Tho News Printory 11a equipped to do your next order of Job Printing promptly, Don't send your work out of town we will do it to auit you. LET US CONVINCE YOU. The Lenoir News. 1I tlie very best Advertising Medium, because it 1 read by the largest Number of the people of Caldwell County. : : ONLY 1.00 THKYKAR. A. A U ! mm H. o. marun, Editor and Prop. published Tuesdays amp Fridays. , price$i.oo the year, VOLUME X. rEJSTOIR, 1ST. P., OCTOBER 1 (3, 1908. 3STO. 08 TAR HEEL TOPICS j Newi Item! From All Over i The State Briefly Noted. 4 Bingling Brothers circus showed Id Charlotte Thursday. The Queen City Music Festival was held Id Charlotte Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mrs. Zack McGhee, wife of Zack McGhce, the Washington corre epondent for the Charlotte Obser ver, died in Washington Monday. Thomas S. Dal ton, a prominent young business man of Greensboro, was fatally injured Tuesday by be ing thrown from a horse, while acting as marshal of the centennial festivities. Jas. S. Manning of Durham, who was Kitchin's campaign man ager for the nomination, and J. S. Scott, of Alamance have been nom inated for the State Senate by the Democrats. The Vance county Republican convention met the 10th and nom inated the following .ticket: Leg islature, Price T. Jones; Sheriff, Peter Gill; Register, Enoch Pow ell; Treasurer, Peter McMillan. Thomas Dixon's latest play, the Traitor, which is a sequel to the Clansman, and deals with the re construction period and the Klu Klux Klan, has been creati n g much interest this week in Kaleigh Charlotte and Greensboro where it played to packed houses. Vice Chairman Hudspeth of the Democratic National Committee says Bryan will cany the follow ing States, to wit: The solid South with 1G(J votes Nebraska 8; Indiana 15; Ohio 23; West Va., 7; Nevada 8; New York 89. Total 261. Necessary to elect242 votes. With the Greensboro Centenni al; the State Fair at Raleigh; the Mecklenburg County Fair; the Queen City Music Festival; Judge Taft at Greensboro; Ringling,s Cir cus at various points; The Traitor in Raleigh, Greensboro and Char lotte; Foot ball at the Colleges; Politics everywhere and numerous attractions of lesser magnitude scattered over the whole State there was "something doing" this week in the Old North State. - . General News Notes. CIVIL WAR INCIDENTS. As Told from Memory by an Old Veteran. The cholera situation in Manila is improving. The Fairbanks, Alaska. News Hays the output of gold in that country for the year 19US will iWh the nice little sum of ! 0,000 000. Yokohama dispatches state that the Japanese are making tremen dous preparations to welcome the American battleship fleet to Japan this week. The "suffragettes'' are making it uncomfortable for Parliament in England. In endeavoring to get a hearing, the leader forced her wav in on Tuesdav, while the house was discussing a bill to pre vent children from smoking cigar ettes and shouted, "Leave off dis cussing children and talk about women." Spartanburg came very near hav ing a lynching last Satnrdav. A negro, Will lrby, charged with as . sault upon a young lady from the mill district was iu jail and a mob formed to lynch him, but the firm stand taken by Sheriff Nichols, as (listed by a company of militia, held the mob in check and quiet was re stored, after a few shots were ex changed in which two or three were slightly wounded. Snlwcril for The Lenoir News. We were moved from place to place all the time exposed to the sheila of the. Federal Batteries, un til near nightfall. About ' this time we were v crossing a low meadow iu line of battle when we came to a branch and across the branch was a piece of woods cover ed with a thick undergrowth of bushes. On account of the nature of the ground we were detained at this branch. About this time we heard troops marching just across the branch from us but it was such a thicket we could not see them, our Colonel called to them to know who they were. The Federal Offi cer, as it proved to be, replied iu this way: Who are you! Col. Gray replied this is the L'L'nd N. C. The Federal Officer replied back, this is the 4th Michigan. At once we opened lire on them so quickly that they did not return the fire, but took to heals. We know we wounded some of them if we did not kill them as we could hear them groaning as they left. We immediately fell back without knowing any of the effects of our shots. The next morning we were moved down to our right to Elli sons Mills, where the evening be fore had been a very hard fought battle along the bank of the creek the Confederate dead were very thick as the Confederates had no protection, and the Federal were protected by their rifle pits up on the side of the hill, but when our men got into the creek, they abandoned their rifle pits and fell back to Cool Harbor. We imme diately followed after them, pass ing where their camps had been and where they had set fire to vast quantities of stores of all kinds and they were destroyed. We pushed on to Cool Harbor to find they had prepared themselves for another