THB NEWS. II. C.MARTIN, Editor and Prop In tared tthu Ptoffio ttt Utiolr, K. C fltMind-litKiiinl) waller, ,, M 1 Itoiir paper does not reach you promptly, let us know io we can nee wliere the trouble Is. Anonymous communication will Advertising rates low and will be given on application. Telephone No. 54. Subsc-iptlon price $1.00 a year 50cts. six months. 25cts. three months. Tuesday, May 12, 1008. Arrival and Departure of Trains. NOliTH BOUND. No. 10 Mail and Ex. ar. l:'2l! p.m. No. 62 " " " 2:10p.m. SOUTH BOUND. No. 9 Mail and Ex. de. 1 :50 p.m. No. (53 " " " 9:05 a.m. Forest Reservation. Washington, May . The press ent situation regarding legislation for the Appalachian National For est cau be determined distinctly hopeful. The judiciary committee in holding that --where the forests can be clearly shown to aid navi gation, of a stream navigable in whole or in part," the government would exercise a constitutional right in purchasing such forests re moves the "constitutional'' ob jection and should now mean im mediate action. A joint bill by Congressmen Lev er and Currier conforming to the conditions imposed by the judiciary committee, has beert introduced (H. B. 21357 ), which, in the opin ion of the friends of this legisla tion, is a carefully drawn measure meriting the cordial endorsement and support of the entire country. This bill has been referred to the House coinittee on Agriculture and the fate of the maesure is therefore in its hands. It is believed that this committee realizes the importance of the mat ter and can be induced to report the bill favorably and it is also be lieved that if so reported promptly, both the House and Senate will enact it into law at this session. It would be helpful to the forest cause if the committee on Agriculture could be clearly shown that the real and aggressive sentiment of the South demands their prompt action on this vital matt. Bibles Scarce In Iredell. Gaston ia News. Rev. M. M. Hatch ford has just returned from a month's canvass in Iredell county selling Bibles. He sold about 400 in that time, most of them on time to be collect ed for in the fall. Two years ago Mr. Ratchford gave out some sta tistics of homes without Bibles in Gaston and the Statesvillc Land mark made interesting comments on his report and suggested that such a condition could not le found in Iredell. ' Now Mr. Ratchford is fresh from a canvass and has the facts and names in his posession. He did most of the work in Tin nersburg township and dealt with the best class and the statistics do not refer to the most ignorant class of people, many of whom own neith er home nor bible and are not like ly to own either. He found ten white men Mho owned laud and had no Bible, and ten colored men who also owned the laud on which they lived but had no Bible, and tnany who owned neither Bible . nor land. One man lived in a two story house, had grandchildren, had not sold this year's crop of cot ton and had never owned a full ..copy of the Bible till Mr. Hatch ford came and he sold him a copy to be used when the preacher came to see him. The Bible was sold on time. The man is a member of the , church and leads in public pray er, Another interesting case was v. -when Mr. Ratchford went to a house and the lady of the house told him that her husband did not - allow her to own a Bible. He went . to see the husband and when he re turned to eat dinner he found her making up dough in. a wash pan. A half dollar wa charged' for din ner and the difference in a dollar Bible was paid Mr, Ratchford, and thq lady remarked to her grown daughter that the book must bb de posited in the bottom of the trunk for a row would be raisad by the old man if he found out such a use les expenditure of money had been made. The family was pretty well to do. Mr. Ratchford has been in the book business for ten years and says he has never found such a dearth of Holy books in Gaston county. The people had plenty of flotfr and good meat and treated him well but they had no Bibles. Many of them still have no Bibles. These remarks are submitted for the benefit of the Landmark in re futation of its statement that Gas ton was a Bibles land and that Cos- pel and Bibles were abundant in Iredell. Yes, if the agent's statis tics are a good indication there, is plenty of work to do for the col porteur in good old Iredell. American Girls Have Beautiful Voices. It. is a know n fact that there are more beautiful voices in America j than any other country in the world, say6 Ellen Beach Yaw, in the May j Delineator. There is scarcely an ! American girl now who does not sing a little. Their voices are ex ceptionally clear and strong. There is no girl in the world who can learn to sing with so little trouble as the American girl. She is born with a voice. There are certain qualities in her voice which resemble the clearness of the American atmosphere. Our girls have not yet come to the realization of what they possess. They do not fully apreciate the great gift which God has given them. They have within themselves a power of ex pression that would surprise even themselves if they but paused to listen to their