Tho Nows Printery lt equf-ped to do your ixxt critr of Job Prlalcf promptly. Don't seod roar work oat of town wt U do It to lalt too. LET V8 OONVDICEYOr. The Lenoir News. 11s the very bet Advertising Medium, btDM it is red bj tbe Largest 3 amber of the people of CUweU Coantr. : ONLY 91-OQ TIIEYEXH Trl6a?5 T r 1 r--0Y -VT J I 1 , I 1,1. 1 A. HT.O. MAHTESr, EDITOR AND PROP. FU BUSHED KES21YS All RiSATS. PRICE 81.0O THE YEAK, yOTTTAf-R XI. JLENOm, X.C., JULY 13, 1909. XO. 72 . " . i i ,- fa '.- US if r State News Items. Maj.C. M. Steadman was last week elected President of the North Corolina Kail Koad. Last Thursday near Li a col u ton, while a threshing machine was be- ing placed preparatory to thresh ing grain, it fell on and crushed a man named Lingerfelt so badly , - that he died in a few hours. . Last week E. 11. Shields and Joe 8tevens, two bill collectors of 'il mington, X. C. had a difficulty in Which Stevens shot Shields, who died altout an hour afterwards. Stevens surrendered and was placed in jail. f Jno M. Freeman, of Spencer; : was last week lined 2j0 uud coat amounting to ?.) for retailing li quor. This is record breaking tine but it is the proper way to deal with law breakers, lie was given his choice to pay the tine or work six months on the roads. Different towns in the State are making a good deal al revenue by taxing the sellers oi "Near Beer." Salisbury has nine such dealers who pay 1300 each for thelicense, while Charlotte has fixed the license at 11,000 per year. Night Riders Warn Growers. Tobacco Lexington, Ky., July 9 The to bacoo growers of Hopkins county have been warned by the night' riders that unless they become members of the association fighting the American Tobacco Company they will be dealt with in a manner not conducive to good health. The letters go far received by the growers are to the effect that fail lire to sign an agreement to be i come a member of the association will result in the grower being whipped and lire set to his lysine and tobacco barn . To the men who contemplate J buying tobacco in Hopkins and J .surrounding counties this year, a warning is issued that if they pur chase tobacco not belonging to members of the association they may expect hemp and bullets to be used upon them. The letters conclude with the statement that the soldiers sent to the tobacco districts by Governer Wilson "will not last as long as a snowball in hell." One of the let trs, signed "Night Riders, 800 strong," was received by a weekly paper at Madisonville, the editor o which was authorized to print it as a warningTO tnetotucco grow ers and buyers of that part of the state. Since the letters became public Governor Wilson has been called upon to send troops to that region to jpreyeut urajges" such as were inflicted on the farmers last summer. clal circles as critical. Why, pneedovott. now. I lorloV. WeUvOfoourse,1! tohooMm,nd to him 1'og- was1 too heavy to move. I didn't know what to do. So at lasl 1 thought or cut cnimi-BiesWhragrmut got jib paws snrougn buck; i nen tied, a rope about the Jog and ade Aim walk with it into camp nd--would you believe itt we ad all bur food and all our fuel r tnewinter out of that brie bear." t Tortured On a Howe. I "Fof ten yean I oouldn't ride a bom without being In tortoure from bllea," Writes L. 8. Napier, of Rug- jess, Ky., "when all doctors and other Remedies failed, Bueklen's Arnioa Salve eared me' Infallible for PIlei, Bum, Soaldi, Cuts, Bolls, Fever , torcij Eesema, Salt Rheam, Corns. J. Y. Jovner Elected President of the National Educational Asso ciation. Denver, Col., July 8 The elec. tion of James Yadkin Joyner, Sa perintendent of Public Instruction of North Carolina, as president of the National Educational Associa tion today is regarded by his sup porters as a victory in their tight aguiust any regulation ot the prices of school text books. Mr. Joyner was elected over lien Blewert, head of the St. Louis schools, ami Dr J. II. Phillips, of Birmingham, Ala. Two hundred Tar Heels joined Mrs. (iattfc in singing t'aro lina songs, ending with three cheers for Joyner. The corridor of the Brown Palace Hotel was a scene of great enthusiasm at Joy ucr's election. Wets Capture Bristol. Bristol, - Va., July S. By the narrow majority of 32, out of a total of 844 votes polled, the anti prohibitionists won the local option election heid here tolay, following one of the most hotly contested campaigns ot its kind in the South . Pandemonium reigna here tonight, in that part of Bristol, which lies in Tennessee as well as in tbe half of the city which has declared for the sale of liquor after a dryness of two years. Preparations are al ready being made for opening up saloons and wholesale houses for Supplying not only the immediate territory but that of the doxen near by States which areiu the pronibi tlvetolomn. Raikoad Tracks Inundated. Thousands of passengers are held up at various points in Colorado on account of floods. Half the railroad tracks are inundated and traveling is exceedingly hazardous. Near Cauon City two hundred passengers were saved fi-om death by a tramp, who flagged the train, which was running at forty miles an hour just before it reached a washout. The inhabitants of Pattenburg, Mo., with titeeeu