stand. We were first lined up in a large wheat field, where the wheat was just ripening, and we could see and hear their artillery some one aud one-half miles off. While we were here there was some artil lery and picket firing. Later in the evening we were moved out to the left in a piece of woods where they said ouHines had been driven back several times that evening. We were formed into line of battle and were crossing a road when a woman very much frightened ran down the road, bare headed with her hair down and flying back. As we advanced we met troops coining back very much in disorder. We kept on advancing until we crossed very small branch. The battle oj Cold Harbor or sometimes called (i. lines Mill was fought the '27th of, Line 1H1' Our loss on that day. was one killed on the field, James Thornton. Wounded, Al fred Storio and afterward died. Cattlet A. Greer, of Ashe county. wounded on hand flilli buck shot,! and A. J. Ibila wounded in his right arm near the shoulder joint. Our numlH'r in this battle was only thirteen of t he company pies ent. The battle at Fraiers Farm was fought the 801 h of .Line 1H02. The killed and wounded at this fight, Abel Blsaner, 15. F. Cobb, W. T. It. Aberuethy, Kclsey Clarke, wounded and died; Sergent S. M. Clarke, wounded and disabl ed; Marcus Deal, G. II. Sides, both wounded. When the roll was cal led the morning after Malvern, nine answered to their name. Cor poral B. O. Allen in command of the company. The writer was there Pickets began firing and then were ordered to charge. One gave the Rebel yell and about the same time we heard the Federals give a yell. It was only a short distance up the hill where we were to the top of the hill, and when we reached there we were close togeth er. Each side was doing the best with their guns and while thus en gaged the writer received a shot in his right arm. Though the wound was not serious i t was some what painfnl but did not prevent him from re-joining his company the next day and continuing with the company during the remainder of the seven day fight. Two were killed and two wounded in this charge out of thirteen in the com pany. McClellan was falling back so we had to follow and caught up with him at Fraiers Farm. Just is we started to go into this tight. a shell burst in our company and killed and wounded two. Killed and wounded twelve in Co. H. and quite a lot in the Kith Regiment. Among them, Capt. Andrew Col man. We fought here quite awhile or until dark and it was the darkest from the smoke I had ever seen it. Te had quite, a lot killed and wounded here for our numbers, as our company was get ting very low in number by this time. The next dav we moved on to Malvern Hill, where we were under shell, but had no one hurt as McClellan moved on to Harri son's Landing. We followed and rested. In the meantime the writer came home on a twenty day furlough. While absent the scene of war changes again. (To be continued) A Woman's Sphere. They talk about a woman's sphere As though it had a limit; There's not a place in earth or heaven, There's not a task to mankind given, There's not a blessing or a woe, There's not a whisper, yes or no, There's not a life, or birth, That has a feather's weight of worth Without a woman in it. Exchange. Lame Back. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles o f the small of the back, and Is quickly cur ed by applying Chamberlain's linl ment two or three times a day and massaging the parts at each applica tion. For sale bv J. K. Shell and Dr. Kent, Druggists. Balkan War Situation. London. Oct. 18. The Balkan war cloud was still further dissi pated today by representations from Austria to the British For eign Office, which indicates will bigness to participate in an inter national conference. The repre sentations were made through Ger many and have I teen received by England. France and Russia. Aus tria reiterates her determination not to surrender Bosnia and Her zegovina, but intimates that she will allow the matter of compen sating Turkey for their loss to be a subject for conference. The only phases of the situation still con sidered as possible obstacles in the development of a peaceful outcome are the haughty attitude of Austria and the irritableness ,,f Bulgaria, Servia and Monte Negro. Burns, bruises and scratches, big and little cuts or in fact anything requiring a salve, are best and quick est soothed ami healed by DeWitt's ("arbolued Witch Ma .el Salve. The best salve fur pile, he sure you get DeWitt's. Sold l,y J. K. Shell. Kent's drug store, (iranite Falls Drug 'o. Bo's Composition on Cow. The following is a literal copy of a composition written by a boy in a school taught by a young lady well known in Lenoir. The teach er told her class to write as if per sonating some animal and the fol lowing is the first one read: I am a cow. I give milk. My master gives me hulls. He turns me on the paster in the morning. Then he gets me up in the even. Then milk me. If vou tease me I will run voir If my tit is sore I will kick vou. Mv name is spot. Balloon Drops in Sea. Berlin, Oct. 13 The St. Louis, one of the three American balloons to start in the international race, fell into the North Sea last night, between Heligoland and Wilhelms- haven, thirty miles from the shore. The St. Louis was piloted by E. II. Arnold, who with his assistant, II. J. Hewat was rescued by a German steamship passing at the time Arnold and Hewat were envel oped in the folds of the balloon when rescued. They would have been forced under water iu a short time. The rescue was effected with the greatest difficulty. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup is used nearly everywhere, because it not only heals irritation of the throat aud stops the cough, but it drives the oold out of the system through its laxative principle by assuring free and gentle action of the bowels, and that is the only way to cure a cold. Vou can't cure i t a s long as vou are constipated. Insist upon Kennedy's laxative cough Syr up. Sold by J. K. Shell, Kent's drug store, (iranite Falls Drug Co. O.W.F. HARPER. Pre. J.H. BEALL Cashier. W.A. SHELL. A-Caihler THAT "A Bank's First Duty is to its Customers" isthe principle on which this Bank has leen conducted since its organization. Safety is Considered Before Profits. . Following these principles persistently, success has lieen inevi table. We feel justified in inviting your Banking business, assuring you always the most satisfactory service coupled with courteous treat ment. Try an account with us. Respectfully. Do not let anyone tell you that something else is just as good as De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills be cause there isn't, anything just as good for weak back, backache, rheu matic pains, iuflamation of the blad der, or any Kidney and Bladder dis order. A week's trial will convince you. Sold by J. E. Shell, Kent's drug store, Granite Falls Drug Co. Sofia, Oct. D(. To back up her threat ot a declaration of war against Turkey in three days un less Turkey recognizes her inde pendence. Bulgaria Unlay called out all classes of her reserves. Belgrade Oct. LI. Servia will certainly fight unless the powers decide the Balkan tangle to her satisfaction. This is Servia's atti tudo according to a statement to day by M. Pasich, the Servian Prime Minister. Just what will constitute satisfaction for Servia, Pasich would not say. Register Now or Lose Your Vote Assistant Attorney General Cle ment sas: 'The residence ol a married man is where his family resides; that of a single man where he sleeps. " 1 his is the last election in which those who cannot read and write can register under the gram father clause as the constitution of this State limits the the time to December :ilst. HMis. The clerk of the court has in his keeping the permanent roll of nil persons who have registered under the grand father clause anil it is highly im portant that every man in the county who cannot read and write shall ascertain if his name appears on this permanent roll in the clerk's oflice. All persons regis tering under the grandfather clause should obtain a certificate of regis tration. This is given by the reg istrar and should le certified to by the clerk of the Superior Court. To ouicklv check a cold, druggists are dispensing everywhere, a clever Candv Cold Cure Tablet call ed Prevent ics. Prevent ics are also fine for feverish children. Take Pre ventics at the sneeze stage, to head off all colds. Box of 48 for 20c. J. E. Shell'! drug store. -Assets and Responsibility over 300.000.00. For Sore Feet. "1 have found Bucklen's Arnica Salve to be to the proper thing to ase for sore feet, as well as for healing burns sores, cuts, and all manner of abrasions," writes Mr. W. Stone, of East Poland, Maine. It is the proper thing too for piles. Try it! Sold un dpf guarantee at J. E. Shell'! drug store. 25o. Just a Word to the Bridegroom! 1The expenses of the honeymoon are always greater than anticipated. Added to this is the expense of the home-making if you want to avoid taunting house life. '.Hundreds of young men. who work for a pay envelope and who haven't the neccssarry funds, have taken advantage this summer, of our special "furnish your home complete" offer. The chances are that Many of your Friends are amonj them! Buying from us, under our divided payment plan, is just a "good business" as borrowing money from the Bank. Our prices speak for themselves. Our cour teous ami liberal treatment you will appreciate. Come to us and tell us frankly what you can do. Vuii, undoubtedly will be surprised at what we will do for vou in return. V Ir- fjoowr,- it vfcauaiti THE PERFECT ROOF PRESERVER Makes old, worn out Roofs new. Satis faction Ouaranteed or Money Refunded. Call or write for Book on best RoofingI The unqualified success of ROOK-KIX" h-vs hmncrht 11 a number of cheap substitutes- on the market. Don't take something said to lie "just as good." Insist on the gen uine, with the name '-ROOF FIX." on every can or barrel. When you get the genuine, results are guaranteed. ANDERSON MANUFACTURING CO., VV. P. Wakefield. Msrr. Urolr, IN. O.