r Tho Lonoir News, f The News Printery IscTwTFe pa re if TO DO YOUR JOB PRINTING. ALL THE LATENT TYPE FACES USED. GIVE US A CALL. ATRIAL IS ALL We ASK. i A TWICE-A-WEEK FAMILY NEWSPAPER. THE VE11Y BEST ADVERTISING MEDI UM. READ BY, EVERYBODY. ONLY 1.0q THE VICAR. .... .-.T .... i ... - EC. C. MARTIN", EDITOR AND PROP. f ' PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, PRICE 81.00 THE YEAH. VOLUME X. ' v 4 LENOIR, 3ST. C, MAY 8, 1908. NO. 52. A Younj Man Kills Himself. Paupers In Kansas. Charlotte Observer. Charlotte Evening Chronicle. ' "Statesville, May 5. One of -the fopeka, Kan., May 5. Out of most horrible tragedies in the his- the ly5 cdunties which the State tory of Statesville occurred tonight of Kansas has within its domaius ateicht o'clock when Mr. Haskell I at least flftv have no paupers. In Copeland, youngest son ofCapt J. the entire State but 749 paupers W. Copeland, shot and killed him- are reported, and nearly all these ' self at the Copeland homo on Wal- are the overflow of ipsane and nut street. The shocking news of feeble-minded asylums. One half the terrible affair has spread like the couuty poor farms are empty. wildfire and has cast a gloom over save for the keeper, who draws his the town. The immediate family salary and waits for patronage of the vonnir man are almost ' Dros- The State has a population esti vT - o a - trated with grief. They counot be- mated the first of the year at 1, lieve the killing was &elf-destruc- 300,000. This means that even at tiou and are inclined to feel that it tht only about oue resident out 'was an accident. of every 2,000 is in a poorhouse. The shooting occurred almost in Kansas has no saloons and sight of those of. the family who hasp 't had for years, therefore it were at the home at the time. Has- has few paupers. C kell had just returned home from down town a few blocks away and was sitting in the family room of the house with his sisters, Mrs. 1). J. Craig and Misses Kllie and Katherine Copeland, when the sup per bell rang. All rose to go to the dining room except Haskell. He was sitting in a large chair near the open door leading to the main Worth Trying. Editor Home aud Farm. On March 15, 1 notice where Mr. J. G. Beasley, Linden, Tenu., asks for information concerning wolves in cow's backs. If you will permit me I will be glad to tell him the simple and effective remedy which I n'uo tutifvVif Ki. an AlaKam'j ltl'll nil nf the honstv. when one of the b J .... .. . f. filter coming to Alabama from the sisters insisted on his going to the laoie ne leaneu uaca in me cuau - I A i riL'f 1. AAn ii fT calf1 tl'O ! and politely refused, stating that - ' p vs nor fapmifr wpII Him aid nob r . 1 The others went the stable close at nana, ana tnree I tm i . m t.miui A tlTJUtb II 1 1 111- fhn nn tn the mninf room ana had lust . , , , t. ki k evening milking is done wet the seatetl themselves at the table wheu v 6 6 baCK ot tne cow an aiongine oacK a pistol shot rang out. Rushing back they found young Copeland leaning back in the chair with blood gushing from his breast and a pistol in his hands. The "Influenced" Our Home. Voter. bone thoroughly, and you will have no trouble with wolves in your poor caw s bacK to cause ner suffering: ISjifore I was taught this simple remedy my husband would force the worm to the cavity and remove it, but after I used the salt water I never saw another. Revenue Officers Raid Still. Charlotte Oboerver. Statesville, May 5. J. O. War ren, white, ol Aleexander county was brought to Statesville Satur day night and lodged in jail by Revenue officer Blaylock, of Hick ory, who arrested him near Hicko ry Saturday night, for violation of the' revenue laws. Waireti was tried before 1'nited States Commis sioner Cowles, of Statesville Sun day and went to jail in default of 500, where heYemained nntil yes terday, when friends arrived from Alexander and gave bond for him. Warren conveyed a 14 gallon cask of brandy to within three miles of Hickory Saturdar .light and sold it out in small quantities. After he had emptied the cask he did not destroy the stamp and it was for this offense thet he was ar rested and committed. Mr. IJlay lock arrested Warren soon after the latter had started back to Al county. Night Augusta, Ky. Riders. -Twentv- , May 5 live masked men visited the home of John Sanders at Wellsburg, to day, and compelled him to aig up his tobacco plant beds on pain of death. After the beds were de stroyed they whipped Sanders un til the blood flowed. Then they went to Nelson Civoimins' place, and upon his refusal to come out, tired several sollevs into the house. Men Who Pray in Public Bj 8. B. U. "We have amaninourchurch," said the talkative citizen, "who thinks the Lord is deaf. It's a fact, judging from his prayers. When he gets laborously to his