LOCAL AND PEUSOXAL. Dr. C. C. "Wearer, President of Davenport College, delivered a fine sermon in. the Methodist church at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. ; Mr. X. W. Harrison will speak on Prohibition at CollettsTille Fri day night before the second San day in May. Everybody Invited. Messrs. C. D. Cannon, E. O. Underdown and Thos. A. Coffey, all of Blowing Bock, were pleasant callers at the News office last week. "We regret the mistake in last Fridays paper of signing J. L. Storie's name to a communication from Blowing Bock, it should have been G. L. Storie. Mrs. Council and her daughter, Mrs. Boyden, spent one night last week at the Watauga House and went on the next dav to their home iu Boone, where they will spend the summer. Prohibition Rally at Colletts ville, Friday night May 8th, X. W. Harrison speaker, and at Pat terson, Sunday May 10th, Y. C. Newland speaker. Let everybody go out and hear them. Bead the new advertisement of Bernhardt-Seagle Harware & Fur niture Company, Price (Mine Har ness & Tanning Co., Virginia San natorium for Consnmtives and Hutchison in this issue. Mr. W. W.Williams, of (iran ite Falls, was a pleasant caller at our office last Saturday. He tells us the farmers iu his part of the county are making prepartions for larger crops this year than ever before. That is the thing to do. Reports says that the man Berrj who was killed at Connelly's Springs last week was drinking and the men who did the killing were drinking. "Of course they were drinking, else there would have boon no trouble. Old liquor did it." C. Rev. Elias Collette, the colored evangelist, has pitched his tent in the Northern part of Lenoir, and is preaching to large congregations. His tent is supposed to seat 1000. We hope much good will be done during the meeting, which will continue Several weeks. We hear much complaint of the public road from Setser's Cap to the Turnpike at Warrior. We un derstand it has not been worked in two years. Somebody is repousi- ble for such negligence and may be dealt with as the law directs, if the matter is not attended to soon. Yrx t"; : Mew EMIIIIESIBE. Suits $12.00 to $50.00. -Bureaus $6.00 to $20.00. Wash Stands $2.50 to $7.00. Extension Dining Tables $10.00 to $15. Chiffoniers $5. to $20. Side Boards $10. to $20. Mantels, Doors, Sash and all kinds of house Fur nishings and Mill work at prices proportionately. At least 25 per Cent, lower than ever offered here before. Why? We sell for Cash. It will pay you to inspect our line. A. V. Miller & Compaey. Cloyd & Johnson Stand. FRIENDS Visit us at our new office Cloyd & Johnson Building. We have an Easy Chair for You. Have you any stocks or bonds you wish to sell? List them with us. We will sell them. A plentiful supply of real estate always on hand. A six room house (modern) and nice lot at Fair field Virginia Street. $ 1850 00 Modern Residence and 3 1-3 acre lot on Mul ljerry Street 4000 00 lo 12 acres 1 miles from town on Hickory R. 550 00 4.") acres three miles from town on Little River R. 450 00 Always glad lo sec you. Lenoir Realty & Ins. Go. "We Sell The Earth." ,444444444444444444 44444444444444444444444444444 Less Than There was quite a number of our good farming people in Lenoir last week and from all sides comes the reports of the amount of farming leing done this year, old fence rows brier patches that haven't lecn cultivated in years, are being cleaned up and planted in corn. They have very little to say about panic, as it is not bothering them So mote it be. Amen. Mr. Bradshaw, who carries the mail on K. V- D. 3, says that the overseer of the road from North Catawba church to the top of Ca gers mountain has worked his road thoroughly and good that it is just fine. He also tells us there is complaint of other sections of the roads on his route and cs pecially in Lenoir township, i Would you kill a fine beef am' take only the hide oil' for use leaving the remainder of the ani mal to iro to waste and decay! (Jufss not, no sensible person would. Then why cut a lino tree. skin off the bark and haul it to town and leave the remainder of the tree to waste 'and decay! One is i ust us sensible as the other and it will be found so when too late to remedy the evil. The cold wave that passed ove the country last week did great damage in some of the other states as well as hi the mountains of North Carolina. Texas, Ohio, Kentucky. Iowa, Wisconsin ana Minnesota had a heavy snow Grandfather mountain was white and we fear the fruit crop in Wa tauga county is badly damaged. It has been a fearful cold wave and has done great damage. Caldwell County suffered but little, if any. Mr. C. A. Ballew has leeu cut ting grass and reports it fine. Rather early for cutting grass in this section. Mrs. W. P. Ivey and Miss Lula (Jwyn, attended the musical festi val at Converse College, Spartan burg, S. C, last week. A man in California, who died recently willed tl.000 to a pet dog. Judge Coffey, of that state, has decided that a dog cannot inherit money. Our old friend. Mr. L. J. Swan son, was in to see us Monthly and showd us some old coins, most of them belong to foreign countries. There was one V . S. e nper coin, the big one cent piece, d.iied is4d. These large one cent copper pieces are very scarce and when a man gets one he likes to hold onto it and generally does. There was two games of ball be tween Hickory and Lenoir at Kent- ood Park last Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. lhe sxre for Tuesday afternoon re sulted in a tie and Wednesday morning Lenoir 4 and Hickory his was the Leuoir boys first game this season and they did fine playing and it is likely that Lenoir will have a good team this season. Honor Roll. ! Since our last issue the following named persons have made pay ments to the News on sulscriptions: John M. Dixon, W. J. Benja