Mother Shot Daughter's Suitor. Monroe Special 8th, to Charlottle Observer. ; Lather Williams, a young ' man employed at the Monroe Cotton Mills, was shot in the back, under the right shoulder blade by Mrs. -Tom Phifer at the latter's home tonight at 6 o'clock. Williams called ou Mrs. Phifer's daughter and was going out with her when the mother attempted to keep her daughter at home. Williams drove Mrs. Philfer into the house, where she got a revolver and shot him through a window. The wound is dangerous but not fatal. Tired nerves, with that "no ambi tion' feeling that is couiiuouly lelt in spring or early summer, can he easily aim quicKiy aiteretl iy taking what is known to druggists every where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative, One will absolutely note a changed feeliug within 48 hours after begin ning to take the Restorative. The bowels get sluggish in the winter time, the circulation often slows.up, the kidneys are inactive, and even the Heart in many cases grow decid edly weaker. Dr. Shoop's Restora tive is recognized everywhere as a genuine tonic to these vital organs. It builds up and strengthens the worn-out weakened nerves; it shap ens the failing appetite, and univer sally aids digestion. It always quickly brings renewed strength, life, vigor, and ambition. Try it and be convicted. Sold by J. E. Shell, drug gift. Out of the Mouths of Babes. Little Arthur stood peering down into the countenance of his baby sister, whom the nurse was singing to sleep. "Say, nurse," he finally whisper ed, "it's nearly unconscious, isn't it!" The nurse nodded in the affirmative, and sang on. "Then don't sing any more, or you'll kill it." There is a Pink Tablet made by Dr. Snoop, that will positively stop any pain, anywhere, in 20 minutes Druggists everywhere sell them as Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets, but they stop other pains as easily as headache. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets simply coax blood pressure away from pain centers that is all. Pain comes from blood pressure congestion. Stop that pressure with Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets and pain is instantly gone. 20 Tablets 25o. Sold by J. tl. Shell, druggist. Highly Practical. "Your business college for young ladies seems to be all right." "It is all right." "Do you give the girls a good, practical business training!" "In reply to that question I can only say that tit) per cent of our graduates marry their employers the first year." "Health Coffee" is really the cloest Coffee Imitation ever yet produed. This clever Coffee Substitute was recently produced by Dr. 8hoop of Racine, Wis. Not a grain of real Coffee in it either, Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is made from pure toasted grains with malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool an expert who might drink it for Coffee, No 20 or HO minutes tedious boiling. "Made in a minute" says the doctor. Sold by Harrison Co. Fatal Error. "N. Peck's wife leads him a rather merry gait, I fancy." "Oh, yes. When he was court ing her he told her one day she looked pretty when she was angry, and now it has got to be a habit." To relieve constipation, clean out the bowels, tone and strengthen the digestive organs, put them in a na tural condition with Holllster's Rocky Mountain Tea. the most re liable tonic for thirty years. 85c tea or tablets. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. Each one does best who does his best for one day at a time, and then refreshes himself with the knowledge that he can do it letter on the next. Semplon. I Insist upon De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are substitutes, but there Is only one original. It is heal In;, toothing and cooling and is especially good for piles. Sold by J. E. 8helI, Dr. Kent and Granite Drug Co. f v i THE SUNDAY-SCHOOL Lesson; VII. Second Quarter, For May 17,1908. THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. Text .of th Lasson, John xviii, 1-27. Memory Vsrsea, 2, 3 Goldan Text, Matt xvii, 22 Commentary Prepared by Rev. D. M. Steam. htopyriSht. 