w Tho Lenoir News, f t The Nows Printory J IS NOW "prepared ro.'no N A TWJCM-A.WEKK FA M ilt I NKWSl'Al'JUt. THE VERT YOUR JOB PRINTING- ALL HHHT ADVERTISING ME THE LATEST TYPE FAOES USED. GIVE US A CALL. ATRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. UM. READBV EVERYDODY 6NLY $1.00 T1I2C YKAXl ;di- v Of i x HOyMABTI PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AMD FRIDAYS. PRICE 81.00 TELE YEAH. VOLUME v'lX. N". C, JANUARY 14, 1908. ' NO. 24. iiiJt i ) i mil miMiinani MiiigM M , i , ,, nmiimi maim 11 mi L!J-H '-L1M i 111 ' " n I .m i n - f ... . g ...... i - r . . " " r . . i ' i Proposed Government Forest Pre i 'V'''1 serves. :' Scfontif io American, s it will ; doubtless .surprise the lumber interests of this country to learn from the Secretary of Agricul ture, that during the . last seven years, in spite of an unprecedented demand, the amount of hardwood timber which'. has been cut from jt-. Autfa lioa -fn 11 Art nff Avar fiffiinn per cent, and this furthermore, in spite of the fact that the wholesale prices of hardwood lumber have advanced from twenty-five to sixty five per cent.- Moreover, the a mount of standing hardwood in this country is estimated to be sufficient to last for the next sixteen years only. We are thus brought face to face with the fact, warning of which has frequently been given of late years, that we have been using up our natural timber resources with a prodigality which was certain to bring us, within a few years, to the verge of a timber famine. The Bureau of Agriculture urges immediate action to prevent the complete wiping out of our timber resources . National forest reserves are to be formed by the purchase of 5,000,000 acres in the Southern Appalachians, and of 600,000 acres in the White Mountains. The re port of the Bureau upon which this recommendation is based con tains the first thorough analysis of conditions in the districts affected. It gives some striking statistics, also, regarding the amount of waiter power available, in which it is shown, not only how completely the nation depends upon theSouth Appalachians for its future hard wood supply, but also what a great reduction the continued removal of the forest would make both in the navigability of the streams which head in these mountains, and in their value for water power pur poses. Both the Northern and Southern mountain ranges affected are shown to le advancing rapidly , toward a condition of barrenness. In the uplands to the south of Penn- KvlvnTiiii fullv 100 souare miles of arable and forest land are lost to a country every year by the denuda tion of the forests and the result ing washing away of the sail. The Bureau brings out some startling facts regarding the water power conditions, particularly in the Southern Appalachians, whose streams afford, during the lowest tvnW nf t he voar. a minimum of 7n OOO horse-nower. This ,. , ' 1 1 1... .1 -1. Ktr ni'nnni' U' terns of storaje from three to thirty times, and, on the supposition one half of the minimum horse power would be avdilable tor in dustrial developed. the Bureau States that the rental of these (lev- eloped water powers would be w-nrth mi. 000.000 a vear. If to this were added the possible re van no from the flftv Per CCllt of power which is present for only one-half the year, the total rental hi roach the hieh figure of 38,000,000. The question is one ' of the most urgent that will come Wnrotiio nrwwnt Conercss: and whether the comprehensive and nncflv uihotnn as ontlincd l)V See WOWJ . 'V. i. V . v retary Wilson be adopted in its en tiretyornot, it is certain that some restrictive, and preservative lerislation should be immediately enacted. Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indiges tion Is the result of a Bcientiflc com Vtlnntlnn fit n rttnrn.1 ditreotants with " tecetabte acids aud contains th same iulces found in a healthy atom -aeh. ' It is the best remedy known to day for, dyspepsia Indigestion aud all 'trouble arising from a disordered tmti1i' Take Kodol today. It is ' Pleasant, prompt and thorough. Sold hv J. E. Shell. Kent and Granite Falls Drag Co." , Invents a Lawn-Mower, Asheville, N. 0., Jan. 8. A ne gro who has been confined in the county jail ,of Buncombe for the past severel months, has employed his time well. The negro, who helps about the kitchen in the jail building, and who is a sort of "trusty," has worked out a lawn mower invention which, it is be lieved, will prove successful. The negro, with only such rude tools as a case knife and hack-saw has builded his model, and if the fin ished product goes as well as the model the man has an invention which should bring him many dol lars. The lawn-mower invented by the jail-bird is equippek with a band which is calculated to cut grass smoother and more rapidly than the ordinary mower. Also the mower has an attaehment which gathers up the cut grass and at certain intervals dumps it auto matically in