IS. TheNews Printery, 111 equipped to do your next order of Job Printing promptly. Don't tend your work oat of towD we will do It to iait yoa. IKffr US CONVINCE YOU. The Lenoir News. lt tbe very beet Advertising iledinin, because it U read by tbe LargeKt Number of the people of Caldwell County. : ; ONLY 81.00 THKYKAR. EC. O. MAJRTTN, EDITOR AND PROP. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AMD FRIDAYS. PRICE SI .OO THE YEAR. VOLUME X. LENOIR, N". C, OCTOBER 2, 1908. XO. 94. TAR HEEL TOPICS News Itemt From All Over The SUte Briefly Noted. There are said to be 600 brandy distilleries in the state. Col. H. C. Eccles, a well known hotel man of Charlotte, is dead. The sale of the Carolina Valley Railroad has been postponed again this time for sixty days. Eev. Dr. C. M. Richardson, of Statesville has been called to the pastorate of the Presbyterian church at Davidson. Mr. Wese'ott Roberson, of High Point, who has been touring Europe with a party, arrived home yesterday. He has been absent a month or more. Manager Collins, of the Char lotte Baseball team, has signed the following new players tor 15H)!: H. M. Jackson, Hugh Warner, James R. Riley and E. (i. Wooile. The O. E. Stoner Clothing Co., of Asheville, has gone into the hands of a receiver. The assets of the company are estimated at 15, 000 and the liabilities at between $15,000 and $'20,000. Mr. Lon Blalock, a former resi dent of Canton, but now a promi nent contractor of Shreveport, La., who has been visiting in Haywood county for several weeks, has re turned to his home. C. W. Sessoms, a white man who is charged with attempting to crim inally assault a blind white girl, near Dunn, Harnett county, more than a year ago, was arrested in Sampson county last week. A second night rider letter has made its appearance, this time in Gaston county. The sender of these letters seem to lx the same person and as the party has nut as yet lieen located it is creating much apprehension. Rev. Chas. Fetter, an Episcopal minister and a brother of the late Hal. Fetter, of Statesville, died in hospital in Charlotte Saturday af ter a brief illness. His home was at Wadesboro and the remains were taken there for burial. The shipment of rish from New liern, Beaufort and Morehead City has been very heavy for the past week or so. For some days it has required two extia express cars on the morning train to take care of the shipments. Gov. Glenn last week granted four pardons, most important be ing the case of James Frady, con victed at the April term of Bun combe court of murder in the sec ond decree and seutenced to two years on the county roads. Frady plead the unwritten law. George Murphy, of Salisbury. N C. who planned to rob the Bank of Spencer had a preliminary heal ing last week. His bond was fixed at $1,000. Not being able to give the bond h e w a s placed i n jail. It is Raid the bank that he had Dlanned to rob had about $100,000 in it. The High Point city fathers have passed a special ordinance relating to smallpox, diphtheria and scar let fever, making it a penalty ior failure to report such cases to the health officer upon the part of phy siclans ai)d those of the family where such cases exist. Those ex nosed in anv wav must also be I v quarantined for a given period is about $1,700; no insurance. The origin of the fire is nuknown, bat Mr. Holey does not think it was incendiary. Some days ago Mrs. Adolphns Page, who lived near Clement, Sampson county, left home to fish in South River, about a mile away. She did uot return at night but her husband, for some reason, was not disturbed and two nights passed before search was made. She was found dead with her body partially in the water. There was no evi dence of foul play and it is suppos ed she was drowned or died of heart failjjre. The Reflector tells of a balloon ascension in Greenville last week at which the ballon fell in the street in front Capt. C. A. White's residence and the parachute drop ped in the rear of the same resi dence. Ttye aeronout landed on a picket fence and was seriously hurt. Capt. White, who saw the balloon fall in front of his house, turned to watch the parachute, tripped