LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mr. 8 O, Smith went to Char lotto ou l)usihcu8 Wednesday. W6 regret to note the serious lickness of Mrs.. F. P. Moore. Mrs. Moore is at the home of her 800, Mr. Joe C. Moore. ' Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Edwards, "who have been stopping at The Martins for some davs. left Wed- nesday morning for their summer home at Blowing Rock. - .There will be a box-supper at iiti. jiou oaturaay nigni April fnr fha KanaAfc Tift '7lAn Methodist church. All arc invited. Any help wil) be greatly appreci ated. Mr. W. A. Hoke has sold his house and lot near the Lenoir Cot ton Mills to the Cotton Mill Co. and little later will build himself a new residence on a lot bought of Mr. Robt. Hedrick near the Re formed church. Mr. G. W. Palmer, of Yadkin Valley, who has been in the lumber business Co. for several years, w ill go to North Wilkesboro soon and will take a position with the Giant Lumber Company. Mr. Edleman, Mgr. of the chain gang of Gaston county, came to Lenoir last Tuesday and took Ra mon Sanders, the young man who was sentenced to the roads at last fall court and who escaped soon after being taken there, back to the roads in Gaston . Owing to the crowded condition of our paper last issue, we failed to call attention to the full page ad of Mr. J. W. Self in last issue. Ofoourse our readers all saw it and we are pleased to note that Mr. Self is having a fine trade during his spring opening sale. Next Sunday Palm Sunday special services at St. James chnrch ll a. m. and 8 p. m. Friday ser vices this week will be omitted. Child rens setvices Saturday at 4 p.m. Subject of sermon Sunday evening "The Passing away of old Fashioned Protestantism." Mr. Isaac Taylor while loading brick bats and other rubbish from the old hotel building on a wagon last Wednesday, found a one dol lar gold piece. Mr. Taylor certain ly has an eye for gold to see so small a piece in that kind of stuff. He has been offered $5.00 for his find. Sheriff D. M. Boyd, of Catawba county, last Friday captured a moonshine still Inear Conover in ful blast and took it to Conover, put it in an old stable and locked it up, notifying the Federal au thorities what he had done. Sun day morning it was fonud that someone had recaptured the whole outfit and made way with it. "Try it again sheriff. Monday May 1st was the day to sell land for all unpaid taxes for 1907, but our County Commission ers have very kindly extended the time till the 1st Monday in June, giving the people of Caldwell County one more mouth to settle their taxes and sa,Ve costs. This is very nice in our Commissioners and we hope the people will take advantage of it. Miss' Annie Cloyd went to Char- lotto on business yesterday. ' v There will be special Easter ser vices at the Methodist church at H o'clock a.m. Easter Sunday, 19. . Mr. F. H. Coffey is gone on a business trip to Ohio and Indiana and other states , of the middle west' )'' Four persons were admitted to the Baptist church last Wednes day evening by baptism and pro fession of faith. Mr. W. A. Watspn is selling out his stock at cost with a view of going out of the mercantile bus iness. See his ad. Uncle Phillip Bostic's ice cold lemonade stand is in fall blast and he says he is ready to give any body a "sleigh-ride" now. See the New Advertisements of Lenoir Realty & Insurance Co,, Colonial Opera Co. and Lenoir Meat Market in this issue. Mr. Munroe Cloer has moved his barlK'r shop to the Harper building and has one of the nicest places of business in town. You can find Mr. Will J. Ram seur at M. M. Courtney's store and he will be glad to see you and will be delighted to wait on you. The peach crop, we are told is not all killed by the recent cold weather. In some localities, we learn, there are prospects of a full crop. Pay your tax by the first day of May, so you can vote in the elec tion on May 26th, and also save the cost of advertising by the sherifl. Persons who miss the "Trip to India," bv the Colonial Opera Co. tonight at the Opera House will regret it. Lenoir is fortunate