7fy Tho Lenoir Nows. j A TWICK-A-WEEK FAMJLY I Tho News Printery 18 NOW PREPARED TO IX NEWfcU'Al'Kll. TUB VEHIf MEBT ADVERTISING' MEM UM. READ BY EVERYBODY. ONLY H.00 T1IKY1CAU. YOUR JOB PRINTING. ALL THE LATEST TYPEFACES LL A USED. GIVE US A CALL. ATRIAL IS ALL WB ASK H. a martti, editor and Prop. . published Tuesdays akd Fridays, ' price 8I.00 the yeab. X ) VOLUME X. LENOIR, NV O., BEBRTJARY 28, 1008. 1 NO. 32. v Colorado Letter. Chief of Police Killed. Dies of Blood Poison. RUelgh Evening times. Save the Forests. AihevIIle Cltiinn. , Katon. Colo.,. Feb. 21, 1908.-- ChrIott6b,,erver- " It is not a matter , i of surprise Well as I have never wrote to the For the second time within a Baltimore, Mr., Feb. 24 Isaac that the state cress, of all political Lenoir News I will endeavor to do year Fayetteville's chief of police R Trimble, one of the leading sur iihilM. ftlmmt u-ifhnnf ovmnfinn I so now. It mav be that I have a has , been murdered. James H. geons of this city, died last night loses no time in condemning theas. few friends in Old North Carolina Benton, the head of the police de- at St. Joseph's Hospifal, of blood tonndinjr opposition of Con o-mw. that would like w know my where- partmcnt of tho city, was shot poisoning, after a remarkable strug man Hackettof thefift.hth rlistHnt abonts. Well to start in I left about 1:80 o'clock this afternoon gle for life He was infected 30 Monday, February 10, while at St. on per-Jos- to the Appalachian forestrv re- Leuoir a little over two years ago by Sam Murchison, a negro serve bill. As was rooentlv stated and went to Pittsburg, Pa., I re- years old, living little more than forming an operation in these columns, no one has as vet mained there until May from there an hour. The murderer was cap- eph's Hospital ' I m, a a I m 1 1 f l.fl 1 il Tl. been able to find what motive in- I went to Franklin, Pa., on the 19 turea a snort time alter tne snoot- ne eage oi nis Kinie eui inrougu I . .. ... . I 1 3 I I i ;,. a r.Kk i..4 Mr WonWf... c.v-4n. tn of Feb.. 1907 . 1 left Franklin for g occurreu ana is now saieiy msagiove turn iimicieu su" n nnv.r f.in t wmginui in nn. lodged in iail here. wound on one of the fingers of his uci.Hb u measure wuicu actually w means millions to the future ver until July 27, from Denver I The circumstances of the murder left hand. He paid little attention welfare of this great Southland. He went to Greeley, Colo., a thriving are aggravated and without palli- to what seemed to be a trivial cut, surelv nan raa nothing to rain poll- little town of about 10,000 inhabi- aon. ii seems ina. me muruer- oui me ionowmg uaj ne uuuu I . . I , . . . u Ul v. is i - v. T1 1 tically for any one with half an tans, 3 or 4 good public schools er murcmson, naa irouoie earner mat ne was-iignuyiev.u&n. iiwu - w I . . iL. .1 lit- X 1 T ... I Z Jl .1 ovfi ran rw. that thft man is raoidiv and one State Normal school. The in we uay wn .ona ivaiura, an- poison rapmiy ueveiu "I I.. , v , -,r m . - . r J digging his own grave. But any most curious thing to the tender otner negro ana ma moore, a ne- i wo operations were penurmeu movement which has behind it al- foot, is it seldom ever rains in this gro woman, which resulted iu his upon him, he advising his brother most national snooort is surel v de- part of Colorado. Only one rain shooting Kaines mulcting a slignt surgeons in tne matter. irst, tne flesh wound, and his threateninc infected veins were severed at the sunea w sweep irom aia (jutu tuc o..v-.i v. uou "j . ; u i iw .. i.t it- har. hnf irorv lift Hnnw this win- tne me oi tne Moore woman, wno arm pit. winer veins