Tho Now3 Printory lis equipped" to do your next order of Job Printing promptly, Don't lend your work out of town we will do it to euit you. XJBTUS CQNVINCIfl YOU. The Lenoir News. tie the very beet Advertising Medium, because It la rend by the Largest Number of the people of Caldwell County. : : ONLY tl.OO THKYKAR, H. O. , V AIlTIISr, EDITOR ANp' JPROP.' C ' , ' . PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AMD FRIDAYS. PRICE Sl.QO YEAR. iVOIAJME r ,.' .', ' OCTOBER 20, 1908. , jSTO. 09 1 r ) si . GENERAL NEWS. News Items Froui All Over the Country Brief ly Noted. CIVIL WAR INCIDENTS. It is reported that Chicago has ffiftecn thousand school children 'that are, starving. i Chicago won the series of base ball games with Detroit last week for the world's championship, tak ing four out of Ave games. As Told from Memory by an Old Veteran. At Cedar Mountain the ItfgimiMit was engaged with some of the Fed eral Calvary, but suffered no loss. We were also with Jackson Corps at the second battle of Manassas. It is always a pleasure to hear a man, no matter though his attain ments are limited, who has thor ouehly prepared himself on the subject he discusses. We are sor ry to say that sometimes brethren arise to discuss questions that they know no more about thai) Judge Peebles knows about Sunday .1 i.1 II j I Bcnoojs; anu uiey generally put Members of our company assisted me ioiks 10 Meep.-Liiamy ana in capturing some cannon or rather LhildreP. a paisnn and hnrsps Thr vrihr The WUkesboro Chronic esavs: passed tlirougli the Pattleueld a Governor Ansel has accepted theN Baptist preacher and several of few days after and saw the Keder ' Kri-l 1 I , LI. T . 7 I . - 1 1-1 1 I'll 1 ,1 1 11 auuiiai vvmwmuc i-uiumiuee his members were shot and killed ai ueau sum ivine on tne neiu -invitation to spend ten days in n the ehnreh at .Tellim. Tenn n where thev were killed and their New York State campaigning. few Sundays ago, because the dead horses, and the captured can Now is the time to shake hands preacher criticized a blind tiger nor. still in the same position they I.... ... - I 1 i 1 t i. I . . a 1 with candidates for office. If they still which was running near the were wnen capiureu. Arcnur au are defeated they will be too sore church." If this is so what ought ams is the only one wounded and cKoto ofi if ' w oro eWteri to be done with the blind titrer and disabled from Manassas. The ai W O JLU (V 1 Mil VI li V 1 V J M I O thev will be too swelled up. Los those that were running itt A few Angeles Times. Twenty-five thousand people witnessed the sham battle of Guil ford Court house participated in by State and United State troops at Greensboro last Tuesday as a fea ture of the Centennial Celebration. Unless Mr. Chafin demands and obtains a recount, or something of the kind, people will be unable to decide off hand six months from now whether he was a candidate or a breakfast food, we fear. Washington Herald. The anthracite output of about 76.000.000 lone tons in 1907 will probably never be greatly exceed ed according to Edw. W. Parker, of the United States Geological Survey, as its price must rise so steadily as to make it a luxury. yards of good strong hemp rope could be used to good purpose. We were of the opion that ex- Governor Jarvis is too old to en gage in a political campaign, and there is not much surprise in the news that he was unable to meet his first appointment, which was for Fayettville, yesterday. It would be the part of wisdom for the Democratic managers to take Governor Jarvis' will for the deed and let him rest and conserve the strength that he needs in his old age. Charlotte Chronicle. my moved on to I entreville anu over took the Federals at Ox Hill near Chantilley; where a small bat tle was fought, and General Phil- Kearney of the Federal Army was ed, which every one regretted so much as he had made such a fine record in the Mexican war. General Kearney by mistake ran into our lines and by a desperate effort he tried to ride back into his own lines and was killed in the effort. The Regiment was rest ing at the big spring near Lees- burg, Va., when the writer came ud with his company again. That and part of the next, when we were hurried up to Antietam to prevent Burnside from forcing Gen. Lees's right wing and cut ting of his base from the Potomac. We got there just in time to save our line anu lorce them back. Here Gen. Branch was killed but our company suflered no loss, but it was a great battle and historians say it was the hottest contested battle of the whole war. i To be continued ) A Peanut Trust. Wilmington Star. The peanut crop in the counties which grow it in this state is said to be very good. It is said that there is a peanut trust composed of about live firms, which control the crop in this State, Tennessee and Virginia, which