The Nows Printery WILL DO YOUR PRINT INC PROMPTLY AND AS CHEAP AS ANYBODY. ATRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. The Lenoir News. IS THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM, BECAUSE IT IS READ BY THE LARGEST NUMBER OF PEOPLE IN THE COUNJY. Only fi.oo tkkykar. t AT - 1 II - ' 1 i ' H.c;MARTijsr, editor and prop. ' lHir lUl i pueusheo tuesdatj aid Friday's. price 81.00 the year. ' - t I 1 II II 1 VQLXTME X. Jy'-v-JjViV i l l IEISTOIR, .3ST. C, MAY 19, 1908. NO. 55. 1 r Ashamed of a Father. 8elected. ; Two men had" entered into an agreement to rob : one "of : their neighbor. Everything was plan ed. They were to enter his honse at midnight, breakopen his chests and, drawers, and carry off all the silver and gold they could find. 4 'He is rich and we are poor," said they to each other, by way of encouragement in the evil they were about to perform. "He will never miss a little gold, while its possession will make us happy. Besides, what right has one man to all this world's goods!'' Thus they talked together. One of these men had a wife and child ren. One of thsee man had no one in the world to care for bnt himself. The man who had children went home and joiued his family, after agreeing upon a place of meeting with the other at the darkest hour the coming night. "Dear father," said one of the children, climbing upon his knee', "I am so glad you have come home again." Tne presence of his child tcoubled the man and he tried to push him away, but his arms clung tightly about his neck, and he laid his face against his cheek, and said in a sweet and gentle voice "I love you. father!" Involuntarily the man drew the innocent and loving one to his bos oin, and kissed him. There were two olde children in the man s dwelling, a tKy ana a girl. They were poor, and these children worked daily to keep up the supply of bread, made deficient more through idleness in the father than from lack of employment. These children came home soou after their father's return, and brought him their earning for the day. "Oh, father," said the boy, l8uch a dreadful thing has hap pened! Henry Leo's father was ar rested today forrobbiug; they took him out of our shop when Henry was there, and carried him off to to prison. I was so sad when I saw Hnry weeping. And he hung his head for shame of bis own father! Only think of that!" "Ashamed of his father!" thought the mau. "And will my children hang their heads, also, in in shame! No, no; that shall never he." At the hour of midnight, the man who had no children to throw around him a sphere of better in fluence, was waiting at the place of rendezvous for him whose child, had saved him. But he waited in vain. Then he said: "I will do the deed myself, and take the en tire reward." And he did accordiuz to his word. When the other man went . forth to his labor on the next day, he learned that his accomplice had been taken in an act of robbery and was already in prison. "Thank Heaven lor virtuous children!" said he with fervor, "They have saved me. Never will I cause them to bin's h for their father." . Fifty Killed In Tornado. - fcnited Fmi. , ': J Shreveport, La., May. Fifty persons are reported . killed and hundreds injured as a result oft storm that swept Caddo and Bos- pier last night. To-day the terri tory is a scene of desolation. The town of Gilliam is wiped out, Bel linger is wrecked and Hill City is damaged. Wires are down and details ate unobtainable. The hos pitals here are prepared to receive the injured who are expected to arrive on relief trains now on the way The Katv passenger train was Iwrecked near Konac by i washout. The Cansas City South ern train from the scene of the storm reports the country devasta ted. The tornado swept through the oil fields, blowiug down der ricks and scattering the machinery. Wrijht Flyinj Machine is Good. Raleigh Evening Timet. Manteo, N. C, correspondent sends the following account of yes terday's trials of the Wright broth ers' aeroplane: 'With the ease and swiftness of a huge eagle, the Wright brothers aeroplane made a flight of three miles, circling about the great sand hills, at times skimming along over the surface dipping down, A Tornado Words Havoc A special from Springfield, Neb., says a tornado last Tuesday wreck ed the towns of Louisville, Bellevue and Ritchfielp, killing several per sons and injnring a large numbet. The number of deaths is unknown and no names have been secured, but it is said between 40 and 60 are injured, many seriously and many fatally. The Town of liel levu is declared pracically wiped rising, turning