The News Printery The Lenoir News. ,la the very best Advertising Medium, because it is read by the Largest uaiber of the people of Caldwell County. ONLY Sl.OO THEiVEAH Vs equipped to do your next order of Job Printing promptly. Dont iend your work out of town we will do it to suit von. ICTUS CONVINCE YOU. H. C. MARTIN, Editor and Prop. PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. PRICE SI .OO THE YEAR. VOLUME XI. LENOIR, IS". C, JANUARY 5, 1909. NO. 18 . V 1 ! Educators Open Their Meeting. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 1Mb Ki pre senting every state in the South and practically every branch and variety of. educational institutions, from :(M) to 400 educators are here in attendance upon the nineteenth annua! convention of the Southern Kducational Association v h i c h opened in tliis city today for a three days' session. The association, while itself solid and independent, is made up of' ten separate and distinct apart ! incuts, each of which relates to a separate phase of-lducation. Thej afternoon sessions are divided intoj these ten subdi isions. The lore noon :uld evening sessions aie gen- oral. ' The piiiuipa' feature of the evening session was the annua: ad ! di ess of thu president of the as-.,iei ation, I' I'. ( 'laxton, of K ::o viilw. Ten 11 . At'.er re iewing the South' ed ueatioiiiil progress during the past ten years, President ("laxton said: "Tudor existing laws, and laws which will most prodably be enact ed during the new year, it is quite safe to predict that the close of the decade will tind few counties in all this suction without one or more high schools open and free to coun try boys and girls. The average length of the school term in the Southern States is less than six months, only about two thirds the average for the remain der of the country. The average school fuud is less than live dollars for each child of school age, less than one third the average for the remainder of the country. Our teachers are paid less than is paid for any other kind of skilled lator. The average anuual salary of thous ands of teachers is less than the an nual cost of feeding prisoners in our county jails. II thc teachers should commit crimes and be put in jail taxes would have to be in cieased beyond the present rate of school taxes iu order to pay for their keep. Most of the teachers are un trained and uneducated, less than I?.") per cent, it rural elementary school having as much as a good high schoyl education. Less than 10 per ocnt. have had any ade (uate professional preparation. "All of our Southern Staton are without effective compulsory wchool attendauoa laws." President ('laxton recommended a nine months school term in every district of reasonable size; attract ive school houses, consolidiation of schools to give two or more teach ers to as many school as posible, highly trained teachers, good pay; good public high schools, and a sufficient number of normal train ing schools. "All this is attainable iu the next quarter of a century if we are willing to pay the price in money and elfort, and we are at last able to do botn." Asbestos Mine to be Opened. ialUbury, H. C, Dec. HI An aMwietoa mine is being developed in Irdell couety by Charles Lam be-rl, of Pittsburg, who has recent ly spent considerably time on the property, returning last night to Pennsylvania. The product is said to abound on the surface of the ground at a point near State ville, where fifty acres or more have been purchased for the devel opment of the mine. The quality is said to be excellent and the yield is over 90 per cent pure as bestos. For health and happiness De Witt'i Little Early Risers email, gentle, Easy, pleasant little liver pills, the best made. Sold by J. E. Shell's and Kent's Drug Store, and Granite Falls Drug Co. Islands Sink. lfoiiie, Dec. HI. The Vita states that a wireless message from the j Strait of Messina reports that thej i.ipari islands, a group of volcanic i islands in the Mediterranean, near the coast of sicily, have disappear ed. The total population of the group numbers lis, 000 and they must inevitably have perished. The Minister of Marino haJ;ibra!t. rushed a torpedo boat to ascertain ; the facts. i I l',stimate of; Poine, Dec .'! the death roll of the earthquake now cease to ''oncern the Italian people. It is enough to know that the catast: eplie is overwhelm- ins IL'ui.-s won id add nothing to the giicf of the stricken nation nor move to greater elforls those upon u hot.i tli" wol k ill relivl ;i.d ' rescue has fallen. ei y channel open to the :;ur j ernini'iit has been utilized to this end. and other nations hare becu quick to come to its assistance, i evei before the cry for aid went up. Shiploads of fugitives have been carried out of the stricken one to Naples, Palermo. Catania and other ports, and according to the Minister ot Marine, rescue vessels to the number of 36 are now centered in the Strait of Mes sina, and 5,000 soldiers are being landed on the two coasts. 