tie ie- Writing nndPr an anVal for one ter and not very much cold weath- lives in the neighborhood of Chief moved in the second operation I . ... .. I r t . i : t - ,i j .1 I i : l I, ,1 j. 4.U. f -vr T'hA nf.Ii.ooh this rintir wflfi 1 OI X OllCc XieilM-U S UUUie. UBU IAJ lue IWlsun, uuvieici, uou ci-w:-c, t0 Rahirriav vWnino Pivst on the 17 inst 14 degrees below the latter for protection, making too far into the circulation. lol) J o "... - . .:.. t. . Tho arprnci. sun shiii a au outcry as sne ran. uiei dbu snv.sir - . . I i. i : i l. .1 1 "ThPi-fl i a Toun of men Wash- aoout o-o aays in a year, rar- " I i i I V n. I h r r w ft. 1 n 4" nrrtn n-iin om ti ii l w-t.r. . ncr pvor v mere never aepena on rain to mane f 1 " " ..j: a .v.4 ,f Urnn. hnt insfpnr. thpv irrimtfi TBS Starting Out in Search agency iu uauuicajj me cuuim ui , j 0 - thp nrpirlpnt anrl of CifTor.l Pin- all their crops. The chief produce of Murchison when the latter ap I . - . .1 i l it. j rr rhont. chief forester, audof the trood raised here is Irish potatoes ana Hreu uu tue scene. xie anu vi- , - - , O 1 1 .. 1 1 f . i u K-.-1.J .k-. Biirrar Rpntis nf ponrsft thev raise ncer ihjiiwii excuaiiKeu a lew vmericaus uu aiu uacKiug iucui " j to make further additions to some wheat and oats. Land is woras, wnen me negro suuueniy Last winter high here in this part of Colorado, drew a revolver and hred at Mr. what is known as the Appalachian especially here in the Platte Val- Benton, inflicting a mortal wound day forest hill was nassed successfu.lv ley. There is still some govern- just unaer me eye. umcer ien ....i. 1.-.1 n mptit inri t he haA hnt, thpv are ton staggered and attempted to until it reauneu ojjcai-ei viimuu v ' ; j nf the house, who killed it. Whv getting scarse. w nere tnere was j -v ' " I ... .... . I 1 4. r.ll 1. V 41. v- ,i:.i u 4.1 io Mi nnoe trrpat, eatt. e ranr.hes the lana out ieii "triuie u. iwueu, ius ne uiu so ne naa iiwt uvvn auic 001,4- e 1 f -il Ms now nnrler rnltivation. Nearlv door. ai cuii"'-'" every town along the Union Pacif ic railroad are suguar factories manufacturing sugar from the sugar beet. The pnlp is then sold to cattle feeders to fatten beef cat tie, besides the sugar company feeds hundreds of cattle for them selves This country is filled up with people from nearly all over the U viaes ior making u nauuuai luiest of an area which not only includes seventy-five million acres of hard- great country for people who have ing l order from you dur wood, but also includes the wood- lung trouoie, tne climate is saia to ing on ycar the f0uowing articles: .i j;f-jf fv,-i h-ori wntprs nf De a sure cure ior asntma. mere streams which supply several of are but few colored people here in 4V f ai,,Ki- o(rrimiHnrai rp. this part of the state, but instead trions within the Appalchian state k have the Mexicans and Japs. croup. Last season, just after Well, if this does not find its Snpker Cannon had killed the way to the waste basket, I may let I "VT 1 P .i4 uin .licootrr,!,. flrwvl vis tPd tne reaaers oi me ews near irom thp eiit-nvpr refion of this section, me again. Kespectiuuy, almost as if Providence had thought to visit up on us a swift, practical lesson, while the subject was on Hirhwavman Killed on Street everv tonpue. of the harm which o j aW.F. HARPER, Prci. I J.H. BEALL. Cashier. W. SHELL, ACashier A certificate of deposit is an interest bearing order on the bank for money. This order is made to mature at a stated time and affords an excellent opportunity to invest idle money for a short time. You can sell a certificate of deposit but you cannot lose the money it repre