The Canal Era. Minneapolis Journal. The United States is so unquest ionably forward in many things that its loyal citizens continually assume that it is at the front in evervthine. That this iian un safe assumption we are constantly reminded by coming bump up against some fact that jars oar self- complacency. There are a good many things we do not do as well as our European contemporaries, and some things we do not do at all. One thiug we do not do with any sort of scientific accuracy is to de velop our waterways. AVe have a hurryup bill every little while in the "pork" department of Con gress, but the river and hardor bills are not scientific. They are poli- itical. They are meant to get some good fellows back in Congress. We have gone ou passing river, and harbor bills for years, and the Mississippi river, the greatest can al of the world, has gone steadily from bad to worse. The upper river has almost ceased to be a fac tor in competitive transportation. Why! Because Congress does not. and never has pursued a consistent policy with regard to the river. It spends some money on it. but it does not make it count as it would be made to count abroad. There are too much politics and too little engineering in the process. The pro blem before the country today is a scientific one, how to get the great est good out of the Mississippi river. The problem, one may say, is sim pel. Give the river an efficient channel and its commerce will re vive. Will it! Then why did it die die out when the channel of the Ohio river, with a poorer channel even than the Mississippi, is still competing with the railroads? This is one of the (uestions that will have to be considered along with that of finaucing the river. Blew His Head Off. Raleigh News ami observer. York, Pa., Oct. 17. .laeob Ie tlinger, aged .!l years, of this city, committed suicide tonight in an unusual manner. Placing a stick of dynamite in his mouth and holding it in his right hand De tlinger exploded the dynamite, blowing his head oft' and and shat tering the hand that held the ex plosive. ; Last Tuesday Detlinger, who was a well digger, lost a sum of money said to have been $40. He brooded over this and finally legau drinking heavily. Tonight he en tered the kitchen of his boarding house with the dynamite and some matches in his hand. "Well here goes to end it all,'' he said. He handled dynamite in his business and as he had often made sueh threats before, no attention was paid to him. He went into the yard and in a few moments there was a loud explosion. One of the Sifns of the Times. Monroe Journal. Some time ago Mr. K. C. Wil liams sold a half interest in his dairy farm, a mile and a half south of town, to Messrs. X. H. Ferguson and sons, of Red Springs, the con -sideration being $6,000. These gentlemen will take full charge January the first. Mr. Williams has added to the farm the tract of 100 acres adjoining on this side, which he bought last week to from Mrs. 8. A. Robertson, Mr. J. I). Furguson, who is a graduate of the A. &. M. College, arrived last week to superintend the fall work on the farm. Mr. W.A. Furguson who is a graduate of Davidson College, and his father will come later. These gentlemen will run an up-to-date dairy and farm ex tensively. .What's the matter with the hands of a baseball player as a lly trap! V When you hear anything that is too good to be true it is time to stand from under. ,k. Experience Is the cream of life, but age often sours it. Bruit APPLES, PEACH, PEAR, Etc. Fine Trees, Healthy and True Stock. Fine 2-year Rose Plants. WRITE FOR OUR CATALOG and Pamphlet on "How to Plant and Cultivate an Orch ard," Free. Wt ship to an? petal direct to roo. hfH aat at ttfictwj mrlce. J. VAN UH0LET MUISEIT CO. Obstinate cases of constipation ami nasty, mean headaches promptly dis appear when vou take DeWitt's Lit tle Early Riser Pills. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Uranite Falls Drill,' Co. NOTICE. I will l at the various precincts in the County on the following date's for the purpose of collecting taxes for 11107: Hudson Uranite Falls Petra Mills Little Kiver Kings ( 'reel; Oct. 14th. l.'.th. Kith. 17th. isth. I'.'th. JNt. -'.'ml. j:;id. l!4th. l'.-th. Jiith. JSth. J'.ith. j Yadkin Valley I Patterson ; liutl'alo ( 'u e ' Kichlauds ' (ilolte ' Wilson's ( 'reek Collettesvilie ; ( iainewell North Catawba Lenoir and bower Creek Oct. oO and :41st, at court house. This Oct. , 1!07. J. M. SMITH. Sheriff. The only true constipation cure must bein its soothinir, healing ac tion when it enters the mouth. Hoi ister's Kooky Mountain Tea restores the whole system to a healthy, nor mal condition. :i.r cents. Tea or Tablets. Jr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Fish and Oysters. 