IP -vi o The News Printery 1 equirpd to do year text onier of job Printic proia f tS j. Doa't KaJ your work oat of town we wiJ do it to ait yoa- LXT ITS CONVINCE YOU- The Lenoir News. 1 tLe Tery bt Advertising Metliain. bwue it it read by the l-nrrt XunibeT of th ppl of Caldwell County. : : ONLY Sl.OO TIIKYKAR. m k H. a MARTEN", EDITOR AND Prop. - fSBUSIEB TBES5ATS AH FOTS. PRICE Sl.OO THE YEAR. VOLUME X. " LENTOIR, 1ST. C., SEPTEMBER 15, 1908. NO. 80. STAR HEEL TOPICS i Newt Item From All Over 4 The State Briefly Noted. There are about 67 candidates for the Ministry at Davidson. The University of North Caroli na opened last Wednesday with an enrollment of 600. A mad dog was killed in Raleigh recently by several citizens after biting several persons. Capt. Jos. M. White a promi nent citizen of Kinston died sud denly from apoplexy last Thurs day. The North Carolina State League of postmasters will meet in Char lotte for a two day session Sept. 22ud. The Atlantic Coast Line has re 6umed the work of double track ing the line from Rocky Mount to Weklon. Representatives of the lea ling dailies of the Southern division of the Associated Press met at Lake Toxaway Sept. iUh. Goldsboro is soon to have elec tric ears. E. T. Oliver is the own er of the franchise and the mate rial is being placed on the ground. Capt. V. N. Camden, yardmas ter df the Southern at Spencer was married to Miss Alma McDowell, of Spartanburg at that place recently. At a late hour Tuesday night the country home of Mr. Chas. A Carriker, of No. 10 township, Ca barrus county, was destroyed by fire, together with all its contents Representatives of alout thirty furniture manufacturers met in Greensboro recently and consider ed the matter of advancing the price of the class of furniture they manufacture. W.I. (lore, a leader of the "Un known Tongue" sect in Wilming ton, is in jail to answer the charge of permitting Preston Gainey, a little boy in his charge, to die with out medical treatment The Fruit Growers' Associttiou will meet at Kilbv's Gap on Fri day, 18th. One of the attractive features will be a lecture on and a practical demonstration of the proper way to pack apples. It is estimated that the cotton crop in this State, especially in the eastern section, has been damaged 25 per cent, since August 1st. Corn has also been greatly damag ed and the feed crop will be short. The North Carolina drainage convention met in New Rem last week. Eighteen of the coastal counties were represented. Per manent organization was affected and State Geologist, Joseph H. Pratt was elected president. The Carolina. Clinchfield and Ohio railroad began Monday run ning a regular schedule between Marion and Johnson City, Tenn. Trains leave Marion at 2 o'clock in the afternoon and reach Johnson City at 6:48 the same evening. Heretofore automobiles have not been allowed on Mr. Geo. Vander bilt's place at Biltmore. Recently the master of Biltmore sold many horses and carriages and much har ness and it is reported that he is to invest in a number of automobiles. Tavlorsville Scout: The sheriff 0 of Catawba county last week ar rested Charley Hand, who is want ed in this county for an affray with Abe Bowman a few years ago in which Bowman was severly cut with a knife. The Catawba officer 'phoi ed the sheriff of Alexander to come for his man but before that officer arrived there Hand had es cape.. Greensboro is planning a gTaod 1808-1903 centennial celebration for October 11171903. Fire in West Durham last Thura day morning destroyed two cotta ges and the contents of one house. After being shut down for sever al weeks, the Lauriuborg cotton mils are again running on almost foil time. PLRELY POLITICAL been with Mr. L. C. Caldwell, a former resident of this county, has been elected to succeed the late W. G. Lewis ascountvattornevof Iredell. The finishing touches have been put on the handsome new $50,000 Y. M. C. A. building in Durham aud it will be formally opened next month. The latest addition to North Car olina newspaperdom is the Hav wood Enterprise, a Republican paper pumisneu at avnesvule bv John W. Norwood. The students ol'the A. & M. Col lege have voted resolutions, unan imouslv, to alwlish hazing at the College. Will thev be like New Year resolutions! The first anuual gathering of the Mayors' convention of North Car oliua will be held in Charlotte Tuesday and Wednesday, Novem ber 17th and 18th. The twelfth annual celebration of the North Carolina division of the United Daughters of the Con