Tho News Printory U equipped to do your next order of Job Printing promptly. Don't leui your ork out of town we will do it to init yoa. let us cos vixen: YOU. -4 H. C. MARTIN, Editor ad Pbop. VOLUME X. The Lenoir News, II. the Tery test Ad.ertieinir Mediom, btuDM it la read bj to. Largeet Kumber of tbe People of Caldwell C0DDI7. j : ONLY 81.00 TBETSAB. TAR HEEL TOPICS :. 5w Items From All Over 4 The State Briefly Noted i . The evening edition of the Con , cord Tribane Is to be resumed.' Dr. John Edward Caldwell, a . N well known physician of Mecklen burg eonnty died last week. Beports from Morgantou say t. that the booze-fighters in that towu now secure their "licker" under the guise of canned tomatoes. Mr. Taft will be invited to visit the Mecklenburg Fair at Charlotte. upon the occasion of his visjt tol mis state at the end of this week. Judge Boyd has just signed an order at Greensboro directing the . sale of the Odell Manufacturing Co., at Concord, by the receiver Caesar Cone, on November 25th. The officials of the Southern Bailway upon investigation hare concluded that the recent explosion at opencer was caused bysponta neons combustion, W. Fletcher Stafford, who was injured in the explosion died last Friday. The visit of Hon. John W. Kern, T ii. . smocrauc candidate- for vice president, to North Carolina last week was an auspicious occasion foi4 Democracy. He spoke to large and enthusiastic audienes at Atheville and at the Guilford Bat tie Ground at Greensboro. Judge Taft will visit North Car oliea next Saturday the 17th and J make campaign speeches at Balis bury and Greensboro. Prominent North Carolina Republicans will meet the Taft special at Bristol, Tetin., and accompany the Repub -Yican national candidate to Greens boro. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS All! FRIDAYS, iryroiR.c., October ia, 1908. PRICE S1.00 THE YEAR. General News Notes. it is reported that- Orville Wright, who was hurt recently in the fall of his aeroplane is not im The Chicago Nationals defeated the New York club last week by a score of 4 to 2 to decide the pen -ant winner. Fifty thousand fans witnessed the game. Bryan , Taft and Wu Ting Fang the Chinese Minister, were the guests of honor at the Inland Waterways Banquet in Chicago Oct. 7th. - Sums have now been received amounting to a total of 9225.000 , for,the Koch endowment, to be ap plied in the crusade against tuber culosis as Dr. Koch may direct. - " The Manchester ShipCaualim prov'emepts, which were under taken in 1904, have been complet -dt' and vessels Of 28 feet draft can now go up to the largest docks iu Manchester. v The Canadian government is ex pending great sums of money in ne railroad construction, in im provemento of waterways, in in austnai bounties, subsidies" to steamships aiiC various other ways to develop the country. The British Railways in 1907 am repurwu to navenaa a total lenirth f$ :ofj3,i01 inilesThere f were 1, v.- 26,117,000 passengers and 515,'. 9,Q00 tons ot freight carried dur- Jin the year. ; The ? gross receipts ' were $591,465; 000 and the total ex- 4iijuiiure8 were, w?,UZO,.UU.U. .CIVIL WAR INCIDENTS. As Told by in Old Veteran, from Memory. Old Fort, N.C., ' Sept. 22, 08. I 'have been asked by' an old comrade to, contribute a series of articles from my recollections of the events that transpired during the war of '61-65. I fear that it will not come up to the expectations of my friends, but I will try to eive it as I remember it. ComDanv A -'and N. C, Kegi incut wtjs the first company organized in Caldwell County, and was. mustered in for twelve months service. The en rollment for the company beean sometime about the middle rf April 1861. I do not remember who was first on the roll, but I think I was about the eichth nn the roll. The election for officers took place in front of the jail about where the livery stable now stands. The