THE, NEWS. H, C. MARTIN, Editor and Prop Catered at thu ISiitoffloe t Lenoir, N. C, u wwmd-oiacKmau matter. If vonr paper doe not reach you promptly, let ub know so we can see where the trouble is. ' Anonymous communications will not he printed. Advertising rates low and will be iriveu on application. Telephone No. 54. Subscription price $1.00 a year SOcto. six months, 2octs. three months. Friday, May 15, 1908.' Arrival and Departure of Trains. NORTH BOUND. No. 10 Mail and Ex. ar. 1:22 p.m. No. 62 " " " 2:10 p. m SOUTH BOUND. No. 9 Mail and Ex. do. 1 :"() p.m No. 63 " " u 9:05 a.rn OLD SOLDIERS EXPERIENCES. Incidents Recorded From 1861 to 1865. Falling Watters Death of Gen eral Pittigrew. On the night of 4th July, IMOo. lien. Lee withdrew his army from confronting Gen. Mead at Gettys burg, and (Jen. Heath's ' division marched to Hagerstown. M. I., where it entrenched. On the loth of July (Jen. Heath was ordered to withdraw at dark and move in the direction of Falling Watters. The night was dark, roads ankle deep in mud and it was raining. It took twelve hours to inarch seven miles, on reaching an elevated and commanding ridge, one mile from Falling Watters. Gen. Heath was ordered by Gen. A. 1'. II ill to put his division in line of battle on either side of the road, at this point we halted to let the wagons and artillery get over the river. About noon on the I4th of July we were ordered to cross the river, about twenty minutes after getting the order a small body of cavalry, numbering about fifty made their appearance in our front. They were at once observed by (Jen. Pettigrew and staff, on emerging from the woods the party faced about. They galloped up the road and halted some 1 7.r yards from our line of battle. From this ma--neuvering and the smallness of their numbers we concluded it was a part of our own cavalry pursued by the enemy. The troops bad boon restrained up to this time from firing. (Jen. Pettigrew ex amining them critically with his glass discovered they were Federal troops, and the command was giv en to fire, at the same time the Federal ofliccr gave the command to charge. The squad passed through the interval left for the artillery to pass and fired several shots. In less than three minutes all were killed or captured save two, who escaped. (Jen. Petti grew, who had received a wound in his left hand at Gettysburg, was unable to manage his horse, which reared and fell with him, at this time he was struck by a pis tol ball in the left side, which un fortunately for himself and his country, proved fatal. Thirty three of the enemy's dead were counted and six prisioners fell into our hands and a stand of colors. Their Commander, Maj. -P. A. Webb, was killed. Some of the Federal cavalry were knocked off their horses with fence rails. Gen . Pettigrew, after he fell, endeavor ed to shoot the Yankee who shot him, but his pistol missed fire and N. B. Staton, private of Co. B., seized a big stone and crushed the Yankee in the breast, killing him. As soon as the surgeons ex amined Gen. Pettigsew's wound they saw the only hope for his life as to keep him perfectly quiet, and proposed to take him into a barn nearby. To allow this, Gen. . Pettigrew obstinately de clined, saying "He would die be fore be would again be taken pris oner," He was then put on a , sfretcbW anil In hopes' his life by , this way might be Bared. He was carried by four men, who were regularly relieved by fresh detail, all the way to Banker Hill, a dis tance of 22 miles, occupying part of two days. Frequently during the'march be would say to the sol dier's as he would notice their sympathetic countenance: "Boy's don't be disheartened maybe I will fool the Doctor's yet " He lin gered in the home of a Mr. Boyd at Bunker Hill, Va., until 17th of July 1863, and about half past six in the morning died quietly and without pain. Gen. Leo riding by his side as he was carried on the litter, expressed great sorrow at his being wounded. Gen. Pitti- grew replied, "That his fate was no other than one raignt reasonab ly anticipate upon entering the army and that he was perfectly willing to die for his country.'' On the morning of Friday 24th of July, ISM, the