The News Printery l eqatrped to do yocr atit order of Job Prioi s vr:.z Don't send your rk. cut A.t toiD- will do it to uit ja. i LET US OONVWCE YOC- The Lenoir News. .U the very txi AdTertii Me&am, beeas it to read by the Larg 3 amber of the people of Caldwell County. : ONLY LOOTHVJLLR A 1. EL C. MARTIN, EDITOR AND iPROP. PRICE S1.00 THE YEAR. TrT,Trn? T.EXOIR, 3ST.a, JULY 10, 1909. NO. 73 I f r ii i I ! I I I i i it v - -. . n" v State News Items. Wake Superior Court is io ses sion and there are Bine capital cases on the criminal docket. Col.'jalian S. Carr is threshing his wheat on his Oceooeechee farm and it is yielding ., an average. of 40 bushel to the acre. He ex pects" the crop to make about 5,000 bushels; , last week while playing around an ."old rock crusher, a . thirteen year oli boy fell from the fly wheel of the old machine, down which he had bees sliding, and fractured his - skull and died io a few hoars. Mr. Thai O, McMichaeJ, a well known Lawyer of Charlotte was found dead In his bed last Wed neaday morning. He had recently Recovered from an attack of pneu monia and died of heart failure. f A train on the Southern Railway. Bear Brevard, jumped the frack last Sunday and all the cars rolled ,down an embankment, but no one one was Idljed though several per sons were'injured. Lin Durham a tew days ago a au had seven cases against him for selling ,liqaor and was found guilty in each one of the seven cases. The judge sent him to the .Jroad for seven years. One jear or every case. f .f The famous "Blewitt Falls" iwater power plant -was sold .' at ..Wades bo ro, last Wednesday under order of court and bought by the fcond holders for $1,000,000. It is a valuable property and the im provmente so for made are said to have cost near t2.000.000. Sam Gibson, a young colored man, shot and instantly killed his ywife last Monday night. He claims that he thought his wife was a burglar, as he did not know she had been out of the house until she was returning, when he fired on her in the darknss with a shot colored fireman named Ham lln On the Southern Railway, be- s tween Charlotte and Taylorsville, fell from the tendor of the locomo tive one night lastweek and was so badly injured that he died, in a few hours. The engineer did not miss the fireman for some ttime after the accident, but when he was missed the train was backed until the in lured man was found unconscious by the road side. Strange Freak of Lightning in Maryland Town. Cumberland, Md , Special. Lightning struck the house of Johnson Collins, last Wednesday, four miles east of Flintstohe, while Mr. and Mrs. Collins, their six children and Mrs. Johnson, a peighbor, were iu the kitcheu. .Jdrs. Collins was putting pies in the bake oven. When Mr. Collins recovered from the shock he found .Jus wife and the youngest child in Jhe arms standing under, a tree in the yard. She could not tell how she got there. One of her shoes tfad bee&rtorq'fronf her foot and thelflesh was scraped from heir 'ankle -.downward almost to the bone. The roof was torn from the fiMsepDS side,o( thejbuijding de ) molished, the stone chimmey shat- teeed in pieces and dishes jin the cupboard broken. ' If you have paint in the back, weak ) back, 'or any other indication of ' a weakened or disordered condition of the kidney or bladder, you should ) get De Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pill right away when yon experience i the leaat sign of kldpey or bladder I eomplalnta, bat be sure that you get , Dewltt's Kidney anil ' Bladder ( Pills. We know what they will do for you, and if you will send your name to E. C. DeWltt b Co., Chicago yon will receive a free trial box of theee kidney and bladder pill. They are told here by J. E. Shell, Lenoir Drag Co., Granite Falls Drug Co. North WUkesboro in Uproar Over Rmlatioas Made by Detective. Afherllle Citlieo. High Point, July 11. Detective H. R Thompson, of the High' Poiat detective agency, has return ed from North Wilkesboro, where he was the means of taming that towa upside down. Ha went there to work on blind tigers and in a little over a week had, caused the arrest of 23 men, many of them prominent men in the town, includ ing two magistrates. 8ome of the men are wealthy and are raising a racket. Of coarse such a scoop as this caused great excitement and for a time the detective had to ''stand pat." They talked of running him oat of town, hone-whipping him bat he went through without 'a scratch. When the preliminary trial was called the crowd was ao dense that they had to adjourn to the opera house. When detective Thompson got on the stand the law yers demanded that he be unarmed but this could not be done as be was an officer. Two warrants were issued against him "to disarm him of his weapons but without avail. A special term of court has been ordejed to try the case a id no doubt Wilkesboro will have one of the largest crowds in its history, when court meets. i The W. C. T. U and other citi zens of the county are back of the work and stack to the detective in his work. Places raided were in the business part of the town, In places that were supposed to have been respectable. Detective Thompson will go back there in a few days. From Indiana. For The News. We got the full benefit of Inde pendence day this year from Jujy 3 to 6. Everything passed off pleasantly. Only one mau lost his life during the celebration, caused by the premature explosion of a cracker. Another lost a thirty thousand dollar factory caused by a little balloou settling down upon it.