1 will have Fresh Fish and Oys tei-s every Tuesday and Friday. ( 'all or phone your orders. CITY CAFF.. llullnian Thomas A. Edison, the great Anier ican inventor, says "Folly eighty per cent, of the illness of mankind comes from eating improper food or too much food; people are inclined to over-indulge themselves." This is where indigestion finds it beginning in nearly every case. The stomach can do just so much work and no more, and when you overload it or when you eat the wrong kind of food the digestive organs, cannot do the work demanded of them. It is at such times that the stomach needs help; it demands help, and warns you by headaches, belching, sour stomach, nausea and indiges tion. You should attend to this at once by taking something that will actually do the work for the stomach Kodol will do this. It is a combina tion of natural digestants and veget able acids and contains the same juices found in a healthy stomach It is pleasant to take. It digests what you eat. Sold by J. K. Shell, Dr. Kent and (irauite Falls Drug Com pany. Ginseng Seeds and Roots for Sale. Well budded Roots J?!'. 00 per hundred and upwards. Discount on larger lots. Delivered at Gar den for cash only. Wm. H. Kicken, Patterson, N. C. A doctor tells a patient to put his tongue out and expects his wife to keep her tongue in. If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, your Heart, or Kidneys, then try this clever Coffee imitation Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee. Dr. Shoop has closely matched old Java and Mocha Coffee In flavor and taste, yet it has not a single grain of real Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with Malt, Nuts, etc. Made in one minute. No tedi ous long wait. You will surely like it. Get a free, sample at our store. Harrison & Co. Much that passes for patience is merely laziness. If taken patiently and persistently will relieve the most obstinate cased of indigestion, constipation, had blood, bad liver no matter how long standing. That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do. iW cents, Tea or Tablets. Dr. Kent and Oanite Falls Drug Co. V Y II J. VAN UH0LET MUISEIT CO. PaM, N. C .X. fctabllabedlSM. 0OAcwa,y , FAIN Pain tn the head pain anywhere, has its ransa. Pain is congestion, pain is blood pressure nothing rise usually. At least, to mys Dr. fchonp, and to prove it he tuti created a little pink tabk-t. That tablet culled Dr. Snoop's Headache Tablet oaxet blood pressure away front pain renters. Itseffect is c harm Inf. pleasingly delightful. Gently, though safely, it surely equaliiea the blood circa, lation. If you lun a headache, it's blood pressor. If it's painful periods with women, sama cause. If you ara sleepless, restless, nervous, it's blood congestion blood pressure. That surely is a certainty, for Dr. 8 hoop's Headache Tablets stop It in 20 minutes, and the tablets simply distribute the unnatural blood pressure. Bruise your finger, and doesn't tt get red, and swell, and pain youT 01 course it does. It's con. ration, blood pressure. You' II find it where pain is always. It s simply Common Sense. Y sell at 23 cents, nd cheerfully recommend Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets ' J. E. SHELL LAND ENTRY NO. OGTti. T. V. Laud enters and locates 30 acre? of land in Caldwell County, Kings Creek township, on the waters of Beaver Creek, beginning on a poplar. Jerry Heavers corner, and runs West to a hickory, thence N. to K. J. Land's line, thence E. with said Land's line to another tract of saiil Lanb, thence S. 12 east with said Land's line to a stake, thence a W. course to the beginning. En tered l let. l'i, 1!H7. T. W. Land. A true copy. J. L. Miller, Entrv-taker. JAMESTOWN TER-CENTENNIflL April 26-Nov. 30, 1907. Southern Railway announces ex tremely low rates to Norfolk. Va., and return on account ot'tlie above occasion. The following round trip rates will apply from Hickory: Season Tickets 17 55 Sixty Day Tickets. .. . 14 65 Fifteen 1 lay Tickets . . 13 05 Coach Excursion tic'ts 7 50 Coach Excursion Tickets will be sold on each Tuesday, with limit seven days from date of sale, will be stamped "Not Cood in Full man or Parlor Cars." Other tick ets will 1m? sold daily April 19th to Nov. .SOth inclusive. The Southern Railway will af ford excellent passenger service to and from Norfolk on account of this occasion. For further information, and Pullman reservations address any Agent Southern Uailway or write W.H. TAYLOE, R.L VERNON. I P. A. I Washington, U. C. T. P. A. Charlotte. N. C LAND SALE. Hy virtue of a decree rendered in a certain special proceeding in ti e Su perior Court of Caldwell Coeiityen titled Albert vs. Lizzie Me I will on Saturday, the l'Jch day of October, l'.IOT, at one p. in., at the Court House door in Lenoir, N. C, sell at public auction a certain house and lot at Freedinan, in noir. N. C, formerly owned by Eliza Norwood and now occupied by Albert