littles heaps over the mowed lawn, making it easy to re move without the trouble of raking or dumping, as with the ordinary basket. Application will shortly be made by the inventor for a patent. Trial Catarrh treatments are beiug mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people without a penny's cost the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's (Jatarrn Keuiedy. Sola by J. U. Shell's Drug Store. otten. We neglected to mention in our ast issue, the splendid perfor mance, at tne liraaeu ocnool Au ditorium Monday night the 6th. He was all his advertisers claim for him. His sleight-of-hand perfor mances, were perhaps the best ever eeen here, certainly the best in recent years. He kept his au dience amused wondering and amazed all the time. His imper sonations of various people and lis rendition of a number of select recitations were also splendid and highly entertaining. Committees who want an attraction that will make good will not go amis by se- ecting Totten. Woman's Grave Opened and Jew elry Taken from Coffin. Washington. X. ('., Jan 3. News was brought to this city to day ot the work ol ghouls near Boyd's Ferry, about ten miles from this city, on late Monday night, when the private burying grounds of the White family residing near, was entered and the grave of Susan v lute opened and several pieces of old jewelry were stolen from the collin, which it is estimated were worth a considerable sum of money. It seems that this was a very old grav e, and me secret oi tne jewels it contained were known only to a few. The grave was found the next morning with the dust of the planks that formed the coflin and the bones of tke body in a heap in one end of the grave, the jew elers have been notified to i on the look out for any old jewelry that may be brought in for sale, and the hope is in this way to find some trace of the guilty parties. It is very important and iu fact it is absolutely necpssary to health that we give relief to the stomach promptly at the first signs of trouble which are belching of gas, nausea sour staniaeh, headache, irritability and nervousness. These are warn ings that the stomach has been in if. treated; it is doin: too much worfc and it is demanding help from you Take something once In a while; es peclally after meals; something lik KODOL for Dyspepsia and Imlges tion. It -will enable your Stomach to do Its work properly. Bold by J. E Dr. Kent nd Granite Falls Drug Co, Subscribe for The Lenoir News. Practical Prohibition. ndustrlal News. Twenty-five thousand employes of the Northwestern Railroad have signed a pledge to abstain from the use of intoxicating drinks. The company had, as a matter of bus iness prudence, adopted a policy of discrimination, favoring sobriety on the part of employes, and as a matter of self-protection those em ployes who were in the habit of drinking in moderation entered in to a mutual compact of abstention. As the Philadelphia Record re marks: "This is the kind of pro hibition that prohibits. When every man is his own prohibition ist things areas they ought to be." An occasional drink may do no especial harm, but the safest thing for a young man to do is to let liq uor alone. It is no hardship for trim to do without it. If he drinks at all there is always danger that the habit may become so strong that only those of unusually strong will power can escape from it. The man who occupies any important position needs a clear brain and a steady hand. He can not have these if he lets liquor get the least hold on him. The employes of the Northwestern have done a wise thing in eliminating liquor alto gether. When the Stomach, Heart or Kid neys get weak, then these organs al ways fail. Don't drug the Stomach nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is simply a makeshift. Get a Description known to uruggisis ev erywhere as Dr. Shoop's Restorative is prepared expressijrior tnese wean Inside nerveB. Strengthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's Restorative t ablets or uid and see now quickly help will come. Free sample test sent on request by Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Your health Ms sureiy worm im sample test. J. E. Shell, druggist. Ban on Cigarettes in Arkansas. Union Republican. -V stringent anti cigarette law- went into effect iu Aarkansas Jan. 1. It prohibits the sale or giving away of cigarettes and cigarette papers and provides a penalty for any one having cigarettes or papers n their possession. It is probable that the tobacco interests will test the constitutionality of the act be fore the courts. It was at Montreal, Canada, just ast week, that we heard a promi nent railroad otlicial say in our presence that it was a rule of his ompany to employ no man ad- lieted to the use of eig;m: ucs. igarette smoking in Canada is as prevalent as in North ( arolma. The pipe you seldom see, the cigar quite frequently, but cigarettes are the most