and fell, breaking his right wrist, spraining his left wrist and bruising his side. B. F. Aycock Sues Editor Click. Special to The Citiieu. Raleigh, X. C, Sept. L'O. B. F. Aycock, the democratic nomiuee for corporation commissioner, and a brother of ex Gov Aycock, is today conferring with democratic leaders, and while nothing is given out by Mr. Aycock on the subject, it is stated on good authority that he is planning to bring atnnit the arrest of Editor Click of the Hick ory .uercury and nave rum carneu to Wavne countv to answer the harge of criminal libel in that he made the charge in his paper this week that Mr. Aycock was drunk at the time he spoke in Hickory recently. It is understood that the papers will U; served tomor row or Moudav. Hackett and Cowles Debate. The Raleigh News and Observer says the cotton gin house of Mr S. Haley, of House Creek town ship, Wake county, wus biirnei last Tuesday night with two gins eight bales of cotton and the other contents of the ty uilding. ' The loss The joint debate U-tween Mr. K .IIacketl, Democratic nominee for ( "ongress of the eighth district, and Mr. ( lias. II. Cowles, kepub lican nominee for the same honor, took place in the court house at I faylorsvillc yesterday. Seated and standing in the court house were about 400 friends of the two andidates and there were aliout 100 on the edges and the outside who could not get in . Both the speakers were given the closest attention. There was no boisterous rooting for either but each was given liberal applause by his friends. By arrangement and agreement each speaker had an hour for the opening speech and 15 minutes for a rejoinder, Mr. Cowles leading off. He was intro duced by Mr. O. F. Poole and Mr. H. Burke introduced Mr. Hack ett. For the lack of time The Land mark cannot give in detail In to day's paper the argumeut of the gentlemen. Suffice it to say that the friends of the two men have no occasion to be ashamed of the ef forts of their choice yesterday nor need they fear any evil results of a joint discussion conducted on as high a plane as that of yesterday. If there were those Who went to hear the candidates Villify each other they were disappointed. Each spoke and contended for what he and his party fctand for, onljj, the public record of the can didates being mentioned or attack ed. Nothing but pleasant feeling was apparent with the speakers and among their friends, during and after , the speaking Statesville Landmark. PURELY POLITICAL. Senator Simmons and Hon. Locke Craig will begin a tear of campaign speech making on Oct. 7th and 12th respectivejy. The Democracy of Davie County has nominated the following ticket: House, M. j; Hendricks; Sheriff, J. I). Peebles; Register, N. S. Gaither. Mr. D. A. Thomkins of Char lotte in a interview with a repre sentative of the Baltimore Sun an nounces that he will support Taft for President. The Person County Republican ticket has been named as follows: House, W. H. Long; Sheriff, T. 1). Winstead; Register, L. M. Clayton; Treasurer, (). L. Sattertield. The Davidson Democracy has named a strong ticket as follows: House, V. P. Mangum Turner; Sheriff, John W. Lindsey; Register S. L. Owen, in cumhent; Treasurer E. A. Rothrock, incumlient. Hon Thos. Settle has an appoint ment to speak at North Wilkoslxjro tomorrow and it is announced that Col. John (i. Capers, I'nited States Commissioner of Internal Revenue, will be present and speak with him. The Burke County Republicans met last Saturday in Morganton and nominated the following tick et: For the House, Win. P. Hal- lyberton; Sheriff, J. 1. Pitts; Reg ister, Pink Cook; Treasurer, Fraz ier Brittain. The Hon. Nicholas Longworth, who enjoys the distinction of being the President's son in-law (if he has any other distinction the coun try has not found it out) has leen renominated for Congress by the Republicans of the first Ohio dis trict. Governor Haskell, of Oklahoma, as a consequence of the Hearst charges, has resigned as treasurer of the Democratic national cam paign fund and Herman Ridder, editor of the Staats -Zeitung, the leading Gorman newspaper in the I'nited States, has accepted the