corners, landing out, but it is not known that there within a few yards of the, starting- are many fatalities point. The three-mile voyage was ac complished in a little more than three minutes, and the aeroplane Carried both inventors. Reports are to the effect that the I town is blown away and the peo pie in a panic. The Burlington station was torn to pieces, most of the bnsiqess houses wrecked and Verdict of $800. Hickory Democrat. . It will be remembered that sev eral months ago about the 3rd of September, IMS the tracks of the C. & N. AV. railroad was torn up near the freight depot by some un known parties at night. Spencer, who was section master of the rail road at the time, acting under or kers from Fletcher, the O. S: X. W. road master, began to relay the track. Mr. Cillev, who was then mayor, was sent for and ordered Speucer to desist. Spencer ret used to quit work, ' whereupon Cilley ordered policeman Tope to arrest and lock Spencer up. Spencer remained in the lockup for alout an hour when he was re leased on IkmhI. Afterwards Spencer sued Cilley aud the town for damages, the There is no longer any ground for HO residences destroyed. The Mis- questioning the performance of the souri Pacific depot is standing but men and their wonderful machine, both telephone and telegraph wires Yesterday's flights w ere observed are down. by a group of men congregated in There were four distinct tornado the woods w ithin a mile of their clouds as seen at Springfield and starting point, and by another they made their appearance short group of disinterested men who ly before f o'clock. Heavy damage watched them through nowertul was done in the countrv and it is I Take Pride bi Yam Lawn. A h awn tnat is appearance of the glasses from a nearby point. For more than oue half the dis tance the aeroplane was ploughing through a L'0-raile coast breeze, but it appearded to move with just as much speed going against the wind as when sailing with it. Every moment the craft was in the air it appeared to be every bit asoliedient to the will of the operators as are the wings of a bird. The machine complete, with its operator, weighs 950 pounds, but to one watching it appeal's to glide through the air with the buoyancy of a tissue-paper kite. It is the steering grear that is giving the Wright's most of their present concern. feared there was some loss of life. 10,000 People Drownrd. News of oneof the greatest dis asters China has ever known, a sud den tidal wave, lore in on Yangtse Kiang, which involved the loss of nearly 10,000 lives at Hankow, was brought by the steamer Titan which arrived last Monday night. A wave, "JO feet in height Hooded, without warning, down the river, overturning thousand of junks, sampans and snail lx)ats and wrecking some large river steamers. Some 3,000 Chinese were sleep ing in the sampans and small craft and huts by the riverside at Han kow, and they were enveloped by the great wave. The scenes for many days after the disaster wereihorrible, the river Keep the grass close cropped neat ahd clean improves the whole house and neighborhood; Now show yonr civic pride by using the lawnmower which is the "easiest to run." Made of the Ust materials, its blades retain their edge longer than the ordinary kind. Let us show them to vou todav. I I Sff WE DO, WE DO DO. f ! J Hardware & Furniture Co. nrnM AnnT nrnni r :n mm -utflou l heinc strewn with the dead and We copy the following editorial , . . , ft f trom the rJkin limes, a Kepuon- can paper, which states the posi tion of the best Republicans: The action of the Republican State convention at Greensboro last Shut lp The Saloons. News and Observer. Mr. S. II . Hearne, of Albemarle, town being joiued with the idea that as cilley was acting in his of- Republican Paper Endorses Pro ficial capacity the town would hibitiOH. probably bear the burden . At the trial city Attorney Yount moved to dismiss the suit as. far as the town was oneerned and the coun cil for Spencer stated that he would not oppose th motion as the town was not liable in a legal sense! The ........ a a r week in refusing to adopt the Hon. T Tftrf . tart taht or . a., Tho.. fcttle's mention .Inch, if nl., county, wbo . in the ...