are the principal producing States. E evening we ioraea tne river at Upon the one coudition that the Balls Bluff, where the Potomac is Duke of Abruzzi come to America quite deep fording. That night and go to work like any other we camped between the river and American citizen, will Senator El- Frederick City, in Maryland. We kins consent to the marriage of his nai plenty of green corn for our daughter, Katherine, to the foreign supper and fence rails to cook it nobleman. At least this is the with. The next day we camped President Roosevelt will not take hatest 8tory in regard to the noted near Frederick City. We could the stump. President Roosevelt hnvft Rt0rv. Some members of the tint, baa miirth nf fha Involtv nr dis win uue tne stump, xou can Senators family approve of the loyaltv of its citizens, but were take either end of this and get match, but he doesn't, except on contented to enjoy a rest after a stumped, the truth being that no- the above condition. He wants his long march. There were a good body knows what President Roose- daughters to marry Americans. manv left sick in Virginia. Also li 111 J XT... V'l, T.l . V I I .... . yh wiuu.-i icics... kt.u;ii atroodmanv straeeled and were 11.1) iu n nam uir wmouuuu ji i o Southern Comtaisioners of Aericul- left and rejoined us when we came I - v . assaulted Miss Pearl Tucker at tQre . resolution from Commission- 8 of the Potomac river again Concord last week was spirited L. vftton. embodvin ex-United After remaining at Frederick City away from the mob and taken to atateg ftegtor M C. Butler's re- a few we marched to Hgers Salisbury jail for safety. Later he nt fintrttinn that the Federal town by way of Williamsport, - - - I W w V-. -w was removed to some nnhnown Lorernment annroDriat twentv recrossed the river, point to avoid the danger of the mjluon a year for ten years for Martinsburg and Charleston. We mob going there after him. dirt roads throughout the nation. 1,1 vested Harper's terry, where tv. TuiuMi Din nno non nnd tn lw The resolution will be forwarded to less well known than the Captain the President with the request that - i . of the "Gianta" or a Broadway he transmit u to ingress, uom- ctor gives a more real impression misRioner Wataon said the resola- of the uiwollen fortunes" of tion will probably be. adopted America than do the accumulations unanimously. of a Rockefeller or Carnegie. New York World. i ' Son-in-law Loneworth. is eoine lis carried on extensively on the Lame Hack. This ailment is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles o f the small of the back, and is quickly cur ed by applying Chamberlaiu's lini ment two or three times a day and massaging the parts at each applica tion. For sale by J. E. Shell and Dr. Kent, Druggists. Loses Half Her Tongue. Monroe Journal. Miss Leola Horn, daughter of Mr. George Horn, of Unionville, is in St. Peter's Hospital, Chai lotte, where she has been operated on for cancer of the tongue. It was necessary to remove half of the tongue, but her friends will be glad to know that she is getting alone nicely indeed. WHAT sterling is to silver Buck's" is to stoves and ranges, and a dollar a week buys a "Bucks" after a small payment is made. If you want to reduce your fuel expenses if you want the most teautiful, durable stove or range, take advantage of this offer. p&nm I A pain prescription is printed up on each 25o box of Dr. Snoop's Pink Pain Tablets. Ask your Doctor or Druggist if this formula is not com plete. Head pains, womanly pains, pains anywhere get instant relief from a Pink Pain Tablet. J. E. Shell's drug store. Gen. Miles had some thirteen thou in struction. We surrounded the two towns Boliver and narpers Ferry on all sides and by aid of our artillery being on the moun tains above them, we easilv forced ma ' I ' ine proauciion oi lemon on u Rrrender the next dav be important Italian industry ich f , , . The 22nd jwj iL 1 1 I f J J A. I 1 . ik I ixngworin, is going is camea on cxMnciveiy u ment WM fonned in a line of bat- i a . i a a. - 1 a. I f i .1 ciiji mi - V 1 W nominaie rresiaeni iwoneven, isiana oi oicny . i urw metuuun wi -alonI. . ridjre for President eight years from now. production are used the two piece ... . p t and we Somehow or other every member of method, in which the lemon is cut Lauy expected to have to take the tne Jtooseveii iamuy laoora unoer I in nail; me puip removeu Fort bv 8torm the next dav. Nieht the delusion that there is but one oil extracted by means of pressure oyer tgkeo M gtin y.nrfng ong man in this whole country nt to within a sponge ana tne tnree piece tfae towmrd tne Fort- x at be President. Chattanooga News, method, in which the lemon is intobvacom- There'sa movement on foot to pred, the skin being remeved in rf Federals at close ranee. place a Bible in every hotel room three