h i ) ' LOCAL AXD PEKSOXAL. Mr. E. 0. Ivcy is away on a weeks visit to Charlotte and other , places in the central part of the State. ; s -;:'-r) Mr. W. C. Coffey of Boone, was in Lenoir Wednesday attending a called meeting of the J. H. Coffey Wagon Co, Hardin Taylor of Valle Crucis, ' was in Lenoir Wednesday attend ing the yearly meeting of the Cald well & Watauga Turnpike Co. Eev. W. L. Sherrill, of Greens boro, was in Lenoir Tuesday and Wednesday looking after subscrib ers to the Western X. C. Christian Advocate. Rev. John S. Moody will preach at Chapel of Kest in Yankiu Val ley next Sunday at 11 a. m. and at St. James church, Lenoir, at 8 p m. Men are especially invited to atted these services. Frank Smith savs and Frank knows to break, up a setting hen, just put an alarm clock under her and set it to alarm and when it goes off the hen will go off also, and she will never go back. Try it. Quite a number of Lenoir peo ple attended the commencement exercises at Rutherford College last Tuesday and Wednesday. Among those in attendance were Mrs. J. P. liabb, and Misses Xau nanie Steel, Edeth Kincaid and Pearl Hoover. Anotuer boy at Mr. M. C. Trip- lett's, 14th, 1093. Mrs. C. B. McXairy returned Tuesday from a visit to relatives in Salisbury, ' ; " - ' ,' There will be no preaching at the Methodist church at il o'clock Sunday, but will be at 8 p. m. - Mr. Charley Coffey of North Wilkesboro, is in Caldwell this week. He certainly looks natural. Mr. Jno. K. Moore is attending the meeting of the Grand Lodge of Pythians at Hendersonville this week. Read the new advertisments of Lenoir Realty & Insurance Co Bank of Lenoir and P. O. Grist in this issue. Mr. Thos. W. Shell, the popular barber, has returned from Salis bury, where he has leen for sev eral mouths and may le found in his shop next to the News office. E xc usive Furniture Store Therefore a Money Saver. FINE LINE OF GOODS-LOW PRICES. ANYTHING YOU WANT. See our $75.00 Suit for 150.00. Others in proportisn. Car pets made to fit your room. No charge for making or waste in matching. See our bargains in Rugs. I I T A. V. MILLER & CO. Cloyd & Johnson Building. We Will Sell 10 shares Coffey Wagon Company. 82 shares Moore Furniture Company. 1 shares Edgemont Country Club. We Will Buy 5 shares Lenoir Cotton Mill. 2 shares Lenoir Kealtv & Insurance Co. Mr. 11. M. Tuttle, while in his barn loft last Su inlay, from some miss step, fell to .the tloor below, or S feet and was painfully hurt, it is thought there is no serious damage, still it was a bad shake up and it may be some time before he entirely recovers from it. At a called meeting of the .1. H. Coffey Wagon Co. held last Wed nesday, if. T. Newland was re elected President, Dr. L. II. Cof lev was elected Secretarv and Treasurer, Dr. Perry of Watauga, was elected a Director to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of Mr. T. F. Seehorn. Mrs. Pendley of the Watauga Hotel, at Hlowing liock, spent hist Monday and Tuesday in Lenoir. Mrs. Pendley was hereon business connected with the Watuuga Hotel. She says the prospects for a full season at the Hock this summer is good. She has thirteen cottages, with two rooms each, and they are all engaged but one. Next Sunday week May 17th there will lie a prohibtion rally at Marvin Camp ground. Ex Judge Honor Roll. Since our last issue the following named persons have made pay ments to the News on subscriptions: J. 1. Moore. Artie Johnson, H. S. Crisn. T. II. Parsons. Miss Mary E. Holick. J. W. Patterson, Mrs. W. F. Deal, O. H. Deal. Stockholders Meeting. The Stockholders of the Cald well & Watauga Turnpike 'o. met here last Wednesday and re-elected all the old directors and ofticers tor the ensuing year. A dividend of $.70 per share was declared and ordered paid. Some much needed improvements to the road were decided upon, among them being the building of a Itridge over the creek near the old Dobbins mill site. List Your Corporation Stocks With Us. Some very nice homes for 14000.0'-). Farms cheap. sale from 7x.00 to Buy your white (,'oods from Watcon i Closing ut at Watson's. prices on everything Take a nice meal at tha City Cafe. Everything neat and new. iood l'ercal toTo. at luc Calicoes at " The Racket. See those nice new stylish hats at Ballew Millinerv Store. When in town take yonr dinner at City Cafe. Crisp & Bush, Props. Kinjr's Creek Items. 3USIN3SS LOCALS. We have had quite a cool spell that has leen right trying on the gardens, though nothing has leen hurt. We had a line singing Sunday. Mr. John Downs came over and spent the day singing with the K. C. choir. e enjoyed it very much. Hope he will come back again. Mrs. Lurk Ernest has pneumo nia. We hear she is right sick. I guess the panic is over by the rumbling of the lumber wagons. Mr. Lindsay Ferguson and wife of Kendall, visited on King's Creek t t . A 1 . .-I. . 