190s, by American Pn- a-ocuuoo.1 We have Just this one lesson to cov er all the events of that night from the time they left the Passover room until the next morning when lie was led forth to be crucified. There was never a night like that lu the history of tlie world, when the Son of God was treated worse than the vilest criminal by the creatures whom He had made and who depended on Ilhu. or. rather. were Indebted to Him. for every breath they drew. Comparing the ac counts in the four gospels, we gather the following outline of events: The discourse being ended, and the prayer, they sang a hymu. probably some portion or all of ls. cxiil to cxvlil. which, considered In this light, is full of wondrous significance. Leaving the city and crossing the brook Kcdron. He entered Gethseinane. and then fol lowed the prayers and the agony on His part. anH on the part of the disci ples t lie stupor of sleep. Then follow ed the arrest. Judas betraying Hliu by a kiss to the band which he led to take Him prisoner. Simou Peter would falu have delivered his Master from their hands, and. havlug a sword, he drew It and did cut off u man's ear. but tbts was not the way. and Jesus, having remedied Peter's blunder, surrendered Himself into their hands and suffered them to bind Him and lead Him away as their prisoner. Then all the disci ples, even the brave Peter, forsook Him and tied. They liever could have taken llini unless He had permitted it. for Just a word from Him sent the sol diers I rack ward to the ground, but this was their hour and the ower of dark ness, and lie yielded. They led Him to Annas, the father-in-law to Calaphas, first, and then to Calanhas. the high priest, where the scribes and elders were assembled. Here mauy false wit nesses testified against Him, but no two agreed, yet they struck Him. blindfolded Ellin, spit in His face and treated Him most shamefully. Oh, what a night it was of cruel treatment of the Creator by His creatures! One of the worst things that night was the conduct of Peter, who, stand Ing without In the palace and warming himself at the servants' Ore. denied witn oatns ana curses that De ever knew the prisoner. After they all for sook Him Peter and John rettirned. and Johu. being known to the high priest, went In with Jesus into the pal ace, but Peter stood with the servants. It was so that Jesus could see Peter from where He stood, and ns the cock crew Immediately after Peter's third denial the Lord turned and looked upon Peter, and that look broke him up and sent ulra out to weep as prob ably be had never wept before. In the morning they led Jesus, still bound, to Pilate, the Doman governor, for they bad determined that He must die. and they came to compel Pilate to execute Him. Pilate, having examined Him. testified repeatedly that be found no fault In Him. His wife also, be cause of a dream wblcb she had, urged him to have Dothlng to do with Him. Learning that Jesus was from Galilee and Herod being then In Jerusalem, be sent Him to Herod, but because Jesus would Dot work some miracles for him Herod set Him at naught and mocked Him and returned Him to Pilate, who, finding Him again on his bands, made a last effort to release Him by offering to release the worst prisoner he bad or Jesus, for It was customary to release one prisoner at this feast To Pilate's amazement they demanded the release of Barabbas. and then Pilate delivered Him to their will to be mocked and scourged and spit upon and crowned with thorns and killed He Ure It ail, and for me, that I might not perish, and bow much do I care? Does my life show that I cure, und to what ex tent do I hate sin because It made my Saviour suffer so? Turning to our les son chapter, we note that, as David's fo:i Absalom rebelled against bltn and caused him to flee for bis life across this same Kedrou, so Jesus. Son of David. Is now driveo forth by the re bellion of His son Israel, but as truly as David returned and sat on bis throne Jesus will return and reign on David's throne forever Isa. Ix. 6, 7; Luke I. 82. 