The News Printery l equipped to do your next order of Job Printing promptly. Don't tend your work, out of town we will do it to tait yoa. LETT US COXVTNCE YOTJ. The Lenoir News. Is the Tery beet Adrertiting Medium, because it U read by the Largest dumber of the people of Caldwell County. : ONLY Sl.OO XII K YEAH H. C. lARTTISr, EDITOR AND PROP. PUBUSHED TUESDAYS AID FRIDAYS. PRICE SI .00 THE YEAR. VOLUME XI. -LElSTOm, 1ST. C, FEBRUARY 23, 1909. INTO. 32 Bench Warrants For Editors. Washington, Feb. 17. Bench warrants were issued late to-day for th? arrest of Joseph Pulitzer, proprietor, and Caleb M. Van Hamm and Robert H. Lyman, editors of The New York World; and for Lelavan Smith and Charles R. Williams, owners of The In dianapolis News, for criminal libel iu connection with the publication in those newspapers of charges of irregularities in the purchase by the United States government of the Panama canal property from the French owners. The indictments on which the warrants w ere based were returned to day by the I'nited States irrand jury sitting in this city and the warrants were issued later by the clerk of criminal court No. 1. The warrants are directed against all live of the natural defendants of the two newspapers. The sum motis requires the corporate de fondant (.the Press Publishing Company, of New York , to ap pear in court forthwith to answer the indictment. District Attorney Raker probab ly will not send the copies of the bench warrants and the certified copies of the indictments to New York or to Indianapolis for a day or two. They were placed late to day in the hands of the United States marshal here and he will Droceed with them in accordance with the directions of Mr. Paker Theodore Roosevelt, William II. Taft, Elihu Root, J. Pierpont Mor gan, Charles P Taft, Douglas Rob inson and William Nelson Crora well are named in the indictments as the persons alleged to have been vilified by the stories appearing in the two newspapers. To Build liospitai In China. Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 17 To day's sessions of the Laymen's Mis sionarv Movement Conference ol the Southern Presbyterian Churcl were notable for the spirit of earn cstness ami enthusiasm shown by the 1,027 delegates present. A feature of the morning was (he rapidity with which the delegates pledged !?10,)00 to build a new charity hospital at Suchien, China, following an appeal by Dr. J. W. Bradley, of Suchien. Robert E. Spier, of New York, fairly carried the convention oft its feet with enthusiasm by his appeal for extension of the Church's work in the fa- East. Unemployed Men Auctioned in a Brooklyn Church. New York Dispatch, 14th. In order to find work for men who were out of employment, E.T. O'Loughlin and others auctioned off 33 able bodied men at the Tark side Presbyterian church, Brooklyn riday night. The church was packed to wituess the novel sight. Immediately following the open ing remarks by Kev. Dr. John D. xtng, pastor of the church, Mr. O'Loughlin, who acted as auc tioneer," mounted the pulpit and said that the meeting had leen called for the purpose of "selling" men to the highest bidder. "These men want work; they don't want charitv. Thev want work to buy food and clothing. Thev are not hoboes." There was an expectant craning of necks from manv curious people and a silence broken only by sobs from women present, then while the organist played John Brown's Body," the :." masked men march- e l(iiietly up the aisle and took s-eais on the platform on either side and back of the pulpit. Some of them were white-haired men, but the majority appeared to be strong and virile vouths. While called a sale the schems was a benevolent plan to get jobs for the men . The first up was No. 11. When he was offered, a man in the audi ence asked if he could write. I5e- ing told he could not, he bid $10 per week for the young man. A baker arose and offered 10 and three loaves of bread each day and the voting man was struck off to him amid great hand-clapping. i ins was me neginning. uiners weie otfered and underwent physi cal inspection of their arms and muscles at the hands of the pros pective purchaseis. The sale con tinned, employers bidding oil" such labor as thev needed at from 10 to ;." per week until the whole number had been sold. Church Attendance. Sometimes those living in small er towns and even cities have a de sire to seek a home in the large cities, thinking that there is more opportunity and room for effort. But a little experieuoe would soon convince us that it is better to re main where we are. There are many reasons that could be given but one will suffice and that is re garding church attendance. We were in New York some time ago and dropped in at Dr. Parkburst's Temple to his noon-day prayer meeting. Of all that bustling huij rying throng that pass and repass upon the square outside there were not over fifteen persons at the meeting. In smaller towns