The News Printery li eqatrjf to do your next onJer of Job PrtnMng prom ptly. Bout sniJ oar work oat of town we will do it to salt yoa. LET ITS COJI VIXCE YOtJ- The Lenoir News. lis th very best Ad TerUaing llediam, because it is read by the Largest bomber oi tha people of Caldwell Coanty. : ONLY 1.00 THETKAR EC; c. JRTXlsr, Editor and Prop. PUBUSKEB TUESDAYS Axa FBISAYS. ' PmCESl.OO THE YEAR. VOLTJME XI. LENOIR, JULY 20, 1909. 70. 74 Smufjnni: Jewelry. Philadelphia, July 14 When Mrs. Annie Abbott, who once shone on the stage iu this country and in Europe as the "Little Georgia Maguet" reported the theft of jewelry rained at 1200,000 her home in North Creighton street to the police, it attracted the at tention of the customs officials. They had received information that she had brought into this country at various $mes Jewels worth more ' than', t3Q,000. .upon which there Fas. nbrjcDrd, of. fluty paid, and' began au investigation. Mrs. Abbott said that she had brought about 187,000 in jewelry to this country from Europe. She made three trips, landing in New York in 1897, and at San Fran cisco in 1901. "At Baltimore 1 showed men iu the uniform of custom house offi cers my jewelry. I told them that the Jewelry was presnted to me by friends. I gave one inan $25, au Other 10, aud a third $5. They passed me through and I did not have to pay any duty. I thought it was all right. "When I landed at San Fran cisco I again showed the jewels and gave a man $50 for passing me. I have not seeu any men from the customs since the, but am ready to meet them at auy time and tell them all about my jewelry." Special Agent George W. Btrat ton of the customs service declined to say what action the govern ment proposed to take. First Sentence to Chair. the Electric In Robesou county Superior 'ourt tnis week Walter Morrison, ' colored, was convicted of criminal assault, his victim being Polly Rogers, a Croatan Indian. Judge Lyon sentenced Morrisou to death and unless the case is appealed or reprieve or commutation granted, f Rjcrs will be put to death by electricity in the State penitentiary at Raleigh, on the 10th of Septem ber. This is the first death sentence under the law passed by the last Legislature, which requires all exe cutions to take place in the State prisou and by electrocution. The law requires the judge to put his sentence in writing, a copy to be filed with the clerk of the court and the warden of the State prison at Raleigh. New Cannon Invented. Pittsburg, July 14 That a hand made cannon not much longer than a man's arm will fire a projectille through a seven-inch steel plate has just been successful y demon strated here by Carl Schmek, who manufactured the gan with crude tools at his home. Mounted on wheejs, its height is not more than two feet. By an arrangement the breech and an odd construction of the rifled bar rel, Semelz.has proved that thecau non can withstand the highest ex plosive. He made a clean, hole through the plate in his demonstration. lie says the gun can be fired one h.uui red times in rapid succession with out becoming heated, i Will Contest Election. Bristol, Va., July 13. On the ground that 125 Illegal votes were cast in the local option election held here last week which resulted in a victory for the "wete" by 82 majority, the temperance leaders this evening decided to contest the election and selected a committee with power to proceed to retain counsel and file suit attacking the legality of the election. C. & N. W. Depot at Yorkville Destroyed by Fire. Charlotte Observer. Yorkville, S. C, July 15. The freight and passenger depot of Car olina & North Western By., locat ed East Liberty street, in this place wai destroyed by fire this morning between 1 and 2 o'clock, together with the contents of the building. The loss is total except a part ot the waiting room for white and colored, people. The amount of the loss can not be stated accurately at this time because of lack of information as to the amount of freight stored in the de pot, but a reasonable estimate as to total loss, including the building, freight and the furniture and office fixtures belonging to Mr. E. W. Long, the agent, would be between $2,000 and $3,000. The origin of the tire is not kuown, but is at tributed o rats and matches. Will Build a Sample Road. A delegation of Mt. Airy citi zens, headed by Mr. Thomas Woodruffe, went before the Surry commissioners at Dobson at their last meeting and asked au appro priation of $500 to help build a mile of road near that town. The request was presented by W. Car ter and the money was appropriat ed. The citizens estimate that it will cost about $3,000 to build the mile of road and will raise $2,500 by privatesubscription. The News says it is the purpose of Mr. Wood- ruffe and the other citizens to show to the people what a great thing it wonld be if Surry had hr roads properly made and thus start a work that will uot stop until all the public highways are a credit to the county. $100,000 Short. New Orleaus, July 14. Wyatt H. Ingram, Jr., trust officer of the Hibernia Bank and Trust Compa ny, of New Orleans, was arrested at his home hero this evening on the charge of being a defaulter and forger. "It was declared that Ingram's defalcations have extended over a period of fifteen months. Ingram was said to 1k tuo ill to arrest when officers leached his home. But District Attorney Adams insisted that the accused be brought to prison without delay. He was carried to police headquar tens in an ambulance. Do Grab Worms Poduce Sassa fras? There is a legendary story that sassafras sprouts spring from de funct grub worms, but the editor tor of this paper could never be made to believe it until Saturday last, when Lee Caskey brought to this office a partially petrified grub worm from which was a growth of some kind of vegetable matter. In deed, it was a sprout of