sents. When it is issued, a record is made and carried in the bank, so that no one except the proper owner can draw its equivalent in cash. If the certificate is lost or stolen, a duplicate will be furnished upon proper proof of loss. This bank issues certificates of deposits upon which we pay 4 interest. ASSETS AND RESPONSIBILITY OVER $300,000. sfactorily to explain: but, events, in so doing he lost the re spect of those who hirtherto had believed in his loyalty to Americau farm interests. "This winter the Appalachian bill is coming up agaiu, and, if the farm interests of this country are to be served, eVery one of those in terested must get busy, and get busy at once. Now, this bill pro- North Catawba News, We are having lots of snow at present. Mr. J. A. Berrv has sold a nice mule to Mr. Joe Crump. Mr. Willie McCall, of Lenoir, passed through this section yester- There will only be a lew more davsofthe Lutz school, as the money is-short this year. Mr. W. M. Smith says that La Grippe is the worst disease in the world. We are glad to welcome Mr. Pink Bean lmek to bur vicinity o., some are even from the moun tains of North Carolina. This is a Twenty Cents a Day for Rum Exchange. The following letter written to a Pennavlvania p-roepr. makes inter- g- "e nM parcnaseu tne r in esting reading not only to men who leT Place spend money for liquor but to men Mr. J. D. Bradley is doing some in legitimate business who have carpenter work for Mr. James goods to sell: Smith during the bad weather t n tt A I uear 3ir:-iiav.ug ueeu ac- M R g . to Ruth. enstomed to spending twenty cents hfa eveni Qn bngi. -l f ! 1 T tl V . I v w a aay ior wnisxey, i nuu uy sav- BORROWING Don't worry your neigh bor by continuously bor row his paper. Subscribe to the News and get one of your own. Court week will be a good time to at tend to it, while you are in town. Only the small sum of $1.00 per year, two papers a week. THE LENOIR NEWS. J. W. Wai.tek. comes to regions that are depend ent on their farming interests and have not had sense enough to keep their forests. "Do we need another! "Sit down at once and let your representative and yonr of Chicago. Raleigh Evening Timed. Chicago, Feb. 25 Herman Beck er, an alleged highwayman, was shot and killed last night at Six- teeth street and Forty-second av- senator en ne by Frank Davrock, au opti- know how you feel on this subject Make them understand that you prneet to use their influence and " their votes for the people. "If enough of you write the day will be won. "And America needs all of its forests for the people, and all its water for the crops." cian. Davrock was on his way home when he was intercepted by two men. One ot them pointed a Distol at Davrock and told him to throw up his hands. Davrock had his hands in his overcoat pocket and one hand held a pistol. He nf answered the roooer s command with a shot through his coat poclc- et. The bullet struck Becker in the stomach and he fell to the ground. His companion fled. A student at one of our colleges was reciting a memorized oration better and buy more for in one of the classes in public Uy speaking. After the first two sen tences his memory failed, and a Bi Tarantula Captured Here. Asheville Citizen. Perhaps tho largest trantulaseen in nhnvil1n was that shown in a glass bottle yesterday ju the No land-Iioland grocery on the Square The tarantula was observed in a bunch of bananas, fortunately be fare it had an otmortunitv to bite any of the clerks who had ben cut- 4! t.....nnna tfr,m Hiolinnch. and tnnified with alcohol and im- iEton i ad, Lincoln is dead"- prisoned. It was of enormous size