How to Can t Beans, 1 Tomatoes, ' , , And Corn. Home and Farm.. Prepare the beans as you do when you expect to nerve them im mediately. Do not boil them quite bo long.' Put a teacup of vinegar i to every peck of beans. Before they are pcrfetly tender, remove . them Irom the lire and put at once ' into jars, or cans, and seal while hot. lie sure that the jar is per fectly airtight. One little bubble of air in ajar will cause the beans to sour. If you use glass jars with screw tops, it is l)est to get new rubbers, and not try to use those left from last your. To can tomatoes, scald them slightly so as to be able to remove the skin; remove all specks, and use only iirm tomatoes. Put on the lire and let them stay long enough to get thoroughly hot, but j do not let them boil. Just before! they reach the boiling point take! them from the lire and put into the jars. Seal each jar as it is filled; do not fill all and then seal all of them. If you are a little uncer tain about the jars loing perfectly air tight, seal them with sealing wax, and be sure that there are no air bubbles in the wax as it is put around the tops. Should they ap pear, press them out with the fin gers while the wax is hot. To put up corn, cut the corn from the ear, and to each gallon of eut-off corn add one pint of sugar and two pints of salt. Mix these thoroughly. In the bottom of a three-gallon jar put a layer of salt about an inch thick, then put the corn in till it reaches nearly to the top; cover with another layer of salt. This is certainly a very simple way to preserve corn, and I am as sured by those who have tried it that the corn keeps as well, and tastes more like fresh corn than that which is canned. Before us ing it, it should be soaked several hours in fresh water. A great many people imagine they have heart trouble when the fact is that the whole trouble lies in the stomach. The pains in the side around the region of the heart are not necessarily heart trouble. We suggest that you start with the stomach and whenever you feel a de pression after eating or whenever your food seems to nauseate take Kodol. It will not be very long until all these "heart pains1' will disappear. Take Kodol now and until you know yon are right again. There isn't any doubt about what it will do and you will find the truth of this statement verified after you have used Kbdol for a few weeks. It is sold hwe by J. E. 8hell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. In his communication iu yester day's paper Rev J. D. Newton, of Thotnasville, made a strong in dictment in connection with the so called "hazing" of his son, a stu dent of Wake Forest College, who had been shot in the shoulder while on the way to his room and blacked after being shot. This crime, be it understood, was per petrated, as all this class of crime is, in the name of jest and frolic, and it looks as if it will not stop in North Corolina until some of the offenders are convicted in the criminal courts and sent to the roads. As was said not long ago, of this so-called hazing, it is of the spirit of lynching, and those who engage in it are in training to be come lynchers. The law cannot take hold of them too early. Char lotte Olinerver. Ua. Ii a rwl this m.i, nr.,,1,1 ..... lun. , nut pin, j. His health was riH as itehould bM He had not used the "best as yet," Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co Cure for Itch. v Take 1 cup full of sulphur, and J cop fall of unslacked lime, put -in ) gallon of water. Boil, two minutes, let stand till cool, then an 1 . oint the body well where "there i ' are any sign of itch . As soon as over ', With rab the body with vaseline. '. Let Stay half an hour, then give the bbdy'a thorough bath in warm sGapy waterr Clean, every ,w thing r " that bat been worn and the bed. . Guaranteed to enre. Fooled. Chicago News. ' Lazy Lewis I wai told dat de farmer wot lives on dat hill paid his hands same whedder dey worked er not, no I went an' hired t' him. Tired Thomas Den youse played off sick, I reckon! Lazy Lewis Yep, an' at de end ov de month I found dat he never paid nobody nothin' nohow. Weak women should read my "Hook No. 4 For Women." It was written expressly for women who are not well. The Book No. 4 tells of Dr. SI mop's 'Night Cure." ami just how these soothing, healing, nntisep tict suppositories can he successfully applied. The hook, and strictly con fidential medical advice is entirely free. Writ. Dr. Shnop, Racine. Wis. The Night Cure is sold ly ,1. K Shell's drug store. A London Joke. London Tatler. Waiter i who has just served up some soup Looks uncommonly like rain. sir. Diner Yes, bv Jove, and tastes like it too! me some thick soup. Bring There is a Pink Tablet made by Dr. Shoop, tha: will positively stop any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes. Druggists everywhere sell them as Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets, but they stop other pains as easily as headache. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets simply coax blood pressure away from pain centers that is all. Pain comes from blood pressure congestion. Stop that pressure with Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets and pain is instantly gone. 20 Tablets 25c. Sold by J. E. Shell, druggist. A Lincoln County this advice: "Why gtii writes do young men do so much loaling! Go to work. Push ahead! I am but a young girl, but I clothe myself and have money in the bank. lay up more money every year than any young man within three miles of my home. When they get a dollar they go to a dance and go home a dollar out. I advise all girls to cut clear of loafing boys Stand by the boy who works, and never put your arm through the handle of a jug." The trouble with most cough cures is that they constipate. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup does not con stipate, but on the other hand its laxative principles gently move the bowels. It is pleasant to take and It is especially recommended for child ren, as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. 8old by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kentsand Granite Falls DrugCo. In nearly all the colored churches in Richmond, Sunday night, the preachers took the mongrel banquet for their subject and preached strongly against equality. They advised their hearers that the sal vation of the colored race lies, not in social equality and the impossi ble hope of inter marriage between the races, but in honesty of pur pose, thrift in business and mor ality in living among the negroes themselves. Which shows that the Richmond negro preachers have more sense than some white people in New York. To relieve constipation, clean out the bowels, tone and strengthen the digestive organs, put them in a na tural condition with Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea, the most re liable tonic for thirty years. 3-c tea or tablets. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. With a rare exception, the prettiest thing aliont the ,;Merry Widow" atrocity is the name. Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea tones the stomach, otimulates the lazy liver; strengthens the bowels and makes their action easy mid nat ural. The best tonic for the whole syotem. 85c Tea or Tablet. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drtigfo. Old Beck and the hired man tre holding a joint discussion that in terests all of ns. Insist upon De Witt's Witch Ha.el Salve. There are substitute but there is only one original. Itisheal iug, soothing and oooling and t specially good fof piles, fcold by J. E. Shell. Dr. Rents and ttnmjee Drug Co. Rev, J. D. Hart Is Coming Borne time ago, the Baptist church extended Rev. J. D. Hart, of Franklin, Va., a unanimous cal as pastor. Tie has accepted tho call and will be here in time to be giu work by June 1st. The breth reh are going to repaper and pain the parsonage and put In electric lights and water works. It wil be ready for him by May. 15th or 20th. The church is rejoicing at having procured a pastor, and ar anxious to go to work for the up building of Christ's kingdom. Hickory Mercury. Tired nerves, with that "no Hinbi- tion" feeling that is commonly felt mspring or early summer, can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known to druggists every where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. One will absolutely note a changed feeling within 48 hours after begin ning to take the Restorative. The bowels get sluggish in the winter time, the circulation often slows up tne Kiuneys are inactive, and even the Heart in many cases grow decid edly weaker. Dr. Shoop's Restora tive is recognized everywhere as a genuine tonic to these vital organs. It builds up and strengthens the worn-out weakened nerves; it shap ens the failing appetite, and uuiver sally aids digestion. It always quickly brings renewed strength, life, vigor, and ambition. Try it and be convicted. Sold by J.K. Shell, drug gist. Ambassador Bryce says of Thorn as Jefferson that '"his name is more on the lips than are his ideas in the recollection of those who claim to be his disciples." Yes; the father of Democracy thought that those people were governed liest who were governed least. while the modern idea is to abolish sickness, sorrow, pain, poverty and death by legislative enactment. No Use To Die. "I have found out that there is no use to die of lung trouble as long as you can t'et Dr. King's New Discov ery," says Mrs. J. P. White, of Kush boro, Pa. "I would not be alive to day only for that wonderful medi cine. It loosens up a cough quicker than anything else, and cures lung disease even after the case is pro nounced hopeless." This most reli able remedy for coughs and colds, la grippe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness, is sold under guarantee at J. E. Shell's drug store. 