federacy, will be held in Goldsbo ro, Wednesday October 14th, 1908. It is reported that the National convention of the Farmers' Union, held recently in Fort Worth. Tex as, agretKl upon a minimum price of twelve ceuts the pound lor cot ton. The directors of Watauga Coun ty bank have elected the following officers: N. L. Mast, President, W. C. Coffey, Vice President; J. W. Hortou, L. A. Creen, W. L. Hendrix and T. P Adams, directors. A discharged news "butch" stole about $20 worth of Union News goods at Durham last week. At Goldsboro he "absquatulated," leaving the goods aboard, accord ing to the conductor of train No. 112. The Fayetteville Street Railway and Power Co., has contracted with the Ideal Electric Co., of Charlotte for the poles and wires aud will opeuate their cars by elec tricity, instead of the gasoline mo tors now used. The grand jury of Lincoln coun ty has gone after the county com rnissioners for the bad state of af fairs existing at the County Home. The report made to Judge W. H resentative Lilley is the member of Congress who brought about the Electric Boat Company inquiry The Republicans of Moore coun ty met at Carthage on Sept. 8th and nominated the following strong ticket: House of Represen- iatives, Col. W. T Jones, of Carth age; Register of deeds, Capt. A.M. Clark, of Southern Pines; Treasur er, J. C. McDuffie, of Bensalem; Sheriff, Charles A. Jones, ofCarth-age. A Republican club has formed in North Wilkes bo ro Leonard Wyne as President. The Republicans of the first con gressional district have nominated Ike W. Meekins for Congress. Senator Overman spoke at Wilkesboro Monday, 14th, the day of the Democratic couuty conven tion. Lieutenant Governor Chandler will, in all proliability be the Dem ocratic nominee for Governor of New York. Postmaster Willis G. Briggs, of Raleigh, has been nominated to op pose J. II . Pou for Co tigress in the 4th district. A joint debate between the Pres idential candidates is being talked of to take place in Cincinnatti, but nothing definite has lieen arranged. John W. Kern of Illinois is coin ing txiuth in October anu will speak at Winston-Salem on the 7th during the holding of the Forsyth County Fair. The Republican convention of the 29th Senatorial district, com posed of the counties of Davie, Wilkes, Yadkin, have nominated evident among the laboring people llliam Lee ot likes. Produce and farm Droduets of While in Illinois last week W. every description continue to oring J. Rrvan replied effectively to the B000 Pnces ana lDe seasou-s crops statement made receutlv bv speak- promise an abundant yield. The Business Outlook. The month of September began with the business outlook much improved. Merchants have bought heavily to till depleted stocks and the fear of another money panic has completely sub sided. The recovery from the banking crisis lias been slow but steady. The best indication that business is fast jesuming its nor mal condition lies in the fact that every iota gained has Ir-cii held. There has lieen no slipping back. With consumption almost up to production, timiditv has lieen fast disappearing. There is but little unrest among the business element by reason of the election to be held this fall and no actual strife or distress is Ithebook store! ft 15 IN Q I "BEAUTIFUL TRIM " JA Fine display of X Vx New Books, Stationery xc yv and School Supplies. $ 0 u All the School Books all the Time." 8 ft n $ V Lenoir Book Company. er Cannon to the effect that the former was worth 11,000,000. An euthusiastic Brvan and Kitchin club has been organized in New Hanover with Cameron Mc- Rae president. A membership of eighty was enrolled on the floor. The recent floods have worked great damage in the lowlands, en tailing a great loss in several com munities but the disaster does not affect general conditions. Indica tions point to a revival of opera tions in mill circles and the im mense amount of tonnage haudled Col.V.S. Lusk, of Asheville, hjy the railroads renders improve- will be uameb as the Republican ments and increased trackage a candidate or judge to fill out the necessity, unexpired term of Judge red Business, however, can hardly Moore, in the fitteenth district. be expected to be fully normal on The independent Republicans of til after the fall elections by rea Yadkin met in convention at Yad son oi the tact mat tnecouniry nas kinville Tuesday and nominated 8. I). Brown for the Legislature. No other nomination were made. Mr. Aaron S. Watkins, of Ohio prohibition candidate for Vice