- Otherwise it was a glorious foarth. Last Friday, July 2, we had a splendid view of Capt. Burubaugh's famous racing bal loon "Hoosier," which passed ovar us about ten o'clock in the morn ing going in a Southeasterly di rection. It hovered near us for awhile coming directly over our home. It had left Indianapolis Tuesday and had been up ever since. The Captain was accompa nied on this trip by two other men who carry with them a printing press with which they will print a a little paper while on this trip. This is the same balloon that won the famous race a few weeks ago from Indianapolis, landing in Ten nessee. The Pilot could be seen calmly looking down upon us from iiis-basket. .There seems to be no question now about aerial " naviga tion since the last trial of the aero plane. b$ the Wright Bros at Fort My.61 f,Va., " They demonstrated one thing thai has been a question with us so long and that was a de sceut for, repairs v.hen the, motor failed to work. We notice lately that an invent or has offered an airship to our gov em men t that will carry two hun dred passengers. As for us, we prefer to walk. Some of the old timers near Fort Myer, object to the airships passing over their farms for fear they might "drop and spile their corn ortobaccer." This Is going to be a difficult problem, securing and surveying an overhead right of way. I will close for this time. Respectfully, J, A. Downh. New Albany, Ind. Mississippi Rher Flooding the Country. St. Louis, Mo., July 13 The violent storm that devastated the upper Mississippi valley late yes terday moved eastward and threat eoed to do damageinthe Allegheny region today. It has left in its path enormous damage to crops and buildings in several states. Hundreds are homeless, and a num ber of deaths were caused by the storm in various places. The Mississippi river, driven over the levees at exposed points, has inaadated many thousands of acres. The Missouri river is still rising rapidly end the -devastation by floods ajongjts banks is extend ing. In dozens of banner whaet counties the standing wheat has been raxed by the violent ' winds. Where a hamper crop was expect ed and almost ready to be harvest ed, the wheat has been wholly de stroyed. Great apprehension is felt at St. Louis, where the flood of the Missouri river is due to reach its height today. Great dam age has already been done up river n the Manas and Cygnes valleys. As the flood moves down it is ex pec ted to cause a 34 foot stage of water at St. Louis. The corn crop in Missouri and Oklahoma is subject to great ap prehension. The corn in Okla homa is enfeebled by two weeks' severe drouth preceding the storm. Better Let the Heathen Perish. "For ways that are dark and for tricks that are vain the heathen Chinee is peculiar." That remark has been emphasized since the mur der of Elsie Seigel by a Chinaman who was her Sunday School pupil He became infatuaied with ber, he became jealous and she paid the pen alty of her folly. This should forj ever put an- end to the practice of having attractive young women nnk;- II,. ((hnnliAn OhinoA " Better let the heathen perish than to put our girls in jeopardy. "Knowing the Chinese character as I do, in the face of the awful murder of a mission worker in New York Citv, I would not allow a daughter of mine or any woman, young or old, to teach in any Chi nese mission in the United States," So spoke Bishop E. H. Moore, who spent years in China for the M. E. Church in addressing the Epworth League Convention at Steuben ville last week. He said: "Let the work be undone forever rather than the women attempt to do it," and the whole country will say' 'amen." The Elsie Seigel case is not the only one, as the fol lowing telegram printed last week shows: "Pittsburg, Pa. July 7. Sarah Crew, 17 years old a teacher in one of the Chinese Sunday Schools here, today was seut to the House of the Good Shepherd, where she will be held as a witness to appear against Lee Fulk, dive-keeper, and her Sunday School pupil, in whose dive she was arresed last Saturday "This morning she retusid to testify against Fulk, who is charged with a serious crime, declaring she liked him better than any other man she knew and that if he were found caressing her, it was her fault and not his. "Great pressure has been brought to bear upon the police to give ap the crusade for fear they will en tangle well known families. "Lillian Rayt another of the youthful teachers, today refused to give op teaching "until after her Chinaman had given her the brace let he had promised her." If preachers and lay workers can not attract Chinamen to Sunday School, let them remain in the heathen faith. Escapes With Door Receipts. We don't know that Greensboro has any more easy marks than any other town of 42,000 population more or less but the "gate city" is a fertile field for the sharper. The latest operator there was a cit izen who gave the name of Heber McDonald. He drifted into Greens boro a few weeks ago and presently decided to put in bis spare time promoting an Inter-State Fiddlers' meet. The contest was pulled off with Bob Taylor, of Tennessee, as a star, and seems to have been a s access. Bills were met and every