17 ' o The News Printery 1 eqarrped to do year text orier ol Job Printing prompy Boat cd roar work oat of to a we wiJ do it to tait joa. XJET 1'8 CONVDfCE YOU- The Lenoir News. I the very best AdTertUia,g ileOiuLi, brne it is read by tbe Lr,rt INuaiber of tbe peopI of CaMveU Coactj. : : ONLY 91-00 TIIKYEAH. H. C MARTiy, EDITOR AXD PROP. FCEUSHEB TTES3ATS AH f R1BATS. PRICE SI .00 THE YEAR VOLUME X. LEXOER, 1ST. C, SEPTEMBER 11 , 1908. XO. 88. TAR HEEL TOPICS Kew Item From All Over The 8Ut Briefly Noted. " Wake Forest College opened Monday with an enrollment of 300. Labor day was observed general ly throughout the State last Mon day. The dedication of the new Catho lic church at Rocky Mount took place Mouday. The new Masonic Temple of the North Carolina Grand Lodge, in Raleigh, has been completed. The colleges throughout the State have opeued with iucreased atteudance over the past session. Mrs. Marshal Mott, of Wiuston Salem died last Saturday in the Twin City Hospital at that place. W. A. Melton, a car inspector for the Seaboard Air Line was run over and instantly killed at Ham let Tuesday night, The tobacco sales on the Kins ton market for August amounted to 1,948,098 pounds at an average of over 7 cents the pound. Plans have been perfected for a big automobile meet at Ellerbe Springs, Richmoud couuty, Sept. 23rd and 24th. Rev. T. N. Ivey, editor of the Raleigh Christian Advocate has returned from a trip of a mouth to the Northwest. W. O.Wilson of Asheville had his pocket picked at the circus there Monday and it set him back to the amount 1117.00. Dr. Frank O. Rogers of Con oordhad a narrow escape from drowning Mouday while attempt iug UTford Cold Water creek. A charter has been granted to the Elliott Building Co., of Hick ory to do a general contracting business. The capital is $50,000 A pretty church wedding was solemnized in Hendersonvill when at Front Wilwin was nnited in marriage to Miss Verda WaJdrop. The North Carolina School for the Deaf and Dumb at Morgauton opened with 175 children present and 60 cut off in the flood districts Charters were granted recently to the Marcom Safety Trace txick Co., at Roxboro and the Standard Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Dur ham. The heroes of the Lost Cause had a red letter day at their reunion in Raeford on Sept. 5th. People from all parts of Cumberland and Kobe- son county were present. Trinity College, Durham opened Sept. 9th. The prospects are that the attendance this year will be unusually large. G. Kubeta, Cita, Japan, is one of the new students- The Governor has commuted to life imprisonment the sentence of Sam Grover, who was to have been hanged on Aug. 17th for the mur der of Ed. Jones in New Hanover Co. Rev. Wm. G. Wrhitaker, who was convicted in the Federal Court at Asheville recently, for fraudu lent use of the mails, was taken to Atlanta thia week to begin serving his term of eighteen months in the Federal prison. Wake Forest will not get the elec trie plant in the near future as an- ticiDated. The town is not incor porated and cannot issue bonds The matter will have to wait unti the meeting of the next session of the Legislature, when the town will be incorporated and proceed to issue the bonds. lThe Governor has issued a proc lamtion calling upon the people of tjietejojud. th.w, flood, sufferers in Pender and Lenoir counties and the Cape Fear valley, where the destruction is greatest.. The action of the Durham coun ty grand jury will probably haTe the effect of encouraging grand juries in other counties to get after delinquents and the officials, which juries have been slow to do here tofore. It has also had a good ef feet on delinquents elsewhere. The Morganton Insurance and Realty Co., has been granted a charter to do a general real estate, oan and insurance busiuess. The authorized capital Is $25,000 with 15,000 paid in. The incorporators are E. P. Tate, J. A. Dickson and 8. R.Gollett. PURELY POLITICAL The grand jury in Durham has been '"going some." Reside rounding up five hundred delin quent tax listers it went for the city administration for the bad con dition of the city jail and police station and got after the Southern Railway for maintaining a danger- us grade crossing. Knox in Auto Accident. Geneva, Sept. 7 Ex Attorney General Philander C. Knox, of ittsburg, his wife and his son, ware slightly injured in an auto- tomobile accident, a tire bursting near here this morning. The car was thrown into a ditch and the occupants hurled through the air. Adams Gets Judgeship. Asheville Sept. 9th W i t h Transylvania yet to hold a conven tion the nomination of Joseph S Adams as Judge of the