r The News Printery equipped to do your nit order o Job Printing promptly. Don't send your work oat of town we will do it to salt yoa. LET CS CONVINCE YOU-, The Lenoir News. I the Tery beet Advertising Meditim, beeansa it U id by the l.rg?t Somber of the people of C&ldwell Coanty. -: : ONLY f l.OO THKYKAH. P L if 2 jipP H. a IMAHTEN", EDITOR AND PROP. UBUSHED TUESDAYS A10 FE1BAYS. PRICE S1.00 THE YEAH. VOLUME X. TFTNTOm, 1ST. C, OCTOBER 9, 1908. NO. 96. khabod A Farable with an Appll. cation. And it came to pass on a time that a woman lay in a ward of an hospital, whose feet had passed nigh unto the waters of the river of Death. They had turned back to tread again the ways of this world, but her soul was sick with in her,1ouging for the breath of the everlasting hills, and one said on to her, "Arise, go unto the town called Lenoir, which lieth fair among the hills, tor there be many who have fouud healing of mind and body therein. So the woman came unto that town, and dwelt in a broad house, kept by a good man and his fair wife. And it was so that when the woman grew strong again, and took up her cross and went out to light the world, the flesh and the devil. Now, while she sojourned here, her greatest comfort was in the shade ol" the beautiful, over shadowing trees that spread great arms over the hguse, for their shade kept off the noonday heat, and the weary way farer looked upon them and bless ed the one who planted them in their place. All the town loved to sit beneath their branches, and they had comforted much people for many, many years. Also, as the woman grew to know and love the townspeople, she fouud a very fair garden, and lovely green lawns with other spreading trees, where dwelt godly folk who gave her good cheer and wished w ell unto her. When the time of her departure came, she went with sorrow, and off went to and fro, evur loving the man and his fair wife, anil divers others, and loving to feel the wind in the great trees and to see the fair gardens and the green lawns. But. in the fullness of time, it came to pass that the peo pie of the city bethought them that they needed many things to make their town more fair, so they issu ed things called bonds, and gath ered much money together where with to make broad road-ways and smooth paths and bright lights and divers other eoodlv thinirs. Now trt this inonev was given into the hands of certain men who were doubtless, righteous men, but not entirely perfect in understanding of all things (as what men be! Now these men, consulting togeth er said, the one to the other "arise, let us hasten and get unto us a man called an engineer, who hath know ledge of these roadways, paths and other things. "And not being, as hath leen said, of a per fect understanding, when many men came together to answer this call and earn their hire, they even chose that the one who called and cried "Behold me, here ami. I am He that Knows it All. My voice is loud, yea, very loud when it cometh to speaking mine own praises. I am boss from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same. 1 am It, and beside me there is no other what soever, from the place they turned the dogs loose. Selah. "And so theHe men hearkened unto this man's tale of himself, and pledged him to their service. And then arose lamentations, wailing and great bitterness. For this man ' forthwith set himself unto the de struction of the fair town of Le noir, and he ordered that the won drous great trees before the broad house where dwelt the good man and his fair wife who had befriend ed the sick woman and many others, even that these trees be cut down and cast into the pit. And when the man said unto them "Why should ye deal thus wickedly with me, to lake uwny that which is minedwn, which my tallwrs planted, and which 1 hare cherish ed ., !! .ppli1 of mine eye?" they scoffed at him, and hewed down the great trees, and east them in to th pit. So the noonday heats poured in upon the broad house, so that scarcely cculd one dwell there. And the. heart of the man's fair wife was grevionsly cast down within her, to that she sick, ened, and her babe grew sick also, and she and her mother arose and gat them farther into the hill country about Waynesville. This they did only for very sorrow of soul. Also these men of ill under standing and canog, like Gallio, for none of these things, did hie them unto the green lawns and fair gardens of those other godly men, and did lay them waste, and dig ged down a great pit alongside of them, so that it was of twentv feet i depth, or more, and, w hen the rains came and the floods decern! ed, and the wind blew and leat upon that naked wall, it was even shaken, and fell into the middle of the street, and carried much beau tiful lawn and garden therewith. And these men too were tilled with righteous wrath, and said Wherein shall we seek for suc cor! Yea, there is no help with man for us save in those men w ho do bring forth the things called newspapers. Let us even arise and seek unto them." And while they yet talked on this thing, came one running, and said, "Help, if ye be men, for our neigh bors house hath been undermined by those men of Belial who work the will of this man who knoweth nottiod nor regardeth man, yea, they have so treated it that it is fallen and his fair young daughter is greviously hurt. "Then all the men of the city ran together unto the one place, and, when they were come there, behold their neighbor's house was fallen upon heaps, and his daughter was so wounded that the physician worked mightily for her. Then these men wailed and lamented, beat upon their breasts, and tore their hair, and, when they were come to themselves, they said, "Arise, let us go unto the woman w ho returned to health amongst us. She loveth us, and she will send forth the terrible tale of these Democratic Club. In the absence of L. C. Caldwell, of Statesville, who failed to get to Lenoir for the meeting, Atty. T. M. Huffham, of Hickory