The News Printerv !! qnir-pd to do your nrt order of Job Priating promptly. DOQt MBd TOUT HOtt OUt o! town we will do it to salt yoa. ETU8 OOJTVDfCK YOT7. The Lenoir News. IU the rery best Adrertiaiog Uediam, beeauM it U read by ttie Largest bomber of the (eople of Caldwell County. : ONLY 81.00 THKYKAH Si, f Wl J3 rrWV rfCY 1 H!.C. MAKTESr, EDITOR AND PROP. TUBUSHEB TUESDAYS MB FE18AYS. inmjKSl.OOTHE YEAB. VOLTOfJE XI. .LEIS'OrR, 3ST. C- JAJSTTJARY 3 5,:inOQ m NO. 21 Prayer of the Rev. H. C. Conden the Blind Chaplain of the Nation al House of Representatives on the Opening of Conjress. "We lift up our hearts in grati tude and praise to Thee, O God, our Heaveuly Father, for Thine own best gifts unto the children of men 1900 years ago, the light of the world, the incarnation of Thy love, the express image of Thy glory; the Auoiuted One whom Thou didst send to preach the gos pel to the poor, to heal the heart broken, to preach deliverance to the blind, to set at liberty the oppressed aud preach the accepta ble year of the Lord. "Hence we pray for a universal faith, iu Him which shall sweep away all doubt, and unite the whole family of mankind into one great brotherhood; an universal justice which shall right all wrong, an universal level which shall dis pel all hate, bring in an universal peace, which shall be stronger than war and unite all hearts in the glad acclaim, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. "And now, O God, our heaven ly Father, as we separate to cele brate the glad event of the season, wreathe our faces in smiles, fill our hearts with generosity, that we may feed the hungry, clothe the naked and fill our homes with joy and gladness? and thus by example preach the acceptable year of the Lord and hasten the coming of Thy kingdom; that Thy will may be done in earth, iu the name aud spirit of Thine only begotten, our Lord and Master, Amen." Fugitive From Justice. Watauga Democrat. On Tuesday morning, when the news was 'phoned over the county that Leroy Osborne, a well known horse trader on Cove Creek, had departed the Stato between two days, his creditors got busy in every quarter, trying to find something they could attach to save their debts. But, alas! nothing available was iu sight. One creditor deter mined not to lea loser in the game (Riley May by name) mounted his steed and headed for the State line at Trade, Tenn., where lie found that Mr. Osborne had fed his stock for ibreakfast. Here he took the law, as it were in his own hands, and followed on in hot pursuit, un til he sighted the wugon of Osborne, with four fino mules and three good horses tied thereto. He rode up behind, the wagon bumping over the stones muflling the sound of his horse's feet, cut loose the stock and with them was soon making the mud lly in the direction of the Old North State. Osborne, missing his stock, soon overtook May, but as they could not come to any agree meut without Osborne paying over to the said May the sum of 500.00 he kept hitting the road for Boone where the stock is now held by at tuchment. There was no man in the county, so far as we know, who stood fairer than Hoy Osborne, am' his departure was a great shock to the people here i (iovernor GJenn, being inforinei' that the Stonqivall Jackson Manua Training and Industrial School fo the detention and reformation of the criminal youth of North Caro lina at Concord is ready for occu pancy, issued his proclamation Wednesday to that e fleet and noti fies the .Judges, Mayors and record crs of ciiminal courts that they have the authority' and it is their duty, to sentence to this ischool all persons under 1(1 convicted of any violation of the criminal laws. Making Model Mechanics out of Bad Boys. Cinciunatti has an institution whce sole business is iu the mat ing of useful mechanics oat of bad boys. A youngster embarked on the road downward is given a com pulsory chance to make a good cit izen out of himself, but whether he does so or not he is skilled in one of the good trades which will en able him to earn a living anywhere before he is let go. The institution is the Cincinnati House of Refuge and it has been turning out carpenters, shoemakei j ironworkers, blacksmiths, bakers, tailors aud other skilled workers for several years. Many of them are uow among Cincinnati's most skilled mechanics. These young mechanics while earning their trade at the Refuge, are at the samo time receiving a good schooling. Their work at the benches supply the institution with clothing, shoes, and other garments The bakers and cooks prepare the food. It is an interesting fact that the majority of these boys would rather be carpenters and ronworkers than bakers or taylors. Probably 75 per cent, of all turned out are graduated car pen ters. Many of them become so interested in their work that they prefer to stay after their compulsory time, and before they leave they become highly skilled. Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 6. A Pensacola, Fla., special says that Sheriff Van Pelt, of Pensacola, has given orders that the street cars cannot run on Sunday in that city He says the laws against manual labor on Sunday will make it a vi olation. Having been censured for not enforcing the law, the sheriff say.-) the city and county will now get enough of it. Deleware, O., Jan. (J. Ten days ago a young dog belonging to James Ball accompanied a crowd of boys into the woods. The dog was lost, and after a search of an hour which failed to bring forth any trace of the canine, the boys returned to town. Yesterday the same boys took a trip to the woods and gave chase to a rabbit. The rabbit was lost track of in the vicininity of a groundhog hole, and was supposed to have run into it. The boys reached into the hole, and instead of pulling out the rabbit, produced the lost pup. The dog had got in to the hole and was unable to- get out; but after it had several meals showed no ill effect from its ten days imprisonment. William V. Kitchen is now gov ernor of North Carolina. The eeremonies which attended the inauguration of the Old North State's new chief executive never before was surpassed in brilliance. The parade was elaborate. Gov ernor Kitchin made a strong and elaborate address to the immense throng of people present, lie advocates a legalized primary, urges a fair trial for the Prohibi tion w,' endorses the educational policy, better living conditions in mill settlements, inspector for child labor law, more power to attorney-general in regulation of corporations, lor better roads; ad vocates bank guaranty law for those banks that want it, and touches lightly on the railways. Joseph C Brown, a negro mail clerk on the Southern Railway, was arrested in Greensboro last Wednesday for robbing the mails. Ho was placed in juil in default of bond. The Best Planet's Best Part As for thousands of years past, there are important drawbacks to residence in Southern Italy. The recent catastrophe suggests reflec tions that the surface of this old globe as a whole is scarcely any more stable than it should be. Whether holdingthe Laplachian, the planitesimal or some other the ory of tho formation and destruc tion of solar systems constantly go ing on in the universe, astronom ers agree that each system is born fiery hot throughout and grad ually cools during the succeeding ages. The immense mass of a cen tral body or sun keeps it blazing many millions of years after most or all of the attending planets have cooled, and iu ways not yet well understood its heat is to some ex tent renewed from time to time; but in the end even suns "go out" a number of such exist within the astronomer's ken to day. Iu our own solar system Jupiter, the largest of the planets, has natural ly cooled the most slowly. His surface is Htill very hot and is the scene of storms whose fury is in conceivable except by comparison with those prevailing on the suu. Of course life in any form cannot exist underany such circumstances. At the other extreme stands our highly interesting neighbor, Mars, who, being very small, cooled or aged quickly and has now reached an advanced stage of planetary evolution. His oceans have dried un. -his atmosphere has become greatly rarefied, clouds and rain are almost or altogether absent There must b decidedly low tem peratures whenever and wherever the surface is not struck directly by the sun's rays. The wellknown channels or "canals," running and intersecting with geometrical regularity, appear to bring water from the poles to the more genial though now arid regions and are regarded by some astronomers as proving conclusively the existence of intelligent life on the planet .iars, though the same age iu years as Jupiter and every other kindred planet, is thus very old. His in telligent inhabitants, granting their existence as a fact, fight slowly losing light against the ex tinctiou that visibly awaits them Further advanced than any planet is our satelite, the moon, which is a dead and frozen world, water less and practical y without an at mosphere. At a happy stage lctween the very young and the very old is this planet of ours, uow in its early prime. It is fairly well advanced in age, yet its crust has hardened and cooled to a depth little if any greater proportionately than that represented by the skin on an ap ple. We do not mean to say there is casually any great permanent connection, so far as known, be tween changing interior and chang ing exterior, but that the later changes in each case apparently proceed along parallel lines. So tremendous is the pressure of grav ity upon the earth's interior, that although extremely dense and more rigid than steel, it