in securing this fine company. The Colonial Opera Company which is billed to play at the Opera House tonight is highly endorsed by all the newspapers where the company has played. It will be perhaps the lest troupe ever seen in Lenoir. There will be a Special Serv ice at the Presbyterian Church net Sunday afternoon at :':'!0. Kvery member of Home depart ment and Sunday School is urged io V pi es ent. The public also is cordially invited to attend as there will lc no services at night. The new road west of town, which leaves the public road at the foot of the Ervin hill and passes around through the old Puettc farm coming back iuto the street again at Curlee & Lindsay's store, has leen completed and turned over to the county. We un dei stand it is a good piece of work and a great improvement ov er the old road. In the case of State against Ban ner, for killing Cline it Watauga, which was tried this week in Boone, the verdict was murder in the second degrte and the sentence of the court was 30 years in the penitentiary. Banner iook an ap peal to the Supreme Court and his bond was fixed at $8,000, which we unaerstanu ne cave ana was released from jail. The Special Services or Mission conducted by l)r. Jefferis, at St. James Church will begin May 10th and continue through May 17th. Honor Roll. Since our last issue the following named persons have made pay I ments to the News on subscriptions: Z. V. Johnson, L. L. Crumy, J. M. Cottrell, W. C. Dula, Mrs. L. Earnest, J. B. Clarke, Annie L. Dula, R. L. Austin. BUSINESS LOCALS. M.00 Ilatt for Men and Women at 2.00 Saturday at Tne Racket. See thoye nice new stylish hats at Millinery store. Halle 100 baby caps, prices from lOo to 75o to be sold at the Racket Saturday. Come and get your Spring Hat Sat urday at half price. The Racket. WANTED to exchange a fat beef cow for a fresh milk cow. H. C. Martin. Big liue of Sample Hats for Men and Boys at half price Saturday. The Racket. The Opera Company Pleased Good Audience. The Colonial Opera Company opened a three nights' engagement at the Academy of Music last night to a good sized and very appreciative audience. The opera nrMPntprl "A Trintn Tiwliu " and it proved to fre a splendid of fering. The cast of principals was exceptionally good and sang its roles beautifully. Miss .Tuanita Hush, the "prima donna." is possessed of a true magnificent voice and sang her role with much ease and grace. The scenic pro duction was a very creditable one, and the costumes were very nice, The "Trocadere Quartette" ap pearded in the second act and made a distinct hit, being encored several times. The Colonial Opera Company will be seen again to-night, when "Fra Diovolo" will be offered. At the matiee to-morrow afternoon "A Trip to India" will be repeated, and for the closing perftrmance to morrow night "Chimes of Nor mandy" will be sung. Charlotte Observer. Tax Listers. The following men have been appointed to list the taxes in the different townships for this year: GlotxM-W. H.Gragg. Hudson W. L. Winkler. John's River Mat Estes. Kings CreekA. W. Laiton. Lenoir A. V. Miller. Lower Creek W. T. Beach. Little River J. C. Sherrill. Lovelady I. B. Williams. North Catawba I). T. Smith. Patterson Z. V. Holloway. Yadkin Yalle- Fran. Hawkins. Wilson's C.W. E. Garland. Call and examine oar new and stylish Millinery before buying. Bariew Millinery Co. Two big lines of sample hats to go at any old price Saturday. The Racket FOR SALE A good second hand wind mill, with tower and tank. Ap ply to H. C. Martin. A Bird in The Hand Is the Noblest Work of Creation Pretty and Stylish Millinery, all new and fresh at the Bailew Millin ery Store. Hat day at The Racket Saturday: for Men Women, Children and Ba-1 bies. The Racket, i LOST A gold cane open face Cen tury Watch. Return to News office and get reward. A comfortable home of five rooms and two acres of land in Hudson for A nice Chicken Farm of 25 acres and a good six room house two miles of Le noir on the railroad for (Xher vacant lots, cosy cottages, fer tile farms and palatial residences too numerous to