9 Most important of all now is the question of the living. Thensands of those who escaped the falling walls and the sweep of the tide are starring and without clothes or shelter. They can scarcely longer survive their sufferings. The first thought has been to carry food and covei ing for these help less people, and it has now been decided by the government to send a fleet of emigrant steamers to transport them to other places. The latest reports received at Rome state that there have leen many intermittent shocks, follow ing the first, to which the greater part of the destruction is attribnt ed. The British warship Minerva reported by wireless to Malta that two severe shocks oeeuicd at Mes sina last night. Professor Ricco, director of the observatory at Mount Ktna, states that his instruments have reeordod 4'J distinct shocks after the first, but that during the last 14 hours they have ben almost motionless, litna aud Strombli are now quiet and he is certain that the earth quake was not of volcanic but of geographical origin, similar to that of 1S75. (iunil Couli Medicine for Children. Tht season for coiiIih mid colds in now at hand mid too much care cun not be used to protect the children A chid is much more likely to con tract dyphther in or ncarifl fever when lie has a cold. The quicker you cure his cold the Ichh tin rink. Chiiiberliiin'n Cough Remedy Is the Bole reliance ot many mothers, and few Of thosa who have it are willing to use any other. Mrs. F' F. Starch er, of Ripley, W. Va., says: "1 have never used anything other than , Chamberlaia's Cough Remedy for my children and it has always gl fen good satisfaction." This remedy contains no opium or other narootlos and may be given as confidently to a child as to an adult, For sale by J. E. Shell, Druggist and Dr, Kent, Drtgglst. A month-old baby with a full set of small but perfectly formed teeth caused a sensation at a recent meeting of the Vienna Medical So eiety. The premature appearance of teeth has been known before, but in this case the child is normal in the development of bones and hair and in nutrition, a healthy boy of normal parentage, and the doctors are at a loss to explain the twenty fine teeth. United States Sends Aid. New York, Dec 31. The I'nited 7 States supply ship Celtic, w hich was to have met the returning bat tleship licet with holiday cheer, sailed out of New York harbor this afternoon on an entirely different mission, but without changing a single item of her cargo. She will go to Messina after a short stop at to give a million and a half of navy rations to the ea:l!i Miiake sufferers. Tin idea of elian; the Critic into a relief ship came to her com-'. maniler. Harry Mel, P. 1 1 us . l is! night. lied tape was cut in a jiffy iind t!ie Celtic, witli Chri-tmas Instill lushed to the mastheads it had ! ell designed ti 'he Celtic thi.. Unistmas ship for t!u lice' s;iileil iato today. Her -;;p plies wriii 1 1 1 1 lie eaten bv Aiv:i sailors, but by differing Miniv .is of the 'alabi ran and Sicilian i i s aster. In the face of the overwhelming need of the Italians the depart ment is considering its own men second: how they will be provided with food is something that w ill lie considered later. The navy de partment takes full responsibility for this sudden gift of supplies be longing to the Tinted States gov ernment to the Italians, without warrant of law. It probably re lies npon Congress to approve of iU action, but the expectation is that Congress will be only too well pleased at this evideuce of Ameri can pluck aud of the 'get there' qualities of the American navy. Just as its ships were the first to reach Kiugstou after tho West In dian earthquake disaster, so the American naval Hag on Ithe Celtic may be the first to bring actual food supplies to Messina from any coun try, eveu though we are 3,000 miles away. Certainly the ship has been dispatched to sea in rec ord time in less than IS hours after her captain conceived its hu man idea. The Celtic has in her cargo 1 f0, 000 worth of provisions, sufliccient food for fifty thousand people for one month; ?3'J, 000 of cloth ing, tents enough to accommodate 1,000 persons and a large quanti ty of medical and surgical supplies. Accordiug to her orders, the Cel tic is to proceed fn;t to (libraltar, which port she should reach in twelve days, and where she should receive Congress' 'formal authori zation . The Celtic is taking 7,r0( suits of outer clothing, 3,."oo suits of underwear, LTi, 000 pairs of socks and 3,:"i00 pairs ofshos. All this was "biokcu out" and put aboard her in