33). Jesus knew all things that should come upon Him. and that made It all the harder. What a mercy It Is that we do not know what a day may bring forth! Let us leave It all In His bands who loves us and never try fortune telling. Every cup which the Pather gives us to drink Is a cup of ' ive. how ever bitter It maj, taste. W are call ed to follow HI steps who when He was reviled reviled not again, but com mitted Himself to Him who Judgeth righteously (1 Pet II. 21-23: lv. 12 -Hi. When oar hands are tied, as we say. by those who love Hlra not and we are seemingly hindered from doing what we would like (o do for Him. let us not chafe or fret, but meekly sub mit to bearing all He permits p come and ask only that He may. be seen la us and His beauty be upon us. Even If the guilty go free and the Innocent suffer, consider Him. If falsely accused and all manner of evil be said of ns, remember Matt v. 10-12. Let ns never oo any account be found wanning ourselves at the enemy'i fire lest we grieve Him and need such a look as He gar Pe ter. v Helpful Hint. Kansas City Times. Enpec My wife threatened to leave me last week, but she chang ed her mind. ' i Smart -Wh j don.'t jon sue her for breach of promise! 4 - The trouble with ui06t cough cures Is that ther constipate. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup does cot eon stipate, but on the other hand its laxative principles gently move the bowels. It is pleasant to take and it is especially recommended for child ren, as it tastes nearly as good as maple sugar. Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kents and Granite Falls DrugCo. Cause and Effect. "Yes." said Mrs. Nexilor, "my daughter is very persevering in her pianoplaving. Io vou notice that she's improving!" "Xo," replied Mrs. Peppery, "and 1 also notice that my hus husband's temper isn't." No Use To Die. "I have found out that there is no use to die of lung trouble as long as you can get Dr. King's New Discov ery, says ilrs. J. P. bite, of Rush- boro, Pa. "I would not be alive to day only for that wonderful medi cine. It loosens up a cough quicker than anything else, and cures lung disease even after the case is pro nounced hopeless." This most reli able remedy for coughs and colds, la grippe, 'asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness, is sold under guaritiitee at J. E. Shell's drug store. Vie ami Trial bottle free. Curiosity. If you want to find out how busy men are, paint a red ring on your door. Every man who passes will stop to find out what it is for and then wait until the next man comes along that he may tell alxmt it. - A great many people imagine they have heart trouble when the tact is that the whole trouble lies in the stomach. The pains in the side around the region of the heart are not necessarily heart trouble. We suggest that you start with the stomach and whenever you leel a de pression after eating or whenever your food seems to nauseate take Kodol. It will not le very long until all these "heart pains" will disapear. Take Kodol now and until you know yon are right again. There isn't any doubt about w hat it will do and you will find the truth of this statement verified after you have used Kodol for a faw weeks. It is sold beJe by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kent and Uranite Falls Drug Co. Her hand this man could not get, His health was not as it should be, He had not used the "best as yet," Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. No wonder bo many fellows want to go to Congress. There aren't many places where a man can get 7,500 a year for not working his job. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea tones the stomach, stimulates the lazy liver; strengthens the bowels and makes their action easy aud nat ural. The best tonic for the whole system. :!5c Tea or Tablets. Dr. Kent and Granite Falls DrugCo. . A Seattle man dislocated hi.s neck trying to kiss a girl under a wide brimmed hat. Puzzle: Find the moral Toledo Blade. Tush! Leave, that to the girl. Mr. Johu Kiha of V'ining. Ia., says, 'I have been selling DeWitt's Kid- uey and Bladder Pills for about a year and they give better satisfaction than any pill I ever sold. There are a dozen people here who have used thctn and they give perfect satisfac tion In every case. I have used theui myself with fine results," Sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. Kents and Granite Falls Drug Co. Caldwell county goes for Craig. Didn't blow its Horn lond. It wasn't about meal time or they would have gone to Kitchin. Hickory Mercury. Weak women should read my "Book No. 4 For Women.'1 It was written expressly for women who ate not well. The Book No. 4 tells of Dr. Shoop's 'Night Cure." and Just how these soothing, healing, antisep tic suppositories can be successfully applied. The book, and strictly con fidential medical advice Is entirely free. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Night Cure Is .Hold by J. E. Shell's drug store. t '.. LAND ENTRY SO. (SOW. North Carolina Caldwell Co. f ' H.D.L. Clarke and D. B. Kirby enters and locate 40 acres of land more or less " In Lower Creek town sh'p on water of Little Zacks Fork of Lower Creek on South side of the Pine Mountain, Beginning on a chestnut oak. Smith aud Hort Bar lows' corner and runs North with the Wilson Lumber Co.'s line to a black gum on top of Pin mountain in their line; then South to Hort Barlow's and John Absher's sasaf raa corner in the head of a branch, then with said Hort Barlow's line to the beginning, containing ajl vacant lands inside said boundary. En tered this April 25th, 1908. H. D. L. Clarke. D. U. Kirby. A true copy: J. L. Miller, Entry taker. The Most Common Cauee of Suffer - ing. ; Rheumatism causes more pain and j suffering than any other disease, fori the reason that it is the most com mon of all ills, and it is certainly j gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamberlain's Liniment will afford j relief, and make rest and rleep pos sible. In many cases the relief from ! pain, which is at first temporary, has 1 become permanent, while in old J people subject to chronic rheuma-J tisin, often brought ou by dampness i or changes in the weather, a perma-1 nent cure cannot be eipected; the re- j lieftroni pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many times its ! cost. 25 and 50 cent sues for sale by J.;E. IShell, Dr. Kent aud Uranite Falls Drug Co. BIDS FOR KRIIHiE. The Commissioners of Caldwell Countv will receive sealed bids for building a bridge over Little Zacks Fork North of Cottrell's school house. Said bids will be opened the first Monday in Jnue. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. J. L. Miller, Clerk. Mav :rd, 19)M. Bad Attack of Dysentery Cured. "An honored citizen of this town was suffering from a severe attack of dysentery. He told a friend if he eonld obtain a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, he felt confident of being cured, he having used this remedy in the West. He was told that I kept! it in stock aud lost no time in obtain ing it, and was promptly cured," says M. J. Leach, druggist, of Wol-' cott, Vt. For sale by J. E. Shell, , Dr. Kent and Granite Fall's Drug Co. Dilemma of the Ice Man. Greensboro Record. I When the ice man wakes up j these mornings he does not know ! whether to take around a load of i coal or a load ice. However, to I on the safe side he takes both. (tchhI for Everybody. Mr. Norman R. Coulter, a pouil-1 nent architect, in the Del'uert Build-' inn, San Francisco, sa): "I fully en-1 doree ill that has been said ol Blec-' trie Bitters as a tonic medicine. It i it-cood for everylK)dy. It correct ! stoinach. liver and kidney disorder? in a prompt and efficient wanner and , builds up the syntein." Electric Bit tern is the test priiiC medicine ever j sold over a driitfeCest's counter; as a blood purifier it Is unequsled. 50c at J. E. Shell's drug store. Learning Early. j The Universalist Leader. ! A Sunday School teacher had j leen telling her class the story of! Lthe dood Samaritan. When she! asked them what the story meant, a little bov said, "It means that I frhen I am in trouble my neighbors must help me.'' Subscribe for The Lenoir News. When you think of Indigestion think of Kodol, for it is without ! doubt the only preparation that com- j jJetely dlgeets all classes of food, j A)d that Is what you need when you have indigestion or stomach trouble something that will act promptly but thoroughly; some thing that will j get right at the trouble and do the, very work itself for the stomach by digesting the fowl that you eat and and that is Kodol. It l pleasant to ' take. It Is sold by J. E. Shell, Dr. f Kent and Granite Falls Drug Co. ' DoWITT'S KIDNEY AND BLADDER PILLS FOR; For Sale by J. E. Shell, Catarrh To prove nnqtw-eUoriably, and beyond soy doobi, that Catarrh oi the ikm and throat ran be cured. 