. IP : O Lenoir News. . :lTa-WEK FAMILY PAPER. THE. VERT i' ADVERTISING MEDI- . i.ADBY EVERYBODY. I.Y SI.OO THKYEAR. 1 ( The News Printery t t IS .NOW PREPARED TO DO YOUR JOB PRINTING. ALL THE LATENT TYPEFACES USED. GIVE US A CALL. A TRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. IT. G. lAHTHST, Editor and Prop. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AID FRIDAYS ' PRICE 81.00 THE YEAH. LENOLE, NV C, JA2STUAIIY 31, 1908. 1STO. 24. A ' V" .- ;Ses:! j Discusses Rates tta Observer. Char 4 " V Jan.27. In the Senate . -. The first the toJni0l;t petitions from many rail- ; Kir employes were presented -that J' -tha old passenge rates in effect be V.'?. feastyearfe restored. Thespec- i ; . lal'or&.er'was ,the passenger rate i 'i. Ihit'ller next January thecorpor- I-.' ation commission shall have full ' . ,.poTlto fix.'-jrates. Graham, in vi f r said the Kht -' V V x v '." v.-t 4ceda, Vendition and not a theory, frVr ii$tha't after fall hearing the com-l-VtA- J mfttec onlrailiavs had reDorted T 4 v'this bill; -Ha declared the railway ''V 'itaoahdponegood, as there y 2 nolbetUr' lervlce and chedules :'4V-n Wore the rate legislation. SBtixtop offered ah amendment ' .1 li'af tKV ralTwavi nav not over 117. . ,.7 . uu.or cos La voi .raws nuguuuu. t --J f iTlilitQa ald Jndg6 Long had made a; ifctaXe In Imposing the 30,000 4,, nne on eoamern , railway . yyi?';! t4ipr'C9QrV.ftd made the : -;lVj'ircctioo'fe( tMa- and now Vi - r legislature Jo make a second s iJrVwtfoi. ieUeves the State j ouldfoSo" incase in the United jtitolJJJ $$tWi. furt and that the I saflwpTnyo'uld win. j i TJruer skldjVould be delight Is ,Kr4, jjii ifihlgiSlattire would adjourn l-u'BiJa.fiiB'fayld the bill, said SHif 'rftofeopfidenCB were needed, " v ..f' J ... ...1,1 l. ' yderatiodjof the bill will lie 1 ttupeft to-Djorrv and it appeal ditVltviipftss by a good k -jTt'flil thVarterlo with ricli, rta ,IWooblUftk(srnew-,fltib, nml lieulthy &'&Hake Jt'tfajte;''no remedy lms aUUlPi .UIWHlwu ...... Kockv M6untalnTea. Wi-. Ten r Table W. ,Bkr, Kentand Granite Unlls !f ktjTJtiiBltioh Election in April. k;rfjpVariotfr)bfrvw. lfi'EaTeighj Jan.27. The House of Cl.ai)lt.. One prominent meat deal- I -ifrteprerttat4ves tO-night decided or declared last week that his sales ! jtf.jtft'hola thil prblUbltlOU election Uie yM icrtased as a result ol pro Fear Jack London is Lost In the Pacific. The editors of Woman's Home Companion, for whom Jach Lon don is sailing around the world in his little boat Snark, state that he is now over a month due at Tahiti of the Society Islands, for which place he sailed from Hilo Hawaii, on October 27th. The gas eugine with which the Suark is equipped was not work ing well then Mr. London left Ha waii, and it is supposed by his pub lishers that he has experienced some more trouble with it, or that he has encountered the doldrums of the Pacific, by which the little forty -five-foot boat might be buf feted about for days or weeks, to be dropped at length into a sea dead calm. For such are the equa torial doldrums. London sailed from San Francisco on May 4th and reached Hawaii aboutra month later. He is ac companied on his voyage around the world by his wife, a captain, an engineer, one sailor and two Japanese servants. London ex pects to spend seven years on his voyage and to sail completely around the world, stopping at in teresting places wherever he goes. Kelsy News. Mr. Iiobt F. Greer, of galax merchant, is back with us, after spending some time in W. Va. and Tenn. We are having winter in its purity, some of the coldest weath er known for many years and aw ful hard winds. The roof of Mr. Wiley McCroskey's house was blown off, also the house of Mr. Coffey was blown away, totaly de stroying furniture and tableware, and the house of Mr. Roby Coffey was damaged to a considerable extent. John "What kind of tea do you like best? Priscilla "Go-tees, Bouie, hut Rocky Mountain Tea best." John "Whv Hollister's Rooky Tea best?" I'riscilla "It speaksfor itself." (Makes lovely complexions.) Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Dnij; Co. Marvelous Chanje in Asheville. Aslieville Special, "JUth. It is conceded by "wets" and drys'-' alike that prohibition has worked ft marvelous change in Aslieville. A'.tN"..;;h prohibition has been eiVectiveless than a month the decreased drunkenness is noti ceable on all sides and the great crowds oi minis wim iui met iy nuug out around the Viooe joints have either gone to work or are seeking work. In the city market the chantre in conditions is also noti Messrs. -Jesse and Lum Coffey went to Banners Elk Saturday on business. Mr. Jesse Gragg went to Foscoe Friday. We are informed that the works at Harper's creek has started up We hope the panic is over. We like to read so many letters from correspondents, in this way we can hear from friends and homefolks every week. May the News live long. Dyson. 'iVi .fllay la April instead of hibition; that hard drinkers who V fir$,f Umsdajr in Auguest. formerly spent 10 to If) 'cents for ; Ti ne rjau asrameuuu, w as auu J; -n. Rafter, Selbiou lasting until ;ftfgTa0e mopt important o mendjuenia was that, elimina .11 a amended, was adopted meat now have more money and mid - Lnnml it If an election was held i - of the t0.,iav Aslieville would go almost siting unanimous for prohibition. Watched Fifteen Years. "For fifteen years I have watched the working of Kuckleu's Arnica Salve; and it hag never failed to cure any sore, boil, ulcer or burn to which it was applied. It has saved us many a doctor bill," says A. F. Har dy, of East Wilton, Maine. '2oc. at J. E. Shell's driiR store. Yadkin Valley News. Mr. J. A. Triplett, of Lenoir, was in the Valley last Monday on business. Mr. Francis Hawkins is wrestl ing with a case of Grippe. Guy. the little son of Mr. and Mrs. I. b. Hawkins, died last Sundav. Mr. J. Hill Cottrell, of Lenoir, is here this week looking after the lumber business for Mr. .1. M Bernhardt. Mr. W. J. Lenoir, of Lenoir, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Lenoir, Sr., this week. Mr. K. II. I'ipes, of KulV.do Cove, was in the Vallv last week on business. Success to the News. 1 1 . Gamewell News. ! Quarterly meeting was held at Littlejohn's chapel Sunday a large crowd attended and an able ser mon was rendered by the Presid ing Elder. Mrs. D. M. Puett, who has been ill several days, is improving slow ly. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Little spent Saturday night with Mr. Little's father and mother. Mr. Walter Watson has certain ly improved the road from Game- well to Kent's creek. Hope others will do likewise. A nice crowd gathered at Mr. L. H. Tuttle's Sunday evening, viz: Misses Jessie Powell, Bessie Hoorer, Pansy Green, Messrs. Lynn and Charles Corpening, Ward and Collett Powell and Robt. Bowman. A Nkws Rkadkr. Last Friday morning Mr. S. H. Mabe met nie at his box with a hot rock aud I was certainly "in a fix" to appreciate it too. Mr. M. P. Kincaid met me also with some custard, which gave me an appetite for three pieces of nice chocolate cake which was given to me at Mr. Puett's 1kx by Mrs. Puett. I think this shows, some at least, are pleasexl with the ser vice rendered bv the R. F. D. A. D. Litti.k. 