Your Own Ideas of Harness. ? 6 ! i - . Y 1 Carried out in detail if you want a buggy harness, ; carriage or team harness, , made to order, different from the prevailing styles. Our modem shop meth ods and years of experience make it possible to build order to suit your ideas without extra cost. There is no uncertainty about our make of harness. . Every part is made according to the dic tates of skill.. We want your trade, for we believe we deserve t in the high-class harness service we can render at easy reached prices. We solicit a trial order. Charlie is waiting for you. Who will get the harness! Can't wait, hurry up." i i f PRICE-CUE HSS The Harness THE BOOK STORE. By Mail P. P. $1 37 Each Late Fiction When at the Store you will find it interesting to look over the full description of all the Late Books. Standard Authors. More than 500 select copies in cloth and paper bindings just received. MUSIC. We will hereafter carry in stock the complete line of McKiuley 10c music. This line em braces nearly 1,000 select pieces. Lenoir Book I Anderson's Pressing Club. $1.00 Per Month Limited to 3 Suits Small Charge for all Extra Suits. CALL OR 'PHONE ANDERSON'S BARBER SHOP, NO. 54. Now Ready. - " " .- V - My Stock of nice Stylish Millinery and Ladies Finishings at theDula Building, 8. Main Street. Miss Annie Cloyd. Fresh FISH! ' At Lenoir Meat Market every Saturday. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The partnership heretore exist ing between J. fl. Melton, S. L. Tattle and J. K. iBaileV tinder the firm name of Melton, Tattle & Ballew, was dissolved on March 21, 1908, by muthal consent, J. E. Ballew, retiring. The business will be conducted hereafter by the remaining partners under the firm name of Melton-Tattle Co. All accounts due by the old firm will be paid by the new, also all ac couns due old firm will be collect ed by the new. J. H. Melton, t S. L. TUTTLE, J. R. Ballew. . Some people look into the future as though they were peering into be unfathomable depths of a box fall -of gloom,- Only raise your head above the box lid and you will find th sutf U stilt shining. Chattatioeg Star. V r -' , . i & lllll COMPANY. Makers. At Store $1 25 Each Company. LAND ENTRY NO. W4. North Carolina Caldwell County. L. C. Watson enters and claims 100 acres of land In gaid County and State, on Ldst Cove Creeky Waters of Wilson's Creek. Beginning ou a large pplar tree, the beginning cor ner of a 100 acre grant to Henry Rob inson, No. 288, runs with lfbe of said 100 acre graOt,8.,43d E. 180 poles to i a stake in line of a 25 acre tract, owned by the C. & N. W. Ry. Co., thence with line of said 25 acre tract, N. 40 poles to a stake in line of a 50 acre tract, now owned by the Globe Lumber Co., thence with line of said 50 acre tract, W. 30 poles to the 8 W. corner of same, thence N. 50 poles to the 8-E. corner ot another 50 acre tract, owned by said Globe Lumber Co., thence with line of the latter, W. 100 poles to a small pine on a ridge; the 8-W. corner of same and the second corner of the J. T. Mont gomery 20 acre grant No. 1MM9, thence with line of said Montgomery grant, N. 68 W. 42 poles to the begin ning. Entered at, 2:30 p. m. March 20, 1908. This March 25th, 1908, L. C. Watnon, A true copy: J. L. Miller, Entry Taker. Neighborhood Favorite. Mrs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor, Me., speaking of Electric Bitters, lays: "It is a neighborhood favorite here with us." It deserves to be a favorite everywhere. It gives quick relief in dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney derangement, malnutrition, nervous ness, weakness and general debility. Its action on the blood, as a thorough purifier makes it especially useful as a spring medicine. This grand alter ative tonic is sold under guarantee at J . . Shell's drag store. 50 cents. Mrs. Janie Strlngfellow, of Chester, will have charge of two hotels at Montr eat this summer. College girls from $e Springs Female college will sere the tables . We advise the wives of elders and deacons as well as preachers to ac company theit hnsbafrdal U ' Mon-treat.