coftin containing Gen. Pettigrew s remains, wrapped in the flag of his native Southland, and hidden under wreaths of How eis and other tributes of ferminine taste and tenderness, laying in the rotunda of the capital at Haleigh, where within the year had pro ceeded him his compatriots, branch and Anderson. From Kaleigh he was taken to his old home. Bonarva. Lake Scupernong, Tyrel county, and there he is buried near the lieautiful lake, whose sandy shores his youthful feet were want to tread. We would pause here to remark, how mysterious are the dispensations of providence, that it be denied to James Johnston Pettigrew to die on the held of Gettysburg and be decreed that he must meet his end in a petty skirmish with cavalry too weeks latter. I will give you an incident which happened while crossing the river. a Federal cavalryman took a posi tion near the Maryland end of the pantoon bridge and as the strag glers came along he would demand their surrender. In this way some fifty men had surrendered to this one man. hen a member of the 2(ith Regiment passing along, was halted and his surrender was de manded. The 26th man raised his gun taking aim, said "dam you, you sin render." The Yankee said, "all right,'' and threw down his gun. ne was taken prisoner and with the fifty, who had surrender ed to him, was inarched across the bridge by the Tar Heel. C. A. Tl'TTI.K, Co. F. 26th Uegt. N. C. V. Mav Sth, 190S. The Lucky (Quarter. Is the one you pay out for a box of Dr. KfnK's New Life PiIIb. They bVinir you the health that's more pre cious than jewels. Try theiii for headache, biliousueBs, constipation and malaria. If they disappoint you the price will be cheerfully refunded at J. F. Shell's Drop: Store. Gamewell Gleanings. Much interest was taken in a prohibition speaking at Gamewell last Sunday. There is to be a prohibition rally at Marvin camp ground Sunday, pril 17th. Hope many will at tend with well filled lunch baskets. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Lucinda Tuttle, who is eighty seven years of age, is not so well. Miss ora Tuttle has returned from a visit to her sisterr, Miss (J race, of Winston, Ralem; also eriends in Lennettsville, S. ('., Mrs. I). M. Puette attended the horse show in Asheville, also visit ed friends and relatives while there Mr. and Mrs. A. I), Little spent Hunday in our vicinity. Mrs. Fstelle Coffey Link is at home for a short while. Mrs. I). M. Puett and Miss. Ve ra Perry are attending Kutheford College commencement this week. IiBADEE. Whooping Cough. "In February our daughter had the whooping couifh. Mr. Lane, of Hartland, recommended Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and said it gave his customers the best of satisfac tion. We found it as he said, and can rooommend it to anyone ha vine children troubled with whooping' cough," says Mrs. A. Ooss,' of-Dtfr-and. Mich. For sale hv J. E. Rh1l and Dr, Kent, druggist. Risden News. Mr. A. J. Bradshaw is abomt; done sawing. ' V f v 1 A large attendance at the quar terly meeting at Mt. Olivet Sunday. Mr. James Bradshaw is having bis house re-painted. . Mr. Hardie Moore went' to Le noir on business Saturday. A new store to be opened at Ris den about Ju ue 1 st. The firm wrll be W. W. Smith and P. H. Moore. A large crowd attended the sing ing at Mr. Johu Lee's Sunday. Mr. Boss Coffey went up the Creek Sunday. Mr. J. P. Coffey went to Char lotte a few days ago on business. Success to the News. X. Elgin Watches $4.00. " V Waltham Watches $4.00. Extraordinary Watch Sale. Little River. j Visiting is the order of the day on Little liiver. i j Mr. and Mrs. Christie Benfield visited his father, Mr. K. benfield, j of Alexander, last Saturday and! Sunday. Mrs. M. C. Palmer visited Mr. W. P. Looper's last Sunday, near Dudley Shoals. Mrs. Lula Helton visited rela tives at Granite Falls last week. Mr. J. L. McLeod and wife vis ited Mr. Gurdine Miller's last Sun day . Mr. C. L. Sherrill made a busi ness trip to Hickory last week. Success to the News. Ann and Ann. May 11th, ItiUS. le witt's Little Karly Risers are small, safe, sure and gentle little pills. Sold by J. K. Shell. Dr. Kents and (iranite Falls l)ru Co. Don't ask bow we can make the prices, but come and get Watches cheaper than you will ever get them again. This sale lasts 15 days, May 15th to May SOth. 15 jeweled Waltham Watches in best Gold Filled 20 Year guaranteed dustproof cases, only 9.75, worth 120.00. 