The News Printery J WILL DO YOUR PRINT ING PROMPTLY AND AS 'CHEAP AS ANYBODY. , A TRIAL. IS ALL We ASK. The Lenoir News. IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM BEBAUSE IT IS READ BY THE LARGEST NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN THE COUNTY. ONLY $1.00 TIIKYKAR. Til irt MR h. c. iajrtiin, Editor anp prop. . . ' pubushed Tuesdays ahd Fridays, price slop the year. VOLUME X. r:;.:.-' :. LEISTOIR, X. C., MAY 15, 1908. STO. 54. - 1,1 1 i ' 1 , , . . r, Another Visit From Spook. Correspondence of The Observer. Asheville, May 11. The prison ers iu the eouuty jail here were ghen another fright last night'and wheu Jailor Mitchell went to "feed" the inmates of the jail this morning he found the white prisoners in a state of terror. It was alleged that there had been an other "visitation" last night; that a "spook" entered the white man's cage and sat on the bunk of one of the prisoners for half an hour. One of the white men told Jailor Mitchell this morning that if he was left alone in the cell he would butt his brains out against the iron. Several days ago the prisoners alleged that "spooks" visited the iail and a revival was held. Sheriff Hunter is considerably ex ercised over the affair and fears that with slightest opportunity the inmates of the jail would make a break for liberty. He said to-day that he would investigate thorough ly the matter. Oklahoma Towns Swept By Tor nado. Charlotte Chronicle. Woodward, Okla., May 11. A succession of tornadoes swept over the district lying 2." miles squth west, south and southeast of Wood ward last night, and seven towns, all without telegraphic communi cation, are reported damaged. These are (1 rand, Arnett, Vici, mutual, Kstelle, (Voley and Rich mond. Casualties are reported at each place. The known casualties meat Ar nett, one killed' six injund; at Vi ci, one fatally injured, lranu is reported whollv wreeken and the towns of Estelle and Cooley deva tated. Moonshiners Arrrested And Com mi t ted to Jail.. Winston, -Salem, N. C., May 11. Deputy Collector S. A. Sides has returned fiora a "raiding trip" in the counties of Wilkes and Cald well. He was assisted by Deputy Marshals, Reyuolds and Haikra der and Posseman Jennings. The hrst raid was made near Holsclaw, Caldwell county. The office in found a 100 gallon copper still, thirty gallons of beer and six fermenters. The owners of thq Dlant were absent when Uncle Sam men called, bnt they took the copper on to Wilkeslwro. Near Osbornville, wilkes county the officers made a bigger raid, cap turing a 12f-gallon copper and de stroying 1,800 gallons of beer There were four men at the plant but two of them got away. The two arrested were father and son and Deputy iyllector sides was told that the old man was an old offender had been blockading and dodging officers for many years The father ami son were escorted to Wilkesboro. where they were given a hearing on Saturday be fOre a United States Marshal. They were bound over to the federal court and in default of f."00 bonds each, they were committed to jail More Irrigated Lands. Exchange. , On June 1 there will-be open for entry jjnder the terms of the Carey irrigation act 75,000 acres of land in Eden valley, in Sweetwater county, Wyo. This is the remain ing portion of a tract of 100,000 acres, o,oou acies oi wnicn Dare already been advertised for entry by the government. The tract in question will be ready for water during the season of 1909, but will be open for entry June 1 next. The entire" cost to the entrymau is $30.50 an acre, which includes the perpetual water right. An initial payment of $3.25 an acre is re quired when the entry is made, the remainder beiug payable in ten an nual installments, terms which en able the settler to pay for his land om the crops which he raises thereon, Any person twenty-one ears old or over is entitled to the ight of entry if he has never made use of the Cary act right. One can make entry for the land without eaving home and without having to go upon the land until after the water is turned on . Thirty davs evidence upon the land is required n order to obtain title. Further information relative to the condi tions under which the land can le secured may be obtained by ad dressing the register of the public amis. Washington. Modesty Its Own Reward. Exchange. A voung Irishman in want of twenty-five dollars wrote to his un cle as follows: 'Dear uncle: it vou could see how 1 blush for shame while 1 am writing, vou would pitv me: Do you know whyt Because I have to ask you for a few dollars, and do uot know how to express my my self. It is impossible for me to,i tell you. I prefer to die. I send Twin-City Girl Foils Burglar. Daily Industrial News. - Winston-Salem, X. C, May 