4 t t t T I t ON THE SQUARE. We lake pleasure in informing tbe public that we are now comfortably located in our new store on the Square, where we hope to see alt our old, and many new friends and customers, and where we hope to show by our modern and Hp-to-date store that we appreciate their patronage, and it shall remain our chief end to sene them and make it to their interest to trade with us when in need of Stationery, Toilet Articles, Huy ler'sCandies, Patent Med icines, Rexall Remedies. Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. We give especial attention to the com fort of our Soda Fountain trade. When in town, or up town, call in and rest on our cushion seat by the window where you can rest and feel at home, "see and be seen." Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Lenoir Drug Company. "OX THK SQUARE." . , ' Wnt. v Washington Star. "It costs more to live than it did! years ago," said the man who complains. "Yes," answered the man who enjoys modern conven iences, "but It's worth more." The trouble with inoet cough cures ii that they constipate. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup does not con stipate, but on the other hand its laxative principles gently move the bowels. It is pleasant to take and it is especially recommended (or child ren, as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Rents and Granite Falls DrugCo. A 4ry good thing to improve a girl's complexion is to feel her gar ter slipping down. New York Press. - - - - - No I'se To Die. "1 have found out that there is no use to die of lung trouble as long as you can get Dr. King's New Discov ery, says Airs. J. I', wniie, 01 kubii- boro, Pa. "I would not be alive to day only for that wonderful medi cine. It loosens up a cough quicker than anything else, and cures lung disease even after the case is pro nounced hopeless.'' This most reli able remedy for coughs and colds, la grippe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness, is sold under guarantee at J. E. Shell's drug store. 50c aud $1.00. Trial bottle free. Price's CoHars. Are. made over patterns that are carefully studied out and know n to lx; correct, blocked up in the right way to give them the perfect shape that iusures a perfect lit. When in doubt buy ol Price, t i E- HARNESS 4 Tl The Harness Makers. Hie Book Store Souvenir Letters ( 8 views of Lenoir. ) Postal Folders (4 views of Lenoir.) McKinley Music Stock Completely renewed. "Readin and Ritin" will be pleasanter and easier if you get your material here. aMa a Letioir Book Co. News PirMtey lor Good ffing. Prai A woman is not much at throw ing a rock, but she can beat a man several lengths a running donna Ilea. Knoxville Sentinel. A great many people imagine they have heart trouble when the fact is that the whole trouble lies in the stomach. The pains in the side around the region of the heart are not neeesnarily heart trouble. We suggest that you start with the stomach and whenever you feel a de pression after eating or whenever your tood seems to nauseate take Kodol. It will not be very long until all these "heart pains" will disappear. Take Kodol now and until you know you are right again. There isn't auy doubt about what it will do and you will find the truth of this statement verified after you have used Kodol for a few weeks. It is sold heJe by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. The man who started the break fast food fad is broke. (J lad to hear it. Justice sometimes limps, but it will finally arrive if there are not too many toll gates. One of oar maiden ladies speak ing of marriage says it is like any other dimase! while there's life there's hope. Tullahoma Guardian. - LAND ENTRY NO. 0095 . North Carolina ( Caldwell Co. f 1 H. D. L. Clarke and D. B. Kirby enters and locates 40 acres of land more or less iu Lower Creek town, hip on water of Little Zack Fork of Lower Creek on 8outh, side of the Pine Mountain, Beginning on a chestnut oak, Smith and Hort Bar Iowa's corner and run North with the Wilson Lumber Co. 