there is more attention paid to attending chinches. On Sundav niorninus when the bells ring, doors open and people dressed in their best step from their homes with happy faces intent on seeking a place of worship. Unfortunately, the good old custom is no longer universal ly observed in our large cities. Too many ditlerent streams from the Old World have met and mingled in the cosmopolitan cen tres, and there has leen too large an infusion of a pagan element to keep the old landmark unimpair ed. People from alien shoies, trained often w ith no regard for religion, have come to us looking for an asylum from oppression. Our own people growing richer, have also grown more worldly, and there has been a gradual neglect of church privileges on the part of those who should set a good exam A PROCLAMATION BY THE GOV ERNOR, $100.00 REWARD State of North Carolina, Executive Department. Whereas, oftk-'al information has been received at this Department that W. M. Pritchard, and Bob Pritchard, late of the County of Caldwell, stand charged with the murder of Will H. Houeycutt. and whereas, it appears that the .-aid W. M. Pritchard and Bob Prit.-I.ard have fled the State, or so n themselves that the ordinary pr of law cannot be served upon th"ii Now, Therefore, I, W. W. Kin-:iin. Governor of the State of North mo Una, by virtue of authority n in vested by law, do issue i!,!- my proclamation, offering a reward of 'tie Hundred dollar each foi the up- prehension and delivery of the said W. M. Pritchard. and Boo 1'ritchan! to the Sht-riff of Caldwell County at the Court-house m l.enoir. ai:d I do'ii nil officer; of the Slate and k'ood citiens to assist in brlncint: sanl criminals to ristice. Iioneat our city of Kahili, the t!i day of February, in the year of our Luril one thousand nine Imn- a:nl nine, ami in tt:e one hundred and :!;ird year of our American Independence. W. W. Kitchin, (iov. Bv the Governor Alex J. Field Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION: W. M. Pritchard, white, 2(J years old, smooth shaved, darksaudy hair, quick in movement and speech; 5 ft. 10 iu. in height, weight 150 !ls. Can not read or write. Bob Pritchard, white, aged 50 years, dark sandy hair, sandy luub tache, stooped shoulders, T ft. 8 hi in height, weight 130 lbs. not talka tive, small dark eves. r ?$r ; . . .. J T ' ... JJ : "3BT3TBrS;:Mraiffig Table Cutlery, pie, Truly, a "Sabbath well spent t " and for iu cold water . . - , this rctison, we .:,.,iii- f,.-n uml eitieK with near clear as it can be. imiuiv.1 j - i tl,, the rice soak iu water ,ti minutes lication, as well Baltimore, Feb. IS. After eight months work surgeons of the City Hospital have grafted enough skin to save the life of a negro boy who had lost three quarters of his skin by burning. Iu accomplishing the remarkable result the surgeons used skin from puppies and from humans. The patient is Raymond Howard. H-years-old, who was burned in a gasoline explosion July 4th last The child was admitted to the hospital SeptemU'i- 1st. Little puppies were robbed of skin to be used for covering the wound on tho child's back. The shin took hold and soon new skin was formed. A piece of skin taken from mi amnutation in the case of a white woman was next trice That, too, adhered to the wound on the back, and some of it was placed on the arm and the legs. A whit a man had lost a foot. The skin from it was grafted to the boy's legs, and finally a negro met with a similar accident. The skin from his crushed leg was used for the boy and gradually tho wounds are being covered with new skin. As soon as they can get the boy's back covered the doctors say the fight At W ilson a few days ago Fletcher Davis, w ho was distribut ing circulars for a w hiskey house in Richmond, was arrested and re quired to give lOO bond for his appearance at court. The arrest was made under section 1, chapter lis, of the laws of North Carolina, the section reading as follows: That it shall be unlawful for any person, for himself or as an agent or traveling salesman for any per son, firm or corporation, to solicit orders or proposals of purchase by the iuir or bottle or otherwise, of intoxicating liquors within the borders of any or all counties, townships, precincts, towns and cities in the State of North Caro lina wherein prohibition prevail, etc. The law, w hich makes the offence a misdemeanor, was enacted at the special session of the Legislature of 1!)08, and it may not be generally known that there is such a statute. It would seem that if distributing circulars on the street is solicit ine orders for liuuor wihtiu the meaning of the statute, that dis tributing newspapers containing liquor adveiLisements would also come wiirjin ine lnniuiuon. Statesvillc Landmark. Austin, Tex., Feb. 17 The House has passed a bill requiring all persons contemplating matri mony to first give 10 days' notice that they intend to apply for a marriage license. The Senate, it is