officers were choseu by the men rallying around their respec tive candidates. W. F. Jones was the Elver, fired several sheila over our camp and created unit lot of excitement in the camp, as we were called out and put into line for what, we did not know, but itwasourfirst experience of being unaer nre. sometime after we were called upon to enlist for three years for the war and thus ended our first experience of the war. Some sixty of us men were satisfied to try it still longer, so we re-enlisted and obtained furlough to come home for a while. When we re turned to camp we found our regi ment had fallen back to Freder-1 lcksburg. So our Company was re-organized with Thomas D Jones, as our Captain, J. M. Isbei 1st Lieut; J. B. Clarke, 2nd Lient; J. llliam Suddarth, ,3rd Lieut. V e did not long remain at Freder lcksburg, bnt were sent to Rich mond and then to Yorktown. In my next I will try to te you of our stay in the trenches of Yorktown and our falling back to Kichmond. These articles are in tended to remind my old comrades of our common trials and dangers NO. 97. - ,'.c? , vVj. Jo not let anyone tell ;oVthat 8omthitigf else i just as gt6d as De ; ;WW8 Kidney and Blaade Pills be rKX cause there isn't anythTyig just 'as HVt: good for weak back, backache, rb'eu-rf-'C? ,aa$io inlianiatibri 4 fe'he' bJiw aer orany Kidnoy and Bladder div , order.' A wHkV tHulJwin ontintio ' . ' yon. Sold. by J. E. he;i, Kent' drug 1 Store, (ii unite Falls Drug Co. V, F elected Captain on account of hU and to let our friends and H. u..t.jr recoru. ur. i . u. Jones ants know something of what the "o cu ist leuieuani; J. m- old CnnfWIorafa 'tn j i .- . cki ana paoseu Isbell, 2nd Lieutenaut: J. B. throng in,n.v ,.... Clarke, 3rd Lieutenant, with J. in recordme these farte. Will. nr., H.,,l.l--U o ' uuUOhu, 3 oruenyoer- some comrade will nnrrf mo rent: W. T. 8nddrt,h onH fir. . . .(. n.-.. ir, o . raemoraoie as tbe w a.h.. 'i.i. Q ' ... t f'5 uvra M)rnwauis sur .r'L"; British to Ge-enrt, , .6vuw. VV11AJ1H13, u. I U'OI,l,; j ti. O aiu r xr ...gwu uu miayette. we therl6htrriino -1 ! i . remember in some breastworks left Leuoir and marched to Hick- L - ory, and wmped some distance a a , , J K.T u , extended up and down the edee of below where Granite Fal s now , . tueeuKB01 stands. It was mv Hrst trial tnL e . w " -- iween us ana the Federal line. .w.uummpun me grouna ior a vv bed, as it was no doubt for a great 'iZ fZ' CT T , . lnouriront in the swamps. One many others. We took the train ntlr .A ,,. p8, ,U.De thenvt ,av v. ""ft"" iaiae aiarm ana tne j v,. iuiucu UJ I mnDl,f.n A iS. , - . . , - uiuMcu j vucum nre ud ana aown compaoy from McDowell, underLw 'A , Cant f r v .i . . . A ""c wuuuueu ior some capt. J. M. Iseal, which was after- r 1 I LUne. In tho mannhmA n. ..!. ward a part of our Reeiment as Lf " 7. "r.wut rw,... u t. . " uc tut:" way duck across our tu -ii ... "iuuvhuim u USl iuev could on the railroad as well as for many 5f k t . othere. We arr ved In Ralpiah k . . . 8 88 Iar f. . , . , B i rememoer. This was our first the next day and went into camp L,: . , ' , . . . - MncMw; iu nils nne or autv. near the old Fair Ground, and be YnrHM . u 1 xorktown proved to be verv nn- gan the daily dr . Not long after k.uu , ' s Wl healthy for our aoldiers ail a we were removed to a new camp- ?, n, iog place near Dr. Uay wood's. Col. wr a,a s . t ii uiu nub leiiiuiu very iohp until Burgwyn was first in charge as wtt tn . V ? j Bof41, , 6 , we began to fall back towards arm master for the Companies s.u r , m. , F Kichmond. We eft Thomas Bob to compose our Regiment with Wn. a- , . . ; wniiPiorb Vk . . bins to die in Yorktown and John Willie Clarke, a boy then, but now w imM4 . . . . viumu uicu uii uur wav oarif our presen Supreme Court Justice, At Wiliam8burgthe Federals o ei as assistant to drill tho nmnnniM . . , . b ,C1 n i t t r - cook us and