then forgetting, he hesitated a mo- and its vicious appearance made ment and continued, "and I spectators shy of peering into the am beginning to feel, sick myself." imTtie when tne sioPDer was iw moved. ' 3 Barrels of flour, 100 Pounds - granulated 29 Pounds corn starch, 125 Pounds macaroni, 6 Pounds ground pepper, 60 Pounds of white beans, 1 Dozen scrubbing brushes, 50 Pounds soda, 20 Pounds roasted coffee, 25 Cans tomatoes, 24 Cans mackerel, 50 Pounds best raisins, 1 Dozen packages herbs, 40 Pounds oatmeal, 20 Pounds rice, 1 Barrel crackers, 100 Pounds hominy, 18 Pounds mince meat, 1 Dozen brooms, 12 Bottles machine oil, 20 Pounds Oolong tea, 24 Cans green peas, 20 Pounds dried apples, 25 Pounds prunes, 40 Pounds laundry starch, 26 Pounds table salt, 25 Pounds lard, 12 Bottles maple syrup, 100 Bars soap, 2 Gallons chow ichow, 1 Beam note paper, 500 Euvelopes, Newspapers for one year sugar, Mr. Newton Clarke went to Ba ton yesterday on business. Mr. M. C. Smith went to Gran ite Falls Monday on business. Miss Gertrude Smith is visiting Mr. J. D. Bradley this week. We are glad to know that Mr. Levi ltector is recovering from a I severe attack of grippe. Mr. C. II. Kector has mumps this week. Uncle Jok. i We Aire Happy Mrs. Ida Holgrey, of Gowrie, Iowa, declares that she has the banner liquor cure. When her husband was drunk Suuday she sewed him up between two blank ets and lambasted him from head to foot. The treatment is a little bit severe, but if all women were to display half her intolerance the anti-saloon league would vol untarily go out of business. A few years ago it was almost an unheard of thing for a reward to be offered for a criminal. Now, how ever, a crime is no sooner committed than there is a bounty offered for the perpetrator. When a builder or contractor lays before us a set of plans requiring Builder's Hardware for a private residence or a public building. We know that with the immense stock that we carry and the attractive prices we are able to give, that any job we figure on is "our meat" if we are given a lair show. There is no expense to you in giving us an opportunity to make an estimate on your requirements. It is well that this is the case, for firinlhiiT had every wrontrdoer. be he great or X HClll HV 1V f vm ...... .. J - j o ' w been costing me so much. I know small, should be speedily appre- my tam- hended. and sometimes ofheers might not le too vigilant in appre hending criminals. BERNHARDT -SEAGLE Hardware & Furniture Co. look of blank dispair came QVer his face. He began as follows: "Ladies and Gentlemen: Wash- Hard On Subscribers. Hardeman Free Frew. It is nnsefe to trifle or temporize We We sorry for 'em. but this is with anything that makes a noise -....I. a i.M.i,k like a trriD eerm getting in its W ilUli I1HII N'lmi Ul bllllXUIUUI ouu- I r i t C I scribers who was delingqnant: One sod. "I will pay you Sad- day night if I live." Heisded. Another sed, "I will sec you to- work. morrow." He is blind. A Kansas man killed himself be cause he was tired ofigetting np at I I three o'clock in the morning to nA 4a 11 mmjnff nnr v RHll annthpr MH1. "I hOTJA u) TJ8Y I lullK tilt COWS. Apparently 111 VRVfVl 19 VfeAJA WUllllBj VU " J I v 7 I TKa Yinarttr ii,nrr i han. speaking, of course, nationally, this week or go to hell." He is never occurred w mm to gi mar- A UV V VJ mvm I -' I IJ pier than dyspeptic prince. I and not personally. I gone. inea Anderson's Pressing Club. MMM.,.,,i,,1.MM,,MBMtipiM,MaMMWwaMa i m mmmmmtmm a $1.00 Per Month Limited to 3 Suits. Small Charge for all Extra Suits. CALL OR 'PHONE ANDERSON'S BARBER SHOP, NO. 54.