body satisfied. Thereupon Mr. McDonald decided, while he had his hand in, to promote another! contest and bands from all about! were invited to come to Greensbo ro and toot for prizes. Bands not a few responded and tooted wjth a vim, and a great crowd attended and applauded. The prizes were duly awarded and the promoter no tilled the band men that the prize money would be paid at his hotel next morning. One band manager who was suspicious called the same night and demanded his prize money, which was paid. Those who called next day found McDon ald absent. He had departed with the gate receipts and since has kept under cover. The only peo ple who are not complaing is the band man who collected his prize before the appointed hour, and the hotel man who made himself safe by acting as gate keeper for the pro moter until he had enongh cash to liquidate the latter 's hotel bill at Greensboro and also a bill for a b rot her hotel keeper at Durham, wnere the promoter had recently visited and overlooked paying his hotel bill when he departed. Landmark. Good Roads. There is a great deal being said abont good roads, but not too much, and whenever we hear of a piece of road that has stood the test this summer it is worth while to mention it, and if so be we conld go and see it. - We are told that that there is a piece of public road in John's river township that has not been out of order this summer and that it is now as it has been all spring and summer, dry and smooth. We are also informed that the overseer with all his road hands puts in his six days work every year and at regular times The brush on the sides are kept trimmed off so the sunshine can get to the road . Mud holes and gullies are kept tilled with loose stones from the fields. Water trenches are kept open, and in this way the road is kept in fine coadition, not withstanding there is a lot of trav el on it. This may look like a small matter, bnt with the condition our roads have been in for the last six or eight months, it is worth think ing about. We are further inform ed that there are sections of roads in this connty, and the roads in these sections are not good roads either, that have had no work doue on them for the last twelve months, That perhaps accounts for a great deal of the bad roads we have not only in this county but elsewhere. Life 100,000 lean Ago. Scientists have found in a cave inj Switierland bone of men, who lived 100,000 yeare ago, when life was in constant danger from wild beasts. ' To-day the danger, as showu by A W. Brown of Alexander, Me., Is larg ly from deadly decease. "If it had not been for Dr. Kings New Discov ery, whlrh cured me I could not have lived," he writes, "suffering as I did from a severe lung troubles and stub bron cough." To cure Sore Lungs Colds, obstinate Coughs, and pre vent Pneumonia, its tne best med icine on earth. SOo and $1.00. Guaran teed by J. E. Shell. Trial bottle free. A Splendid Four Room Outfit mm 82.&0 A Week Pays For It By far the best four room outfit ever offered in Lenoir for the money, Parlor, Diuing Room, Bed Room, Kitchen complete neatly, artistically, completely furnished. We can furnish four rooms completely for as little as 1(55.00 and yon can pay for it. A small sum at time of pur chasethe balance f '2.50 a week. May we not have the pleasure of conferring with you regarding the furnishing of your homef IJll.lHLJIMJTJ.lfl.flllf aSU 7 THE BEST IS CHEAPEST applies to Harness stronger perhaps, than anything else. There are some good that appear to be the best when they are not. And there are some goods that are much better than they look. When you buy Harness you should "buy from people who make them and know them from hide to the .finished article. Thisis whv we sometimes remark i j "WHEM IN DOUBT, BUY OF PRICE!" jf Aeroplane Record Broken To-day Etamps, ranee, July 13. The greatest aeroplane flight on record was completed this afternoon by M. Blerriot, a noted French aeron aat, makipg 28 straigh away miles in 5G minutes. The Wright brothers have been in the air longer and hare flown a greater.'distanoe bat never attempt ed a cross country fight like Ber riot to-day. Berriot plans to soon cross the English channel for a 5,000 pound prize. A Night Rider's Raid. The worst night riders are calomel, proton oil or aloes pills. They raid your bed to rob you of rest. Not so with Dr. King's New Life. They never distress or inoonventence, but always cleanse the system, curing Colds, Headache, Constipation, Mal aria, V. at J. E. Shell. Chopped to Death. Raleigh, July 12.-Joe Pulley was chopped to death with an axe while he lay sleepling in his home near" Selma early to-day. Pulley's 12-year-old step-daughter, Marie Pulley, is charged with the killing. Pulley's threat that he would whip the girl and drive her from home ia understood to have furnished a motive for the killing. Pulley lived several hours after his skull had been crashed in sev eral places. Tortured On a Horse. ''For ten years I conldn't ride a horse without being Iu tortoare from piles," writes L. S. Napier, of Rug less, Ky., "when all doctors and other remedies failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me." Infallible for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Boils, Fever Sores, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Corns. 25c Guaranteed by J. K. Shell. (