FISH THAT GLOW. Cm Dp Sea C-atvra Abla t Shad a Phoaphcr cnt Light. The , inhabitants c the oceaa Tirj in many respects, according ta ithe depth at vhich thej liTe, out ' most of all in their powers, of rision. Fish, that liTe at very great depths haTe either no eyes at all or enor mously big one. There axe to j method of getting about in the gloomiest abysses by delicate or gans of touch and by sight that collects the few rays of light due to phosphorescence or other acciden tal sources. The fish which live near the top of the ocean have smaller eyes than those say eighty fathoms down. One hundred and twenty fathoms deep er, where daylight disappears, the eyes are bigger still. Beyond the depth of 200 fathoms small eves prevail, with long feelers to supple ment them. At this depth, in fact, sight IS practically useless. In the frreatest abysses the fish are usuallv blic feeling their way about solely by means of thfir sensitive bodies. Some indeed show signs externally of having once possessed eyes, but that is all. In others the oldest and most confirmed abysmal species the eye has disappeared altogether external ly, though traces of it are still to be recognized, embedded deeply in the tissues of the head. Many deep sea fish have a curious system of hollows in the skull or about the body which hold a kind of phosphorescent slime. Others have round or oval shining opales cent spots, placed on the head or along the body or tail. All of them are abundantly sup plied with nerves, and they are ap parently organs for the production of phosphorescent light. If so, such a fish must swim about surrounded by a faint glow, somewhat like that thrown by luminous paint. One scientist even suggests that these fish may have the power of directing their rays in any direc tion, like a searchlight. Pearson's Weekly. A Devonahira J oka. A few days ago a Devonshire nhowman played a practical joke at BarnBtaple. As the country folk passed his tent they were interested at seeing the following notice: "Come and see the musical dog; ad mission twopence." Naturally a good many people paid their two pences and entered the tent, which was empty save for a big dog wear ing a large metal collar, but no, "musical dog" was visible. At last impatience mastered curiosity, and one of the audience asked the show man when the performance was go ing to begin. He seemed mucy sur prised at the question and n.ade for the tent door. Once there and in easy reach of the peti ground, he pointed to the dog in the tent, say ing: "Why, thats the musical dog. Can't you 'see the brass band around his ieck ?" Psaoa en Earth. Have you ever thought seriously of the meaning of that blessing giv en to the peacemakers? People Are always expecting to get peace in Jieaven. But you know whatever peace they get there will be ready made. Whatever making of peace they can be blessed for must be on the earth here; not the taking of arms against, but the building of est3 amid its "sea of troubles" (like the halcyons). Difficult enough, you think? Per haps so, but I do not see that any of us try. We complain of the want of many things we want votes, wc want liberty, we want amusement, we want money. Which of us feels or knows that he wants peace? John Ruskin. ' Astonishing Information. Two men wrote to the editor of a correspondence column of a maga zine, Mr. A. asking what to do for teething babies and Mr. C. asking how to get rid of grasshoppers. The editor in answering got the names mixed, so the man asking about ba bies got the reply : "If you want to get rid of the lit tle pests cover them up with grass and set fire to it." And the one who asked about the grasshoppers got the reply: "If they are teething, give them a warm bath and rub their gums with boneset every day." Judge's Library. Easy Practicing. Mrs. Fizzletop has been making an earnest effort to induce her son jonnny to learn to play the piano, A few days ago Mrs. Fizzlotop call ed upstairs: ' "Why aren't you practicing yout piece, Johnny P" . "I am." "Ton ore not You haven't touch ed the piano for the last half hour." Tt ; been practicing all the same. , There are pauses in the march, and I am practicing then over and over until I know them pcrfcctlj.'V-PeaMoii'a Weekly. ., Shake it welL ow is the time when the doctor gets busy, and the patent medicine nianf actarers rap the harreet, un less grreat care is taken to dree warm ly and keep th feet dry. This is the ad vie of an old eminent authority, who My that Rheumatism and Kid ney