30c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. A West Virginia farmer reports that his cows are being regularly milked by fish when they go into the water to drink and cool off. He pro poses to attach hooks to their teats and land a few Backers. Bat what would he do for the ball frogs up on the Kentucky border that are not only milking the cows, but eat the spring chickens that venture to the pond for watr1 Whooping Cough. "In February our daughter hnd the whooping couh. Mr. Lane, of Hartland, recommended Chamber lam e Cough Remedy and said it gave his customers the best of satisfac tion. We found it ae he said, and can rooOmmend it to anyone havinir children troubled with whooplnjc cough," says Mr. A. Goss, of Dur- and. Mich. For sale bv J. E. Shell and Dr, Kent, druggist. There are occasions when the taking or giving of a receipt for a sum oi money paid may seem to lie unnecessary, yet it is wise to do so n every case. With the must hon est apd lest meaning ol people there is possibility of a failure to make propef credit for an amount paid, and unless memory serves there is likely to be ground for a serious misunderstanding. As soon as one receives a receiptor ackowl edgment he should file it away in a place of safe keeping, where it can be found should occasion require. The saving of all receipts may mean the saving of a good many dollars in a period of years. "Health Coffee" is really the cloest Coffee Imitation ever yet produed. Thin clever Coffee Substitute was recently produced by Dr. 8hoop of Racine, Wis. Not a grain of real Coffee iu it either, Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is made from pure toasted grains with malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool an expert who might drink it for Coffee, ?fo 20 or 80 minutes tedious boiling. "Hade in a minute" say the doctor. Sold by Harrison Co. LAND ENTRY NO.OOOU, North Carolina I Caldwell Co. f H. D. L. Clark and D. B. KIrby enters and locates 40 aores of land more or less In Lower Creek town sh'p on water or Little Zaoks Fork of Lower Creek on South aide of the Pine Mountain, Beginning . 'on a chestnut oak, Smith and Hort Bar lows's corner and rune North with the Wilson Lumber Co.'s line to a black gum on top of Pine mountain in their line; then South to Hort Barlow's and John Absher's sasaf ras corner In the head of a branch, then with said Hort Barlow's line to the beginning, containing all vacant lands inside said boundary. En tered this April 25th, 1008. 11. D. L. Clarke. D. B. KIrby. A true copy: J. L. Miller. Kntry taker. The Most ('ouiinon Cause of Suffer ing. Rheumatism causes more pain ami buffering than any other disease, for the reason that it is the most com mon of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain's Liniment will afford relief, and make rest and bleep pos sible. In many cases the relief from pain, which is at lirst temporary, has become permanent, while in old people subject to chronic rheuma tism, often brought on by dampness I orchanffes in the weather, a perma nent cure cannot be expected; the re- iefjlrom pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many times its ost. 25 and SO cent sizes for sale by J.!E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drur Co. Don't be afraid of rivals. Things 1 may be crowded below, there is . always room on top. i . Had Attack of Dysentery Cured. "An honored citizen of this town was suffering from a severe attack of lysentery. He told a friend if he ould obtain a bottle of Ohaiuber- aina Ooiic, tnolera ami Diarrhoea Remedy, he felt confident of being' ured, he having used this remedy in the West. He was told that I kept ; it in stock and lost no time in obtain- iug it, and was promptly cured," says M.J. Leacb, druggist, of Wo. j cott, Vt. For sale by J. E. Shell, i Dr. Kent and Hranite Fall's Drug Co. The "dope'' manufacturers are' deeply interested in the success of universal prohibition. i Good for Everybody. Mr. Gorman R. Coulter, a pomi- nent architect. In the Delbert Build-1 ing, San Francisco, says: "I fully en dorse all that has been said of Elec tric Bitters as a tonic medicine It! is good for everybody. It corrects stomach, lirer and kidney disorder! In a prompt and efficient manner and i i builds ud the system." Electric Kit I ters is in oeei spring medicine ever .m a .... . e blood nuriner it Is uneaualed. 50c at i J. E. Shell's drug store. 8omelx)dy must have pullod Roosevelt's cork and let all of the : gas out of his system, as he bus not Wen ebiluting of late. Ex. ;i t When you think of Indigestion think of Kodol, for it is without doubt the only preparation that com pletely digests all classes of food. And that is what you ned when you have indigestion or stomach trouble something that will act promptly but thoroughly; something that will get right at the trouble and do the very work itself for the stomach by digesting the food that you eat and and that is Kodol. It is pleasant to take. It is sold by J. E Shell, Dr. Kent arid Granite Falls Drug Co. Office Jioy What am I tired fori Employer for constantly smoking cigarettes. Yon hare heard, havn't you, that where there is so. much smoks, there must be some fireT From the May Bohemian. BIDS FOR BRIDGE. The Commissioners of Caldwell County will receive sealed bids for building a bridge over Little Zacki Fork North of Cottrell's school house. Said bids will be opened the first Monday in June. The Board reserves the right to reject any and al bid- J. L. Miller, Clerk. May 3rd, IMM. DeWITT'S KIDNEY AND BLADDER. PILLS FOR. For Sale by J. E. Shell. TopravstmanMrtlmiftbly, and beyond tnrdoubt, ihftt Catarrh ol tht now and throat inn lx curwt. m ftinilshliif paurnta through dnlpiflst, mm II Trial Boxm of Ir. Uhooy't Catarrh Cur. do this bflmuu 1 am an Itartmln. thai Itr. Nhnni Hhoop't al htilp. fV.arvK fiiM IN Ui. ...... 