knees, clears his throat in an aud dible preparation for action, and begins literally to shout his pe titions to the Almighty. There are no minor keys in his scale, it's all in high C. Occasionally, for fear that he will not le heard, he pounds the seat with his list, or stamps his feet. He wades right through the ear drums of all about him. Yes, he thinks the Lord is deaf. And meantime, his hearers suffer. "There is another man who seems to think he is Heaven's information bureau. He launches always into a detailed account of the doings of the community, of the physicial, mental and spiritual state of about every man, woman ana chila in it. He tells the Lord what they all need, and how to bring it to pass. He asks for everything imaginable, first assuring God that it will all be forthcoming. If all his prayers could In' literally answered, he would be the most astounded man in seven states. 'There is another whose long suit is meekness. He tells the Lord that he, with all his fellows, is but a poor, weak, frail creature of the dust. He gets dow n in the dust, presses his face into it. j fj j No one was hurt. The riders then That's all right for an occasional at eathered the vehicles of Crawford titude, but I don't believe the good and set tire to them, after which God wants one of his creatures, thev visited Leopold Bay and m&de m his own image, to lie prone warned him not to plant. They The Monroe Journal argues well Some advice touching the worm in favor of the purity of the ballot, with turpentine but that kills it both in primaries and general elec and causes it to decay under the tion. Bat The Journal's plea will hide and compels those impurities amount to nothing as long as weak I to go in into the system. voters use their heads merely for hat rjeas aud permit "workers" to fix up their tictets at the primary Anv white mau who can read oueht to be justifiable by law in knocking a man aowu wno insaus "v", him bv trvine to "influence" him graph and telephone wires are -- i. .... And a mau down it is impossible to vemy tne bv a paid report1. Many houses were blown Damage Done by Tornados. Memphis, Tenn., May , 5. A tornado to day is raported to have but as tele- at a primary election who can be "influenced" worker has about as much use for the ballot as a mule has for mathematics. It is disgusting to a man who does his own thinklug and votes foiy a candidate of his choice, to see a paid worker lead up six voters that cau be "influ enced" and deposit as many votes against the man who is guided by his conscience aud better judg ment. If there is some way to choke the paid workers off, it wQuld relieve things wonderfully. It Concerns Every man. Catawba Newt. Do not sav it makes no differ- from their foundations at Chickas ha, Okla., trees were uprooted and crops destroyed by strong winds. Cold Water, Okla., also was visited by a tornado which wrecked houses. The tornado mowed a path through a village near Paris, injuring several per sons and demolishing houses. One Dead, Another Dying. By United Press. Jacksou, Ky., May 5 Former Sheriff Ed. Callahan, chairman ol the Democratic county executive committee of Breathitt county, is dviii today of injuries inflicted bombarded his house with rocks. Ruined by "Sure Thing." Success Magazine. A "surething," an "inside tip," has ruined more men than almost anything else. A splendid man committed suicide in New York not long ago because he lost every thing ou an "inside tip," for which he drew sixteen thousand dollars from the savings banks every dollar he had in the world It had taken him many years of careful economy and self sacrifice to accumulate his little fortune; but it was all lost in one foolish in Vestment. He thought he was going to make a big fortune; but, instead of that, the stock he bought wont encetoyouhow the temperance yesterday bv John Splcer, his election goes. brother-in law. SDieer was immedi A train killed several passengers ateiy 8hot t0 death by Wilson ,Cal recently because engineer was in- hahan. the 17-vearold son of the toxicated. The passengers killed wonn(ied feud leader. The Mo did not drink, and yet the strong 8aic jaw 0f au eye for an eye is drink destroyed their lives' The wiping out the deadly feud clau of intoxicated operator turned a train bloddlv BreatritV the Kentucky into a block to meet another train feudal hotbed.. Oalahau and Ju4ge caning aeatDarxi uesirucuou anu Hargl8 the feud leaders, weredbse HmnUn mail miiv shnot.l all their troubles, uuahau was an innocent man who says it makes running a store. They made month no difference to him bow the elec- jy settlement! and the dlsput i tion goes. It concertos every man. 1 Qver ft wltl(llient. JSeven out of eVeiten men w"ho are supporting tWibacfc -and ex cusing themselves on the ground of,thi8 pretended