Superior Court bench to succeed the late Judge Fred Moore, over Judge J ). Murphy, the Governor's ap pointee, has been settled. Bun coinbe county Democrats gave Adams 33 3-6 votes in the Judici ai Convention and Murphy 32 2-5. Madison county gave Adams 21 2 votes and Murphy 1-2 vote, making a total of 55 or five more than necessary to nominate. Not His Wife. Raleigh, Sept. 7. D avid Kornejay, whose real name is thought to lie Will Holmes is in jail here on a charge of slipping away from his boarding house with a woman he claimed was his wife, to avoid paying a board bill, ate a large lxx of mercural salve last night declaring his intention to commit suicide. He seems all right today. It develops that he has a wife and child at Mouut Olive whom he has abandoned. he real name of the woman with him is Mattie Strickland. She was arrested here this morning and found to have a bottle of lauda num concealed under her hat in her hair. Meeting Ends in Riot. New York, 8ept. 7 An attempt was made today to turn a meet ing of unemployed workingmen into an anarchist demonstration and for half an hear the big .meet ing hall in Cooper Union, where the meeting took place, was the scene of wild excitement, during which red flags were raised, the police denounced, and incendiary speeches made. Alexander Berk man, the anarchist who some years ago shot Henry C. Frick, a stee company official, during the Home stead strike in Pennsylvania, was dragged from the hall by the po lice and locked up. A young wo man who gave her name as "Mary Smith," and who stood by Berk man, also was arrested, and Em ma Goldman, 1-ecognied leader of the "Reds" In this country, was made to leave the hall, The Prohibitionists have decided not to put out a State ticket in North Carolina. Both the Democratic and Repub- ican National Campaign text books have been issued. The Democrats of Burlington have organized a club with a mem bership of 250 to start ou. The State of Georgia has nine teen million peach trees iu her or chard. How's that for a peach orchard. A Taft-Cox club of seventy mem bers has been formed in Pitt coun ty and the Republican club of Iillsboro is growing steadily- Hon. W. W. Kitchin addressed the Democrats of Watauga county at Boone last Saturday and the oc casion was an auspicious one tor the Democrats of the West. A. L Brooks and J. T. More head, Democratic and Republican nominees, resjiectively, for Con gress on the 5th district, will prob ably hold some joint debates. The Warren couuty Democratic campaign opened Saturday with a barbecue at Epworth church, and a speech by Congressman Claud Kitchin. The Macon Democracy at Frank- in Monday named a ticket as fol ows: For Representative, J. Frank Ray, Register, D. W. Blaine; Sheriff, Alex Moore. The Democrats of Stokes county have nominated the following tick et: House, J. Y. Stone; Sheriff, J. F. Christian; Register, WTilson Mitchell; Treasurer, J. F. Stone The Republicans of Cherokee county met at Murphy Monday and nominated for the House, T C. McDonald; for Sheriff, A. B Dickey; fer Register, A. L. John son. Pasquotank county has nomi nated a strong Democratic ticket as follows: House, S. N. Morgan; Sheriff, Charles Reid; Treasurer, J. P. Thompsom : Register, J as Spencer. The Caswell county Republicans have nominated a strong ticket as follows: House, C. J. Yarborough; Sheriff, W. W. Murray; Register, John Simpson; Treasurer, J. K. Enoch . W. H. Taft left Middle Bass, ()., Monday to commence his cam paign. lie will prooaoiy maxe speeches in Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and New York. The Democrats of Randolph county met last Saturday and nomi nated the following ticket: Senate, J. A. Spence; House, J. R. Smith and I. J. Redding; Sheriff, S. L. Hay worth. In the Guilford Democratic pri raaries of last Saturday, the follow- ing ticket was nominated: Sen ate, Col. John Barringer; House, Dr. J. R. Gordon and Ex mayor Murphy ol Greensboro. The Republicans of Forsyth county have nominated the follow ing ticket: Sheriff David A. Jones; register Henry W. Watson; Senate, Henry R. Starbuck; Legis lature S. E. Hall and P. H. Stim son. The Democrats of the 15th Sena torial district composed of Harnett, Johnstou and Sampson counties met Saturday at Dunn and nomi nated for the Senate J. P. Elling ton of Johnson, and Geo. L. Peter son of Sampson. Samuel Gompcrs, president of the American Federation of Labor opened his campaign against Jos G. Cannon as a mcmlier of the Na tional House of Representatives, on Monday in Danville, Ind., the home of Speaker Cannon. Hon. W. W. Kitchin has been enthusiastically received in Mitch ell, Yancey, Madison