remains hot and probably molten. In time the cooling will penetrate deeper and deeper but meantime the plu tonian forces chaffing beneath are separated from the surface only by a thin crust and at time-! make themselves felt through it. Vol canic eruptions and earthquakes are out of world's lingering imma turities. The former are confined to more or less definite regions and it is usually only in or near those same regions that earthquakes are important. Mvidcntly some points on the earth's suiface nuisllHi eith er thinner than the sufficiently thin average or have fiery ener- r No. Outside, Inside, Approximate weight., 800 pounds. FOl'R TIMHLKR. NON-PICK ABLE COMBINATION LOCK. Special inside iron door covi iiiii entire front of safe, with duplicate flat key lock. Sub-treasury, 5x6x9, with -lupin-ate flat key and metal cash ti ay. Drawer and two pigeon holes under sub treasury. Hook space. I9xi(xl'i. Begin the year by protecting your books and cash. In a recent fire here all books and papers were lost. One of our No. 4 Victor Safes would have saved all, and at the Small cost of $40.00. Your name on free. gies of exceptional power at work immediately underneath. Such dangerous spots lare Sicily and Southern Italy, the whole western American coast in varying degrees from the Arctic to the Antarctic, Japan, and the vicinity of Java. Other things being equal, weshould not choose any of these as a place of residence. There is much reason for believ ing that we live on the best planet in the solar system or the univer se. We are well satislied with life in those sulnlivisions of the plauet which our country and State com prise. Therefore we are content, and, being content, hope that ev ery one equally fortunate is content likewise. It fs very annoying to telephone subscribers to find during the very busy hour in the evening when they want to use the phone, that some young couple is sparking over the wire, or somebody else is hold ing a long, gossipy conversation. Some people use the telephone al most anv time for almost anvthing. Give tho boys something prac tical such as a box or carpenter's tools, a soldering set or a drawing outfit, instead ol guns, drums and tov pistols. Teach creative not destructive force. When a man gets so rich or high in society that he is ashamed of his bent old mother in her plaid shawl and of her lack of grammar, he is too snobbish for honest men to trust out . If the politicians were half as so licitious for the welfare of the larm- er after the election as they are for J his vote before it, he would soon get all that is coming to him, in cluding the postal saving bank. I 4 FIRE-PROOF SAFE. I MM FA'S IONS. Wll.F mi nes. me is. he lit inches. 14 inches. I.MIII.U "lJil.iULJii.i- i nii LKXOIH, X. ( l ' gnwrwMnwMrrTOWjfuufi, m ui IjJ 1 1 1 llll II III ,nm I I H u II hi A GOOD HORSE BLANKET WILL SAVE YOU FEED. A BLANKET for your horse pays big interest by sav ing feed, preserving health, and increasing horse service. Every man works lest when comfortable, so does a horse. A blanket for the horse is indispensable one kind for tho stable and one for the street. We have loth kinds the ne.M- pull -off" kind for use in the stable, at 1.00 and the warm well-tit and well-wear" kind to use in the street, and asaiap rote, at $."."0 Mm HARNESS '"Wiieri. In ZJoubt buy ofPdce.' News From Granite Falls. Miss Helen Shell, of Lenoir, who has been the gmist of Miss Allred, returned home Monday. Mrs. Lula Hickman ami daughj ter, Mina, have returned home after spending the holidays with relatives in Matthews and Char lotte. Miss Terrell returned to her work Tuesday after a visit to her parents at Ansonville. Messrs Fred and Marvin Terrell were visitors in town last week. Mr. Charles Russol returned to Richmond, Va., (Monday, after spending the holidays at home. Rev. San ford and family arrived last week and were given a Jhearty greeting. We are glad to have ( f . , , , . . t . ... tnem among us and trust that they . .,ii j!,i u: i. i I Mr. lvl Starn's handsome resi- Ii:ki 12 inches. V2 inches. iiiiim "X 4 TANNING COMPANY. dence is almost completed, and he expects to mov-e into it at an early date. Miss Annie Stone js the charm ing guest of Mrs. F. R. Tilley this w: ok. Mr. Jay Allred returned to Ca tawba college Wednesday to re sume his work. . Miss Pearl Whisenant .returned to Davenport college Wednesday. The younger set" cordially in. vited themselves to a New Year's pa ay at 31 r- and Mrs. F. G. Ter rells Friday night, aud enjoyed the evening very much, Mr. and Mrs. Terrell are always charming and it seems that they tried themselves on this occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shell returnj ed Tuesday from Lenoir where they have been visiting 'relatives. Mrs, Shell is a lovely girl and will find a cordial welcome in our town.