-a-a venuon ou record against oiaie pro- v " "" " ' u. 8u uuuu.v-u uvui b i of lthe , wonderlul er0wth of the against Mr. alley. ' ' iL I twn nf Almrle. Twentv vears uauon. Ainrmauve acuououinei " " part of the State convention with & the' ha1 thre hundred reference to this resolutioi would ' 1 1 it iL Hickory Mercury. have committed the party in this vocaies saiu n me, goi nu o. me Rfof. t th intrt nftruMlistilW saloons they would kill Albemarle. But the saloons went, and today ... i h i., Thor n iH h thrpp ing sname and disgrace oi tne pany mail carriers at a salary of about to say nothing of the effect such four cotton mills, two hosiery mills, i7snrrMrMnh Tb twwitinna action would have had in driving two banks, two graded schools, . r - , t, tKren rtf from its i-anks the most respecUble111'"11"'11"-1"' WCIQ 11 vll VM VUV mi "iiv Jb I the hiffhwet crrrids in hp PTumina- element in the party. v,a enma n,o ar In promoUv tabling the resolu- up-to-date town HUIl llCJVi IK.IV V....N. -fe". I " " , .. ... . 1...J1.1 orri n il. i. T ov lion the delegates to the convention ns emoaisi, are eat-., uu.m ' - , , : i .. . .i i t Hrnr this var twpntv tlinusiind dol- M4 iiiu.rt iwi aiwi p r snoweu great wisuora viewer irum j- j ttaraott. These eeptlemen will the standpoint oi political expeai- nKfi. mn (mniirai coficfanHn encV: ana n (ioinir so it snoweu No complaint is neam against tne p"'' l'" 10 Thia diHn servient to the lluuor toices in the 4 "ulu,lli Ir,. . m. j. I Houino uqiu 'Tt npnnlp that postage. Papers, in the city and lueacuuu ui m fimv- - j couutv. that have heretofore gone tioutoucning tms matter places me 66 - " ' ... , i thinn ir u tMirii ou lint n j or anil free, will have to pay the regular P"y on a nigner plane oi respecca- '6 - - - -i Our City Mail Delivery. The City mail delivery for Hick- Panic Prices!! Owing to the hard times and scarcity of money we have decided to cut prices on Beef. We will sell you Stew Beef at - - -Steak at 6c per lb. 10 per lb. Roast at 8 to 10c per lb. I Lenoir Meat Market and other industi ses that go with The Luther- i Troops And Nif ht Riders. United Pren. Mayesville, Ky., May 14. Grave trouble is expected when troops begin making their expected arrests of night riders. Spies dis seised as umbrella menders aud .tramps have been patrolling the ' riders' districts and have a list of the names of the leaders. Three hundred will be arrested on this report, The riders are armed and 1 prepared to resist. The troops hare received ammunition and are ready 'for the movement. They '-.have been weathered into small '. parties readv for a concerted move lf nieut, IThe rider will b tftkeo to . . the penetentlary when arrested to I prevent any attempted rescoces lar churches, tel is now in A new course modern ho of erection, t Harness t and VSMcMcs. pound postage. And It will take puny man u nas ever occupieu in two cent postage to carry a letter inecstaie oeiore. from one citizen of the city, even We believe, as we have intimated to another, if carried by the city before that the action of the con carriers the greatest good to our cfty ventionwas a stroke of political will be the, $2,250 paid oi in wisdom a step that win rebound salaries, with city paying less than to the good of the party, but that one-third of ifc wtaCn rejoices tne gooa peopie oi the State most is that the action of the convention was a heavy blow to The young man Speaks who was the H uor foroes in the state, ahd put in jail Friday for blocking, it Kmov&i 1 doubt, ifany ever ex- says he.wastin debt a little and iste(L to the sncce8S 0f prohibl- thought he would make a few runs Uon on MJ y 26th . and pay out. Many fellows put mhmall dimension nolltioians Parks, of Dellaplane, who ap the same excuse. The fact is if in the Republican party may con- here Friday, told us that Eli Jotan- you want to get in debt or . in thcr I the action of tne party jn 8ome san has caught several carp out of pen either, just go into the liquor, w COntest, but they the Yadkin recently and that one business. Xou4 080 8f ,ni bot not wlU havp to take a back seat in of these weighed 13 ' 1-2 lbs., Ottt.WUeaChroncile, j, Mnnt.iAnR. Th bettor 1a. Wilkes Patriot. will not be Col. Ashlev Home of Clayton, is a most excellengentleman, not only so but he is one of the agj gimsive kind who gets after any thing he wants with both feet. He has made a success of his life, and he says he is going to make a suc cess of his Gubernatorial race. Hickory lemocrat, Messrs. W. V.TrlplettaudE. E. were X. I i . T - . i Jl f . r-w v. 1 ..." Hm-t' H, Subscribe for the News, only fid dominated by them. Special Watch Sale at Dula's We sre making special drives in Harness and Vehicles for this seasons trade. PANIC PRICES o:nt first quality gocxds. We are in a position to save you money in prices and easy terms. Respectfully, The Henkel Live Stock Co. u It Pays to Advertise in the News Reeause It lias, me .Largest urcii- M M -f ' . X

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