7. Because she, a girl, unarmed add at first unassisted, was able to hold at bay, and then drive from her a negro burglar, through sheer nerve and presence of mind, Miss Lizzie Ormsby is being rated a real heroine today. The details of .the attempt at burglary, Tuesday night, as told by your correspondent in this morning's issue of the Indust trial News, has become public now. Miss Ormsby, daughter of Post master W. P. Ormsby, of Salem, was awakened by hearing tier sis ters, Misses Anna and Emma, call ing her name. Upon opening her eyes she saw this marauder in the half-darkness, Miss Ormsby made no outcry. Noiselessly creeping to the foot of her bed, she turned up the light a little and springing from the bed, demanded, "What are you doing here?" Receiving no response from the negro, who took several steps toward her, raised her right hand with the index finger extended to ward the burglar, and commanded, "Leave this house or I'll shoot you. House of Horrors In Laaporte ind. By United Preaa. Laporte, Ind , May 7. Sheriff Smuteer to day notified the New- York authorities to be on the look out for Mrs. Belle Guinness, owner of the "House of Horrors," where the remains of more than a dozen bodies have leen found. She is believed to be on her way to Nor way or Sweden. The New York police were asked to watch all out going vessels. The Chicago police were asked to watch the former haunts of the woman in that city. The Sheriff is today continuing his search for bodies. He has ordered the exhumation of everything' un der half a dozen piles of soft dirt in the yard. He tielievesthat twen ty more bodies will l)e uncovered before the search ends. Evidence is piling up to show that Mrs. Guin uess was the agent of a "murder trust," which operated in Chicago and shinned the lwdies of slain people to her to be disposed of States Attorney Smith today de clared his lu'lief in this fact and pointed to the many trunks receiv ed by the woman lrom i tucago as supporting the theory. Q.W.F. HARPER, Prei. wise man abhors waste and it is the worst kind of waste to let your money lie idle when it might be earning something. When yon. have some extra dollars that vou have no immediate use for, make them work for vou. You had to work for them and turn about is fair play. Bring your money to us and get a certificate of deposit. We will pay you i'f on it. You are absolutely insured against loss. In case your certificate of deposit is lost or destroyed, we will furnish you with a duplicate. this by messenger, who will me, wait my oliedient for an answer. Believe dearest uncle, your most and affectionate nephew. "P. S. Overcome with shame for what I have written, 1 have been running after the messenger, in or der to take the letter from him, but I cannot catch him. Heaven grant that something may happen to stop him, or that this letter may get lost." The uncle was naturally touched, but was equal to the emergency He replied as follows: "Mv dear Jack: Console your self, and blush no longer. Pro vidence has heard your prayers The messenger lost your letter. Your affectionate uncle." Policeman Serinusly Cut. Murphy. Chief of Police J.J McDonald, while arresting Clark Jordan here this afternoon for some small disturlwuice, got Into a scuffie witj; him, striking Jordan down with his club, when Bud Jordan, a son of Clarke, ran in Rnd cut Mc Donald to tne hollow in the back just above the heart. Bud Jordan The coolness and strategy work ed as the nervy young lady had hoped it would. The negro ap parently mistook the finger in the semi -dardness for the point of a re volver, and backed toward the door, followed by "the girl lhind the gun." Reaching the head of the stair- . w . i : 11 way, .Miss urnisoy was joiueu uy her two sisters, who, having heard her words, had come out to in vestigate, having first, however, stopped to procure a curling iron and a long-handled button hook as the best weapons then available. Miss Emma, who carrie1 the curling iron, extended it toward her sisters and said: "Here sister; take my pistol." "Mine well do," replied Miss Lizzie calmly. "Keep your gun on the prisoner." Miss Anna also leveled her weapon the button hook on the cowardly intruder, remarking: "Keep him going: if he stops all shoot ot once." And three abreast, with the cul pnt (tacking in lront, the young women proceeded to the foot of the stairs and to the front door. Frightened and trembling, the negro was slow in unlocking the door to depart, and one of the young ladies inquired why he was so tardy. The negro then spoke for the first time since entering the house, but his words were so low that they could not be understood Thinking that the man was pre tending that he could not unfasten the door, the Bistxr who had asked