i&j tf', ,fX. T! fSv". Prin4-rv to. . ....... WILL DO YOUR PRINT ING PROMPTLY AND AS CHEAP AS ANYBODY, ATRIAL IS ALL WB ASK. 41 The Lenoir News. IS THE BEST ADVEBTISINO MEDIUM, BECAUSE IT'13 HEAD BY THE LARGEST NUMBER Of PEOPLE IN THE COUNTY. j ONLY ftl.OO TUEYKAR, ' v V M II I Itjlyji'i- H. O. MARTIN, EDITOR ANDBiOR PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AH FRIDAYS. PRICE 81.00 THE YEAH. '. ' i i 1 1 ' V ' j 1 1 . 1 VOLUME X. j-: '"'i -:- -1 ' LE3STOIR, 3ST. C, SEPTEMBER 1,1908. NO. 85. Snow In Maryland And West A Good Showlnr for the Can- ; Virginia. ' ninr Fartnrv. T ' r i . a nm I v eaiumore, juu., , Aug. a Thia hag hu the year for n uv 101. W4 o..vn uv th9 Catawba Valley Canning com last night and also in other parte pany of Morganton, since the es Of Maryland and West Virginia, tablishment of theirjdant. Since , COLD IN NEW YORK. the opening of the season 40,000 New York, Aag 27. As a re- gallons of blackberries and 40,000 sulfoflhe cool weather twohun, gallons of pples, beans and totna- dred men and women, many of the toes have been canned. The can- latler with babies in their arms, ning of peaches commenced last slept in the city morgue last nighty Saturday aqd preparations are be- glad to accept the grnesome hospi- ing made for the canning of a large talityofthe dead house. This is amount of corn, and the company the firist time in the history of will also can the corn from tifty New York that the morgue has acres for the State Hospital. A had to be improvised as a lodg- car load of blackberries was ship- 'inir housa. Thev appeared in such ped Nojth this week. The loss of numbers at last that the relief as-1 the company in canning this year 80ciation could not take care of Is about five per cent. Mr. J. A. them, and hundreds were turned Lackey is manager of the plant. away, even wun me morgue Morganton Herald thrown open to them. Suffering At Fayetteville. TTaixifnirilln An Ott Ttio me Jiepu Oilcans 01 iurm vtuu- - - r . ,, , .... . Cape Fear Jiver at this point has Una have Dut up a ticket that will . The Republican Ticket. d that reacked a height of 79 feet, break- I inn1 all roAtrna t fnrmai rl ruff u interest the Democrats an will call the Democracy can put up against it. This, by way of stating a plain fact. Mr. J, Elwood Cox, the nominee for Governor, is a manu facturer, an industrial promoter, a town builder, a Republican from principle, a prohibitionist in be lief and practice, and above all a gentleman . Nothing can be brought against his private or public rec ord. His nomination insures the polling of the full Republican strength and it will catch the votes of au element in this State that has been wanting a chance of the sort; The ticket in its entirety is made up of good men. It is not too much to say that in all respects, it is the strongest ticket which the North Carolina Republicans have ever put up, an entirely decent one from top to bottom. The Chroni cle cannot support it, but this fact does not bar us from stating what is a truth that will le recognized by all intelligent people. We do not believe the ticket, or any part of it, will be elected, but it is iu the nature of a notice served on the Democratic party of the State to have a care for the future. Charlotte Chronicle. Editor Grist Caned. The river valleys on the east side are covered for miles with a rush ing torrent of muddy waters. Houses and bridges are swept away for miles around and the es timated damage to the cotton and corn crop will go beyond 35 per cent. The greater portion of Fayette ville is covered with water backed up to the city from the river, which is a mile and a half distant. lnree thousand people are homeless and a proclamation was issued by the mayor at noon today. The city will be in total darkness to-night, the power plant being submerged. In the county there are thou sands of people homeless and an appeal was issued today for relief by the chairman of the county commissioners. At Augusta, Georgia, the death list has gone up to twenty-two, and many persons are homeless. The property damage is enor mous, no definite estimate being possible at this time. Dying Man Tells How He Feels As Death Approaches. Raleigh Evening Tiniei. Washington, Aug. 25 "I am sinking lower and lower from the effects of asphyxiation. My head is bursting. The room is dancing before my eyes. Good God, what a sensation! I am being lifted. The lightl Here I am going, goodbye, I " The pencil trailed over the rest of the page in unitelligible scrib bling, and then dropped from the hand of the writer as the deadly fumes of illuminating gas, turned on with suicidal intent, filled the lungs of the dying man and made him unconscious. Gradually the (fumes penetrated the rest of the house, and the door of the little attic room was burst open. He was dead. The rostomce