pieces, leaving the pulp with bQt nQ onJ WM hurt We retQrn. in the United States. Of course a small portion of the skin adher- the fir, a once and charged, but they'll be amended to read, "chart- lng to each end, the parings being th Jeft n t harry thm tvbeein with the beUboy, and in- pressed against a flat sponge ion htf could hear them eludes the porter, the waiter, the extraction. The use of machines nJght dtetance off the telephone girl and all that are in tne proaucuon 01 ou is wnnow WJ Uy on our gaM thgt nigbt . within sight." Louisville Courier to tne province or imiaona, upo. to cnarge the flret thing in The Jap Gets Two Burials. Newton Enterprise. The body of F. Kikuchi, who was killed here last Sunday, will be buried in Eastview Cemetery Thursday at 1 o'clock. There will be a short service at the grave by a minister cf one our churches. The hair will be cut from the head and sent to the man's family in Japan, where burial services, according to the customs of that country, will be observed. Journal. Fearful forest fires are raging in North Eastern Michigan. Several farms have been completely de stroyed and the inhabitants scatter ed. Fourteen, mostly women and children, are known to be dead -and scores of others are unaccount ed for. The last report says the fires are under control The Southern States Good Road Congress at Greensboro last week the maimana, less man nve per mornln- The Federals shell cent of the total output ling thuslj pretty Beverey next morning, but we lay so closely on the ground U..n ll.11 La. till M..tAK.I itf I ,., - r ,.Wm.).n tho and little cuts or in fact anything requiring a salve, are best and quick est soothed and healed by DeWltt's Carboliied Witch Hazol Salve. The best salve for piles. Be sure you get DeWltt's. Sold by J. E. Shell, Kent's drug store, Granite Falls Drug Co. Be is really a smart person who was a most tuspicioua occasion ior Keeps uiusvii uvm wiu& ouwu M InttKnrf anf tSranMi ft HsWs1nn. I OI 1 . VU14 AIUBCMUH UISIUVII V ux w f inencm uwoontn, anu ww tiuu- T ou1okit check a cold, druggists ed by many prominent men among are dispensing everywhere, a clever them Lieutenant Governor Win- &ndyoJd r.beIJU Ston. Of North Carolina, M.V. fin for feverish children. Take Pre Richards, of the Southern Railway tfXVtf$ Governor Ansel, of South Carolina. Shell's drug store Federals put up the White flag. Company A. wasthe first company to enter the town after it capitulat ed. We marched into and through the two towns with plenty of Fed eral music of the old fife and drum and camped at the armory in Har pers Ferry. We captured eleven thousand five hundred prisoners with Quite a lot of contraband a necrroefl who had escaped from 0 - their master. Some twelve hun dred calvary broke ttuongh our lines that night and escaped cap tare. Here we , rested that day Fund for Campaign New York, Oct. 15. William J. Bryan's promised announcement of the list of contributors to the Democratic campaign fund was made to-day. It came in the form of a statement over the signatures of Chairman Mack and Treasurer Ridder and shows that, ot $248, 667,55 received to and including October 9, $90,712.23 came in con tribntions of a hundred dollars and more, that $115,355,22 came in contributions of less than a hun dred dollars each and $42,500 was eft over from the convention fund The statement shows $225,952,88 to have been spent and that the balance in hand is $22,604,67. A plea is made for a hundred thou sand dollars additional to carry on the remainder of the campaign The contributors are estimated about fifty thousand people and about one hundred thousand of the whole amount came from Demo cratic newspapers. 5A Plush Robes These thick, warm Robes give comfort and satisfaction. They please the eye with their beautiful designs, their artis tic patterns and rich colorings. Ask for a 5 A Pluih Rob. We Sell Them When In Doubt Buy of Price! PRIGE-GLIHE HARNESS & THUG COMPANY. THE PERFECT ROOF PRESERVER She Likes Good Things. Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West Franklin, Maine, says: "I like good things and have adopted Dr. King's New Life Pills as our family laxative medicine because they are good and do their work without making a fuss about It." These painless purifiers sold at J. E. Shell'! drug store. 25c flakes old, worn-out Roofs new. Satis faction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. Call or write for Book on best Roofing! I The unqualified success of )! "ROOF-FIX" has brought a number of cheap substitutes on the market. Don't take something said to be "just as good." Insist on the gen uine, with the name "ROOF-FIX" on every can or barrel. When you get the genuine, results are guaranteed. ANDERSON MANUFACTURING CO., W.P.Weknld,Mgis Lolr, N. C.

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