him in regard to his delay, stepped forward to open the portal, but be fore she reached it the man swung it open and dashed out on the run. A Cure for His Trouble. "Doctor," said the woman whose husband owed everybody in town ".Inhn in n verv Imii war. I've Nerro Childern killed Their Father. Special to The Obwrvtr. Carthage, May 12. Saturday night at Cameron, Tom Kelly, a( colored brick mason, well known in this section, got into a drunken row with his family, and two of his sons pearly gpown and a daugh ter in her teens jumped on " him with all kinds of crude implements of warfare and . flogged him ' so awfully that he died ' yesterday. The young patriciders are now in jail here! is in jail and his father under heavy trying to get him to come to see you, but he's so obstinate, you know, and so I 'ye made up my mind to see von myself and ask whether you think you can do any thing for him." "What are his sympjomst" "Oh, he's awfully nervous. He never seems to settle down to any boud. McDonald s condition is serious and his recovery uncertain. A Boy on Clerj ymen. Bishop Potter, at an ecclesiastical dinner iu Mew York, read a Cooperstown schoolboy's essay on "Clergymen." The , essays 'which thing." created much amusement, was. as "H'm! That's bad. That puts follows: , " him in an awful predicament "There are 3 kinds of clergymen hen a man gets so that he can blshups, rectereand curates.r the neither settle down nor settle np, bishops tell the recters v to J Work J the only thing I can recommend is and the carats have td doMt, A ttavel. Better take what things curate is thin married man,- but) you can move conveniently and when he is a recter he gets 'fuller I start oq pi long journey sometime and can breach longer sermons and! when nobody's looking. I won . . .. - became good man." 1 let on.'' J.H. BEALL. Caihler. WXShEU,A-Chler ASSETS AND RESPONSIBILITY OVER $300,000. w Home Trade Philiosophy. Kxch ane. If you cast your bread upon the waters it may return to vou after many days, but it vou cast your dollar into the mail order maels trom it never gets back to your vi ciuity. Seeing is believing, and when ou see au article before you buy it vou are entitled to believe that it is worth buying or to let it stay un bought if otherwise. farmers who send their money nto the big cities to buy goods which they might just as well buy at home will find their sons follow ing the dollar of their daddies into the great trade centers as soon as the boys grow up and will have to compromise on hired men. If you don't like the community you live in well enough to do your trading in that community why don't vou move into some commu nity thai you like better! In that case maybe somebody would take your place who would help to make it a better community to live in by helping to build it up. Thousands of men in this country are howling down the idea of centralization of government while at the same time thev are promoting the centralization of trade by spending money with the catalogue houses, which are rahid y growiug more and more power ful. A development in the religious world that is soon going to cause much discussion, is the movement toward Roman Catholicism started in Philadelphia by Rev. Dr. Mc garvarv. Halt a dozen or more Episcopalian clergymen in that city have resigned to embrace the Ro man Catholic faith and in Chicago it is the same way. One of the Catholic priests in Philadelphia speaks of the movement as "a con certed effort to join the Mother Church." We will soon le hear ing much about it in both press and pulpit. Charlotte Chronicle s We will give away to the family who has the oldest White Sew ing Machine a "?". K Rocker, and to the family who has the oldest Sewing Machine of any kind a 4.00 Rocker, a 2.0U 'docker for the next oldest. Hither come to our otlice and register giving your names and Postoftice and age of Machine or drop us a pos tal card giving the information. I WE SHY WE DO, WE DO DO. I i The Happiest Hour. The Catholic Mirror. He "Do you remember that night I proposed to you!" She "Yes, dear." lie "we sat loronenour, ana you never opened your mouth." 8he-"Yes, I remember, dear,' He "Ah, that was the happiest hour of jny life." Subscribe for the News, only $1 HE Hardware & Furniture Co H ! WHATEVER IS t I J. E. SHELL, To The Farmers Interest is to Ours. If every farmer in the County were to sow some Stock Peets the County would lie letter off. Trv Landreth's Stock Beets. "THE PLACE 'IX) MFKT." DRTJGrGrlST Panic Prices!! Owing to the hard times and scarcity of money we have decided to cut prices on Beef. We will sell you Stew Beef at - - -Steak at Roast at - 6c per lb. - 10 per lb. g to 10c per lb. Lenoir Meat Market 1 t T ! t I ft: i'C J-I8 f--T' -.fB' t K