position. Governor Haskell says lie will sue Hearst. ITS NAME TELLS ATRUt STORY At Home in any field n With Wheat Around the $1:25 notch and likely to stay so, you can't afford to put in your crop with a poor Drill. While they last we have some special inducements on the celebrated Superior Drills. See us now. VllTStT llll I Mill I I I III I III III I 111 T General News Notes. Subscribe for the Xews, only 81 l'he ."4th annual convention of the American Bankers' Association met in Denver this week. Wrapped in the tentacles of a giant devil hsh, .Martin Lund, a diver, fought lor his life in the hold of a wrecked ship recently in San Francisco bay. Three men were killed at church x i i t i i Li 1 near .leinco, ienn., nisi runuay when a drunken man tired into the worshipers as they were leaving the church. Mrs. Elsie Bracrc widow of the late Major General Braxton Bragg, of the Confederacy, who died a few days ago, was buried Saturday in "Confederate Rest," at Mobile, Ala., beside the remains of her late husband. Since the beginning of the epi demic there have been 15,083 cases of Asiatic cholera reported in Rus sia and 7.102 deaths. In St. Petersburg alone, since the pres ence of the disease was officially admitted. September 8th, there lmvo been 4.W31 cases and !, deaths reported. Postmaster General Mover has issued an order directing all post masters to unite with their loca school authorities with the view of adopting the most effective method of instructing schoolchildren as to the organization and operations of the postal service, particularly the proper addressing of ettcrs and the importance of placing return cards on envelopes. Postmasters are also directed to arrange, if pos sible, to deliver personal talks to the pupils and give teachers ac cess to the postal guide and the postal laws and render them every assistance in securing necessary information. Whole Village Frozen Stiff. Seattle, Wash., Sept. LM. All the inhabitants of a village of Si- licrian Eskimos were found frozen stiff and evidentlv dead for a long time on the Siberian coast lv a party of Indians who went in a ca noe last June to see their com i ades. I'heir provisions exhausted, the Eskimos had eaten tht walrus skin covers from their houses and their skin clothing. This story is told by Rev. Ed ward O. Campbell, in charge of the Presbyterian mission station, at St. Lawrence Island, near Nome Alaska, in a letter received today bv Rev. Wallace Lee, ol Seattle. Congress On Moral Education. London, Sept. -ML An interna tional Congress of Moral Education the first of its kind ever held, was convened in London today and has attracted a large number of dis tinguished educators from all over Europe, with a few from America. It is the declaration of the mem bers of the congress that the great need of the public schools and uni versities of all countries is a scien tific and non-sectarian system of ethical education. A SNAP The Only Snap is Here! Literally speaking the on ly real snap is a Coverts, Harness Snap, when you need one, you need it bad ly. Keep a few about your place. : : : : : : : : When in Doubt Buy of Price! PRICE-CLINE HARNESS & TANNING COMPANY. 100 People Lost. Seattle, Sept. 29. A cable dis patch to the army signal corps re ports the total loss of the bark Star of Bengal off Coronation Island One hundred and ten persons were drowned and 27 saved. Nine of the drowned were white. When the maid dropped the best china, John dropped a few re marks and his wife, to complete the catastrophe, dropped some tears. WHEN YOU WANT NICE FIRST-CLASS MEATS call on Hoffman's Market. The cattle arc carefully selected by one who has been in the business for years and knows a good thing when he has seen it. Fish and Oysters on Fridays and Saturdays ! Pfione 170. Luther Hoffman. VKRY irNTUMUSTIINO PACTS t()ld stylet and customs of the past are fast giving place to mod ern improvement. 'Progressive printers discard old type facenand introduce the new to please their customers. We d that -it's our aim t give you A i'i'i; aiti vk print ing, not t lie usual, common sort. ID P 0! PHONE No. S4. NEWS PRINTERY. UtiTS TAI.K IT OVUM SOON 1