prohibition plat- Mr. Cleveland Is Rkcovering. United Prew. Lakewood. May . Mrs. Cleve ftvrm wrinld rathifr'see him elected lnd to day gave out a seatemeuJ and thOtlo-ttJitat m' they. Ure say tag that MrOeyelarid's hea th every losi ho fouler.x 4 , an tosci Pattern triabpUnd Htteaduy f P,rov n8n,? W saloon wipeaoubOiLneosarei ,v.rjv,- ncerlty and hypocrisy could pe r.V ;. ) .. ' ' ' . Subsciibe (or The tienoi? '3T'.V in seli-aDasement This man never about the dignity, all the time says anything high joy the Buckeye Disc Cultivators Have Sold Rapidly. c a i . . . . t: ... i. occ mm yuu get unc mis wecis.. f "HIT WE SIT I 00, 1 00 DO." NIDI-HE Hardware & Furniture Co. I the noble privilege, and the strength of manhood. But he is a good man and a weak one. "There is still another whom I sometimes like to hear pray. He doesn't try to see how low on the floor he can get, or how much at tention he can attract getting there. He simply slips quietly from his seat and without raising his voice, begius to talk to God for the people. He doesn't think the Lord is deaf, so his voice is well modulated and yon can hear him without having your tympanum pierced. He does not think it necessary to reciteevery detail in the experience of the com munityHe talks about a few vital needs, expresses in simple but strong language, the thanksgiving WHATEVER I i To The Farmers Interest is to Ours. If every farmer in the County were to sow some Stock Beets the County would le better off. Try Landreth's Stock Beets. 3 E SHELLj uown, nis margin, we.cvumw-.j f .. . t , . whoiew.rth . wined out. and he found hirasell in the hands of God, and gets up And he has succeeded in producing a spiritual atmosphere in thechurch that is distinct, almost tangible. And he doesn't call himself a worm of the dust, either; he is a man made in the image of God, and he is proud of it and thankful for it.' And long after the talkative cit izen had passed on, this scribbler sat, thinking over his words. He has seen all these types and heard them prav, in various places. He would criticize none of them, even if he were worthy, or able. They are all good men, sincerely pious But he has his choice among them. v no nas nou Ex-Covernor Vardaman, of Mis- penniless. The recent tiuancial panic brought to light mauy good illustrations of the possibility of being ruined by a "sure thing" 8cores of people who went down, lost money on what they were led to believe were perfectly solid in- n.tn 4l,nt m'ai i'oumfn win Thousands of clerks, anu many other peole, with their small sav ings, like a flock of sheep, follow ed the inside tip of some tjnancier who is believed to know whatisgO' ing to happen, and were ruined The truth is, even the most level headed business men and the most astute financiers do not know what is going to happen, as is shown by the fact the many of them were Ljssippi, now editor of a paper in caugnt ana seriously crippiea in that State which he calls the Issue, the late panic. has recently expressed the opinion There are vast multitudes of peo jn his journal that he does "notbe- ple living in this oouutry today in ieve there was a member of that poverty, many of them homeless coart the Supreme Court of the and even without the ordinary nec- United States who did not know essiues, nut ivj spwm m me w.u- at tne time he decidea the case forts, of life, just because they the Minnesota and North Caroliaa courd not resist the temptation to case that he was violating his oath gamble, to risk enough to make and the constitution." That is to comfortable in Rome get-ricn-quick say, eight of the nine members of scheme, which they were told as the oonrt perjured themselves "sure thing." -4. r April showers go away, and then drop In some other day It is an unfortunate section that has to bear the approbrium of both Vardmau and Jeff Davis. Char lotte Observer. "THK l'I,A('E IX) MEET." DRUGrGrlST. ON THE SQUARE. We take pleasure in informing the public that we are now comfortably located in our new store on the Square, where we hope to see all our old, and many new friends and customers, and where we hope to show by our modern and up-to-date store that we appreciate their patronage, and it shall remain our chief end to serve them and make it to their interest to trade with us when in need of Stationery, Toilet Articles, Huy ler's Candles, Patent Med icines, Rexall Remedies. Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. We give especial attention to the com fort of our Soda fountain trade. When in town, or up town, call in and rest on our cushion seat by the window where you can rest and feel at home, "see and be seen." Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Lenoir Drug Company. - s h 'ON THE SQIJAKE." it S . ''.'s ,s

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