'Sfyto the definition of .iwhaiscOhstitates 1 'Intoxicants as v .: nwaa latteri qm iae strode oi uie i TCrpCfi,WlllU O 11H UUU UJUJ nvi J"caid8t it. , Those -voting against says; 11.2 'vin Pk..Ki;,-, i effecl AOtfcUUl V -JMi1liw:uww -v. .,,.,.,,., lirnmi.ts this test - 1't :i -i bright," of SrJrry; Grant, ot Davie, lllouial. i ftU1 funy convinced that 'Vir,arfaf Morton, Of New Hftnover. The for stomach and If ver troubles Elec- How is Your DiKestion. Mrs. Mary Dowliinjof No. 228 Sth Ave., San Francisj'o, reconunenus a iwmh.mIv for stmnkch trouble. She (iratitude for the wouderful t bT ' . . . .. ..fwt nf Klpctric Hitters in a case of A ! T 1 Til. V.... ..A. i IV... ---'- XOtk oui were xiepnsseu mu .-v i was trie Hitters is the best, remedy on the market to-dav." This preat tonic f5ssIori.'while a stormv one. i t e064 hatured in the - extreme and and alterative medicine invigorates '.'X-7, , , . , . , . the system, purities the blood and is r tne mempers ueparwu in iuw uwv w,l,ialv helnlul in all forms of fe male weakness. 50c. at J. E. Shell'i of fetyowjhip driiK store. The Hen, She Flew. Exchange. In the town of louia, Mich. . It is very importanttkftd in fact it ' is absoltftely necessary to neaitn that wb give reltef to .the fctoiuatih piroiaptlyat the first signs of trouble . 4 ui.k wa Iki i i. i 1 ,-i r nr era a nn inii " ? .. .. . , , ....... bif sneckled hen was neckintr for sour t&maon: neaoacne, irruaunu) --o . knd nirvousness.' These are warn- food on the mam street. A boy " ingfl tnai tne BSOUiauu lias uticu uwo- uiu aim, ui vuuiw, iiu uuiibm ) i trtateOj liy MwrK wm? :cto worK for a stone and took a "peg" at audit Kttemanor neip irom jou. , The hen was struck and TakeOmetBtng onB ia,awnue;e8- , , : rM; .hl mM aotolnR like frightened and away she ilew . In . It wlu enahW.sout stomacn u ts work.. ropetly?f Sold by J. E ; li i'iilH. Ti n ttent ana.taw.ipruK frihtuned a fanncrs team into running awayand otic of the horses tlph. It wiHenahW.sou'f stomach to shivered a plate glass worth $40. in U: v do Its work,. prop;jjJyf oota oy j . i. a store window and the crash k Dr.,lient and vri , A bill forbiVgi Suddo? ' pen- Las killed. The boy's father has ''flty ,0f f JlOJJalftfirrlio? M I"8' been used for damages, and we , toi:iwtffhJnT.-'?iia thrahi; twenty shall learn whether a bov has a ''pdfnflsvpasea loyer'onso .or legal right to stir up any old hen ihrtiAonttVfittVrjIinat'Erislature TCS- h hnnnnnH to come across. It's , - 1 V V w v. V C :. W I " I t I . . ., , j. J.., . v t, J 'V' ' . ..... ; trfwUv.'T The WeitflvT OL tno toy is too bad the hen has no lawyer almost sufliciont to.causo ft gontto- What ho could say would be in . ; man totjgo tue- pieasuyv oi. muwus teresting ; 'one..-K v.; -.'v3 JV ' . . ,-. ,v t. . Have A Pleasant Parlor. Put comfortable furniture, nice pictures, etc., into it. Abandon the idea of using the parlor only for state occasions. Make it comfortable and homelike for your friends and guests. To do this you only have to see us. Our full line of furnishings and liberal terms will do the rest. CALL TO-DAY BernhardtSeagle Hardware & Furniture Co. Seven Yeur of Proof. '1 have had seven years of proof that Dr. King's w Discovery is the best medicine to take for coughs and colds and for every diseased condi tion of throat, chest or lungs," says W. V. Henry, of Panama, Mo. The world has had thirty-eight years of proof that Dr. King's New Discovery is the hest remedy tor roughs ami colds, la grippe, asthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemorrhage of the lungs and the early stages of consumption. Its timely use always prevents the development of pneumonia. Sold under guarantee at J. E. Shell's drug store. .Vic and $1.ihi. I rial bottles tree. Kings Creek Items. Last Saturday and Sunday was our preaching time and although the weather was disagreeable, a large crowd attended. Misses Sallie and Olara Brown, of Draco, have lieen visiting in this settlement. Miss Clara McGowiu, of , Ilibri ten. was visitinc on Kiiitrs Creek ; v.- Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Wallace lluntly and wife and Mr. Robert Steel and wife also of Hibriton, attended services at this place Sunday. Mr. Walter Laxton has return ed to W. Va. Messrs. Will Grubbs and Hade Laxton has been visiting at Draco. -";Mr.' John Paine, Change in Schedule. Next Monday a slight change in schedule will go into effect on the Carolina Jt North Western rail- wav. The passentrer train that now comes inhere at 12-.r0 will arrive at 1 :U2 and denart at 1 :")0 p. in. No. the Mortimertrain, will arrive from the South at '..": and depart for Mortimer at 4 p.m. This train will wait at Hickory un til 1 o'clock if necessary, in order to get passengers and mail of No. 11. the Southern's west bound train. This arrangement will lie quite an improvement over the n resent schedule and the railroad neonle are due the thanks of the people of this vicinity, in particu lar, for the change. Don't Cost Much. Mix the following by shaking well in a bottle, and take in teaspooutul doses after mealsand at bedtime: Fluid Extract Dandelion, ode half ounce; Compound Karagon, one ounce; Compound Svrup Sarsaparil- la. three ounces. A local druggist is the authority that these simple, harmless ingredients can be obtained at nominal cost from our home drug gists. The mixture is said to cleanse and strentrthen the clogged and iuactive Kidneys, overcoming Hackache, Bladder weakness and Urinary troub le of all kinds, if taken before the 8t.iri' of Hritrht't disease. Those who have tried this say it positively overcomes pain in the hack, clears the urine of sediment and Tegulates urination, especially at night, curing even the worst forms of bladder weakness. Every man or woman here who feels that the kidneys are not strong oractinsr in a healthy manner should mix this prescription at home and give it a trial, as it is said to do won ders for many persons. The Scrnnton (Pa.) Times was first to nrint this remarkable prescription, in October, of 190B, since when all the leading newspapers of Hew York, Hoston, Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other cities have made many an nouncements of it to their readers. Beginning January 25th, lflOS, we will liegin a special .'!) day Reduction Sale. We will oiler special attractions in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes and Notions. Our stock is complete in every depart ment and we will see to it that no cus tomers goes away from our store dissatisfied. REMEMBER the Special thirty day Sale to reduce our big stock and come and get some of the bargains while they last. Respectfully, D.F.ESS1M Patterson, N. C. R. L. Maynard, who, it is al- elged, impersonated a postofftce inspector and gave a worthless check lor $12.50. on an Aslieville merchant, was arrested in Colum bia, S. C, this week and held un der 500 bond, which he gave. He came to Asheville and was arrested here on the chareo of passing a fraudulent check, and required to put Ui9 another $200 bond; The last bind he had some, difficulty in makinc and was sent to jail for a High Enough in price to be, good and cheap enough to be popular. Our $12.50 Buggy Harness. ..of;:l)ownSTnte, wmevaejn . 4 ; v.. 4 4 4 t ' i " . has been visitin'! y " t -;t I vujvj vvi j vn Sub , 4 -l : on-Kfogs CrecH, ;J luru itin - -4 ...J::l . . i