1 1 oauinia) mgiu aim zinnia) . , HOl'SKK KKPERS Buy your ir H--II x- i i t Bread, Cakes and Pies from Citv Mr. Will Jiewland. ot Lenou, ,;afe Hll(1 llont bother witll a hjt and others will speak at King's stove. Creek Academy Saturday evening on prohibition. Mrs. N. H. Beach, of Kaleigh, N. C. is visiting home folks for a while. FOK SALE A good second hand wind mill, w ith tower and tank. Ap ply to H. C. Martin. Koof-tix A cure for roof troubles, stops leaks, stops rust, preserves wood, stops decav. For sale lv W. F. Wakefield. Lenoir N. C Will lend a Purchaser $400. on town Property. If those who wish to rent rooms to summer board ers or take boarders during this summer will let us know we can supply them as we are making arange ments to do some advertising along this line just to get visitors then t get citizens. 99 CLOSINU OUT SHOE SALE, 1 am clotting out 111 v entire line of shoes at cost at i.")0, $2.50 at il.75, fl.:o at 1.00 im &c. The Racket. Success to the News. A FRIKNd. Mav l.S, l!ns. I have arranged to handle one ot the Iwst Hiiarauteud lilies of shoes on the market and will sell my entire lot of shoes now on hand at cost. The Racket. An Old Paper. Mr. J. J. Austin, Treasurer of Caldwell County, has in his poses sion a copy, or rather a partial copy, of the 'l ister County Ca zette, published at Kingston, l ister county, N. Y., Jan. I, lsoo. It is a very interesting old docu ment. One item is headed Washington entombed." irni" town Dec. '-'0. On ctbtcsd: , last, the mortal part d ..!;i.i ton, the great, the father of his countrv and the friend of man. was consigned to the tomb with solemn honors and funeral pomp. A multitude of persons assembled from many miles round, at Mount Vernon, the choice abode and last residence of the illustrious chief FRESH FRl ITS and Vegetables , at City Cafe. Crisp i Bush. Your piano tuned for fa. 00 hy John W. Russell, of Npartanbnrif, 8. C. All work Kuaranted. 1 consider Mr. Russell a first-class tuner. Leave vour orders with or write me at Ie iioir, N. C. W. H. Parker, LOS'l 1 chillis fur cloak between Lower Creek church and Henrv Wil son's. A liberal reward will be paid if returned to J . W. C. McOnll at H T. Newland's Store. hand Koboson, Prof. Avant and others There were the groves, the spaci will be on hand to talk on prohibi- ous avenues, the beautiful and tion. A large crowd is expected, sublime scenes, the noble mansion COine early and bring a full dinner but alas! The August inhabitant with you. Everybody is invited was now no more. That great and especially those who are undi- soul was gone," etc. I makes in cided as to how they will vote. Mr. Ben Oreen of Plowing Hock, was in Lenoir Tuesday and Wed nesday attending a meeting of the stockholders of the Caldwell and Watauga Turnpike Co. Mr. Green is one among the few of the old (il to 5 boys that are With us yet He will attend the reunion this year at Permins'ham, Ala. Mav he live long and never grow older ' Messrs. J. K. Deal, H. T. New land, A. A.Craig and J. W. C McCall left here Tuesday morning at 00 for Hhodhiss on A lishing WANTED Hood second Bran Bags at 2A cents each. Ienoir Mills. Show Sympathy to the Heroes of ; the Lost Cause. ' By Col. H. A. London. Let us not only strew llowers up on the graves of our heroic dead and prepivtnatet heir memory with marble shafts, but, oh. let us not forget the no less heroic survivors! Let us iu our everyday lives sub stantially and practically show our sympathy for the soldier who will soon have "crossed the river" and joined his comrades with Lee and Jackson! Ijet not our ingratitude cause any Confederate veteran to envy the fate of his comrades who were slain in battle. Put let a grateful peo pie render proper homage to both the dead and the living fondly cherishing the memorv of the form er and rendering all possible honor Sell Snow Flake Flour: i.i.. m,.. i.-.t,... Kincaid & Co. anu iieip w n't inw . BRIN(t Your Bran Bajfs to Lenoir Mills, ii cents each. "We Sell The Earth. Lenoir Realty & Ins. Go. Office in Cloyd & Johnson Building, Less Than One Cent. m I- Jl 2L Your photo in four differ ent positions and iS for 25c. Y o u r photo ou Past Cards 'A for 25c, for the next 20 days, May 17th, l!us. At tent opposite Postolliee. 