1 ...I. I-1 V... Nothing certainly, U au convincing aia uhyaloal last of any artiulnof roal, tenuliia merit ut that articls mutt posses trus merit, flat th Utt will condemn, rather than advanoa it. Dr. Khoop'i Catarrh Cur Is a mow whit, brallni antlssptle balm, nut up In beautiful nickel utxd clam lan at 600. . finch toothing awiU as Oil Euoalyptut, Thymol, Menthol, etc., ar Incorporated Into Telvety, cream Ilk lvtrolatum, Imported by Dr. Bhoop from Burope. If Catarrh of the pom and throat hai eitendrd to the itomach. then by all nsans alto na latunially, Dr. Hhoop't RwHoratly. Stomach distrust, a lack of funeral strength, bloating, belching, biliousness, bad taste, ato. urely call for Dr. Shoop's Restorative. For uncomplicated catarrh only of th nnseand throat nothing else, however, need be uied but Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure J. E. SHELL THE CHILDREN LIKE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP J. E. SHELL 1 C.B. McNslry. M.D. Claud Moore, M. D. McNAIRY, & MOORE. The undersigned offer their services to the people of Lenoir and vicinity for the practice of Medicine in all its branches. Office at Ienoir Drug Co. Store Phone 23., '. Main St., Lenoir, North Carolina. McNairy & Moore. E. W. MOOSE,! ! D. D. S. I t I I have moved my office to moms over the l'ostotrice, I where I do all kinds of Den- tal work. I will be absent from my office one week be- ginning with the first Mon-, day. in each month. Respect full v, E. W. MOOSE, t -wr m . ff J4.1A tVOdOl ISLSSSSS: palpitation of the heart. Digests wbatyoucat . 1 4 Schedule Effective Northbound Passenger No. 10 Chester Lv 8 OS am Yorkville Lv 8 54 am Gastoaia Lv 9 44 am Lincolnton Lv 10 48 am Newton Lv 11 28 am Hickory Lv 12 05 am Lenoir Ar 1 22 pm Southbound Pataeofer No. 9 Lenoir Lv 1 50 pm Hickory Lv 2 42 pm Newton Lv3 10 pm Linconton Lv 8 46 pm Gastonia Lv 4, pm 5 Oft pm ( Yorkville Lv 5 58 pm Chester Ar. 6 40 pm CONNECTIONS. CHKSTER-Southern Kv 8. A. L. and L. & C. YOKK VI LI. E Southern Hallway. GASTOMA-Southern Railway. LINCOLNTON -8. A. I NEWTON and HICKORY-Southern Railwav LENOIR-Blowlng Rock 8tage Line and C. ii N. Southern Operating Over 7,wxinile of Railway, . . . yUlCK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS . . . NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST. Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts AHrdlnjf Flret-Cleen Elf pat Pullman Ski pint Can 00 ill TkrtKfi Trains. vitloe Cars. For H peed, Comfort and Courteous Employ-, travel v(m the' Hmitlieru Railway. Hrnes, fen el tiles and nther Information fdrnished by ulireliiir the nmW-rsikMied: R. L Vernon. T. P. A. Charlotte. N. ' '. S. H. Hard wick, P. T. M. Waxhlngton, I. Dr. -Kent ond Cfonite """"""V ,! 1 When you want a quick cure without any los of lime, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's . Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never falls and is pletaant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It is famous for its cures over a large part ol the civllUed world. L. Q. Reid, D. D. S. Denistry in all its Branches. Office, Shell Building, Lenoir, N. C. Phoue 85. 4. 4 4 4 -i 4 -S 4 4 4 4 S 4 -S 4 4 4 -fl 4 4 KILL the COUGH AND CURE the LUNGS r. (ling's WITH Now Discovorv PBICK w HI IK M -wyvno in. a tino. wii Trial BotUs Fres AND ALL THROAT AND LUND TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY REFUNDED. HOLLISTCR'8 Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Xadlolia for Baiy People. Briap Gold" Health and Renewed Vigor. A specific for OonallMtlon, Indlgastlon. I.l and Kidney-TroubleH, Pimples. Eciemn, Inin Wood, Bad Breath, HhiKfleli Bowels, Ueadu, l,.s nnd BaclcAche. It'i Rocky MounUilo Tea In ti. i ht form, ai centa a box. Ornuipe made ty IIollister Drdo Coiipamt, Madison, WU. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE PIUM COCAINE aid WHISKEY Habit! eand at m fUnttnrlnm In a few weeka. Ton caa nturn to your boma la SO daya well, free and haw. I baT made tbeae habits a faelaltr for JS jean and cured thousands. fr)ff Book on Home Treatment tent flfCC Address DR. B. M. WOOtUY, 108 H. Prjor (Straw. AUaatta, I av.otc L C Sweet to Eat UUA VI J J A Candv towel Luithre. SnlxTib for the L?noir News February 2nd, 1908. Mixed No. 60 1 00 pm 2 25 pm 4 15 pm Mixed No 6a 6 00 am 8 05 am 0 05 am IT) OOani 12 25 am 2 55 pm nixed No 63 It 05 am II 18am 1 20 pm 2 25 pm 0 50 pm Nixed No 61 7 00 am 0 15 am 10 35 pm Hail iv a y Atceaaeriatton. ninlnf. Clah us Rker J. Ii. Wood. I). P. A. A-heville. .V C. W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A. l. c. Weak ip&eys. Lssa Dsds fflfa !! AttiaPluMMa A WEEK'S TRIAL 25c Foils Drup Company 4 I - i

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