15 jeweled Waltham in dust proof Ore-Silver cases, orfly $5.75, worth $10.00. 7 jew eled Waltham dr Elgin Watches in dustproof Ore Silver cases, only s?4.00. This is a sample of the prices we are making. We have a full line of Ladies and( Jentlemans Watches that we will sell at correspondingly low prices. Special prices on Watch Chains and Finger Rings. Come and save money during this sale. Postage or Express paid on Mail Orders. DULA, Dula Building Lenoir, N C Postolllce is Oppoilte our Store. Hest Healer In the World. Re.-. F. Starbird, 'of East Ray mond, Maine, says: "I have used Bucklen's Arnica Salve for several years, on uiy old army wound, and other obstinate sores, and find it the best healer in the world. I use it too with Kreat success in my veteri nary business." Price '2.V. at J. E. Shell's drug store. ON THE SQUARE. We take pleasure in informing" the public that we are now comfortably located in our new store on the Square, where we hope to see all our old, and many new friends and customers, and where we hope to show by our modern and up-to-date store that we appreciate their patronage, and it shall remain our chief end to serve them and make it to their interest to trade with us when in need of Stationery, Toilet Articles, Huy ler's Candies, Patent Med icines, Rexall Remedies. Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Etc. We jive especial attention to the com fort of our Soda Fountain trade. When in town, or up town, call in and rest on our cushion seat by the window where you can rest and feel at home, "see and be seen." Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Lenoir Drug Company. "ON THE SQUARIS." Price's Collars. Are made over patterns that are carefully studied out and known- to 1k correct, blocked up in the right way to give thent the perfect shape that insures a perfect fit. When In doubt buy of Price. E-GLIME HESS & TANNING COM. The Harness Makers. CtosMgj Omtt uir IrMireSflocM. We have alot of rare bargains for our patrons and friends to show you we mean business and will do as we say, we will name a few prices: 5 l-2c. the yard 10c the yard 10c the yard 85c the yard $4.00 per pair J.50 per pair 3.00 per pair 2.65 per pair 7c yard wide brown Domestic for 12 l-2c yard wide best bleach Domestic for 12 1-2 yard wide dress fingham $1.00 yard wide Taffeta Silks $5.00 Kin; Quality Shoes, the best 4.00 Kin; Quality Shoes, the best 3.50 Kin; Quality Shoes, the best 3.00 Kin; Quality Shoes, the best 2.50 Mens and Womans Shoes and Oxfords 2.00 to 2-15 2.25 Mens and Womans Shoes and Oxfords 1.85 per pair 2.00 Mens and Womans Shoes and Oxfords 1.65 to 1.75 1.50 Mens and Womans Shoes and Oxfords 1.35 per pair and many other Shoes not mentioned at equally low prices. All dress goods going at close out prices. Clothing, a lot of which will be sold at cost and below to elose. $2,000 to &L000 worth that must go. Don't miss this opportunity to buy what you need. Xo fake, but a straight business pro position. Sincerely yours, W. A. WATSON, i South Main Street. Lenoir, North Carolina. When in Need of j Printingof AnyKind Do not forget to call on P. O. Grist, the Printer, over J. W. Self's store, in the Matheson Building, Lenoir. N. C. He will do your Printing like you want it done and do it promptly. Just received a large shipment of sta tionery and am in a postion to attend to your wants in the Printing line. jP. O. GRIST, j 4 I 4 Tlie Xcfb Printer, "PRINTING THAT SATISFIES." 'Plione 111. Lenoir, InT. C. The Book Store Souvenir Letters (H views of Lenoir.) Postal Folders ( l views of Lenoir.) McKinley Music Stock Completely renewed. "Readin and RUin" will be pleasanter and easier if you get your material here. Lenoir Book Co. T7T Anderson's Pressing Club, $1.00 Per Month Limited to 0 Suits. , Small Charge for oil Extra Suits. CALL OR 'PHONE ANDERSON'S BARBER SHOP, NO. 54. mmmmmm miwwmo t I ! !

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