troable weather is here, and also tells what to do in ease of an attack. Get from any good prescription pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Ex tract Dandelion, one ounce Com pound Svrap S&naparilla. ' 1IU by snaking in a bottle and take a tea spoon ful after meals at and bedtime. Juf t try this simple home-made mixture at the first sign of Rheuma tism, or if your back ache or yon feel that the kidney t are not acting just right. This is said to b a spleu did kidney regulator, and almost cer tain remedy for all forms of Rheuma tism, which is caused by uric acid in the blood, which the kidueys fail to filter out. Any one can easily pre pare this at home at small eott. Druggists in this town and vicinity when shown the prescription, stated that they can eithersupply these iu trrvdients. or. if our readers prefer, they will compound the mixture for them. Roosevelt's public utterances may be equivalent to the "Marsei laise'' in music to a man who is tone blind. To others they sound very U-ra-ra-boom-de-ayish. This is what Hon. Jake Moore, State Werdeu of Georgia, says of Ko dol For Dyspepsia: "E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago, 111. Dear Sirs 1 have suffered more than twenty years from indigestion. About eighteen mouths ago I had growu so much worse that I could not digest a crust of corn bread and could not retain anything on my stomach. I lost 25 lbs.; infaut I made up my mind that I could not live bat a short time, when a friend of mine recommended Kodol. I consented to try it to please him and I was better in one day. I now weigh wore than I ever did in my life and am in better health than for many years. Kodol did it. I keep a bottle constantly, and write this hoping that humanity will be benefitted. Yours very truly, Jake C. Moore, Atlanta, Aug. 10. 1904." Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. It is hard for a man to live without work in dull times, for there are so many others working the same side of the street. . , IJow's the time to ta&e Rocky Mountain Tea. It ('fives out the f;ernis of winter, builds up the stom ach, kidneys and liver. The most wonderful spring tonic to make peo pie well. You'll be surprised with results 86c, Tea or Tablets. Dr. Keuts and Granite Falls Drng Co. As he is away up in the eighties, Uncle Gassaway doubtless feels complimented, as Editor Watter- son woald say, at being "suspect ed" of matrimonial designs. That New A Dresser, Bed, Chairs or anything you may need in the line. See us before buying CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. ' RH. Spakihour & Co. r- r( -rTf. JV&M YZ afV YV YES, will not find a more con venient season to sub scribe for the News, a paper that is always striv ing to give the news and better news, for the small sum of (ML00 the year COO n is i THE NEWS S 1. it Wl7 . .. I .1 I II Lenoir FEED STORE. Has just re ceived a fine lot of Seed Oats. Buy Now while you can get Them. MR. GALLERY. The Piano and Organ Builder and Tuner will be in Lenoir early in March. Parties de siring his services may leave their orders at The Martins or Davenport Gollege. FERTILIZERS I am now handling several brands of good Fertilizers. See me , before buying. aaaMawawaaaaaai W. H. CLOYD. The New York Sun character izes Roosevelt as a "polypragmon" Malefactors understand by this that he is a restless buzz-saw or a nervous switch engiue. Kodol is today the best known re liable remedy for all disorders of the stomach, such as dyspepsia, heart burn, sour stomach and belching of ?;as. Kodol contains the same juices ound in a, healthy stomaon. Kodol is pleaaanf to take. It is guaranteed to give relief and told by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Furniture. (TV. TO o W If yen want good Leather Shoe Finders see T. J. KeTer 6 Son, next door to Jfews office. . WOOD FOR 8 ALE Dry oakraila eat into stove wood. , . Joe Powell, Jr. STRAYED One black and whit Poland Chin Pi 8 weka old. Finder pleaae return to the Xevt of fice for reward, - i PLESTY of Fertilizer. The same Reliable Brands that we hara always carried Moort'e Old PoatofSee Baikiinf . LAND ENTRY SO. 6690. . North Carolina, Caldwell County. I John M. Houck, a citizen of said State, euters six hundred and forty acres of land in said County on the waters of Mulberry Creek, Beginning on the east end of the old C. M. Dickson's mill dam, and runniug East 300 and twenty poles to a stake, thence North three hundred and twenty poles to a stake, thence West three hundred and twenty