hundred resi dents, Wednesday asked Kansas City and St. Joe for help from flood which have deluged the town. The entire village is under ten feet of water and every inhabitant was forced to the roofs. Several are reported drowned and scores of others are in immediate peril. Many houses have left their foundations and are now floating along the streets', strikin g others Istill standing. Libraries at Penitentiary. The board of directors of the state prison will1 meet; We nett week and oueoftbe most important matters before it is the establish- ment of a library at the peniten tiary here and also a small one at each of five convict, camps maiaufue''bv!vtDe:fitate .nU"f & This movement has been on foot for rnanV yeaindMr;ka sideraWe fund jn hand.v This . .. u .. visitors by means oi smaii iees col lected from each for the purpose of esMshlnrthrmrafr When six months old the littls daughter of E. N. Dewey, a well known merchant of Agnew vilw, va., had an attack of cholera, infantum. Chamberlain's Oolle; Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was given and effected a complete care.: This re medy" has proven very successful in cam Ot bowel ooupiainx in eniia rth when glTen aoeording to the plain printed direction can be relied upon with perfect confidence. When reduced with water and sweetened It is pleasant to take, which is of great Importance when a medicine must be given to young children. For sale by J. C Shell, Druggist, Dr. Kenta, Druggist. Corporation Commission Assess in; Corporations. Raleigh, July 8. Into all parts of the State there are now going from day to day notices from the Corporation Commission to the ef feet that the Commission has as sessed and appraised the capital stock of one and another of the .V ! 200 corporations of the State that are subject to this assessment anil deducted corporate excess. The officers are notified that if there are exceptions they desire to make to these figures" they cuir have a hearing in the office of the commis sion within ten days after the re ceipt of the notice. Officers or at torneys for corporations that are not satisfied with the assessments are wming in almost every day to I be heard and thoir general com plaint is that the assessments are put very considerably higher than has been the practice heretofore by the State Auditor who has in the past made these assessments. It is estimated by somCthatthe increase in this corporate excess taxation this year will be as much as 25 per cent. On the other hand there are said to be large corporations in the State whose assessment in this con -1 nection in the past havs not am ounted to as much as their surplus actually on hand. It will be sev eral weeks before the commission completes Its work in connection with the assessments. Floods in tbe West. Kansas City, Kas., July 7. Swollen by unprecedented rains, Missouri valley rivers today left their banks and causing damaging floods in many parts of Missour and Kansas. The most spectacular accident due to the flood was the derailing in a flooded plain of the Achison Topeka and Sahta Fe pas sepger train bound from Kansas City to Denver. Long- Drought in Mexico Breaks, After Great Damage. El Paso, Tex., July 7 Two million dollars will no more than cover the losses sustained by stock men as the result of drought in northen Mexico, according to con- srvatixe estimates. The drought, which has lasted nearly a year, has been broken by heavy rains, but cattle died by tens of thous ands from starvation and thirst. In Floods in Middle West. St. Joseph, Mo., July 8. The flood situation is uow the most seri ous ever known in the Middle West. The railroad and telegraphic tie- up is complete. It is impossible to accurately estimate the number of dead but it is believed that at least 20 are dead, besides many yet unacoouted for. Reports from various places say the waters are still rising. $700,000 loads. Columbia. 8. (J., Jaly 8. Spartanburg and Newberry coun - ties will both bond themselves heavily this summer for better hig h wayf p the former being certain to vote favorably August 24. upo: a ppotytn,? 'teiue; f 400,00' worth of bonds, while Newberry, as nfevtouslv hoted in these d& jpjatctes, will vote July $8 on th issuance oi bonds in the sum of 1300.000, with practical assurance that the result will be in favor of thVfliocl fads catise. Get DeWltt's Carbolued Witch Basel Salve when you ask for it! There are a great many Imitations; but there is just one original. This salve Is good for anything where a aire is needed to be used, but It ll good for Piles. Sold by J. E. Shell, Lenoir Drag Go. ttranite Falls Drag Co. Beautiful Western North Carolina. Part of a letter written for the Lexington Dispatch by a young man traveling through the moun tains. Soon we reached Howard's Knob, on the top of which one may stand and behold the hills of Vir e,iuia and Tennessee, and one whese top is w hat is kuown as Sampson's chimney, a rock aKuit thirty feet high and not much larger than a:i old chimney. At the base of this! knob is the historical town of Boone, enmity scat of W.itauga which so impivsM-d the Stale o:h cials that the establishe ! therethe Appalachian Training School. Here is where laniel Boone, heioic pioneer, camped and built