expected, will pass the measure, which it is believed, would prevent themarrlaee of elopers in this Rice as the Hindus Prepare it Wash the rice three or four times until all milkiness w ho live in the disappears aim ine waier is as Then let for twenty Xo matter in what style the cereal is cooked, these rules that with us going to church is still m"st l followed in preparing it. an important as well as a pleasant Ira the rice and put it in the dutv and when measured up in kettle which must contain a great life's experience, it should count sufficiency of water. He absolutely tr. ..,r ..tor. ml .'niii if we su re that the water in the kettle is :ive m ili.ed the true import of more than enough to thoroughly this blessed privilege. (00li Uie m'0- so inal a' 'I111111111)' 01 ... it will Ik? drained on when it is cooked. If the water boils away too much, the rice will 1k sticky . . . . .... i I he proposition advanced m the aim the grains will not present Souhern Women. South Carolina Legislature to build that separate appearance w hich is a monument to the Confederacy, is trading wide attention and is meetimr with approval whereer discussed. It h is drawn Irom the New York Tribune, in particular, necessary to well-cooked rice. The kettle must be covered absolutely steam tight and the cover most not be lifted until the rice is thoroughly done. The East Indians cover the Lb In the line of Table Cutlery Robeson stands alone. For beauty of design, completeness of variety shown, for superior ex cellence in quality, they have no equal. In 20th Century Kitchen Set, 25c 8inch Butcher Knife, 50c Robeson Knives and Forks Set, $1.25 Table Cutlery has reached per fection. You'll find here any desired article for table use, and you'll always find the desired article priced to save you money. ?m urn sulk. immmtmMKa aaaaa I . , l.i-i r a 1 I. ill . :il a handsome sentiment. That paper steam-ugni iin 01 uie keuie wun truthful remarks that "all the clean tow el to make things doubly North suffered during the war the sure. Keep the fire hot at an even South suffered twofold. The South temperature, and tne rice win oe was drained of its strong men to an done in a very few minutes. Test extent hardly conceivable in the n ' crusning giam uetntai mu North. Not onlv were the women finger and thumb. If it is done, left to carry on almost all the work it will crush readily; if it is still raw, of their country, year after year, it win oe nam. oomc peopie pie with such assistance as they could for salt, and where this is desired, secure from the negroes who had it should be added to the water De- remained faithful to them, but they fore putting the rice into it. were to a large extent deprived of the means with which to perform q0Q(j Bargain, the simplest and most necessary . i . v , lI wish said a Capitol Hill man tasks. Over and over again the 1 ' ., , , , . , ii.i recently, "that pedd ers would crops they had planted and hoped M-,L1IUJ) to harvest were destroyed and their keep away from toy house. Some holds laid waste. Their homos how or other my wile can t : help t , buying their wares, whether she were in many instances preempted nccds them or not. All the ped- by their enemies, and many of them tucr has to do is to say his article spent their days in nursing not is cheap. When I get homo at onlv their own ' soldiers, but also night I usually find some new stove the suffering men in blue. No one P.f sh a ,ie' ,an JcltcheQ utc"' will begrudge the womeu of the 'Last night my wife hgd a tue of South the monument wincii tne something to show me when I en men of the South are preparing to tered the honse." I (Til n4-U..A TnU nlA meet in the r honor. It is one -n s an astniim uui-, oumi, auc said." mi mmiuiu m v. ... Asthma cure, ! I repeated with oi neroism wnicn nas icwequais a lrown why, Mary, no one iu the history of civilization." These 0Hr familv has asthma. We don't expressions bv The Tribune will need that stuff." meet with cordial response in the "But, John, just think how hearts of our people. The South cheap it was, she said. 'It only could not more appropriately honor cost a quarter " itself than in building monuments to the memory of the women of the (So many people buy, not because they want or need the article, but THE COFFIIN Dinmmer told t!u' dealer once: -After using our coffin you will have no other." You see it gave perfect satisfaction, and there w as no desire to return it. This statement of the drummer so well tits our Hand made ! larness we simply mention it a hI ask you to try our No. 210 Double Team Harness $ ! 8.00 I'KICH-CLINK HARNESS & TANNIN ! CO. LAP ROB fThe season is here for heavy, warm Lap Kobes. We have, them in great Variety and popular Prices. . . , Horse Blankets , . . lKeep your horse comfortable and save Feed. CALL AND SEE OUR LINE OF HORSE BLANKETS. Respectfully, The Henkel Live Stock Co. -v r ny I I trill bo won. v State. Confederacy becaure it is cheap.;