President, w a s canvassing i n North Carolina last week. He spoke at Greensboro, Salisbury and Charlotte among other places. In the Anson county Democrat ic primary ot last weeK, i. r Shaw was nominated for the Sen ate and T. N. Highley for Register Sheriff McNeill and Treasurer McKenzie had no opposition. Burke county Democrats have nominated the following ticket: made it an unwritten law to exer cise unusual conservatism during presidential campaign years. Con fidence, the real essential element in the past crisis, has been restor ed and the business outlook ap pears to be bright, healthy and substantial. Charlotte Chronicle. Friendship is valuable, but fre quently to only one side of the con cern. On Speculation. Pittsburg Post. For some time the building of several powerful battleships in England ostensibly for Brazil has aroused much discussion. If the building is iu good faith, the ac- Why Not a Kitchen CABINET TO-DAY? You are laboring under a delusion if you think a kitchen cabinet a luxury. It's not. It is a modern necessity and one that you should not de lay longer in having in your home. :: :: :: Fowler Cabinets are to Cabinets what ''Buck's'' stoves and ranges are to stoves and ranges the world's standard. And they cost no more than the ordinary kind. See our excep tional showing in this line to-day. :: :: :: 0 nut? I) w House, Thos. L. Sigmon, Ruthe Justice says: We found conditions ford C)llege;Sneriff. Fo C-quisitiou of these vessels by our .n.riviiiMri mnnt.ii- n allow n I Treasurer, W. A. Bailey to continue without being a dis grace to itself. Walter I. McNeill, of Wilkes, who-has been carrying the mail between this plaice and Wilkesboro during the last few months, left for parts unknown last Wednesday night. Just why he skipped is not known unless it was he feared that he would be con southern neighbor is bound to ex cite Chili and the Argentine Re- The Democrats of Watauga have public, both of whom now have a i nominated Smith Hagaman for sort of tentative disarmament pro gram, to costly rivalry along the the House; candidates for com mis siouers are Messrs. W. C. Coffey, same line and .to impose on the J. M. South and C. L. Taylor, young republics of the Southern The rest of the ticket was not nom- Hemisphere the burdens and re i inated. sponsibilsties of a navy. The Ar- The claim is made that inasmuch Kntine Chamber of Deputies has .... .... hman rnniriWincr a ftfiK ftOO ftOO nMnMrtvaii trie uuaicers oi inis 1 - - ) ) State are Republicans or prehibi- navy to mteh Brazil I M A 1 A V T li nd with wreckin the merrv eo tionists and there being no State ne curreni nnoer oi me iakt m,,d. He arrived here Wednes- ticket of the latter. Mr. J. Elwcod arv Digest, which discusses this day evening but did not show up Cox will get most of the Quaker letter, quotes the authorities to JO I lit., er -i iL.i 1 l A ill the next morning and Dostmaster vote. I I t.A. l A. Deal had to secure a substitute to T r ftf , Pyint. I" n "on8M;reW out of her control. It is hinted that the whole enterprise may be - onenea his campaign in Asnevnie , . . secured another carrier i unvu 1VIBJ v Buncombe county Republican club. Speeches were made by Hon Thos. Settle. J.J. Britt and Mr. Cox Cluonce Meats. I have just installed a large Refrigerator and am better prepared than ever lefv)re to supply my customers with NICE, FRESH, COOL MEATS. Call and see me or telephone your order if you want fresh meats kept' free from Flies and Heat. J. A. BUSH, JR. ville Scout. Biggest British Battleship. Portsmouth, Eng. Sept 10.- ThcSt. Vincent, the largest and heaviest battleship ever built for the British navy, was launched successfully hero today before a great crowd. a clever, daring effort by unscru pulous jingoes in cahoots with shipbuilders, to dragoon England into buying some more ships, I which in the regular way she would talk against. It would ap- roncrrpssman (leortro L. LUlcv pear, too, tnat even n erazii uoes n O v - . .... of Waterhnrv. Conn., was nomi finally take the vessels, the ae- - . . F J 7 nated for Governor of that State mand for them has been artfully recently bv the Republicans. Rep- stimulated. Do You Know tht You Look Nicer Vhen Your Suib Hav Bwo Property Cleaned and Dreaed. ANDERSON'S PRESSING CLUB Is the place to send your Suits to be Cleaned and Pressed as they should be. Suits called for and delivered. CLEANING LADIES' SUITS AND SKIRTS OUR SPECIALTY. MILUBR IILOCK Tlphona f7. w Vf

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