-Oarolina Spartan. C023VS CHANCE. He Returned From the Party Bringing . His Sheaves With Him. Little Robert, aged four, present ed his mother with a huge sized shock the other day. - It was a case of sowing a mild little breeze and reaping a full grown whirlwind. , ... Kobcrt is Mrs, B.'s first and has always had a large front seat in her affections. Even when Mrs. B." at tended . parties she 'remembered Robert and would slip a bit of can dy into her handkerchief to carry homo to him. .. Not that Robert did not have as much candy of his own as was good for him and more, too but he took an awed delight in anything which came from a party. So his mother always produced some sou venir of her modest social dissipa tions with which to satisfy Robert. A few weeks ago Robert himself ent to a party, his very first. A mniJ brought him home and left hirn, together with a lurge paper bag. in the eager arms of his wel coming mother. The first rapture of description had scarcely begun when yrs. B. became conscious of the bulk v bag. "Why" Robert, what's this?" "It's for you. I brought it to you from the party." With some misgiving Mrs. B. opened the bag. It contained a large orange, nuts, candy, grapes, cakes in fact, a very respectable assortment of refreshments suited to the juvenile taste. Robert had supposed it was quite the usual thing to take little con soling items to the uninvited mem bers of one's family, and be had taken u generous delight in securing a truly noble collection for his mother. That lady faced the Jbnble prob lem of explaining the.situation to Robert's hostess and of presenting to Robert a clear reason why what was sauce for the goose, so to speak, was a totally different thing for the gather. The explanation, which simmered down, of course, to a question of size or quantity was far from being clear to Robert, who is low in his mind and thinks he does not care for society at all. New York Sun. What David Said. A country clergyman kept a young servant lad. One Sunday morning before service he gave him his orders about the dinner and said : "Go to neighbor David and ask him for me to let you have some tripe on credit, and then prepare mo a nice plateful." The lad did as he was told, and the clergyman went to conduct the service.' As he stood in the pulpit he called oat in the middle of his sermon : "And on this gubjoct, brethren, what does David say ?" At that moment his little valet stepped into the church, and, in the belief that his master was address ing him, he replied: "nease, sir, he says, 'No money, no tripe!" London Answers. Appropriate Sentiment. Many years ago the energetic Professor Schwarz was conducting a musical society. They were study ing Mendelssohn's "Elijah" and had reached the chorus, "Hear us, Baal; hear, mighty god." Th men's voices were booming out sonorously when the conductor cried out: "No, no! De dreadful vowel! Don't say B-a-l-c. Soften a leetle. Give de more musical sound Ball" Whereupon the chorus took up the strain again, Hear us Bawl hear us Bawl!" Bat they quickly realized the peculiar fitness of the sentiment and broke down in laugh ter, to the great amazement of the little German, who never saw the joke, but who returned reluctantly to the td pronmteiation. Em DfehM. An odd combination of breakfast codfish balls and eggs is prepared in this way: Hake te fish balls flat ted fry ibefo rdttr. iWh some eggs in rings, and when done slip one on each balL Egg btlff are an attractive break fast or luncheon dish. The eggs are boiled hard and the whites removed, gome mtnoed ham is miled with White sauoa and seasoned with a lit tle dry mustard and spread qn rounds of toast, and one ball is put on each shoe, and more white sauce, mixed with the chopped" whites, ii poured around. Harper's Bazar. " No Litotiaa. "Well," said EOitn'l mother when the child arrived borne from the tea fiarty, "did-Tott harrii ar good time V "Yea, thank .yw, mamma,'' - "And did youtfay nioe 'tallies)? "Yes, mammaF "And did you have a nioe teaf Tea, m4rnt64. "1 hope, Edith, that yoti behaved yourself like i lktle kdf. Ifru did not take any EberfSa, did ydr fKo, rnarrhrTftert waVta't-anj on the table." LAND ENTRY NO. tm. North Carolina J ; CeJdwell County. T. 8., Bobbins locates and enters 23 acres of land on the waters ot Buff alo creek, in Tad kin Valley township, said Connty and State. Beginning on a chestnut tree corner of a 19 acre tract and in said T. S. Robbins' line and runs East with said line to the J. L. Hawktns' line, thence Northward with said Hawkins' line to J. W.Cottrell's