man, I). O. Hoyle, J. W. Bean, R. M. Barnhill, Mrs. Josie Reid. Republican Convention. The Republican Convention that met in Greensboro last Wednesday endorsed the administration of President Roosevelt, instructed for Taft for President and endorsed the administration of Adams as State Chairman and re-elected him for two yea in. C. J . Harris, Thos. S. Rollins, K. C. Dunken and S. R. Adams were elected delegates at large to attend the Chicago Con vention. Jas. J. Rritt was chairman of the convention and John L. Ran dleman, Secretary. The Prohibi tion question was not brought be fore the convention. Blowing Rock Items. ell, we are having a perfect blizzard up here in the mountains, plenty of snow. We hope it will not kill the fruit though. Mr. Wiley McCroskey. of Cof fey's Gav, was in town on business to dav. Mr. Thomos A. place, is gone to ness this week. Coffev, of this Ijenoir on busi- The eight days Mission which closed at St. James Episcopal church last Sunday night, was an unusually good series of services. Archdeacon Jefferis is one of the most thoughtful and convincing preachers ever heard in Lenoir. The entire Mission was well at tended and much interest was man ifested. Over 2200 persons at tended during the eight days and mauy persons were inspired to en ter the Christian life and those who are trying to live it were helped and encouraged to liettcr efforts. Bishop Horner will le here to day (Tues day) and preach at St. James church to-night and it is probable that a class of several persons will receive the rite of confirmation. Base Ball Meeting. All persons who are interested in a base ball team for Lenoir and all ball players of Lenoir are ur eentlv requested to be present at the base ball meet at the court house Ito-night (Tuesday). At this meeting it will be decided whether or not Lenoir will have a team, this season. Hayes-Todd. Mr. J. R. Hayes the clever Post master, of Globe, and Miss Cary Todd, of Lenoir, were quietly mar ried Wednesday morning 28th at the residence of Rev. K. 1). Crisp, near Lenoir, he being the ofticiat ing omcer. Alter the ceremony the happy couple returned to Globe, accompanied by Mr. Eu gene Moore and Miss Jessie San ders. In the evening quite a num ber of ladies and gentlemen gath ered at the residence of the grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. Colbert Hayes, to greet the new lovers with heartiest congratulations, good cakes and pies were plentiful and some excellent music was rendered and a most en joyable ev ening was spent. A I'm KM). Mr. and Mrs. Cone have return ed to Greenslwro for a while. Will come back the 20th of May. Mrs. Thos. A. Coffey, of this place has leen visiting her daughter, Mrs. Emory Young, of Foscoe. She reports a pleasant trip. Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Greene, of Bluff City, Tenu., are visiting home folks and friends in these parts. There will le a temperance rally at Brown's Junction May the Sth, everybody invited. Miss Docia Coffey, of this place, will commence a summer school at Foscoe May the 4th. We feel sure that the vicinty of Foscoe will be greatly benefited by having Miss Docia With them. She has great success in school work. 9 -57 One Cent. Your photo in four differ ent positions and 28 for 25c. Your photo on Post Cards 3 for 2."c, for the next 20 da vs. ff May 1 7th, 1908. At tent opposite Postoflice. I I I T CHISON f 444 4444-4 444444444 444 444 4 4 44 444 444 444 444 444444 4444 Political Quarrel Ends Shooting. in Fatal Suocess to the Xews. April 30th, 1908. Recent reports from Australia iidlcate that the dairying indus try is paying better than sugar production. city was thrown into a whirl of excitement tonight, when in the heart of the business section, Frank Wilson was shot: and killed by Frank Hunter. The shooting occurred after a brief political quarrel. Hunter, the slayer, was captured by an oflicer and jailed. The killing created a sensation. The coroner summoned a jury and an inquest will be held on the body. In after years a spinster may have cause to congratulate herself on the number of times she didn't get married. Her hand this man eould not get, His health was not as it should lie, He had not used the "best as yet," Hollister's Rooky Mountain Tea. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Mrs. L.R. Connelly has been ap pointed jailer of Iredell by ShffSum mers to succeed her husband, Tee R. Connelly, deceased. Mrs. Con nelly practically had charge of the jail during her husband's lifetime and she thoroughlv understands the management of the institution Mr. L. II . Bradshaw, of Barium, will sleep at the jail anil will assist Mrs. Connelly in the management of same most of the time. Choice Meats, I have just installed a large Refrigerator and am letter prepared than ever before to supply my customers with NICE, FRESH, COOL MEATS. Call and see me or telephone your order if you want fresh meats kept free from Flies and Heat. J. A. BUSH, JR. MisconttMit is disguise. often ambition in f VIRGINIA SANATORIUM FOR CONSUMPTIVES Cotton ij looking pale around the price mark. Curses on the easily-satisfied, for they encourage mediocrity. Perhaps a widow finds it easy to get married again l)ecause she doesn't expect perfection in a man. I RONVILLE, BEDFORD COUNTY, VIRGINIA. In the Blue Ride, Elevation 1100 Feet. On the Norfork & Western Railway. 12 Miles East of Roanoke. When a girl refers to a man as an old flame of hen she probably moans one who had money to burn . An eleemosynary institution furnishing the modern hygienic dietetic treatment at cost or less, according to means ol patient and institu tion. Maximum rate, including all essentials. !?10 per week. For full particulars, medical records, etc., address MARCUS JUNGER, M. D., Medical Supt. D. W. R. READ, Secty. Lenok News 01.0 ! I

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