1 ta ruralihln patients throuf h druirlet, imaU free Trial Boxes at Dr. sboop'i Catarrh Cur. I do this becauae 1 am so certain, that Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cur will brtnf actual tubetactfal help. Kothinf eemlnly, la ao eoorineinc a a phriical tested aay article o( real renuine nwrtt. But thai article must poeeeae tn merit, elee the in will condemn, rather than advance it. Dr. shoop's Catarrh Can Is a snow white, beallnc antiatptie aim. pot up In beautiful oickel capped (laai Jan at too. Such aoothint acatt at Ou Xaealmut, Thymol. Menthol. ete are incorporated Into a velvety, cream Ilk Petrolatum, Imported by Dr. Shoo from Burops. II Catarrh oi the ooee and throat hat extended to the stomach, then be- all want a 10 nee Internally, Dr. Shoop's Reetoretire. Stomach distress, a lac, oi general strength, bloating, belching, biliousness, bad taste, eta. surely call for Dr. Bhoop'i Restaratlvm. For uncomplicated catarrh only of the nose and throat nothing alas, however, need be used hut Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure J. E. SHELL. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT , KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP J. E. SHELL C.B. McNslry. M.D. Clasdc Moore, . D. McNAIRY, & MOORE. N The undersigned offer their services to the people of Lenoir and vicinity for the practice of Medicine in all its branches. Office at Lenoir Drag Co. Store Phone 23., N. Main St., Lenoir, North Carolina. McNairy & Moore. D. D. S. I have moved mv office to mom over the 1'ostottice, where I do all kinds of Den tal work. I will be absent from my office one week be ginning with the first Mon dav. in each month. j Kespectfullv, E. W. MOOSE. K.O H 0 1 For Indigestion. Relieves sour stomach, palpitation oi the heart Digests what you eat A Schedule Effective NORTH Northbound Passenger Mixed Mixed No. 10 No. 60 No 6a Chester Lv t 05 am 1 W piu Yorkville Lv 8 5il am 2 25 pni (iasto:iia Lv 0 44 aiu 4 15 pm t! IHInui I H 05 am Lincolnton Lv 10 48 am 0 05 am Newton Lv 11 28 am 10 00 am ' Hickory Lv 12 06am 12 25 am Lenoir . .Ar 1 22 pm 2 55 pm Southbound Passenger Nixed nixed No. 9 No 61 No 63 Lenoir Lv 1 50 pm 1) 05 am Hickory Lv3 42 pm 11 T5 am Nwton Lv3 10 pm 1 20 pm Linconton Lv 3 4 pm 2 25 pm aston ia Lv J J Pjjj j 7 00 a in 5 50 pm Yorkville Lv 5 51 pm 9 15 am Chester Ar. 6 40 pm '.0 5 pm CONNECTIONS. CHESTKK-Southeru Ry., 8. A. L. and L. & C YOKKVI LLC-Southern Railway. GASTON lA-8outhern Railway. L1NCOLNTON-8. A. L. NEWTON and HICKORY-Southern Rallwav LENOIR Blowing Rock Stage Line and C. & N. 4i9e4)Oe)fre)aoeeoeco Southern Operating Over 7,000 . . . gUICK KOUTB TO ALLl'OINTS . . . NO RTH-SOUTH-E AT- W EST. Through Trains Between Principal Cities and Resorts Affording Flrit-ClaM Accmm'denon. Eltsnl Pallman Sleeping. Csn oa sll Threats Trslsf. -Blnlnr. Club aad Rcer vstloi Cart. For Speed, Comfort and Courteous Employes, travel the Southern Railway. Rntes, Schedules and other information furnished by addressing the undersigned: R. L Vernon, T. P. A. Charlotte. N. C. S. H. Hardwick, P. T. M. I Washington, D. Dr. Kent ond Granite r When you want a qukk cure without any low of time, and one that is followed by no bad results, use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It never fails and ta pleasant to take. It is equally valuable for children. It is famous for its cures over a large part oi the civilised world. L. 0. Reid, D. D. S. Oenistry in all its Branches. m m m m m m at m w V w Oi Office, Lenoir, N Shell Building, C. Phone 85. 1 4 i i 9 t KILLthi COUGH and CURE tmi LUNGS r. King's WITH Nov Discovery PRICE t A. avi i OLDS Trial laWa tree MO ALL THROAT ND LUWfl TWOUBLEt. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OA MONEY BITTJNDID. - HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy MtdlelB for Buy People. Brinft Soldo Health and Renewed Ylgor. A ipeciflo forConstlimtlon, Indigestion. )!- a ad KIdaey Troubles, l'lliplee. Ecremn, Imp' blood. Bad Breath, BluKjfinh Bo-eU, H' and Backache. It' Rocky Mountain Tea In ' lt form, !M ceutu a box. OnulDi" made I Ilol.i.imn Dftiro CuKPAXT, Madlenn. W. GOLDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLL PIUM COCAINE a WHISKEY Hablte eared at a, Baaatorim la a few week!. Too can return to roar bobm in St dare well, free aad neper . I hare autde tbeee habita a eaeclaHr for ft reara and eared tboaeaada. Pftrr Book oa Home Treatment erat rKLt Addreei DBU B. M. wVOtjIABY, 108 M. Fryer Street Atlaata, 0a I AY.0tc C Sweet to Eat L.UA VW U A Casdv Bowd LuafJvt. Sulicrib for the Lenoir News. February 2nd, 1908. Hlles of Railway. J. H. Wood, I). P. A. Asheville. N. t W. H. Tayloe, G. P. A. c. N Falls Drug ComtonV. B eilivay WEEK'S TRIAL 25c ' 1 ' ' 1 ,

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