line, thenoe West with said line to a spruce pine cor ner of it, thenoe South with said line to the line of 10 acre tract of the first mentioned, thence East to corner of it, thence South to the Beginning. Entered this the 81 day of Feb. 1908. T. S. Robbins. A, truy copy: J. L. Miller, Entry taker. Possess marvelous curative powers, removes all disorders, makes health, strength and flesh. After taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea you'll realize the wonderful good it does. 25 cents, Tea or TabJets. Dr. Kents and Granite Falls Drug Co. MORTGAGE SALE OF LAND. By virtue of a mortgage deed exe cuted toR. S. Carlton by J. V. Reid and wife Delphia Reid on January 28th, 1907, and transfered to me on Sept. Tth 1907, and duly registered in the Registers office of Caldwell County in Book No. 3, page 92 etc. I will sell at the court house door in Lenoir, N. C. at 12 o'clock, noon, on April 11th, 1908, the lands conveyed in said mortgage deed. Said lauds lying in Kings Creek township Cald well County, adjoining the land of James Livingston, R. S. Carlton and bounded as follows: Beginning on a poplar near a small branch in Ralph McGee's line and runs North With bin line126 poles to a white oak in Wilson Lantoii s line, then East with his line 80 poles to a poplar Laxton's corner, then South with his line 12 polus to a small poplar John Livingston's corner, then South with his line 130 poles to a Spanish oak, then West 101 poles to a white oak in McGee'sline, then North with his line 24 poles to a stake, then East with his line to the beginning. Con taining 50 acres. This March 10th, 190S. R. 8. Carlton, Mortgagee, by T. A. Andrews, Assignee. The kidueys are delicate and sen sitive organs and are very likely at any time to get out Of order. De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills are prompt and thorough and will in a very short time strengthen the weak ened kidneys and allay troubles a rising frouiinflauination of the blad der. Sold by J. 8hell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. LAND ENTRY N0.6A83. North Carolina I Caldwell County, f (i. L. Munday locates and enters 300 acres of land in said County and State in Yadkin Valley Township on the waters of Ready's branch of Yad kin Uiver, Beginning on a hickory Allen Kirby's corner running a West course with the top of the mountain and Houck's line to the Jones line, then with Jones1 line to the John Steele's line, now C. A. Anderson's line and Cyrus Jones' line, then var ious other courses to include the va cant lands baok to the beginning, known as the place where Hence Stewart once lived on. Entered March 2lst. 1908. G. L. Munday. A true copy: J. L. Miller, Entry Taker. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea never fails to tone the stomach, pur ify the blood, regulate the kidneys liter and bowels. The greatest spring tonic, makes and keeps you well. 33 cents, Tea or Tablets. Dn Kent and Granite Falls' Drug Co. After the band wagon comes the pie cart, and njany depart with empty hauds and revengeful faces. The Jumping Off Place. "Consumption bad me in its grasp; and I had almost reached the jump lag off place when I Was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery; and I want to say right nowi' it saved my life Improvement began with the first bottle, and after taking one dox en bottles I was a well and happy man again," says George Moore, of Grlnieslahd, N. C. As a remedy for coughs and colds and healer of weak, sore lungs and for preventing! pneu monia New Discovery is supreme. 80o and 11.00 at J. E, Shell; druggist. Trial bottle free. .. " .. Tr 3 T. -T1 3 II . I II To . 1 -'- f.i FOR INPTGKSTIOTf ArTTJ DTSPOSIlU For Sole by J. E. Shell $o$$4$&4$ok;co.k o$$oo c oto$0v4ic : ClLI'lfl & IIIKJESIEIi ranii. Schedule Effective February 2nd, 1908. Northbound Chester...., Yorkviile.... Gastoaia.... , Passenger J ' No. 10. .I........ Lv 8 03ain , ........Lv 8 53am Lv 9 44 am Lincolnton ...Lv 10 49 Newton..... ....Lv 11 28am Hickory Lv Lenoir., Ar 12 03 1 23 Southbound Passenger No. 9 Lenoir :.Lv 1 50 pui Hickory Lv 42 pui Newton Lv3 10 pm ' Llnconton Lv 8 46 pm G-tonl..: LvJSjS Y'orkville Lv 5 53 pm Chester Ar. 0 40 pm CONNECTIONS. CHESTER-Southern Ry., S. A. L. and L. & C. YORKV1LLE Southern Railway. GASTON I A Southern Railway. I i.IUWLJNTON-S. A. L. I NEWTON and HICKORY' Southern Railway I LENOIR Blowing Rock Stage Line and C. & N. I Southern Railivay I Operating Over 7,000 . . . QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS . . . NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST. Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts Affording- First-Clou Accommodations. Elegant Pullman Sleeping Cars oa all TbToagb Trail. ration Cars. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel via the Southern Railway. Rates, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned; R. L. Vernon, T. P. A. Charlotte, N. C. Asheville, N. C. H. Hardwick, P. T. M. W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A. Washington, D. C. S. L. Q. Reid, D. D. S. Denistry in all its Branches, j Office, Shell Building, Lenoir, N. C. Phone 85. S I Subcrib for the Lenoir News. HOLLISTCR'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy MadlaiuSr Buy Ptopl. Brines CMua Hitk sal 1mmI Tljtr. A pU1a for CouUmUod, Isdlfaatioa, Uro nd Kidney TrouMw. PtmplM, Eomout, Impai Blood, Bad Breath, 8lunth. Bowata, Ha4eb rad Backache. It's Kookr Mountain Taa in tab kt form, Sft oaota a bos. OenuiM mads b floujana Dace Coururt, Madlan. Wig. ' GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE NOTICE". According to a ruling of the Post office Department, effective Aprjl 1, 1908, Seini-Weekly. papers cannot be legally sent to subscribers who are nine months or more in arrears. This is to give notice therefore that all such on our books at that time will be cut off and the paper stopped un tij payuient is wade. Very Respectfully, H. C. Martin, Editor The News. fCodol Dyepcp3la Cere Clgeata wftat yo tat DIIlMCK"3i tJUUi.V&KUI BaMts eai4 air Beaitortwn la a I Uve asaee theseUkMeaeseeWtv for , fSrearaeedemd tkeoeaad. reirs Jrf. oa,sAaa)taHa)s KILLthi COUCH AO) CURE the LUNCO r. lm& 1 rWltH i mcim ,-fa, AiamATAiiBtijiftTRarfttEiT TO Olw H. IU Mat a . nil eat aHrm Otfwttft. ""e - If It (alls to mihwtj m. "VrsTfJI flals)MlVlsniHi M'smbSsMi it,M we i u eeffui (uasta tewaiwui Ua4aMast4ba& : it DwWITT t3 17iTKerir efid Mixed 'No 6 J , 0 00 am 1 8 05 am 1 9 05 am 10 00 am 13 25 am 2 55 pin nixed No 63 am am pin- Nixed No 0l 9 05 am 11 15 am 1 20 pm 2 25 pm 5 50 pm 7 00 am 9 15 am 10 35 pui fliles of Railway. Mixed No. 6o ' 1 00 pm , 2 23 pm 4 15 pm Dloio(, Club sad Rtier 'IT J. H. Wood, D. P. A. Weak Womeir 0 weak aad alUns women, (hera la at leatt on wartobelp. But with that w, two traatment mint b combined. On u local, on la constitu tional, but both an Important, both ansmitlal. Dr. Phoop'i Klght Cure U the Local. Pr. Bhoop't&oatoimtiv, the OoniUtatlanal. Th fonnar-Dr. Bhoop'i Nurht Cure lia topleal mneooa Membrane suppoettorj ramedr, while Dr. Snoop' Restorative la whpllr an Internal treat, aoent, The Reetorattte reaches thronf bout the entire sntem, attaint the wpair of all aerrt. ail tMsua, and all blood aliments. . . i The Nlfht Cure, aa Its name implies, does Bi While Toaileen. It soothes edre and InSarn. ou mucous aurieoee. neaia local weeana and oiscnarfre, while the Restorative, eases eadtatneni gives renewed vlcot and a builds up wasted tissue. brUurhia' about ambition. about renewed Mrehath. Tutor, and enenrr. lake Dr. Bhoott'i Restorative Tablets or Llquldasa reoeral tool So the system, for pesitlre local help, use se wed Dr. &hoop's Night Cilre J. L SHELL rats CHILD REM LIKB IT WCNNlDYtS LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP ' J. Ev SHELL' C.B. McNalry. M.D. Ctaaia Moera, H. D. McNAIRY, & M00RE. The undersigned offer their services to the people of Lenoir and vicinity for the practice of Medicine in all its branches. Office at Lenoir Drug Co. Stort Phone 28., N. Main 81., Lenoir, NOrth Carolina. McNairy Moore. 1 l.,l,m I B. W. MOOSE,! D. b. s. I have moved my office to rooms over the Postoffice, where I do ill kin4 of Den ta)orltV FWU be absent frdtrt m office one veek' be. giAnlngwitk the fiftt.'Mon. X dayin eBtn,m'onth;1 ' Respectfully, B. W. MOOSE. I M "' 11 ' 1 11I wamte)Hcm ert MeaeaTg bottle et Kadol lol, fee n k lefr'tW f" nrtftftiee. aatlr e It I reer Wni Vr.' nHiirnittaatee, ttmnnret mi tuae tfiiMku.; ntera the kol r perrkawii kottle te the Sealer from aea fee, beugat aaUaifce5i ismttrs !$z V CMICAOO.ItL. T I 1, t I ' f . I ' .IV t

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