ter, Miss Minnie, returned Mon day from a visit to Charlotte and Statesville. Mrs. E. I). Pulliam and baby, returned Tuesday from a visit to Mrs. Pulliam's sister, Mrs. Bloom, of Greenslioro. Mi J. K. Mattocks is spending some .ime in Eastern Carolina on business and will vesit the Expo sition In'fore he returns. Miss Mannie Allen and Mr. James Caudle were married last Sunday afternoon at Mr. William Earnest's by Kev. H.C. Marley. There will bean important meet ing of tin Odd Fellows at their hall next Mondav night" All the members are requested to be pres ent. Miss Sallie Alexander, of Char lotte, who has been spending a month at The Martins went to Blowing Hook Tuesday to visit her sister, Mrs. J. L. Springs, for a week. Messrs. L. U. Munday and W. J. Powell have moved their famil ies to Wilkesboro to live. They go there to take charge of the Wilson Eumber oc Milling Co.'s shop at that place. Mr. E. A. Toe is to be congratu lated on the completion of the Ilenkel Opera House block, lie was the architect who made the plans and specifications and also 'superintended the work of con struction throughout. The school taxes are now due and the trustees would be glad that the people would pay the amounts they owe to the town tax collector promptly, so the school expenses can be met as they fall due and without annoyance. Mr. W. L. England, who has been managing the United Collec tion Agency here for some months, has closed his office here and gone to Charlotte. lie will probably place the accounts he had for col lection in the hands of some one else for adjustment. Miss Fanny Martin, whose seri ous illness was noted in a recent issue of the News, died last Tues day morning at 8 o'clock. Her's was a violent illness from the be ginning and those familiar with her condition were apprehensive all the time. The funeral was held Wednesday afternoon and the body iutered in the family plot, beside the graves of her dead mother and brother, in the town cemetery. She was a bright young girl, just blosoraing into woman hood and was the idol of her fond father and loving brothers. The funeral services were deeply impressive and the floral tributes beautiful and abundant. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved family. Mrs. W. Parker went to Boone on business Tuesday. Mr. W. C. Xewland is in States ville this week attending court. Mr. Fred Aired went to Taylors- ville Saturday, returning Tuesday. Miss Maude England went to CharlottFriday, .returning JFoes day. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Moore re turned Monday from a short visit to Raleigh. Rev. J. H. Crosby, of Charlotte, was in Lenoir Tuesday afternoon on business. Mrs. Eufus Cottrell and daugh ter, Miss Pearl, spent Sunday in Granite Falls. Mr. Philo Hall, of Hickory, was in Lenoir Wednesday on his way to Blowing Rock. Mr. Lawrence Stine left Wed nesday for Hickory where he has accepted a position. Mrs. Mary Montgomery is vis iting her son, Mr. James Mont gomery, in Charlotte. Mrs. Will Self and baby re turned Monday from a two weeks visit to relatives in Hickory. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Wilson, Sunday Oct. '20th, 1907, a daughter. Gastonia (Jazette. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Miller and daughter, of Hinton, W. Va., are visiting Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Mc Xairy. Bead the new advertisements of Lenoir Realty & Insurance Co., Lenoir book Co. and J. W. Self in this issue. Mrs. Mary Corpening, Mrs. J. P. Johnson and Mrs. Sarah John son went to Hickory Wednesday to visit Mrs. Hen Seagle. Mr. E. II. Greer, of Patterson, placed his children in school here this week. They are occupying rooms in Mrs. A. H. Boyd's house. In the Bernhardt Seagle II. oi F. Co. cooking contest, the first prize, a little range was wone by Irene Coffey, second prize, an em broiden set by Johnie I'nder down, third prize, a pepper and salt set by A Mice Presncll. Prof. O. M. Moore, who was here some time ago looking to the establishment of a boys school, is letained at his home in blacks burg on account of the illness ot his brother, and it is not known now when the school will open. Booth Lowrey. The lecture of Booth Lowrev at SUSIHS3S LOCALS. Brine in your baby carriages au J . . , , 0 . , , . , go-carts and have rubber tires put the Granded School last Wednes-. a them. tfr P. M. Keerer.y and helpful talk on development. His subject was "Tolerable Good People'? and he handled it very