McKinzie and his wife. Terms of sale: Twenty-five er cent cash and balance on credit of three months. Title reserved until purchase price is paid in full This Sept. 12th. W. H. BOVVER, Com. A Certain Cure for Croup Feed for Ten Years Without a Failure. Mr. W. C. Bott.a Star City. hid., hardware merchant, is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. His children have all been subject to croup and he has used this remedy for the past ten years, and though they much feared the croup, his wife and he always felt safe upon retiring when a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough Remedy was in the house. Hisoldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup, but this remedy never failed to effect a speedy cure. He has recommended it to friends and neighbors and all who have used it say that it is unequaled for croup and whooping cough. For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. If it be true that a polity girl at tracts only silly men, sensible men are as scarce as hens' teeth. The Price of Health. "The price of health in a mnlarious district is just 2."5 cents; the cost of a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills,'1 writes EllaSlayton, of Roland, Ark. Rew Life Pills cleanse gently and impart new life and vigor to the sys tem. ;';. Satisfaction guaranteed at X E. Shell's Drug Store. KILL the COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS r. ling's WITH Nen Discovery FOR CSiES13 PHICE OLDS Trial Bottle Free 1 - -X inn, u w ivm AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACXGBYl OB MONEY REFUNDED. A few doses of this remedy will in variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhoea. It can always be depended upon, even In the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantum in children, and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. Even' man of a family should keep this remedy in his home. Bny it now. Price, 20c. Larob Size, 6ec. O00 0X0000000 E. W. MOOSE, I D. D. S. j y I have moved my office to j q rooms over the Postoffice, where I do all kinds of Den- 5 k tal work. I will be absent j 6 from my of lice one week be- X inninsj with the first Mon- g day. in each month. Respectfully, X E. W. MOOSE. V0K0000000000C$0oS IrW-Pfc S c Sweet to Eat LUA VtJ U A Cindy Rowel Luativt. For Sale by J. E. Shell. JLL IIUIlj MAGAZINE READERS SUXSCT KAGAZ2K btubfully il kidraltid, good tones (i en ad artklaa W aUMv'--"' sad all tf far We. . ayf towi aid cflumrr joonuu. nootWy imbKreti devoted f Cn to d Ure mn el tbs -'V Wot. ayeef ROAD OF A TXflUlAJTO WOISEXS book el 73 pesja. 120 colored pkotosnpht of tQ pdiaeeque apeU a CeLforoia adOicgoa. n7. Toul . . . $2.75 All for. . . $1.50 Cut out due drutixuitnt ad etadwtdi $130 to SUNSET MAGAZINE JAMES FLOOD BLDC. SAN FRANC SCO HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buit Modl&Int for Baij Ftop!. Bring Goldn Health tad Ecntwed Vlpr. A Krcifle for Cimstlnation. ImliuftUiou. Lire and Kidney Troubles, hi n pies. Ecienw, Impur lilixxi. Bad Breath. KlugKtsti Uowela, uea o:i mid Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tul t.-t form, cent a box. Ui'nuino made b II.-LLI3TER DRro Coiipa-nt, Madison, Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE (Quinsy, Spraiusaml Swellings Cured. "In November, ll'Ol, I eiuight cold and the quinsy. My throat was swol en so 1 eould hardly breathe. 1 ap plied Chamberlain's Pain Halm and it gave me relief in a short time. In two days 1 was all right," says Mrs. L. Cousins, Otterbiirn,iMieh. Cham berlain's Pain Halm is afiniment and iti especially valuablelfor sprains and swellings. For sale by J. K. Shell, Dr. Kent and (iranite Falls Drug Co. FOR DYSPEPSIA DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT ReliYj Ir.digesllon. Sour Stomach. Belchinc of Oat, Etc niMIID ONLY AT THE LAIOKATOKY OP E. C. DeWITT & COMPANY. CHICAGO, ILL. Dr. Kent and Granite NEW NOW IS THE TIME I TO SUBSCRIBE, I H $1.00 THE YEAR, f 1 BRING YOUR JOB I PRINTING TO THE f NEWS PRINTER Y. WORK DONE PROMPTLY. MEW L. Q. Reid, D. D. S. Denlstry in all its Branches. $ S Office, Shell Building, 2 Lenoir, N. C. Phone 85. J C.B. McNalry. M.D. L.IL Cffey, M.0. CMt Moore, M. D. McNAlRY, COFFEY & MOORE. The undersigned offer their services to the people of Lenoir nd vicinity for the practice of MediclDe in all its branches. Office at Lenoir Drujt Co. Store Phone 23., 3T. Main St., Lenoir, North Carolina. McNairy, Coffey & Moore. w W. L. ENGLAND, Local Mtr. : UNITED COLLECTION AgENGY I LENOIR, X. C. Lot lis collect your bills. Both good and bad accounts col- vir looted on reasonable terms. Kail road claims a specialty. i it ! Office over First Nat. Bank. l'HONK NO. l.'!H. Lax-ets 5 C Sweet to Eat A Candy Bowel buutivc SHELL J. E. Falls Drug Company.

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