poles to a stake, thence South three hun dred and twenty poles to the begin niug, to include only the vacant land that may be within the above boundary. Entered the 3rd day of March, 1998. John M. Uouck, A true copy: J. L. Miller, Entry taker. LAND ENTRY NO. 6891. North Carolina, Caldwell County. ) John M. Houck, a citizen of said State enters six hundred and forty acres of land in said County on the waters of John's River and adjoining the Watauga line, Beginning on a dead Spruce twenty poles of Curtis Creek, marked on four sides and running 'North three hundred and twenty poles to the Watauga line, thence West three hundred and twenty poles to a stake, t'nence South to a point West of the beginn ing thence to the beginning, to in clude only tne vacant land within said above describeiruo"f?idary. -. John M. Houck, A rue copy: J. L. Miller, Entry taker. Get DeWitTs Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve it is healing, soothing andcooling. It is good for piles. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a mortgage deed exe cuted to R. 8. Carlton by J. W. Reid and wife Delphia Reld on January 28th, 1907, and transfered to me on Sept. 7th 1907, (and duly registered in the Registers office of Caldwell County in Book No. 8, !page 92 ete. I will sell at the court house door in Lenoir, N. C. At 12 o'clock, noon, on April 11th, 1908, the lands conveyed in said mortgage deed. Said lands lying in Kings Creek township Cald well County, adjoining" the land of James Carlton, R. 8. Carlton and bounded as follows: Beginning on a poplar near a small branch in Ralph McGee's line and runs North with his line 126 poles to a white oak in Wilson Lnxton's line, then East with his line 80 poles to a poplar Laiton's corner, then South with his line 12 poles to a small poplar John Livingston's corner, then South with his line 130 poles to a Spanish oak, then West 101 poles to a white oak in McGee's line, then North with his line 24 poles to a stake, then East with bis line to the beginulng. Con taining 50 acres. This March 10th, 1908. R. S. Carlton, Mortgagee, by T. A. Anderson, Assignee. LAND ENTRY NO. 0692. North Carolina, ) Caldwell County. J John M. Houck, a citizen of said State, enters six hundred and forty acres of land in said County on the waters of left hand or Cragg's Fork of John's River, Beginning on a sprues pine on the bank of Ballew's Creek and running east one hundred and sixty poles to Polly Cragg's Hoe thence. Northwardly with Polly Gragg's, Josephine Gragg's, Thomas Wrigbt'i lines to D. N. Coffey's line, thence West with the Watauga County line three hundred and twenty poles to a stake in the Lenoir tract, then Southward with said tract three hundred and twenty poles, then with the line of the Dickson tracts and Hodges' line to the beginning, to include only the Tacant land on Ballew's Creek, White Spring Creek and Green Mountain Creek. Entered March 8, 1008, John M. Houck, A true copy: J. L. Miller, Entry Taker. Ton iknilNsTTmwdl ir (r -rl (v -I .n T) II X II Ji V V Jl .11 f If 11 1 REUEYj;3.tV4 STQMAtU, BEIXPWG. ETC C DtlTITT For Sole by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent end Granite Schedule Effective " Northboaod - Chester YorkTille Gastonia Llneolnton Newton Hickory Lenoir - 5outhbound Lenoir Hiekory Newton Lincontou Gastonia Yorkville Chester PaJscnfef' - he. i. ....LrSOSam ....Lt 8 Mam ....Lt 9 44 ana ...Lt 10 43am ....Lt 11 23 am , ...Lr 13 03 am Ar 123 pm PasMoger No. 9 Lt 1 30 pm Lt 3 43 pm Lt 3 10 pm Lv 3 46 pm L 4 40 pm . 5 05 pint ' Lt 3 33 pu ... Ar. 0 40pm CONNECTIONS. CHESTER Southern Ry.. S. A. L. and L. 4: C. YORKVILLE Southern Railway. GASTONIA Southern Railway. L1NCOLNTON-S. A. L. NEWTON andHICKORY-Southern Railway LENOIR Blowing Rock Stage Line and C. & N. NOTICE. According to a ruling of the Post office Department, effective April 1, 1908, Semi-Weekly papers cannot be legally sent to subscribers who are nine months or more in arrears. This is to give notice therefore that all such on our books at that time will be cut off and the paper stopped un til payment is made. Very Respectfully, H. C. Martin, Editor The News. Be careful about that little cough. Get something right away; some good. reliableTfciuedy that will move the bowels. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup acts gently yet prompt lv on the bowels and allays inflam mation at the same time. It is pleas ant to take and it is especially re commended for children, as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. LAND ENTRY NO. 68. North Carolina, ) Caldwell County, t D. B. Kirby enters and locates 40 acres of laud more or less in Lower Creek township said County on the waters of Little ZacksFork: Beginn ing on Mrs. Alice Coffey's black gum corner, runs North HO poles to the Wilson Lumber Co.'s line and with their line East to their corner, then South with Smith Barlow's line to Mrs. Alice Coffey's line, then with her line to the beginning. Entered 11 a. m., February 4th, 1008. D. B. Kirby. A true copy: J. L. Miller, Entry taker. Mr. John Riha, of Vining, la., says "I have been selling DeWitt'f Kid ney and Bladder Pills for about a year and they give better satisfac tion than any pill I ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have used them and they give perfect sat isfaction in every case. I have used them myself with fine results." Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. LAND ENTRY NO. 0088. North Carolina Caldwell County, f T. S. Robbing locates and enters 23 acres of land on the waters of Buff alo creek, in Yadkin Valley township, said Connty and State. Beginning on a chestnut tree corner of a 10 acre tract and in said T. 8. Bobbins' line and ruus East with said line ta the J. L. Hawkins' line, thence Northward with said Hawkins' line to J. W. Cottrell's line, thence West with said line to a spruce pine cor ner of it, thence South with said line to the line of 19 acre tract of the first mentioned, thence East to corner of it, thence South to the Beginning. Entered this the 21 day of Feb. 1008. T. 8. Robbins. A truy copy: J. L. Miller, Entry taker. A Higher Health Level. "I havo reached a higher health level since I began using Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes Jacob Spring er, of West Franklin, Maine. "They keep my stomach, liver and bowels working just right." If these pills disappoint you on trial, money will be refunded at J. E. Shell's drug store. 23c. Ult fella It.aadva win iifrraa. will raiuaa roar rivcnvnai -C . r I February and, 1908.- Mixed No. 6o 1 00 pm 23 pm ' 4 13 pm Mixed Nets 6 00 am 8 Main t 03 am 10 00 am 13 23 am 3 33 pm nixed No6j 9 C3am 11 13 am 1 20 pm 2 23 pm 3 30 pm Nixed No 6i 7 00 am 0 13 am 10 U5 pm Houtrrcfrs Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets 4 Buy Midi aim far Basy Ftspl. 2riaf 014m Etltk sad Kutvad Ylfr. A tweiflo for CooUptlon, IodlfWtkm, I.It and Kldaey Trouble, Pimple. Ecsam, Impuri Blood, Bad Breath, Bluntab Bowel, Headache and Backache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab-l-t form, ft cent a box. Genuine mads by U iustm Dtoe Comfajit, Hadtooo, Wla. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE C.B. McNslry. M.D. Claude Moore, tt. D. McNAIRY, & MOORE. The undersigned offer their services to the people of Lenoir and vicinity for the practice of Medicine in all its branches. Office at Lenoir Drug Co. Store Phone 28., N. Main St., Lenoir, North Carolina. McNairy & Moore. L. Q. Reid, D. D. S. Denistry in all its Branches. ; $ Office, Shell Building, J Lenoir, N. C. Phone 85. $ m E. W. MOOSE, D. D. S. I have moved my office to rooms over the Po9toffice, where I do all kinds of Den tal work. I will be absent from my office one week be ginning with the first Mon day, in each month. Respectfully, E. W. MOOSE. aaaaaaaaaAjLaaaAaaaaaAAAAAX www WW WWW fWrWrffffff if ftf It Does The Business. Mr. E. E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine, says of Bucklen's Arnica Salve. "It does the business; I have used it for piles and it cured theni. Used it for chapped hands and it cured them. Applied it to an old sore and it healed it without leaving a scar behind." 25c. at .1. P. AhAll'a drug store. Kodol For Indigettten. w"",t Relieves tour stptnach. palpiution of the heart Digests wht you eat KILL the COUCH AND CURE thi LUNCO Dr.' King's WITH Nov; Discovery AND ALL THROAT AND LUNQ TROUBLE!. GUARANTEED 8ATIS FACTOR C3w!l"E aid v::;:xn Habita aarad at aw luatorfan. Ji in a ftw nttL To ota ntara to your iom la 10 dan wU. fna aad hapar. I hata mad than takbltf atmclalty for IS 7an and enrd tbouaadi. Mpp Book on Homo Traatmrat rat r ntC Addraej BB. B. M. WOOUIV, 10fl X. Frjot atraat, Aslaata, pa. I flY.Pt C S c Sweet to Eat CitrirlmlUutln. J. E. SHELL ""'1,?,LS.k2wl .raaB kM.llyarlt Ui)t.i fltad M, will MTaad yoar . Try Kodol today, on tbla auaraniM. fill l aad alan U rlloW MM! It to h dlMMtb tin o .rTh! ntara U balUa ta taa doala I a aom o eiat atoaar. UMata. Mr O COMPANY. CHICAGO, H.W Falls Drug Ccirijany.