. . .... . o- th- r: The Lenoir News. lit the very beat Advertising Medium, beeanse it is read by ibe Largest Somber of the people of Caldwell County. : : ONttA' tl.OQ TOT YKAR. order of Sob l'riut... i i....; .... Don't lend your work out of town we will do it to mlt you. UET XJ8 CONVINCE YOU. 1? I i BE. C. MARTIN", EDITOR AND PROP, -t- f PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AID FRIDAYS. . PRICE S1.00 THE YEAR. VOLUME X. , ; .. r J',.' LENOIR, N". C., SEPTEMBER 8, 1908. .' XOi 87. Coming Day Sept. 23rd. A Bryan-Kitchin club' has-been organized in Wilson county. J Crawford and Bickett are mak ing a whirlwind campaign in the tenth district. vv.'.'-. J The corps 0f cadets of the A. & STAR HEEL TOPICS 5 F0011 hr TSFtS' I w i ' aiirt to one battalion, with H. M. Snm I th. Rt-f. wt ! Ber maJr and T. M. Clark captain JjTand adjutant f Eocklnghamisto have a Home Roger Kelley, a deaf and dumb ( . I O. W. Patterson, of Kinstou, 'as drowned- in the Neuse river on Sept 2. ; Albemarle's new hotel, the Mar alise opened its doors to the pub lic Monday. The Raleigh News, and Observer has raised a Democratic campaign fund of n,170. The Masons of Wilkesboro are planning a park and picnic ground for their picnics. Salisbury's new 1125,000 South era Raiiway passenger station was formally opened on Sept 1st. The Tabernacle Baptist church of Raleigh has extended a call to Rev. L. R. Christie of Georgia. Mrs. Duncan McNeill of Scot land county, mother of the late John Charles McNeill, is dead. The 85th an Dual session of the South Yadkin Baptist Association met in Statesville last Thursday. Leonard B. Gary of Speucer has been appointed to a cadetehip at West Point by Senator Overman fitate Chairman Adams has open ed Republican 8tate headquarters in the McAdoo building in Greens boro. The convention of the Virginia and Carolina Photographers' As sociation met in Greensboro last week. The Kings Mountain Presbytery will meet September 8th, with the Presbvterian church at Forest City. The Democrats of Moore County have nominated D. A. McDonald for the Legislature and A. C. Kel ly for Sheriff. The business men of Winston Salem have started a movement to try the commission plan of city government. Fourteen freight cars were de railed and Diled hieh in air, tw miles west of Salisbury Friday, by a broken truck. Herman Andrews, of West Ashe ville was accidentally shot and killed last Friday morning by his nine year old brother. The Republicans of the fifth dis trict have nominated Jno. M. More head of Spray, to oppose A. L. Brooks for Congress. Forest City, Rutherford county is to have a newspaper. C. V. Fo-wles will be the editor. The name is not announced. The Rol)ert8 Hardware Co. of Winston -Salem was robbed of tire arms and cutlerv to the value of v m 1200 last Wednesday night. The grand jury of Durham coun tyj has made presentments against nearly five hundred delinquents for failure to list taxes in June. Kathan Arthur, aged sixteen shot accidentally and killed his friend, William Palmer, about the same age, at Asheville recently, E. H. Morris, postmaster at Mocksville, has sent in his resig- negro ma,n about twenty-two, ap peared before the Supreme Court at Raleigh recently for a license to practice law. He got it. Three boats loaded with nearly $1,000 worth of provisions were seut from Wilmington last Friday the flood sufferers in Pender county. Sid Jones of Mt. Airy, made a murderous assault upon his wife ast Wednesday with a pistol, and then choked her. The authorities are looking for him. nation, thus refuting the old say ing that "few die and none resign Harrv Reynolds, chairman of rf ' the Republican executive commit tee of too eighth district, hns re plied to Theo,.F. Jilu'tz declining a Joint canvass between Hacket and Cowlivs. ., The people of Wilmington have raised 500 to aid the flood sutler- er, in that section, as a Thank Of fering for the safety of the city, which escaped damage. The town commissioners o f Wake Forest have voted an issue of bonds for 10,000 to build an electric light plant for the town and the College. Asheville has secured the an nual Convention of the United Ba- raca Bible Classes of America for next year. The date for the con vention has not yet been set. The Democrats of Rockingham county have nominated Reuben D Reed for the State 8enate, W. I Witten and Geo. T. Davis for the Legislature and Robt. H. Ivie o for Sheriff. Messrs. Edgar and Oscar Ran dolph, of Mecklenburg county grad uates from the University of North Carolina, have been added to the faculty of Lenoir College at Hick ory. The North Carolina Fire lnsu ranee Co., of High Poiut, has re tired from business aud reinsured its outstanding policies in the Ger man Alliance Insurance Co., of New York. Zeb V. Kendrick, Vice Presi dent of the Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Co., was seriously injured recently in a collission letween hi automobile and a street car, Charlotte. The funeral services of the late Fabius H. Busbee, of Ralegh who died suddenly in Seattle, Aug. were-conducted from Christ Church Raleigh, at 5:80 p. m. last Friday by Rt. Rev. Bishop Cheshire The seventy-fifth anniversary of Wake Forest College will w cele bratedthe 11th of next February The principal address will be de livered bv President W. H. Founce of Brown University, Rhode Is and. The State Roard of Health has refused to receive from the Federal authorities, the leper, Jno. R. Early, who is now in Washington, and who is supposed to haie con tracted the disease while serving as a soldier in the Phillipines. He has been allowed a monthly pen sion of f 72 by the war department. A. L. Florence, a young man of Yauceville, made an unsuccessful attempt at suicide recently, by throwing himself into County Line Creek, but was prevented by Sher iff T.N. Fitch. Despondency on account of a love affair is assigned as the cause. Mrs. J. J. Cofer of Winston -8a lem fired with a pistol at a negro who atttempted o break into the house one night recently. "Oh God I'm hit yelled intruder, and fled. Thieves should remember that when they attempt midnight burglary in North Carolina they have two serious propositions to go up against, namely that the women can shoot and that it is a hanging crime in this state. Aeronaut Dashed to Death. Waterville, Maine, Sept. 2. In full' view of 25,000 horrified spectators, assembled on the Cen tral Maine -fair grounds here late today, Charles Oliver Jones, of Hammondsport, N. Y., aeronaut, fell a distance of 500 feet to his death. Among the witnesses of the frightful plunge were Mrs. Jones and child, and they were al most the first to reach the side of the dying man. Jones died an hour and a half after the accident. Jones had been at the fair grounds with his dirigible balloon "Boomerang," known as the S,tro bel airship, since Monday. To day he arranged to make a flight between 3 and 4 o'clock, but such high wind prevailed that a delay- was necessary. At 4:.W condi tions had modified and he gave the ord to have the machine released. When the aeronaut reached a Native Americans. We copy a part of a paper as read by Rev. R. M. Taylor at the Morristown (Tenn) educational missionary conference held some time ago: While there is much poverty, ignorance and sin among the moun tain people, they will not suffer as a whole, by comparison with the people of other parts of our state, or other states. There is no great wealth, but many well-to-do peo ple. The leading citizens are above the average in the state for intelli gence aud enterprise. Man for man, they are easily the equal of any people in my knowledge in in telligence and morality. Some newspaper and magazine articles have greatly magnified the adverse conditions of poverty, ignorance and vice among these people. At the same time these correspondents " 1111111 J Why Not a Kitchen CABINET TO-DAY? v have left uumentioued the better height of more than 500 feet the conditions, aud have made the pectators were amazed to see small worst features appear as the only tongues- of flame issuing from un- conditions prevailing. These ar derthe eas bair in front of the tides have been widely read, aud motor. At this time the balloon have created a very erroneous im- had passed out of the fair grounds, pression upou the public mind, Many persons in the great crowd giving rise to the very offensive endeavored to apprise Jones of his term, "the mountain whites," as danger, but several minutes elaps- if they were a different race from ed before he noticed the fire. Then other white people. The only sense he grasped the rip cord and by let- in which these whites differ from ting out gas, endeavored to reach other whites is that they constitute the earth. The machine had de- the purest Anglo Saxon blood in scended but a short distance when the world today. A century of iso a sudden burst of dame enveloped lation from negroes and foreigners the gas bag and the frame work, has served to keep them free from immediately separating it from the the amalgation of other sections. bag. They speak the purest colloquial Jones fell with the frame of his English, not dashed with the for motor, and when the spectators leign accents of the North, nor cor reached him he was lying under it. rupted by the African brogues of The gas bag was completely de- the farther South. They are a sim- stroyed. The physicians who pie race of pure Americans. Their were in the crowd found that intellectual capacity is thought to Jones had no chance to survive as be superior to the average. They he was injured internally, and his bate a fraud in the guise of piety, spine was broken. and