Clerk's meet in Charlotte last Wednesday night and perfected an organization by electing W. G. Ervin, of Charlotte, president. The organization will meet in Bermingham, Ala., Sep tern ber 4 th and will be iu session until the 11th. plastered above one's desk, it The enenietic press agent of Lake Toxaway reports a flock of sea gulls, 50 to 100 in number, at the lake. This should settle for ever the question of the compara tive merits of the mountains and Yoikville, S. C, Aug. 27. Mr W. I). Grist, editor of the York ville Enquirer, was brutally beat- the seashore, as an abiding place . i .i . ri..n ,....;.,.,ll,. on in th nftW of t,h c erk of court lu U1" vM.ai.j hr thi. Wnnnn hv W. H. Win- visit Lake Tahkeeostee, we believe die, political heeler of For Mill j township, in this county. The al leged reason for the assault was that Mr. Grist had slandered him in his paper, the alleged slander Mr. Cox Welcorned Home. High Point, Aug 28. Amid the roar of scores of factory whistles. being that the Enquirer had called the huzr-ahs of hundreds of High atteution the fact that Windle, al- Point citizens and the din of other though not a candidate, was tak- noise-making instruments, J. El ing considerable interest in politics wood Cox, one of the first citizens all over the county, it is a fact 0f mgh Point, who was unan that he was present at a large pro- ro0usly nominated by the Republ portion of the campaign meetings, cans at Charlotte for the office of working in the interest of certain Governor of North Carolina, was candidates at each precinct visited, welcomed to his native heath in He and a large proportion of the grand style today at noou upon crowd with which he traius were the arrival of train Xo. M from ardent supporters of Cole Blease, Charlotte. who was opposed by The Enquirer. The fire wnistles sounded a note o arrests have been maae. ftf wftrninir at the annroaeh of the I O K 1 train and imraediatlv the blast Hominf PifeonS. from the throats of innumerable About forty homing pigeons whistles made the air resonant were turned loose here last Thurs- with deafening noise. The demon dv morning at 5:05 and reports stration hardly had equal here ex have reacneu ureenwoou mat wiey i"t" v-. arrived at York, Pa., Thursday dent Roosevelt, William J. Bryan evening at 6:50. The distance from and the Liberty Bell. Flags, ban- from this city to the' point named ners and other national colors were is over 500 miles ami the gentle- waved and hats tossed in the air men who own the birds Bay that in jubilation of the honor confer- is.the best record ever made into red upon a High Point citizen. -S York. The time consumed for the The affair was strictly nou-parti- ' journey being twelve hours and san, every citizen of High Point -. , about forty-five minutes. Green- who could get tc the depot joining wood Journal. ini including hundreds of ladies. Surrendered. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 25. Af ter a terrible existence of ten days, in-which he lay by day hidden in the woods iu momentary fear of discovery and arrest, coming out only under the cover of night to purchase the uecessaries of life, Robert Lee Cochran, the missing clerk from Building Inspector roston's office, who is charged with embezzling $565 from the city, walked into the eastern police station yesterday and surrendered Shaking in every limb, with Hushed lace and glazed eves, and giving evidence of suffering, Coch ran walked up to the desk end an nounced that h e was the man wanted. blkville and Blackstone News. Mr. T. C. Smith who has been at Johnson City, Tenn., for some time returned home last week. Mr. James McGee, of Yadki alley, is teaching :i singtn school at German's Chapel. He says it is the largest class he has ever taught. Mr. Homer Isbell, of Lenoir, is visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M . Isbell. Mr. and Mrs. J H. Isbell, of Boomer, speut last Saturday night with Mr. Isbell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Isbell. t We aru having some rainy weather in this section. Sandy. Aug. 25, 1908. There are 4351 miles of railroad in North Carolina, valued for tax ation at 85f780.703. Taxatiou value of the electric light and Glass Co. is ll.196.39G. Bridge and Canal Co. at f 1, 673.50. Refeiger ator Co. 111.136. Steamboat Co 1131.533. Telephone Co. 2.190.951. Water work Co. 445.225. Southern Express Co. 419.099. Telegraph Co.'s 9i; 974. Total $93,182,856. "Don't Give up the Ship." The Silent Partner. In one of the decisive battles of the war of 1812, a dyiug commander of a IwittleshiD lesought his men not to give up the ship. For the honor of their country the men were to fight to the death Many of them died but they had helped to win a victory. While The Silent Partner disap proves of mottoes and maxims in general and especially