'a line to a black gum on top of Pine mountain in their line; then South to Hort Barlow's and John Absher's aasafraa oorner In the head of a branch, then with said Hort Barlow's line to the beginning, containing all vacant lands inside said boundary. En tered this April 25th, 1008. H. I). L. Clarke. I). B. Kirby. A true copy: J. L. Miller. Entry taker. To BTOTsanqtipftlnfltblr, and berond tor doubt, that Catarrh ol th note and throat ten be cured. I m fumlihlng ptUetiU through dnnrglnU, small Ire Trial Boxes of Or. Bhooo't Catarrh Cur. I do thla dmsum I am w eertaln, that Dr. Shoop'l Catarrh Cur will bring actual subitantlal help. Nothing outalnlr. U ao convincing at a Dhyilcal tMtol anr artlolaol rl, genuine merit. But that article mutt poeasai true merit, rite the Vt will eondemd, rather than advance It. Dr. Shoop'l Catarrh Cure la a enow white, healing anUaei balm, put up in beautiful nickel capped glai j at 000. Buca toothing agents as oil Kucaivptui, Thymol, Menthol, etc., are Incorporated into vel vet jr, cream Ilk Petrolatum, imported by Dr. Shoop from Kurope. It Catarrh of the note and throat bat extended to the itomaah, then br all meant alto uae Internally. Dr. Shoop'l Restorative, Stomach dlitroet, a lack of general ttrength, bloating, belching, billoutneM, bad taite, eta. surely call for Dr. Bhoop'i Reetoratlve. For uncomplicated catarrh only of the note and throat nothing else, however, need be uted but Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure J. E. SHELL. IQiJ t. When you want a quick cure without any lots of time, and one that ii followed by no bad results, ust .. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fall and la pleasant to -take. It is equally valuable for children. It la famous for ita caret over a large part oi the clvUlxed world. The Most Common Cause of Suffer ing. Rheumatism causes more pain and suffering than any other disease, for the reason that it is the most com mon of all ills, and it is certainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain's Liniment will afford relief, and make rest and sleep pos sible. In many cases the relief from pain, which is at first temporary, has become permanent, while in old people subject to chronic rheuma tism, often brought on by dampness i orchanges in the weather, a perma-1 nent cure cannot be expected; the re- ' liefjlroiu pain which this liniment j affords in alone worth many times its cost. 25 aud 50 cent sizes for sale by ! J.;E. Shell. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. THE CHILDREN LIRE IT KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP J. E. SHELL C.B. McNalry. M.D. Clande Moore, M. D. McNAIRY, & MOORE. The undersigned offer their services to the people of Lenoir and vicinity for the practice of Medicine in all its branches. Office at Lenoir Drug Co. Store Phone 23., N. Main St., Lenoir, North Carolina. McNairy & Moore. I L. G. Reid, D D. S. ; if i - . uemstry in all its deaneries. J Office, Shell Building, Lenoir, ,N. C. Phone 85. J Her hand this man could not get. Hie health was not as it should be, He had not used the "best as yet," Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. No man knows what a woman has on, or how much woman he is going to get when he marries Dallas News. Insist upon De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are substitutes, but there is only one original. It is heal ing, soothing and cooling aud is especially good for piles. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kents and Granite Drug Co. BIDS FOR BRIDGE. The Commissioners of Caldwell County will receive sealed bids lor building a bridge over Little Zacks Fork North of Cottrell's school house. Said bids will be opened the first Monday in June. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. J. L. Miller, Clerk. Mav 3rd, 1 90S. I R. W. M 0 0 S F . t D. D. S. my office ti 1'fKtoffice. I have moved rooms over the where I do ;ill kinds of Den tal work. 1 will he absent from my of lice one week beginning- with the first Mon day, in each month. KILL the COUCH and CURE the LUNGS WITH r. ting's Now Discovery w PRICE an. m i mi OLDS Trial BotUe Free AND All THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. FOR csffii18 GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY REFUNDED. pectfullv, E. W. MOOSE. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Medldne for Buiy People. , Briagi Golden Health and Renewed Vigor. A epoclflo for ComtlBHtion, Indigestion. l iT" and Kidney Troubles, llmplee. Eciemn, Impm- Blood, Bad Breath, 81ufruiiih Bow.'ls, Heada -nnd Backache. It'aBocky Mountain Tea In t.n -l-'t form, SS centt a box. Genuine niiulg i tl )Li.i8tir Davo Compact, Mndlso'i. Wis. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPL: OvDiiirncocHi riUISi WHIMOT Habita eared It bit (Un&tnrlnm In a few week. Ton can return to roar home Id dare well, free aad hppr. I hare made tbeee htbite a ipecialtr for IS yean and oared thoweaade. pnp book oa Home Treatment erat rllLt Addrae M. B. Bl. WOOUIV, ICS M. Prror Btnet. AUaata. a I Y.Ptc c to Eat LUA IU J A Candy Bowel Luathrc. Bad Attack of Dysentery Cured. "An honored citizen of this town was Buffering (roiu a severe attack of dysentery. He told a friend if he i eould obtain a bottle of Chauiber laiu'M Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, he felt confident of being i palpiuiion of the heart. Digests whatyoueat ! Subcrib for the Ienoir News. Ucured, he having used this remedy in theWeat. He was told that I kept it in 6tock and lost no time in obtain ing it, aud was promptly cured," says M. J. Leach, druggist, of Wol cott, Vt. For sale by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Fall's Drug Co. A Wide Awake Preacher. Cleteland Leader. "That new preacher you have is 1 1 a prvtty wide awake young man, 1 1 isn't he!" "Yep. Keeps right on i' preachin' when everybody else is asleep." j' Schedule Effective February 2nd, 1908. Northbound "Yours, with a bu"el of kisses," is no way for a ladj to sign bank checks. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea tones the stomach, stimulates the lazy liver; strengthens the bowels and makes their action easy and nat ural. The best tonic for the whole ystetn. H5c Tea or Tablets. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. 80 far, the wolf has enough mutUn to make mouse pot lellied. not had a baby To relieve constipation, clean Out the bowels, tone aud strengthen the digestive organs, put them In a na tural condition with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea, the moat re liable tonic for thirty year. 8Ac tea, or tablets. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. A New York man declined drink and dropped dead. Sodden reform is dangerous as well, u suspicions. Good for Everybody. j Mr. Norman R. Coulter, a poini-! nent architect, in the Del'oert Build ing, San Franeisco, says: "I fully en dorse til that has been said of Elec-1 trie Bitters as a tonic medicine. It ihKOod for everybody. It corrects; stomach, liver and kidney disorders In a prompt and efficient manner and builds up the system." Electric Bit ters is the best spring medicine ever i sold over a druggest'a counter; as blood purifier it Is unequaled. "0c a J. E. Shell's drug store. Passenger No. 10 Chester Lv 8 i5 am Yorkville Lv N 53 am Gastoaia Lv U 44 am Llneolnton Lv 10 4 am Newton Lv 11 28 am Hickory '.Lv 12 05 am Lenoir Ar 1 23 pm Southbound Pasaenger No. 9 Lenoir Lv 1 50 pm Hickory Lv 2 42 pm Newton Lv8 10 pus Linconton Lv 8 40 pm Gaston ia Lv j I 5 05 pm j Yorkville Lv 5 58 pm Chester Ar. 0 40 pm Mixed Mixed No. 6o No 6a 1 00 pm 2 25 pm 4 15 pm W) am H 05 am 05 am 10 00 am 12 25 am 2 55 pm Mixed nixed No 6i No 63 9 05 am 11 15 am 1 20 pm 2 25 pm 7 00 am 5 50 pm 9 15 am '.0 35 pm Love at First Sight. I Simpliciasimus. j Love (to his belpTed ) "Do not, j I bewech you, refuse my hand. ' My life is insured for two hundred thousand marks, and if you ac-1 cept me I am sure I shall not sur j vive very long. : CONNECTIONS. CH K8TKR Southern Ry., B. A. L. and L. it C YORKVJ LLE-8uthem Railway. GASTON I A-Southern Railway. L1NCOLNTON-8. A. L. NEWTON andHlCKORY-Southem Railwav LENOIR Blowing Rock Stage Line atid C. i I Soulhsm Railway I Subscribe for The Lenoir News. When you think of Indigestion think of Kodol, for it is without doubt the only preparation that com pletely digests all classes of food. And that is what you need when you have Indigestion or stomach trouble something that will act promptly but thoronghly; something that will get right at the trouble and do the very work itself for the stomach by digesting the food that yon eat aud and that Is Kodol. It la pleasant to tafte. It Is sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Operating Over 7,000 11 lies of Railway. . . . QUICK ROUTE TO ALL POINTS . . . NORTH-SOUTH-EAST-WEST. Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts Affording Flrft-Claf AicannnuMfatton. tllnlnt, Club sud Utter- Eltftnl Pallmsn Sleepinf Csrt on all Tkraugn Train. vatloa Cars. , For Speed, Comfort and Courtc-n Eii:ijlo, travel vd, the Southern Rnilway. Kiites, che.lules rtl other Imormar ion r urulf Ir-1 by ailrHiii the midersltriied: R. L Vernon. T. P. A. J. H. Woud, I). P. A. CliHrlotte. N. C. Ahevilli.. N. O. S. II. Hard wick, P. T. M. W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A. Washington, I). C. DcWITT'S IUDNEY AND BLADDER. PILLS FOR. Wess luzizytt Leza Baca HWaaaaiV 'mf ? "bbbbbjP aaBBiW' waaw mmt0Wmm 'J aa aaaBlar ii A WEEK'S 'TRIAL 25c i W i For Solo by J. E. Shell, Dr. -Kent, nnd Gronlte FolU Drug Ccnipony.