well. His humoraniwit-were good and he told stories well. DeWitt's Carbonized Witch Hazel Salve is good (or little barns and big bnrns, small scratches or bruises and big ones. It is healing and soothing. Good for piles. Sold bv J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. WANTED 100 to 1000 cords of wood eat or cat and deliverd by con tract. J. E. Mattocks, y If you are looking of Dress Goods, e Watson. n, If its a nice Suit you are looking for see Watson. STREET HACK-We now keep a nice team and vehicle in readiness for use of any one in the town. Phone or call in person and your wishes will be attended to. , Lenoir Livery Co. Afflicted with Sore Even for :t;i Years. 1 have been afflicted with sore eyes for thirty-three years. Thirteen years ago 1 became totally blind and was blind for six yearn. My eyes were badly Inflamed. One of my neighbors insisted upon my trying Chamberlain's Salve and gave me half a box of it. To my surprise it healed my eyes and my sight came liaek to iiif.-l1. ('. Earls, ('ythiaua, Ky. Chamberlain's Salve isforsale by J. K. Shell. Dr. Kent and Gran ite Falls Drug Cor A Visit After Many Years. Mr. H.I. Gorham, of Vermont, went over to Boone last week aud took a look over the village and surrounding country as a matter of curiosity. He was a soldier in the Federal Army, under Gen. Grant, and was captured by Gen. Mahom in Vir ginia, on June tith, 1803. On the 22 of June, as he was being conveyed to Andersonville, S.C., confined in a box car he and another man broke out of the car near Greensboro. They made their way through the country to Cook's Gap, where they stopped for some time with Mr. Cook, sleeping in his apple house. Later the home guard came in the vicinity looking for bush whackers and they attempted to escape the country, but the home guard captured them and placed them in Pooue jail. They re mained in Boone jail for some time and while there created quite a sensation, as they had on blue uniforms and were perhaps the first Yankees ever seen in these parts. They were afterwards tak m to Andersonville as prisoners of war. Mr. Gorham finds many changes in the country and met only a few people that he had seen while in this part of the country 4," years ago. Save Anyway. Here is a simple houie-nnule mix ture as given by an eminent autlio it v on Kidnev diseases, who makes the statement in a New York daily newspaper, that it will relieve almost any case ot Kidney trouble if taken before the stape of Hright's disease, lie states that such symptoms as lame back, pain in the side, frequent desire to urinate, especially at night, painful and discolored urination, ire readily overcome. Here is the re ceipt; try it: Huid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce Compound Syrup Sarsanarilla, three ounces. Take a teaspoonful after aeh meal and at bedtime. A well-known druggist here in town is authority that these ingre dients are all harmless and easily mixed at home by shaking well in a bottle. I his mixture has a peculiar ealing and soothing elTect upon the ntire Kidnev and Urinary structure, and often overcomes the wost forms of Kheuinat ism in just a little while. This mixture is said to remove all blood disorders and cure the Kheu- inat'sin bv forcing the Kidnevs to filter and strain from the blood and system alluric acid and foul, decom posed waste matter, which cause these afflictions. Try it if you aren't well. Save the prescriptions. Suits at Watson's from $3.50 to $20.00. JUST RECEIVED A new and up-to-date line of sample Umbrella Covers. P. M. Keever. FOR SALE At a bargain one 5 horse power double cylinder gasoline engine. Joe Powell, Jr. A All kinds of Yankee Watson's. Motions at FOR SALE That fine gentle horse which you have seen pulling our large ice-wagan. w Citizeus Light & Power Co.T FUR SALE A fine Jersey Cow. 4 R. H. Holsclaw? SAUl'Lb HnUti BALL OW On at 75c on the dollar. The Racket Good Milling wheat at $1.25 per bushel. Home Milling Co. 75 CENTS t" THE DOLLAR Now is the time to get your wiuter Mines, tor the lot cauuot stay here at these prices. The Racket. $1.25 per bushel for good Milling Y heat. Home MiUmg Co. BATTLE AXE SHOKS-In samples in all sorts of styles and at 75 cent on the $1.U0 while they last. Conji Now. The Racket The Home Milling Co. will give you $1.25 per bushel for your good milling wheat. Tyyewriter ( fflce. l'aper at the News LENOIR MILLS-Will pay $1.: i . .1 :m . i . per uusnei lor goon mining wueai. SALESMEN WANTED-For