divine gift and gave it an opportunity of development. Henry Grady On The Liquor Traf fic. Tonight it enters an humble home to strike the roses from a woman's cheek and tomorrow it challenges this republic in the halls of Congress. Today it strikes a crust from the lips of a starving child and tomor row levies tribute from the gov ernment itself. There is no cottage humble enough to escape it, no pal ace strong enough to shut it out. It defies the law when it cannot coerce suffrage.' It is the mortal enemy of peace and order, the despoiler of men and the terror of women, the cloud that shadows the face of children, the demon that has dug more graves and sent more souls unsaved to judgement than all the pestilences that have wasted life since God sent the plagues to Egypt, and all the wails since Joshua stood be yond Jerico. It comes to bring gray haired mothers down in shame and sorrow to their graves. It comes to change the wife's love into despair and her pride in to shame. It comes to still the laughter on the lips of little children. It comes to stifle all the music of the home and fill it with silence and desolation. It comes to ruin your body and mind, to wreck your home and it knows it must measure it's pros perity by the witness and certain ty with which it wrecks the world. Kiiujs Creek News. ; , , . There Is quite a lot sickness in our community at present. ? 1 Mr. Thomas Coffey, of Blowing Rock, visited Mr. T. W. Dula latt week. ' Something like a dozen young people took diuner with Mr. T. J. last, Sunday. The report was, They shore do cook good at Tom's. Mrs. Win. R. Kendall, of Ken dell, N. C, is spending awhile with her daughter, Mrs John Laxton, of Kings Creek. Mrs. Kendall is almost 90 years old and says she cooked the first dinner ever cooked in Lenoir. It was at lher brother's, Elbert Haigler's. Messrs. John Barlow, Boone Ox ford, Wade Laxton and others went seining last week and claim to have caught 150 fish, but I have been told you could make some allowance for a fisherman's tale. If this shows up to my notion in print I will try it again. Honksty. May 5th, 1!HS. Kelsy News. We are having lots of rain up here on the hill. The farmers are catching chances to plant their corn between showers. Last Friday morning G. John son(col.) of Charlotte, attempted to commit suicide by lying down on the railroad track about one mile east of here just before the 'arrival of a west bound freight train. He was taken to Hickory and died that night. He had written quite a his tory of his life and was tired of living. Catawba News. Mr. John Riha of Vlning, la., say, "I have been selling De Witt's Kid ney ana madder 1'tiis for about a year and they give better satisfaction loan any pin i ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have used them and they give perfect satisfac tion in every case. I have used them taysalf with Jlne results," Sold, by J. E. Shell, Dr. Rents and ' Gran Its Falls Drug Co. the cold weather much some mav Ion't think hurt the fruit drop off. A subscription school will begin next Monday at Boon s lork shool house, Mr. Loyd Curtis teacher. We had a line prohibition speech on last Sunday bs Mr. Lord Cur tis, also he was followed by Mr. D.X.Coffey, who said some line things ami will be long remember ed bv those who heard them. W. W. Collins is going into the goods business, he purchased a nice lot of goods this week. The public singing at Shulls Mills the first day of May was just fine. The county was weTl repre sented, singing classes from differ ent parts of the county were pies ent and all classes done well. We had line singing from all indeed. There was a present for the best class and Boon's Fork class got the present; Prof. W. W. Collins leader of the class. The next pub lic singing will be held at Boone on the 4th of July, 1908. MissDocia Coffey is teaching a subscription school at Foscoe. Misses Anna, Nannie and Yera Coffey are at home from Boone. They report a good school. Good luck. 8. May 7th, 1 70M. BUSINESS LOCALS, Buy your white goods from Watson Dehorning Closing Out prloes on 'everything at Watson's. EGCiSWhiU . Wyandotte. ,1.00 per 15. Wyandotte and H. I. Keds orossed. 23a. ' A. W . Todd. FOtt SALS Fine Jersey eow and oalf. W. A. Shell. (iood Percals at 10c, Calicoes at 6 to7c. The Racket. See those nloe new stylish hats at Ballew Millinery Store. FOR SALE A good second hand wind mill, with tower and tank.' Ap ply to H. C, Martin. Roof-flx A cure for roof troubles, stops leaks, stops rust,, preserves wood, stops decay. For sale by W. Jb Wakefield, Lenoir, N. C CLOSINO OUT SHOE SALE, - I am closing out mv entire Hue of shoes at cost $3.50 at 2.r0, $3.50 at (1.79, $1.50 at 1.00 &c &c. The Racket. I have arranged to handle one of the best Guaranteed lines of shoes ou the market and will sell my entire lot of shoes now on hand at cost. The IWcket. Your piano tuned for$:l.