a multitude willing to make an exception in the case of this one: "Don't Give Up The Ship." Very few men are universally successful in business. Almost every business has its reverses and in the daily life of almost every human there must come disappoint ments and failures. History does not record an in stance in which a great leader won every battle, whether in war or in the forum. Eveu the most successful have ost some tights and some have re ceived awful beatings and yet won out. Whether one licking finishes him or not all depends upon the kind of stuff a man is made of. Only the other day one of the candidates for President drew upon himself a lire of criticism because he referred to General U. S. Grant as having been dismissed from the army on account of drunkenness. While it is not true that Grant was tired, it is true that he was asked to resign and did. Aud the reason was his tippling inclination After the storm of censure burst, the orator publicly explained that in referring to Grant's habits he had meaut to point out the great ness of a man who was sinking to such a low level, could take a new start in time of need and not only ead the forces of the Union to vie torv. but become twice President V I of the Uuited States. There's a lesson in this life story of Grant's. The whole world knew that he had failedin early life, but tne whole world was ready to do him homage when he showed thai he had not given up the fight, and after mastering himself, had mast ered a rebellious army and then the admiring country at the polls. G rover Cleveland, who died a month ago, was universally execrat ed when he left the presidential chair. During his campaigns stories were circulated that reflected upon his early life. The Silent Partner has never believed that they were true because The Silent Partner has been the victim of rumors it self. But the point is that Grover Cleveland, iu spite of the aecusa tions and reflections upon him, stood firm for what he thought was right and instead of becoming irrnnch. and instead of looking for 1 revenge and retaliation, hecompel led the respect of his traducers. Cleveland didn't give up the ship. The world admires a lighter. And down iu their hearts even the peo pie who knock prize-fighting would result in loss of caste. Ye.s, all the world loves a fighter and hates a quitter. More careers are ended, more business failures caused, more bat tles lost because men give up the ship, than from any other reason Many a man high in the councils of business, of politics, and of everything else, has had plenty of events in his past life, of which he is heartily ashamed. There is no one of us who has nothing to regret. But the man who allows regrets for what is past to keep him from attaining success and houor in the years to come is simply a poltroon and a coward. The fact that all society ( except a tew morbid individuals) enter tains a contempt for suicide is proof that down in the universal human heart is recognized the truth of the old maxim "while there's life, there's hope." And there is. STANDARD PRESSING CLUB. J News Building, Spring Street. Lenoir, N. C. We have opened a New Pressing Club, where all kinds of Altering, Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing of Clothing will be done promptly, carefully and at reasonable prices. Having good facilities and long experience, we can suit anybody in our work. Standard Pressing Club G. T. COFFEY, Tailor and Manager. Ladies' Skirts a Specialty. t llBgH Farming Implements It's harrowing work trying to get along with an unsatifactory out-of-date implement. Large farm profits depend upon pood implements. Get the best. Get the CHATTANOOGA The recognized Standard. They have many advantages over the ordinary kind. Let us tell yon of these advantages today i IMHBBB&BQ&23SX3S3 I HAND-ME-DOWN Mail Order Harness. A frightened horse often takes the bit firmly between his teeth and makes a desperate plunge. If the harness is of the "Hand -Me-Down" kind for looks only the driver may never need another harness on earth. Our make of harness will help the driver to easy control save himself and the horse, too. Bits tested to pull over 1,000 pounds are in our bridles. Driving lines we make to correspond. Such a saf harness we furnish as low as 112.00 the set. See us for your horse and driving comforts. Consulta tion free. PRICE-GLINE HARNESS &-TANNING COMPANY. I lie mil ncsa 1'iuivci a a. 9 W. H. Whitencr and Tony Sherrill of Lenoir were visitors in the city Wednesday. Hickory Democrat. Do You Know that You Look Nlctr Vhen Your Sufti Properly Geaned and Dressed. Have Been ANDERSON'S PRESSING CLUB Is the place to send your Suits to be Cleaned and Pressed as they should be. Suits called for and delivered. CLEANING LADIES SUITS AND SKIRTS OUR SPECIALTY. MIUL.BR BLOCK Tclaphon 7.