1 I I I 'V ISON WANTED 1") tons Rye Straw. Heads cut or threashed off. Bundles kept straight. (iood price. Make engagement now for July delivery. Brice-Cline Harness & TannigCo. LOST A Indies (iold Watch to which is attached a Waxhaw Insti tute medal. Finder please return to News Office and get suitable reward. Below is a list of merchants that teresting reading, but too long for our paper. This copy is mostly tilled with foreign news and adver tisements. A lot of the odvertise medts are signed, : Peter Ten Brock, sheriff. We thank Mr. Austiu for the privilege of looking over this old relic. Blowing RocK luems. Well, we are still having cold weather in the mountains, lots of fruit damaged by the cold and hard winds. Child Fell Into Old Well. Charlotte ibserrer. Morgunton, May 1 1 . hat may . . I ; I a 11 prove a iaiai accmeni occurred nere today when little Lhzslieth. the year old daughter of Mr. Z. T. Corpening. tell ;! leet to the Irh tom of an old abandoned well back of the Corpening residence on West I'nion street. The child was play ing on some planks which were nailed over the mouth of the well, Harrison & Co. .1. A. Bush, Jr. Hollifield &i Son. Wilson & Harris. Wilson Lumber i Milling Co. C. '. I'nderdown. Lindsev & Curlee. Jones A Freeman. John Rftiney. nt Trelaud. N. C. When von buv flour call for Snow Fkke. N one better. Home Milling Co. Our Policy. V We are having a nice Sunday tour, returning the same day on School and singing at Bi-own's the 1.12 train with 28 fine fish, a Junction acadamy, lots of interest product of the Catawba river, so taken. 1 IL . I . I large ana so neavy were me nsn Thanksfor the iquires of the that it required two mtm to carry Blowing 1ock COrreponde..t, from them from the depot up town, toe from Dy8on. e hbpe to see Dy fish in a sack, t&e sack on a pole son 0ftetimes in the News. and oaeli And of the noleon a man's 1 uri . T A ! T - IU P 1 ohnnUW anas iiocw vwey, on i,au piace, is getting on niceiy witn ine scnoox Mrs. Thos. P. WinkUr died at Foscoe. We wish her much sue Tuesday afternoon at her home in the Valley last Monday eight and We want the 'entire Jewelry Business of this section, we are go- i ing to get it. We are going to I make our prices on watches and Hewelrv so low that it will 1k a dis when they broke. "Cncle" Jerry j , i" ... ...... ..,, ... tni(i(,,is,, (lordon. an old darky who was were. Our prices will be cheaper working near, hastilv seized an old than catalogue or mail order houses rope and at the great risk of losing i a sample of our prices elsewere ! in fliis nunpi' Thi i tln Stiot, to his own life descended to the bot torn, when' he found the child in an unconscious condition. "Cncle" Jerry was furnished with a stronger rope and was drawn safely up with the child. Luckily there was no Choice Meats. 1 have just installed a large Refrigerator and am better prepared than ever Itefore to supply my customers with NICE, FRESH, COOL MEATS. Call and see me or telephone your order if you want fresh meats kept free from Flies and Heat. J. A. BUSH, JR. in this paper. trade, (. was burled Tuesday afternoon at Piney Grove church, Key. D. P. .McQdaohy of T the Presbyterian church of" Lenoir, conducting the fdrierll services. Mrs. Winkler was a good votoan, a good mother and good neighbor -She leaves a fctrsbana' add 8 'children,' who will miss bery oh, so much. .Two , infant twin babies were buried with her. , . i t . . . ."' Rev. 8. tD. Gragg, of SholPs Mills, adderssed the people at the academy at Fosco this afternoon. Success to the News. - t, K. MaylOth; 1908. f.' ; There ia in the heart of a true woman: ft well of affection o - deep that the coldest winter of affliction cannot freeze it. ' , This is the Spot to Dula, The Jeweler. Lenoir X. C. water in the well and the soft dirt prevented instant death. Drs. Kid dle and Phifer were hastily sum moned and the last report says the child is resting well, but grave fears are entertained for its recovery. The old darky showed the hero and a purse is being made up for him. Spend it All. The Duiversallst Leader. , Amazed at the brevity of little four-year-old 't Grace's nap, her mother' H asked her why . itie awakened & soW. "Why," "re plied Grade, looking up in childish astonishment, "I slept all the sleep I had."-, 1 She Weif hed 520 Pounds. The funeral of Lucinia Miller, of Poughkeepsie,-believed to le the largest woman in the state of Xew York, her weigh being 520 pounds, was held at her home last month On accout of the casket's size it was necessary for six porters to move it through a large front win dow. Mrs. Miller's twin sister died several years ago. She weigh ed 530 pounds. Being so large it was impossible for Mrs. Miller to sleep in a bed. The fat had grown around her heart to such an ex tent that when she attempted to lie down the circulation of blood was affected seriously. So for maiy years the had sat up, lean ing over with . her head in - her hauds, and thus slept. f I VIRGINIA SANATORIUM FOR s- CONSUMPTIVES I RONVILLE, BEDFORD COUNTY, VIRGINIA. In the Blue Ridge, Elevation 1400 Feet. On the Norfork & Western Railway, 12 Miles East of Roanoke. An eleemosynary institution furnishing the modern hygienic dietetic treatment at cost or less, according to means o( patient and institu tion: Maximum rate, including all essentials, 10 per week. For full particulars, medical . records, etc., address MARCUS JUNGER, M. D.f Medical Supt. D.W. R. READ, Secty. Lemote News $L(!U s