LOCAL AND I'KItSONAL. Mr. Lcntz is moving la the Jor dan house on Kidge Street. , , Miss Margrett Wise went to Hickory Saturday to visit her grandmother, of that place. Miss Bose Earnhardt went to Granite Falls Saturday to Bpend Sunday with Miss Maude Aired.' , Mr. Fred Schell went to Granite Jfails Saturday to spend ' Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. Jones. Mrs. J. H. Weaver, of Hickory, spent several days in Lenoir last week with her son, Dr. C. 0. Weaver. Miss Lela Wise, of Hickory, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. Charley Wise, returned to her home Monday. A daughter of Harper Jackson, who lives near Patterson, was tak en to the insane asylum at Mor ganton last Thursday for treat ment. Mr. and Mrs. William McWhood of New York City, were in Lenoir last week on their Southern bridal tour. They were much pleased with Lenoir. Miss Mary Austin Clover, of Statesville, arrived in Lenoir last Friday and will remain several days. She is thd guest of Miss Jessie Newland. Regular Communication of Hi briten Lodge No. 2(2 A. F. & A. M., will be held to night. Work in the third degree. All visiting brethren welcome. Miss Mattie Mae Ballew, left Friday for Mooresville, X. C, where she will spend a few days with Miss Blanche Creswell, be fore going to Baltimore to buy her Milinery stock. Messrs. Eugene Miller and Ed. Allen left last Friday for Mt. Airy. They had on good clothes and looked as if they were Eoinz on important business. They are ex pected home today. On the first Sunday, the first clay of March, in the Baptist church in Lenoir, the Pastor, Rev. R. P. Walker, will preach a ser mon on Odd Fellowship. A cor dial invitation is extended to the public to be present. Mrs. C. A. Little, near (lame well, had an experience last week that she does not care to repeat She was in the barn loft and some how made a mistake and fell down the stairs, hurting herself consid erably, but nothing very serious as good lnck would have it. We notice from the Wilkes papers that they are having a light sprinkle of small pox in that countv. We hope that Wilkes will be able to hold it until they get the life stamped out of it, as Caldwell has trouble enough of her own and doesn't care to mix with anything else. The good people on R. F. I). f got together last week and built a mnch needed bridge over Wink- lcrs creek, between Hartland and Corncnine'8 bridge. This creek often got so full that the R. F. D carrier could not cross and had to return without delivering a part of his mail. This bridge removes that difficulty. Mrs. Martha R. Thomason, wife of Geo. A. Thomason, died at her home in Hickory, N. C, February 14th. She was the daughter of Randy and Rebecca Taylor, who are well known in Caldwel County. She leaves a husband child, father and mother, brothers and sisters, who have the sympa thy of their friends in Caldwell. The citizens of Gamewell neigh borhood are being stirred up some what and they have cause. One night last week some one entered Mr. C. M. Sudderth's house in the night and took his pocket knife and a bunch of kees out of his pants pocket. Nothing else was missing so far as they know. There ... 1a. of Mi1n in tho varri Andftbont his corn crib. Also Mr. D. B. Tuttle, of Gamewel has been missing his baled pea Tine hay and is on the lookout for the person who borrows witnou permission. Mr. J. R. Widby, of Marion, K. C, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Leo Dale, ' I Miss Kettle SherrUl, of States- vllle, N. 0., is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. U. Walker. , Y Prof. J. L. Harris left yesterday for a visit to Washington, Balti more and New York; ' 4 ' ! We understand there is a reward of 11000.00 offered for the arrest of the burglars who robbed the Granite Falls bank. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. T. Walton, j who have been boarding at The Martins for some time, have rented and moved into the Brawley house on Ridge street. We are sorry indeed to learn that Floyd Blackwell's eye is giv ing him a great deal of trouble and pain, so much that he and his father went to Hickory Saturday and had the eye taken out. Mr. Joe Loving, .whose, store was robbed last week, took out a search warrant for the goods and found a part of them, but the bur glars had flown, going towards enneessee. They were seen by Mr. W. A. Bryant at the Kirby Hat on the Turnpike road. He says they spent all day near there in an ivej thicket. Mr. M. F. Hodges, who lives near Patterson, some time ago went to Watauga and bought 9i bushels of Irish potatoes lor plant ing, ne nail tnem noieu up near his house, one night last week somebody stole them, a few nights after some one stole l chickens from him. Mr. Hodges does not ike so much familiarity. Mr. P. S. George, of Texas, has been in Lenoir for a few days. Mr. George has had an exciting and trying experience, lie was one time tried for mnrder, convicted on circumstancial evidence and sentenced to be hauged. Just a day or two before the execution was to take place the real murder on nis aeain oea coniessea tne crime and Mr. George was ofcourse released. Mr. George has his par pardon signed by the Governor of Texas and other papers to substan tiate what he says. Cabbage Plants. Those who have spoken to me for cabbage plants are notified that the plants are now here. Call and get them as I cannot hold them. H. C. Maktin, Honor Roll. Since our last issue the following named persons have made pay ments to the News on subscriptions: F. P. Curtis, A. J. Hall, J. K. Moore, L. C. Watson, F. J. Hart ley, W. A. Bryant, J. W. Holli field, Mrs. Lee Rhodes, J. L. rhillips, Henry Critcs, J. R. Moore. I How's This? The Statesville Landmark is au thority that Statesville is having plenty of experience with watered kerosene oil. We have had that experience here to beat the band One of our merchants, Mr. N. B Smitey, recently poured out 18 gallons of water from 0 gallons of oil. That was almost one-third water. Wilkesboro Chronicle. Has any of our merchants had trouble with water in their oill Reporter. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed oat free, on reaaeat. by Dr, Shoop. Racine, Wis. These tests are proving to the people without penny's oost the great value of this scientific? prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. ShoorVs Catarrh Remedy. Sold by J. K Shell's Drug Store. The State Hospital commission, C. A. Webb, of Asheville, chair man, in session in Raleigh Friday, directed the architects to proceed with the preparation of plans for a $25,000 nurses' building for the State Hospital for the insane at Morganton. The concentration of nurses' quarters in a new building will make available quarters for 102 more patients in the main bnildiog. When a builder or contractor lays before us a set of plans requiring Builder's Hardware for a private residence or a public building. We know that with the immense stock that we carry and the attractive prices we are able to give, that any job we figure on is "our meat" if we are given a fair show. There is no expense to you in giving us an opportunity to make an estimate on your requirements. BERNHARDT -SEA G LIE Hardware & Furniture Co. WE ACT AS Receiver Trustee Administrator Executor Guardian and intact in any fiduciary capacity. We are chartered to do tjiis and have our capital stock to assure a faithful performance of the duties. We will appreciate any bu siness of this nature. Lenoir Realty & Ins. Go. "We Sell The Earth." M. M. COURTNEY'S. MEN EMBROIDERIES AND LACES. For the Spring Season are here in the Newest. Daintiest and most de sirable Paterns ever shown in Lenoir. "We show a large line of these goods made on Cam bric, Nainsook and Swiss in cheap, medium and fine goods, including many beautiful match set Patterns and Insertions. Coset Cover Embroideries, Shirt waist bands, Embroidered Readings, All-over Em broideries, Double Edge Embroideries in pretty pat terns for ladies collars. VALENCIENNES LACES. Not only the largest and mast comprehensive line, but also the newest and prettiest, direct from our large New York Manufactures and importers. In Match Sets Patterns of Edges and Insertions, Head ings, All-overs, Footings, etc. Our connection with these large manufacturers en able us to show the newest, up-to-date designs in Laces and Embroideries and all so cheap as to be Inf low all competition. Don't fail to see our best new things in White Goods. 48 inch French Lawns, Plain and Mercerized, French Batistes, Persian Lawns, India Linens, Long Cloths, Plain Nainsooks and Checked Nainsooks, Barred Lingere new designs. Your inspection and comparison requested both as to quality and prices. 1.1 1 J HIGH GRADE EEo Best for The South. For Sale by Lenoir Drag Co. tQ QTEDMnCDP P. Pfl t t UU.) f :S, STERNBERG Asheville, N. Carolina. Largest Fur House in the South. No Express charges, no Commissions. Your av erage is what counts, not the high price you get for one skin. Write for Prices. HIGHEST HARKET PRICE GINSENG AND BEESWAX. ' 1 PAID FOR Curtis-Shankle Engagement An nounced. Charlotte Observer. Troy, Feb. 20. Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Armstrong of the engage ment of their sister, Miss Kate Shankle, and Mr. Jesse W. Curtis, of Lenoir. The marriage will take place in the late spring. This will be interesting news to many of our readers wo will join the News in heartiest congratula tions to this popular young couple. Ed. News. If yon suffer with indigestion, oon- tination. feel mean and cross, no strength or appetite. your-system It unhealthy. Holllster's Rocky Moun tain Te make the system strong and healthy. 8So, Tea or Tabldts. Dr. Kent and Granite Falli Drue Co. Attention Taxpayers. If you have not paid your Town and School Taxes now is the time to pay them. There is a constant call for money made to the Treas urers of the Town and School and demands must be satified. If yon owe any taxes it is necessary that they be paid at once. If not paid at once costs of collection must be added. J. L. COTTREL, Town and School Tax Col. Do you have backache occasionally or "stitckee" in the side, and some times do you feel all tired out, with out ambition and without energy? If so your kidneys are out of order. Take DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills. They promptly relieve back ache, weak back, inflamation of the bladder and weak kidneys. 8old by J. E. Shell Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. South ern Railuay I Operating Over 7,000 fllles of Railway. . . . QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS . . . NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST. Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts Affording Flrat-ClaM AccwaaMdatlon. Elegit Pallaas Skttlfl! Ctn m ill Tkreafk Tralas. Dtalsf, Cist ia4 Rcser- ratkw Cars. For 8peed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the Southern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. L. Vernon, T. P. A. J. H. Wood, D. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C- S. II. Hardwick, P. T. M. W. H. Tayioe, C P. A. Washington, D. C. Leeonr Mews $1.0.0 t