addressed the members of the Democratic Club in the court house Tuesday night. Mr. Huffham paid his re spects to Lenoir and then entered upon a discussion of the issues of the campaign, which he handled in an able and convincing manner. Judge Wakefield introduced the speakers in his vigorous style aud at the conclusion of Mr. Huffham's speech, called upon Capt. Edmund Jones. Capt. Jones came forward aud then the fun legan. He is as HOWE'S GREAT LONDON SHOWS. What Brain and money Will Do Acknowledged By Competitors to Be Worthy Thdr Imitation. Acts, many and novel, have been added to the repertoire of Howe's Great London Shows this season and as the management registered a vow to eqnal any tented show, the result is a plethora of attrac tions fitted to evoke au euthosianm from a performance where hund reds of skilled performers vie with each other in friendly contests for supremacy a nd public apprecia tion. 80 successful has this effort been that visitors from other shows good as a vaudeville. Capt. Jones acknowledge that a competitor has is an admirer of the President, and eulogized him thnsly. Mr. Roose velt is the Czar of all the Ameri cans; he is the grandest fakir the country has ever produced; the biggest humbug in the world, but thank heavens we'll get rid of him next March. He got after the Re publican administration of Cald well county in a humorous but very practical way that provoked much amusement and he said the Demo crats would make some needed changes after the first of December. Subscribe for the News, only $1 entered the lists that demands their recognition. Although this has cost a lot of money, the public are the gainers, and Howe's Great London Shows will n classed at the outset among names more fa miliar to circus goers in the past. This great show will visit us, with all its attractions, to please and educate the old and young alike. In case of inclement weather the water proof tents insure perfect protection and comfort. Don't forget the date. Oct. 13th. O.W.F. HA I PV. fret. JJL BULL (Usaier. WjL SHELL K-Utkkt THAT "A Bank's First Duty is to its Customers" isthe principle on which this Bank has leen conducted since its organization. Safety is Considered Before Profits. Following these principles persistent! v. success has been inevi table. We feel justified in inviting your Banking business, assuring you always the most satisfactory service coupled with courteous treat ment. Try an account w ith us. Respectfully, Wr lit J V) FINE FOUNTAIN PENS! clll who use fountain pens know how important it is to have a good reliable one. We always have that kind. We WATERMAN! New lot just received. Call and see them going fast. things unto the uttermost parts of the earth. "So the woman came, and, when she looked upon the ruin of the fair town, and heard what had Iteen done unto the good man and his wife whom she loved, her heart waxed sore within her, for them and for those other ighteous persons whom also she loved, and she arose up in her wrath, and swore by her holy things" I, even 1 will tell the tale of these things, and will send it forth upon the wings of the press as, so that all men may know how this matter hath been.,, And even so she did, and it is w ritten down in the book of Harry, the son of Martin. S. F. W. Bailey Camp Dots. The liev. Mr. Cole has just clos ed a series of meeetingsat Fairview M. E. Church. Mr. Milton Bradshaw, of Man listen, Kan., is visiting his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Brad shaw. Eld. and Mrs. N. W ."Harrison have just returned from a visit to the State of Wilkes. Mr. Zeb Farthing is teaching a line school for us this year. Messrs. J. II. Hartley and W. (.Green have just moved their families to theirsaw mill on t piou Creek. 1 will ring oil" for this lime. Will come again if the traveler don't pas this way with his gun. The Boomer is afraid of a gun. Mol NT UN Boom Ki; . LENOIR BOOK COMPANY. I NEW SPECIALS! ! New Fall Dress Goods bought under the Auctioneer's hammer at my own price and am now offering them to you at unheard of prices. :: Read! -: :- Read! M inch Percales (Remnants) 10c grade, at (c. (Jinghams (New Dress) lOcgrade, at 7c. Winch Border Percale, 12c grade, at He. M-inch Side border fancy Chambray, 12c grade, at 8 1 -3c. 36-inch Barred Madras, lOcgrade, at 7c. Dress Duck, 12c grade, at 9c. 42 inch Brilliantine, fOc grade, at 33 1-3 Pants worth $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 at 75c. SHOES! :: SAMPLES :: SHOES! MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. FANCY UORDKR Dress (ioods in Chambry, Duck. Dercales, and Calicoes. 1 have sold 1 000 yards ot these goods in the last two weeks. "Workingman's Friend." THE RACKET. -Assets and Responsibility oyer 300.000.00. iLMk If? mJi 7She NEVER LEAK Roofing A ttrong phrase, but it'i a good name, for Codga Perfect roll carefully made and every r& inspected and tested. No in perfect rolls will reach yoa That's why it never leaks Tliere are no flaws, no thin places, no weak spots. Once it is on the roof, the water will not get through. 1 A sample will thow yoa why.1 Send for it to-day; it's free. -PLY CONGO GUARANTEED. $3.00 per Square. - Monogram Specials! A Feature of Modern Harness Style. 1) man need not leover fastidious to have a certain pride in his horse equipment. handsome mono gram of your name on the bridle will add only beauty to the outtit at small cost, but satisfaction to the family possessions. jVe can give you any style Monogram, any size up to ? inches. When in Doubt Buy of Price! PRICE-CLUE HARNESS t TANNING COMPANY! Lenoir Opera House j l - ONE NIGHT ONLY OCT. 15.- JED CARLTON presents That Quaintly, Humorous Comedy "WAS SHE TO BLAME" A Beautiful Stage Production. The Characters. DRAWN FROM 1.1 KK RKA j MKN AND WOMKN KXClTi: ADMIRATION I MAK1' vor RAICH I start Tin: ti:ks Seats on Sale at Lenoir Drug Co. Shell's Drug Store. I'HICI'.'S: Wtt. nml 7i c. --m 4H- -:- -o-' tv -: : a.- o : t 4 " '. Y -