are quicker to detect one than any other people I ever knew. The accursed liquor traffic has no place among them. They are nearly all prohibitionists, as is shown by the recent state elections, in which these mountain counties led the state in majorities for the dry tick et. Buncombe couuty took the ban tier for the largest prohibition vote in the state, aud Madison county lor the largest vote according to the number of registered voters Many daily and weekly newspa pers and magazines are taken and a read and the people keep fairly well un with leading events. The state has undertaken to put a pub lie free school within patronizing reach of every family in the state, and with a few isolated exceptions, has accomplished its purpose These schools are a great blessing to the people, aud a prime factor in our civilization. No church can do what these schools are doing, and it does not seem wise to me for any church to undertake to do primary educational work in North Carolina. In addition to the or dinary public free schools many villages , and some thickly settled rural communities are establishing graded schools by special tax to run from seven to nine months in the year. The spirit of education is abroad, and is growing rapidly All these schools are being im- You are laboring under a delusion it' you think a kitchen-cabinet a luxury. It's nut. It is a modern necessity and one that you should not de lay longer in having in your home. :: :: Fowler Cabinets are to Cabinets what "Buck's" stoves and ranges are to stoves and ranges the world's standard. And they cost no more than the ordinary kind. See our excep tional showing in this line to day. :: Refunded Money to Afent. LexiDgtoD Dispatch. One day last week a man who had attended the Adventist camp- meeting held here in Lexington, purchased a ticket for Toluca, X. C, and the agent, Mr. Ralph Bor ing, made a mistake of 70 cents in the man's favor. When he got home he bought a money order for t5 cents, the order costing 5 cents, and sent it aud the following letter to Elder .leys, who has had the Adventist meeting in charge: "Mr. T. M. Jeys: "Dear Brother: Will you please pay this order to the ticket agent at Lexington. He made a mistake of 70 cents in my favor and I wish to send it to him. I will let him pay the money order charges him self, and oblige, Chan. Mapi.es. "Toluca, N. C." Ticket Agent Boring said that he had made mistakes like this before but this was the first money he had ever received from the people who profited by his error. He wrote the man a letter of appreci ation of his honesty. This man could have kept the t 1 money and noooay wouia eveu have known the difference, but what would he have got for his dishonesty! A miserable 70 cents 1 COLLARS- The Horse Kind Importance ol a Fit A Little Talk on Horse Disposition. The well made kind keeps a horse in good humor. They have smooth shoulder surface, are stuffed springy for easy pulling, and made with heavy rims to hold the hames in position. The other kind irritate him. The horse can't do good work when hampered by a cheap, ill fitting collar. As well give a man a dull axe to chop down a three foot oak, or a file to saw up a trd of wood. Drive your horses around to our shop hen you wish them properly "Collared." We have sized for all horses big and little, lean or fat that when they leave our shop you can feel sure they will pull the load with comfort and ease. 4.7.r a pair for good Wool Face Team Collars, a sure tit. PRIGE-CLINE USS & TANNING COMPANY. nmrl from vear to vear. Better The satisfaction people get from L herg are ing employed and returning money no u.r owu paid.Christian smau or large amounts, is worm thousands, it ia the rule wun the world that the larger amounts people find or get hold of through If you feel that you have a cold error, the more apt they are to re- coming on, start for the camphor turn the money: while the smaller bottle, sit down and soak a clean the amounts the more apt they handkerchief with camphor, hold are to keep them. Temptation it to your .nose and sniff it long appeal's to increase when the and deeply. Keep right at it for amount diminishes. five minutes, and then have an- What is the difference in keep- other spell of it after waiting a lit- inir anvthinir that is found when tl6 while. This will often break you know thco nor. and stealing. up a hard cold. HARDWARE TTURNITXJRE. puy your Hardware and Furniture from R.R Spainhottr & Co; Do You Know that You Look Nicer When Your Suits Have Been Properly Qeaned and Dressed. ANDERSON'S PRESSING CLUB Is the place to send your Suits to be Cleaned and Tressed us they should be. Suits called for and delivered. CLEANING LADIES' SUITS AND SKIRTS' OUR SPECIALTY. MIULUR BUOCK Tlsplioi " '11

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