popular. Election April Fourtli. Salisbury, X. '., Jan. L'. The nti-Saloon League of this city, is making active preparations for a prohibition election which is ex pected to be held here April 4th. for the purpose of running out all the distilleries and saloons now operating in Salisbury. The pro posed election is attracting the at tention of the State by reason ot the fact that Salisbury is one of the lew strong holds for whiskey dealers in North Carolina. The temperance forces are well organiz ed and will hare the reoperation of Governor Glenn, Judge J. j'. Brit rhnrd. Rev. M. F. Ham, of Ken tucky and others. The clerk who wants larger wages must be a money-maker for his employer. Simply holding down the job will not increase the linn's profits. It must be you can tell great to be so rich subscription com mitter, without hurtiue your fin ancial standing, that you can't af ford to grVe anything. Glenn Asks Roosevelt to Hunt Bear With Him. Governor Glenn has sent to Presi dent Roosevelt an invitation to come to North Carolina some time within the next two months and to join him in a bear hunt in Eastern Carolina. The naming of the date is left-with the President. The governor asks the President to be his guest while in this state, in the event he accepts the invitation. The hunt is to be in Carteret county where the governor says he has found a sections of woods in which there are bears deers and turkeys in abundance. Bonds Sold. The $20,000 street improvement bonds voted at the election last September, have been sold at a little more than par value to a Cleveland, Ohio, firm. The town authorities will proceed as soon as the spring weather will permit to do some much needed permanent street work. The orator who can work him self into a passion over the prospect of Bryan's election is the kind of a fellow who can go out into the woods aud rehearse and then jump down off the stump and shake hands with the chinquepin bushes. Originate your own plans and carry them out. You may be able to copy your neighbor's plans, but it is very doubtful if you can copy his success. The finest Coffee Substitute ever made, has recently been produced by Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis. You don't have to boi I it twenty or thir ty minutes. ' Made in a minute" says the doctor. "Health Coffee" is really the closest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced . Not a grain of real Coffee in it either. Health Cof fee Imitation is made from pure toasted cereals or grains, with malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool an expert wer he to unknowingly drink it for Coffee. Harrison & Co. The man who uses a faishood for policy like the woman who pow ders, soon eets into the habit of nuttine on too much. Atchison (ilobe. A Kansas editor wants to know how long girls should ! courted. Try 'em the same as short girls, only reach higher. Montgomery Messenger. We hone the smokers of this country by and by will forma un ion and boycott any cigar that weaiN a liellyband. Richmond Times Dispatch. The problem in Georgia is how to remain ill enough to obtain a doctor's prescription without go inir to led. Charleston Xews and Courier. It depends upon the pill you take. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are the bet pills known for constipation and sick headache. Sold ty J. t,. sneu, Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Better that the cleanliness of vour store eo unnoticed than that anyone have occasion to remark upon the presence of dirt or cob webs. The Darwinian theory will al ways find some supporters as long ns so many men continue to make monkeys of themselves. All married men are not nec essarilv spiritualists because they are controlled by the unseen pow e ?r at the other end of .the telephone The successful merchant is the man who combines first-class values bargain-like prices and the proper treatment of customers. ' In order to meet the expressed wishes of many patrons we have established a department for (mm) These correctly modeled, adaptable shoes have won such fame as a reliable, economic and modish product that we take pleasure in showing the attractive new models, and cor dially invite your inspection of the same. Price $3.50 and $4.00. MELTON, TITTLE 4 GAUM Shell Building. South Main Street. WE STRIVE TO PLEASE YOU NOT OURSELVES. I If You Have Prepare to Them Now I Our great Jan. reduction sale is at full swing. It must swing our tremen dous stock into ready money and for little money we are ready to transfer to you your selection from among our splendid offerings. The difference lietween what you will pay us now and what yon would have to pay under ordinary circumstances will help you to to liquidate many-debts. IMKW Hardware & Subscribe For The News; FIRST Appearance in this city of PATRICIAN SHOES For Women. Debts Shed I 4 1, Furniture Co.; E3M

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