there was some verv Cantain W V .Inniu fnimri fk.f i ... . i . v i uLuviuK iui uw uur. uuL no Ufl Was linuh n tn unH lira thn hoii1 I ' .Mrv. Tk , 7 a . Part of our command was engaged. and Dr. T. .Tnn wT m!I! ! . Ver ranv during our fall rw, r ,r T....7, . " back to-mchmond and the .u. u.x. uen, istMeu- roads were awfully muddy. Wag. tenant; J. B. Clarke, 2nd Lieuteh- nn f pa!lttl . H1 f r u i v, on trains and the artillery cou d ant wo M; : :rr et aig and the into i9th V r au1 soldiers marched in the mud and into 12th Regiment, afterward Li0k iwi, t... ..... koK . , , ..i i,ue tune, .nations oecame vu.ucu W me nu. M)l. v I vpru scaroo on-1 Johnston . Pettigrew, Lieutenant 77 ' ... "" -1" rinirt.,i t.l r. t . wwuuiu wuuuui, pernaps an ear Colonelj John O. Long, Major, or two of corn Zr narrh Whn m . . i a i nomas o. Uallowav. Undrl , i " v 1 ucai xwuij iuuuu wt? were ,uc0 wmmanuei-s we were sent to located in the swamps of theChick Richmond, .Va.. while the first hA Battlevof Manassas was beinehrer vrv Ww cni h I .wguv. MwweiH into camp in aion. hnt lf woo nnf innn nntti ... . - I "7 ----- " " vm 'Vuk UUU1 IUV on Ia. t. M T J.I . .. n 1 . . . v ouuuiu ui. xwcnmoua caiiea Koch- batt finf Roron Pinoo .,,4. etta, where the boys drilled some This was our first battle and the more and swam the James River, boya were all quite willing to try hjok Uie irain i ChAmnolvoa T DhnnM .., n for. Aquia tCreek, some miles be-1 ling .than they ever were af- yunaJ)reflencHrg, ,and finally terwards. We went into the bat made our way to 'or 'near Evans- M7r.n4, a, tort on the Potomao , River and Thomna n .rnn : i -- vvmvct ju wiuuiauu ui sometnirty mues below Washing . the company. Col. Charles Light ton City. Here we went into win- foot in command of the regiment, ter quarters aud remained for some Oftnomi PottWnr i ,i t time putting up Batteries to com- the.' brigade. Lieutenants Isbell mand the Potomac River. A part Clarke anri .T w ft.i,iorfi, ...,-fi, . - - - vvx.v i bii nitu n Of Co,; I. was ( detached from the full complement of Sergeants and regimentto operate these KUna, and Cornorals Wo one day wheif they were making a Federal , camp had been and we should have done. However, it was getting quite dark when the fight opened. I remember all I could see was the blare of the ene. mlea muskets. But we began to snoot as fast as we could and the men began to fall around us. I re. member Samuel Estes was killed bv me, and Monroe Powell, also Joseph Hartley was wounded. I saw Cant. Jonm i jww an lUU' ments before he was killed also Col. Love. The men were quite busv firing their guns and loading as iasi as they could. The firing seemed to cease somp. T il-oH around, onr men seemed be verv scarce and I thought it would be best to get out of there. I never did hear any order to fall back, as I fell back I passed Mike Criges, who was badly wounded. After I had gotten back some five hun dred yards I heard the voice of Maj. Gallowav for the 22nd to ral ly at that point. I joined them and there was one hnnrirori nri fifty out of one thousand who ral lied around Maj. Galloway. On the next day we found our loss had been very severe. There were thirty three killed and wounded. eighteen were killed and died of tK.i. ... i .. i . . . vucn wuunus. .pi. jones was killed and his body left with the euemy. I will try to give a list of the killed and wounded as I have it, at the battle of Seven Pines KIIXKD Joseph E. Cloyd, Samuel Estes. Capt. Thomas D. Jones. Geonre ... ... . ' " . J ustice, Marcus Kaylor. J. Monroe Powell, Jacob Fisk, Seret. w . b. Bndderth, John G. Sim mons. WOUNDED. Lafayette Andrews, Sidney Cof fey, died, John Hartley, died, Mike riger, William Todd, died, Lieut. W. Hudderth. We then rested in the swamps of the Chickahomi- ny for about one month, when movement for the seven days' bat- ue arouna Kichmond began. We formed into a new