(X) by John (i. Russell, of Spiirtanbnrg, S. O. All work guaranteed. I consider Mr. Ruksi'1 a iirst-cluss tuner. Leave your orders with or write me at Le noir, X. C. W. H. Parker. LOST 1 chihls fur cloak between Lower Creek church and Henry Wil-1 soVs. A liberal reward will be paid I it returned to J. W . J. NcUall at H T. Xewland's Store. WANTED-Oood second band Bran.Bags at 2J cents each. Lenoir Mills. BRING Your Bran Hags to Lenoir Mills, cents each. WAXTED-15 tons Rye Straw. Heads cut or threashed off. Bundles kept straight, (iood price. Make engagement now for July delivery. Priee-Cline Harness & TannigCo. Painless Method of Cattle. Ralph Gilettpein Progressive Farmer. Messrs. Kditors: Please pub lish in your excellent paper the following help to all who will try it: When the calf is three weeks old, take a stick of lunar caustic, dip in a little water, rub on the little nub of a lioTii just coming out, and repeat three times. This will de stroy the horns and without pain. I have used the above method, with satisfaction. This is a very pertinent ques tion the Woman's Journal asks: The republican state convention of Tennessee engages in a free fight, pistols are drawn, and one dele gate wields a hatchet; the Boston common council indulges in wild upror, fierce vituperation, hisses and cat-calls; and in Italy two members of Parliament pnll each .other's hair; yet no one draws the inference that men are unfit to vote. But just suppose that any of these things had happened in the national congress of mothers Whooping Cough. "In February our daughter had, the whooping cough. Mr. Lane, of Hartland, recommended Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy and said it gave his customers the best of satisfao tion. We found it as he said, and can rocommend it to anyone having children troubled with whoonlnr oagn," says Mrs. a. woss, or vtr- and, Mich. For sale br J. E. Shell and Dr, Kent, druggist. , De witt's Little Early Risers are small, safe, sure and gentle little pills. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Rents and (iraiiite Falls Drug Co. If the Rope Hadn't Broke. Atlanta Constitution. "You were born in (Jeorgiri" "Yes, sur, dat what dey tells me." "And raised theref "Well, suh, dey tried ter raise me once, but de rope broke." Best Healer In the World. Re.'. F. Starbird, of East Ray mond, Maine, says: "I have used Bueklen's Arnica Salve for several years, on my old army wound, and other obstinate sores, and lind it the best healer in the world. 1 use it 9 too with great success in my veteri nary business." Price 2"ie. at J. K. Shell's drug store. Home's Vote. Wilmington Star. Your Uncle Ashley's vote so far may not le as big as the others, but it is big enough to make him master of the situation and he' is the man who knows how to nse that situation to the best adran COURTNEY'S t 4 ... ai XL values found by our buyer while in the Northern Markets are now attracting many customers to ourstore who go away pleased with their purchases of such new, sty lish goods at our bargain prices.'. If its Woolen Dress Goods thats wanted in all the newest fabrics and colorings ours is the stock to se lect from at correct prices. If its silk thats wanted for waists or full suits see our stock of newest weaves and patterns. If its light weight, shcer summer fab rics in all the popular colors and designs thats want ed then see our great variety of Voiles at 15c worth 25c, Organdies at 15c worth 25c, Mirette Silks at Hoc worth f0c, Thistle Silks and Arnold Taffettas at 15c worth 25c, Linen Lawns 20c the yard and up, White 30 inch Linen Suitings 20c the yard and up, Blue and Brown Linen Suitings 15c, 20c and 25c, 40 inch Sheer White Lawns 8c, 10c, lLMc and 15c, 4S inch fine French Lawns 15c, 20c, 25c and 30c, White and Black Dross Nets 30c and up to 2.00 the yard. If its the most stylish Ladies, Mens, Misses and Chil drens Oxfords, Sandals and Pumps thats wanted see our elegant li tie. About the largest, prettiest and cheapest line of Ladies Hats and all Millinery goods ever shown in Lenoir is now offered here. We can sell the new est, most stylish goods cheap er than old, out of date, goods offered by some at "Close out'' prices. 1 1 COURTNEY. Poultry Netting. The Lucky Quarter. Is the one you pay out for a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They bring you the health that's more pre cious than jewels. Try them for headache, biliousness, constipation and malaria. If they disappoint you the price will be cheerfully refunded at J. E. Shell s Drug Store. i Big line. See us Itefore buying. South Bend Chilled Plows and Corn Planters. Our line is complete. R.H. Spainhour & Co. forestry Legislation. j Ashville Oiti.en. ! Doesn't it seem queer that soi much effort should Ik; required to make plain the blessings of the pro- i posed forestry legislation? Every tree now saved from destruction is a priceless gift to the children of I the present. Then why should any j one hesitate? I Anderson's Pressing Club. 1 $1,00 Per Month Limited to 3 Suits. Small Charge for all Extra Suits. CALL OR 'PHONE ANDERSON'S BARBER SHOP, NO. 54. J . GOING OUT &. IBt!nsflimB ss2 Goods going at a sacrifice, lots and lots of goods selling at and below cost, (tome and buy that suit from us. We will save you money on all your needs. Come and lets talk it over. W. A. WATS (fTM 1 South ; Main St HiTSlo Lenoir, v N.C.