two hours. Her food supply comprises all staple articles. L'KKSIDKNT UOOSKVKLT AND COMMON IIONKSTY. "In these last days of Presi dent Roosevelt's administration it is a pleasure to think how often in these columns we have had the privilege of agreeing or disagreeing with him," writes the editor of Woman's Home Companion for January. "Mr. Roosevelt has made mistakes, as he would be the last to deny, but he has done the country one service which is not written on the statute books or on the records of his official achievements. lie has promoted in the papers which the people read and more important in the minds of the people themselves, an active discussion of questions that hid become shelf worn from neg lect. He has given publicity to the Ten Commandments; he has refurbished the Beatitudes; he has popularised Common Honesty. For these thing let us give hrp credit.' BB3CS3SB&S vi-: Ainetite net d - 3 A;. i mm j rr , i S i S M BW. 4 F6. CO. ! ! ! -1 - '' '' .- ' '' ' r5 . , I. a In One Ranch 7.000,000 Acres, Kingsville, Texas The largest fanch consolidation scheme ever undertaken is being negotiated in this part of Texas. It involves the meririnir of sixteen of the largest ranches in Texas, embrac j ing 7,000,000 acres of land, valued j at upwards of T.r.O0.000. intoj one enormous tract. The stretch of territory involv ed borders the lower gulf coast for l."0 miles. The identitv of the men composing the syndicate whoj has obtained these options has! not been disclosed, but it is re ported that .1. .1. Hill, who recent ly purchased the Colorado South ern, including the hitter's Texas lines is back of the transaction. ! It is said to be the plans of Mr. Hill or whoever may be buck ofj the scheme, to divide the property ! into small farm tracts and colonize! them. P.. F. Yoakum, of New j York, chairman of the Rock Is I land and San Francisco executive committee, is said to lc a member of the syndicate. I f your Stomach, Heart or Kidneys are weak, try nt least a few dunes only of Dr. Snoop's Restorative. In five or ten days only, the result will surprise you. A few cents will cover the cost. And here is why help comes so quickly. Dr. Snoop doesn't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. Dr. Shoop's Re storative goes directly to the weak and falling nerves. Each organ has its own controlling nerve. When these nerves fall, the depending organs must of necessity falter. This plain, yet vital truth, clearly tells why Dr. Shoop's Restorative is so universally successful. Its success is leading, druggists every where to give it universal preference. A test will sorely tell. Sold by J. E. Shell's Drug Store. TCorlsfl Foe IndlxtttJon. 1IUUUI Relieves soereknach, pelptsrfoaof the heart Dsto watt yea e iiayi: .m'st rL()Ai.:; a cap TTfc " I 6-4 JL Lf The Best Rcofins Yet Per Square, S&.SO ' s - r-- i L KNOIH. X . WANTED: All the Broken Traces in Caldwell Co. Wo want to show ou how nicely we can splice our broken trace. A good job of splicing may put a thrown aside" tract' in further service aurain at a cost of cents. PRICE-GUI HARNESS "Good Bye Old Booze." Chailottc Observer. Lending its influence to the sweep of prohibition which has ex tended over the Icountry through which its lines operate, the South ern Kail way Company will do long er serve Its passengers with intox icants. This order went into effect at midnight. It is a remarkable fact from Alexandria, Va., on the north, which is but eight miles from Washington, the extreme ter minal of the Southern, to New Or leans, its southern end, there is not a wet town. The territory has been thoroughly rid of intoxicat ing drinks, so far as obtaining the same by legitimate methods, is concerned. There remain a few towns, per hap's on the branch lines of the Southern's system, but the order includes all territory, and here after a passenger on any of the of A T T "I i ii eta. "run cn t i;'i,a i TANNING COMPANY. lines of the company will I suable to procure a drink on the train. For several years the Southern has been arriving at the point of teetotallers. Since the time when sections of the South began flop ping over from "wet,' to-"dry" territory, it has been accessary t restrict the sale of whiskey on the trains, lest ithere be an infringe ment of the law. It has now com to the point that practically be tween two terminals of the South ern's system the land has been ab sorbed of its original "wetness" be cause of the sweep of the pjohibi tion wave which passed over the South with a maximum velocity. The road may add water coolers. (roup positively stopped in 20 minutes with Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. One test alone will surely prove this truth. No vomiting, no distress. A safe and pleasant syrup 50c Sold by J. E. Shell's Drug Store.