brigade of which uenerai w . L. Pender was the commander General A. P. Hills division. We were moved up to the meadow bridge road where we crossed the Chickahominy to Me- chanicsville, where on the evening or the 26th of June, 1862, the sev eil daVS nchtinir nrnnn.l !,. w O O - X.lViU' mond began. A. J. Dui,a. 1 II ILJW 1 II jf l F(( X I II ASJJi W A 5tK I mm Just a Word to the Bride-groom! JThe expenses of the honeymoon are always greater than ontinmnf.J a . o ...wiNtueu. auupu 10 mis is the expense of the home niaking-if you want to avoid boarding house Hundreds of young'men, who work for a pay envelope -and who haven't the necessarry funds, have taken advantage this summer, of our special "furnish your home complete" offer. The chances are that Many of your Friends are amon them! liBuying from us, under our divided payment plan, is just as ''good business" as borrowing money from the Bank. Our prices speak for themselves. Our cour teous and liberal treatment you will appreciate. JCometo us and tell us frankly what you can do. You, undoubtedly will be surprised at what we will do for you in return. trial' test of Uiim. nno rf th mil burst. 'and killed "and wounded rj,uite a, lot of soldiers," bu (.these big gups;, wore uever used, One day a Federal gunboat passing up A lhet sbine wounded men poinin nnt. . '"rt v " ai We went in. There was a great ealofV confusion in. getting into line properly1 and I 'don't' befieve wo ever did get into line as we Labor to Fight Cannon. Chicago, Oct. 9. Labor is pre paring for a final onslaught on) Speaker Cannon. Fifty speakers will be sent into his district by the Chicago federation of Labor be tween now and election. For Sore Feet. "I have found Bneklnn'a Ami. Sal veto be to the proper thing to use roreorefeet, as well as for healing burns sores, cuts, and all manner of abrasions," writes Mr. W. 8tone, of! East Poland, Maine. It is the DfODer ining too for piles. Try it! Sold un der guarantee at J. E. Shell's drug store. 25o. Lenoir Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY OCT 15 . JED CRUTOIN presents - That Quaintly, Humorous Comedy "WAS SHE TO BLAME" A Beautiful Stage Production. The Characters. DRAWN FROM LIFE REAL MEN AND wnwwv EXCITE ADMIRATION MAKE YOU LAUGH START THE TEARS Seats on Sale at Lenoir Drug Co. - Shell's Drug Store f prices, as0.,g0o.,nd78o, b Made Suicide Pact. New York, Oct. 10. Bonud face tofacewith ropeand wire, the bodies of a man and a woman, both expensively clad, were found to day floating in the waters of Ja maica bay, and the police are in vestigating the case with the view of discovering whether it is one of murder or suicide. A number of trinkets were found "on the bodies and these. may possibly' lead to'tho solving of the mystery. , Tho wo man is a blonde, about thirty years , ii oo .-.-V THE PERFECT fiDOF PRESERVER :' fMakes old, worn-out Roofe now Sofia. "yvu "umauww uraioney xcetunded. Call or write for Book on beat Roofing! 'llJIPIUIIIPIThe un(lQalified suocessof llAjllf lllb! "ROOF-FIX" has brought a number of cheap substitutes on the market. Don't take something said to be "just as good." Insist on the gen- every can or barrel. When you get the genniue, results are guaranteed. ANDERSON MANUFACTURING CO., To quickly chock a cold, druggists old., ;yHtfi;appearance indicates re dispensing everywhere, a clever that she has never kno Wli iprivationj 'Candy. Co Id Cure Tablet call norJBnnarr.nt.lir Varl h, .i, Preventlos. Proven tics are also w -ysir C'"7i:"X "?" J or reverish children. Take Pro- met death AVith -her. Th hmu ventics at the we I of both are soft and well cared for. shrUSS l f 48 rP J" Only two total eclipses uf the sun have been visible in London dur ing the last 100 years. (Lis esti mated that Iho next total eclipse visible in London will be on Juno 1 : ', ',:Vl- T. w i

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