mention. Call and Ask us. J700.00 1450.00 GOOD PASTURE For several cattle in Watauga. The Lenoir pas- j turew. Apply to 1). P. Coffey. Blowing Rock, N. C. Sample Hats at panic prices while they last, $1.00 at 50c, VIM at fl.00 and 8.00 at $1.50. All colors and styles. The Racket. FOR SALE A lot good second hand Surries, Buggies. Hacks and Harness at bargain prices. Lenoir Livery Co. We have a few nearly new second hand organs for sale cheap, cash or ou installments. Write or call on W. H. Parker, Lenoir, N. C. FOR RFNTA Ave room house near Weaver School building in East Lenoir. Apply to J.C.Steele, Route 1. K'ngs Creek, N. C. Newton Lawn, 30c pound paper, Envelops to match 10c. Only 30c for both for the next two weeks. The Book Store. Your piano tuned for $3.00 by John (i. Russell, or Spartanburg, S. C. All work guaranteed. I consider Mr. Russell a first-class tuuer. Leave your orders with or write me at Le noir, N. C. W. H. Parker, Take Your Shotgun To The Cat- erpiller. This spraying will not kill the Caterpiller and I am glad it will not, for we want to have the sport and fun in killing them. Howl Why just load up a lot of shells with half powder loads and no shot. Fill your pockets with these shells; now load your gun and hold it within 8 or 10 inches of the nest, pull the tngirer, and the work is done. If you want to have a little sport and destroy every caterpillar on the ranch, just try this plan on the first that come, and yon will 1h so pleased you will go over to your neighbors and shoot his for him before he finds out the plan. Do you want fruit! Then spray. H.F. Fkkkman. Johnston Co., N. C. Four Boars of February farrow, large, thrifty, big-boned fellows of the short legged thick low down build that mature early. These pigs are registered in the American Berk shire Herd book. Priced right to move theiu early. Address John M. Harshaw, Prop., John's River Farm, Collettsville. N. Ci Kodol For Dyspepsia has helped thousands of j)eople who have had stomach trouble. This is what one man sys of it: "E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. III. Gentlemen In 1897 1 had a disease of the stomach and bowels. I could not digest anything I ate and in the spring of 1902 I bought a bottle of Kodol and the benefit I received from that bottle all the goM in Georgia could not buv I still use a little occasionally as I find it a fine blood purifier and a good tonic. May you live long and prosper. Yours very trulv, C. N. Cornell. Roding, Ca., Aug. 27, 1906." J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Fnll9 Drug Co. Lenoir Realty & Ins. Go. "We Sell The Earth." Panic Prices!! Owing to the hard times and scarcity of money we have decided to cut prices on Beef. We will sell you Stew Beef at -Steak at - - -Roast at - - - 6c per lb. - 10 per lb. 8 to 10c per lb. Lenoir Meat Market I Anderson's Pressing Club. $1.00 Per Month Limited to 3 Suits. Small Charge for all Extra Suits. CALL OR 'PHONE ANDERSON'S BARBER SHOP, NO. 54. Subscribe for The Lenoir News. Notice. All Brothers of the Yahnalossee Tribe, No. 92. 1. O. R. M., are re quested to be present next Friday night April 10th, as there is some special business to be transacted. W. O. Shkli., C. of K. DeWitt's Little Karly Riser, the famous little liver pills. Wold ly J. E. Shell. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. - I - New Meat Market When you want a First-Class Steak or Roast, Call on LUTHER HUFFMAN, AT NJT.W MEAT MARKET. PHONK 170. Li ZS Tfuif? fo)nnfo)nfi J li'iE if HD Is) l u JUVJ m Q We have a big. stock of seasonable goods that we must close out at a bargain. Lots of these are just in and stylish stuff. There is no Salvage Sale in this proposition, but a fair deal. Besides : we will pay $100.00 reward to any person that bought an article not reduced in price in the Salv- age Sale. Same reward in the present sale for anything not as represented. Now is the time to lV get your bargains for we Are going out of business and our goods must go. J W. A. WATSOM South Main St., Lenoir, N. C t .... , . - ; . ! , , South Main St., Lenoir, N. C.