Thn Hown Printcry WILL DO YOUR PRINT' INC PROMPTLY AND AS CHEAP AS ANYBODY. ATRIAL IS ALL WE ASK. fne" Lenoir News. JS THf BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM, BECAUSE IT IS HEAD BY THE LARGEST HUMBEK or PEOPLE IN THE COUNTY. . ONLY fl.OO THKYKAB, H.C.MARTTN', EDITOR AND PROP. - ; v , PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AID FRIDAYS. PRICE Sl.OO THE YEAR. VOLUME X. ; ' LEISTOIR, 1ST. C, AUGUST 7, 1908. i i i Wilkes Shocking Trajedy In - , County. Charlotte Chronicle. Winston-8alem, Ang. 3. Miss Mary Ball, a Bchool teacher and a popular young lady of Wilkes Co. was shot and mortally wounded last night by D. F. Tharpe, a young man who had become in fatuated with her. the bullet took effect an inch above the heart. The attending physician says that Miss Ball cannot live through the day. The declined to allow Tharpe to accompany her to church last night, and it is alleged that he told Miss Ball that he would kill her if she did not marry him before another day. A brother of the young lady ac companied her to the services, and as they were leaving the house of worrship, Tharpe appeared aid fired a pistol twice at Miss Ball. One shot took effect and the other going wild as a result of the young lady striking the weapon with her hand. Miss Ball's brother grap pled with Tharpe and held him un til friends came to his assistance. Tharpe was badly intoxicated at the time of the assault. This morn iug he and his friends areendeavinr- ing to put up the plea that he shot during a fit of insanity. ' Tharpe is a son of Henry Tharpe, one of Wilkes county's best known citizens. Enormous Damage. Antioch, Cal., July 2C Early thia morning JJOO feet of the San Joaquin Eiver levee gave way and Jersey Island, comprising 4,000 acres of celery, wan flooded. The property lose is estimated at 15,000,000. Killed His Father. At a small mill village called cot ton, near Hope Mills, Thomas Bid die, aged 18 years, shot and killed his father, James A.Biddle, shoot ing him four tfmes. Young Biddle was placed in jail at Fayettville and here is what he says about the sad attain "I went home at a quarter of 8 o'clock last nightj and found my mother and two sisters, Nellie and Bessie greatly excited. My moth er told me my father was drunk again and had just beaten and choked her and had left the house a few minutes before saying that he was going to th4 stable, a livery Btable, owned by Hector Porter! and my father, at which I worked, ' aud get a pistol, return and kill the whole family and himself. Mother told me to run as fast as I could to the stable and get the pis tol before father got there. When I got to he stable, father was sit ting on a pile of lumber in front of the building and on the same pile of lumber at some little distance off sat my brother, Walter, aged 12 years, and Wesley Cain, Lon Low ry and Tom Starling, all young men. I went up to Hector Porter's room on the second floor of the stable, got the pistol out of his bu reau drawer and came down. As I passed my father, who was sitting on the pile of lumber, he told me to throw away the cigar ette I had in my month and to get a pipe and smoke it. I told him tnat a cigarette would uo me no more harm than a pipe. He re 1. .1 Al i 1 11 A pueu inai ne qiu not want any more of my damn sass and that he would mash my month. By this time I was between the pile of lum ber and the fence, and my father reached down and grabbed a large board. As he raised to strike me I was hemmed in and could not get out of his reach and I drew the pistol and fired. I don't know how many times I fired. As I was so excited aud frightened. I lan away and went to Officer McLean's house and gave myself up:" The board with which the father was attempting to strike his son is in posession of the sheriff. It is an inch and a half thick, eight inches wide and three fe)t long. Biddle lived in Faeyttville for more than twelve years as engineer in the Lakeview Cotton Mills. His body was brought there today on the way to Jonesboro for burial. Another Typhoon Threatening . ! Hong Kong, July 31. Another! typhoon is reported moving toward Hong Kong and the inhabitants at preparing for the worst. One of the worst storms in years has devastated a large amount of ter ritory. The typhoon which has just passed raged all day and forty junks are ashore at the port. The city of Canton is the heav iest sufferer, hundreds of junks be ing destroyed! The mortality on Pearl river is fully ten thonsand. The numerous floating bodies men ace the public health. Wires are all down and details are coming in slowly. What He Lacked. Baltimore American. "That young doctor is a queer contradiction." "In what wayl" "He has an exceedingly good tem per and yet he is lacking in patients." Child's Head Cracks' Open And Death Follows. tfewtand Observer. High Point, N. C, July 25. One of the most peculiar cases on record developed here this week and which caused the death of the two year-old girl of Mr. Jones Grif fith. For some time the child has suffered with complications of dis eases and recently its stomach be gan to swell until it assumed enor mous proportions, and strangest of all, three large cracks appeared on the child's head, through which the pulsyting of the brain could be seen. The attending physician had never had or seen a case like it, and the physicians that saw the child were Ibaffied. The parents, after the child's death, were asked to let the physicians perform an autopsy, but they would not con sent to it. The remains of the lit tle one were carried to Pinnacle, this State, for interment. This peculiar case calls to mind the aged lady with horns growing out from her head and who has visited High Point on several oc casions. Her name is Hlghtower and she is seventy or more years of age. Two large horns, very much resembling those of a ram, pro-' trude from the head and causes Mrs. Hightower, so she says ex treme pain at times. She says that when the horns began to appear that her head almost split with pain. The people ot Boone and the generous guests withiu onr borders did the right thing again Monday night when they delivered pro visions so the amount of about 112 00 to the widow Blair who is sick and nnable to provide for a large family oi children. Watauga Democrat. fflBiRf " Buy a Superior Brill and Hake $1.10 Wheat. None Better and None as low Priced as SUPERIOR'S. TO Lenoir News $L THE i.i 0 S T SENSATIONAL SACRIFICE Sill OF THE SEASON NOW GOING ON AT J. W. SELF'S STORE. J. W. Self s entire Stock offered at a great Sacrifice from right now to Saturday Night, August 15th, 1908. This is the greatest sale of the season. A matchless unparalleled money saving event. Never before has so much been offered for so little. Such a vast variety, such a choice collection of merchandise at such matchless prices. Can You Dare, in Justice to Yourself, Overlook an Opportunity Like This, if - r A Clean Sweep. We are going to discontinue everything sold by the y&a, Dress Goods, Laces, Ham burgs, Ribbons, etc. Also lace curtains, La dies Muslin Underwear, etc. Voii biiy these goods at Actual .Cost: $1.00 Dress Goods for - - - 75c. 50c Dress Goods for - - - 39c f i Lace Curtains slaughtered. We have them from 35c to $2.$0 per pair. Some of the best makes of Shoes, Hats and Clothing ever manufactured, will be included in this sale, in fact everything in the Store. Y6u all know that a Clearance Sale with . us means more Good Goods for little money than ever before. tet Nothing Keep You Away, Lots of your friends are taking advantage of this? grdat Sale. Why not you? One price to all and Nothing chiarged. We gtfardhtee to save you money. Very truly yours, KNOWN FOR MILES AROUND AS LENOIR'S CHEAPEST STORE FOR GOOD GOODS. JJ. Wo SELF 00