Lu bricating Oils. Greases and Paints in Caldwell and adjacent counties. Salary or Commission. Address Clover Oil and Paint Co., . Cleveland, ( hio. WANTED All the good milling wheat we can get at 51.25 per bushel. Lenoir Mills. a&J J ust reee i ved fertilizer. car load of good W. H. Olovd. - Lenoir and Blowing Rock R. R. Mr. C. V. Henkel, who has been sick for some time is up again and is expected here next week, where the final step necessary to the or ganization of the Lenoir and Blow ing Rock Kail road will be taken. This important enterprise has not been pushed during the last few weeks, owing to Mr. HenkePs illness, but it is a pleasure to know he is up again and is now on business trip to Philadelphia. It is almost an assured fact that "VVatau ga county will vote a bond is sue of $25,000 in aid of the road, which with the amount now sub scribed by individuals will make the $ 125.000 necessary to the or ganization of the railroad. How to Cure a Cold. The question of how to cure a cold without unnecessary loss of time one in which we are all more or lesN interested, for the quicker a cold is gotten rid of tho less the danger of pneumonia and other serious diseases Mr. B. W. L. Hall, of Waverly, Va. has used Chamberlain's Cougl Remedy for years and says: "1 firm ly believe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to he absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. 1 have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me. ' For sale by J. IS. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Some resemble goats; they can' holp butting in. 1 have just received a new lot of II .. t- tiw a ,,,.. ( 'I.,,-. I HHtO. m t-(- tiimn . I'M u. M. M. COURTNEY'S. NEW-F STOCK OF All GOODS NOW COMPLETE IN EVER! DEPARTMENT. See our New Clothing for Men, Boys and Children. AT PRICES TO SUIT EVERYBODY. See our Ladies. Misses and Childrens cloaks. See our best line of Shoes in town. See our new woolen blankets and cheaper grades. See our elegant stock of new Iress Goods. See our line of wide Dress Silks. See our new Press Trimmings. See our big new stock of fancy notions, covering all the latest novelties from the cheapest to the ibest. See our new stock of Kail Millinery Goods for the latest styles in Ladies Hats and all the newest trimmings, the largest stock and lowest prices. FRESH Knnxville Bread i! times a week, oysters Wednesday's and Thursday's to sell and serve, fres.li fish every Saturday at City Restaur- A " 117 I". I 1 l am. rv . r raiey. crop. 1 Jl'ST KECEIVED-A lot of hand Cars, Coasters, Velocipedes, Veloi Hi's, etc., for the childrens Holiday gifts. At right prices. . P. M. Keever. t Hitteu by a Spider. Through blood poisoning caused by a spider bite. John Washington of Hoaqueville, Tel., would have lost his leg, which became a mass of run ning sores, had he not been persuaded to try Hucklen's Arnica Salve. He writes: "The first application re lieved, and four boxes healed all the sores.'' Heals every sore. 'J.kv at J. K. Shell's Drug Store. The regret of Germany at the approaching depailere of the King of Siam is natural, since the loss of any man who will "give up" 50 for a pair of socks is a public calamity. Brooklyn Eagle. Mil III See our new stock of Kail Millinery Goods for the !l III latest strles in Ladies Hats and all the newest 113 1 III nil llll PMIQTHtV III III III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I III I I III Ij llli III. UUUII I II L 1 1 II y w ml I?) H U it ib uvj I k Our line of Fall and Win- W A ter goods is now on dis- 8 'k play and ready for inspec- y ft tion. Everything nice, (ft yi neat and new in y t J. W. SELF, im iuu warn i X to see the nicest and most varied line of Dress Goods ever brought to Lenoir! Also Ladies and Chil drens Wraps or Coats. A com plete line of Underwear. There has never in the history of Lenoir been such a line of SHOES, 1 1 ATS AND CLOTHING as we are showing today, us for correct makes. Very trulv veins. 'Phone No. 106. , , LENOIR'S CHEAPEST -4" STORE FOR GOOD X GOODS I X Dress Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats, Ladies Coats and a full line of Shoes of the neatest and latest styles. New line "King Quality" Shoes for men, the best in town just open. Prices and styles right, give us a call before mak ing your purchase. Yours Very Truly, W WATSON. The News Printery is the only print shop in town turning out first-class work. Try us. dfi & dp

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