one of his rude cabins, the old chimney of u hiclumav still be s,hii it: part. After staging a few days at BoonV, we made a visit to Blowing Bock, where nrture spreads her fas filiating scenes abroad in a most al luring way. As we passed oer the famous Yonolossee turnpike there were many thiugs of interest to see, among which was the Falls of the New liiver halfway between Boone and Blowing Rock, but that which attracted our attention and admiration mostly was the beauti ful lake to be seen j ust before reach ing the Rock. This lake is of arti ticial formation, one half mile in circumference. Myriads of beaati ful Southern laurels decorate its margin and Mother Nature, with her thoughtful hand, has pinned on the lapel of its bosom thousands of beautiful water lilies. The lake is inhabited by many of the Any tribe, which dart hither and thith er on one's approach. Leaving this we visited the lake on the Cone estate, which is also artifi cial, covering 26 acres. Here also were laurel and water lilies to adorn, and what is more, was a gas oline boat. Just above is a number of smaller lakes in which we saw many fish, trout, bass, etc. Nearby is a park containing many deer. Between the lakes and the Cone Mansion, which cost $68,000, and which is beautifully located, and can be seen 20 miles, is an orchard containing 45,000 trees. Mr. Cone spent a great deal of money in beau tifying and improving this section. Reluctantly leaving so entranc ing a spot, where we beheld so many of the beauties of nature, we passed on beyond the town of Blow ing Rock, to the "Rock" itself, from which the town gets its uame and which is stalled on account of the high precipice and the strong current of air coming up from be low. To say this is a grand and magnificent view would oidy hah describe it. A vast expanse of ter ritory embracing parts of Watauga Mitchell, Burke and Wilkes coun ties opens itself to view as one ap proaches. So great is the beauty of the scenery that one would nat urally imagine that he was getting a glimpse of fairyland, and he real izes that this country is justly termed the "Switzerland of Ameri ca. 'Another thing of interest to 'be seen is the Grandfather mountain, whose towering peak points upward to the height Of B,887 feet, and as someone has said,' "whose brow is received into a olond of historic glory." We congratulated our selves upon being permitted to drink water from the head spring of the Yadkin river. It is a matter of great surprise that so few of the people of the State know about the attractions of this section of their own beloved North Carolina. Charlks H. Myesb. The men whom we elect to office are supposed to ba oar servants, but most of them want to be oar masters. ST C3' r 9m A Splendid Four Room Outfit $98.00 $2.50 A Week Pays For It By far the best four room outfit ever offered in Lenoir for the money, Parlor, Dining Room, I5ed Room, Kitchen complete neatly, artistically, completely furnished. We can furnish four rooms completely for as little as $65.00 and you can pay for it. A small sura at time of pur chase the balance $2.50 a week. May we not have the pleasure of conferring with you regarding the furnishing of your home! wram.Kk- W A TIE BEST IS CHEAPEST applies to Harness stronger perhaps, than anything else. There are some good that appear to be the best w'hen they are not. And there are some goods that are much better than they look. When you buy Harness you should buy from people who make them and know them from hide to the finished article. Thisis why we sometimes remark "WHEN III DOUBT, BUY OF PRICE!" IS 4And it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know tftawe Bhall be like Him, for w shall see Him as He is." v tiering these words, Cornelius K. Means, one of the best known colored men in the city, ended a talk wnicn ne had beeu making hi the Sunday School of Seventh Street Presby ferfan eharch. colored, vesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and sat down. A moment later he fell over and was dead. Heart trouble was the cause. Considerable ex citement was caused, by his speedy demise. Charlotte unserver, om Th. Vva( nilla mula ar DflWltt's Little Early Risers, the famous little liver pills. They are small, gentle, pleasant, easy to take and act promp tly, they are sold by J. E. Shell, Lenoir Drug Co. and Granite Falls Drug Co. -X. a. m 1 iY Mr. N. U. Whitley, of Hays, tells us that on Saturday he took thirty pine pounds of sour wood honey from one common sized hive of his bees. This does very will indeed, we are told, being, as it s, yet Wis In the season. Wilkes Patriot. Sees Mother Grow Young. "It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to nee Klectrloe Bit ters," writes Mrs W. L. QUpatriok of Daoiorth, Me. "Although past 70 she seems really to be growing young again. She suffered untold misery from dyspepsia for 20 years. At last sh e could neither st, drink nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed till Electric Bitters worked such wonders for her health.! They invigorate all vital organs, cure Liv er and Kidney troables, Induce sleep, impart strength and appetite. Only 60c at J. E. 8hell. Mc Gaaraatsed by J. E. Bhsll. V:

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