and Ashe counties the first of the week and in Burke, Caldwell and Catawba the latter part of the week. He received an ovation where ever he went. Hon Chas. H. Cowles, Republi can candidate for Congress iu the 8th district, opened his campaign in Lenoir on Monday. He spoke in the court house at the noon re cess and made a clean, clear cut Republican speech. A large crowd was present. I The Republicans of Rockingham county met Monday and nomina the following ticket: Senate, W. B. Wrav; Elder Flincham and John P. Rice. House. H. A. Clark and J. T. Holland were named lor Sheriff and Register re spectively. The Democratic convention of the second senatorial distiict. held at Washington Tuesday, nominated T. P. Latham and Van Buren Mar tin. This district is composed of the countiss of Beaufort, Martin, Hyde, Tyrell, Dare, Pamlico and Washington. E. I). Smith of Florence, S. C, has been uominated by the second primary in South Carolina to suc ceed Senator Frank B. Gray, who is filling out the term of the late Senator Latimer. Mr. Smith is field agent of the Southern Cotton association . Q.WJ. HAKFEE. Pre. J.H. BE ILL. Cashier. A- SilEU. A-fefcier NOT ONE Money Earner in Ten Fully realizes the real and actual value of linking his money. The forceful power of a BANK ACCOl NT. even a snail one, exerts a strong influence in building uphis credit, and in general business affairs places him on a !eel with merchants and manufacturers, etc. The Opening oi an Account is about the easiest and simplest thing you can undertake to do. At this bank there will always be found some one of the office force READY and WILLING to fully and courteously explain anything about it you do not understand. Call and opeu an account. Interest paid on time deposits. -Assets and Responsibility over $ 300.000.00. I Why Not a Kitchen CABINET TO-DAY? The elopement of Jack Case and Mrs. Jules Dean, from the vicinity of Guilford College, has caused a sensation in Guilford county. The couple are in the neighborhood of fiftv vears of ace. The former has a wife and four grown children. Henry Reynolds of Wrilkesboro, Republican chairman of the eighth district has written to Theo. F Klutz to trhe effect that the latter is mistaken in supposing that be cause, he declined a thorough joint canvass that it is a back do wm and proposes to arrange with Klutz for a number of joint dis cussions. Mr. John Moore Secretary of the Democratic county executive com- mitt 'e has received the Democratic Handbook and a copy can lie had for the asking. The book contains the State platform and exhaustive articles on the Educational Awak ening in North Carolina; Railroad Rate Legislation; The Prohibition Question; The Panics of 1903 and 1907; Guarantee of Bank Deposits and other questions treated from a Democratic standpoint. Stabbed to Death. Stephen Gruber, a son of S. F. Gruber, of Marion, N. C, was stabbed to death at Blacksville, S. C, Monday by L. W. Dewitt. Gruber was there tuning pianos and got into a difficulty with De- Witt. Gruber reached for his pistol, but DeWitt closed in on him with a knife and cut him about the head and neck, almost severing the head from the body Gruber died almost instantly. Killed by Train. Reidsville, N. C, Sept. 8. J M. Swann, 80 years old, was killed bv a freight train on the Southern today while crossing the track just north of the depot. Some one call ed to him to get out of the way and as he turned around he was strnck by the train. An arm was broken and severe injuries about the temple resulted. He was car ried to his homo where he died about an hour after the accident. You are tailoring under a delusion if you think a kitchen cabinet a luxury. It's not. It is a modern necessity and one that you should not de lay longer in having in your home. :: Fowler Cabinets are to Cabinets what "Buck's" stoves and ranges are to stoves and ranges the world's standard. And they cost no more than the ordinary kind. See our excep tional showing in this line to-day. I p.i:vwnn.i.n-.iiniM,niuuujn Cluoice Meats. I have just installed a large Refrigerator and am better prepared than ever before to supply my customers with NICE, FRESH, COOL MEATS. Call and see me or telephone your order if you want fresh meats kept free from Flies and Heat. J. A. BUSH, JR. Do You Know that You Look Nicer "When Your Sjlb Hive Been Properly Cleaned and Dressed. ANDERSON'S PRESSING CLUB Is the place to send your Suits to lc Cleaned and Pressed as they should be. Suits called for aud delivered. CLEANING LADIES' SUITS AND SKIRTS OUR SPECIALTY. .MlUUliW IU.OCK . . Talaphunu e7.

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