some kind, but whether a sassafras or .some thing else we are not prepared to say. The writer, however has heard many men assert the fact ghat if you pull np or dig out a young sassafras" Sprout you will in variebly find a grub worm at the root. Hazel Green Herald. "IS it possible that we old farm era who have been digging up sas sasafras sprouts for 40 or 50 years never discovered the grub worm at the root. I reckon we never did, and I guess we never will." C. Get DeWitt's Carbolued Witch Haxel Salve when you ask for it. There are a great many imitations, but there U just one original. Thla salve ii good for auythlng where a salve is needed to be used, but it is good for Piles. Sold by J. E. Shell, Lenoir Drag Co. Granite Falls Drug Co. Prophesies Snow For July This startling warning comes from no less a persouage than a celebrated scientist astronomer, Edwiu Fairfax Nnlty, who has de voted a month to the study of the nowest discovered comet, said to be gyrating at present round in space some millions of miles away from the earth. Prof. Nulty from his long study of the now comet asserts that the people of Boston and elsewhere in the same zone that have been sweltering under the merciless rays of the sun may soon be goiug about with-earlap and mufliers, and his prediction that the snow shovels will be used is thoroughly borne out by the movements of the new est celestial distrulor. Only once has the coinasphereor head of this body been seen, and then for only a very short period, but the tromeiulous radiance to its light from the comma, or tail of the traveling body is said to be tne power by means of which the people of Boston and vicinity may within a short time enjoy a var iety of weather that will cause the oldest inhabitant to hold up his hand in amazement. Already, declars Prof. Nulty has the light from this comma reached and so flooded the planet Mai's that it is possible strange things have happened there by this time. Ex. "We are willing to lend our overcoat to some one that thinks they will need it for the balance of this month and take our chance with the snow." News. The Oldest Tree in the World. The oldest tree in the world is said to be a cypress tree standing in the province of Chepultepec, Mexico, with a trunk 118 feet 10 inches in eifemtference. This has been shown to be (as couclusivoly as these things can be shown) about 0,2(50 years of age. Nor is this so remarkable when one stops to think that, given favorabrecon ditions for growth and sustenance the average tree will never die of old age. Its death is merely an accident. Other younger and more vigoro us trees may spring up near it, and rob its roots of their proper nourishment; insects may kill it, floods or winds may sweep it away, or the woodman's axe may fell up on it. If uo such accident happens to itja tree may flourish aud grow for century upon century and age upon age. Gamewell Items. Editor-News. May I slip in and say a few words about the folks at Game wel!t Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watson, gave an ice cream supper, to a number of the young folks, Satur night. Miss Bessie Parsons, visited Miss Jessie Puett, Saturday, and Sunday. Rev. Mr. Cook, preached at Gamewell, Sunday evening. Hope he will come back, and preach again soon. The farmers, arc about through working corn. Miss Grace Tuttle, is visiting in Virginia this month. Some one robbed one of Mr. Kelley Thompsons, bee gums, Sat urday night. There will be a singing conven tion at Collettsville. next Saturday and Sunday, Clarks Chapel, Flemings Chapel, and Green Val ley are going to sing. Success the the News. A Rkader. Ncie Dance. There was a nice little dance given by the yonng men at The Martins last Friday evening. The large dining room was cleared aud tastily decorated with cut flowers and made an ideal dancing place. About twelve or fifteen couplets participated in the dance, while quite a number of spectators were present. A pleasant innovation, to the men at least, was the fact that they dispensed with coats while danc ing, the dance being a "shirt waist dance." The music was furnished by the Lenoir Orchestia. assisted by I'rof. Rumble, and it was tine. Some More Weattur Sijns. Last Sunday, the llth, was the first dog day and it didn't rain. According to the old saying, we will have forty days of dry weather; but they tells us if the moon changes in the fore part of the day we will have rain, and if that be so we will have plenty of rain dur ing this month. See Blum's almanac for changes of the moon during July. The dog day sign says no rain. The moon changing sign says rain, cv) there you are. We will see what we see. Lenoir News. With the sign of the Virgin Mary's visit failing, and two sure signs directly opposite, the be lievers in signs are in a truly pitable plight this year. The only sign that we ever knew of, that did not fail was that of a bent pin on the seat of a chair, whic indi cates an early spring. Lincoln Times. North Carolina Wheat. The Western wheat farmers, of whom we read so much do not know it all. Here is General Jule Carr, who always dresses like a gentleman and wears a carnation in his coat lapel, running a thresh er on his Occoneechee farm and sacking up 5.000 bushels of wheat. The Durham Sun says it is worth $10,000 converted into flour and all off of 130 acres. Aho Items. Rye harvesting is on and the crop is good. We are havingsunshine now and the indications area good hay crop will be harvested, and crops gener ally look well excepting fruit. We will have but little fruit in this vi cinity owing to late frosts. I notice Bristol, Va. has uoted to retain her saloons. I suppose they are tired of sending their money away to build up other towns and cities and have decided to keep their mouey at" home and at the same time secure some rev enue in the way of license taxes from the liquor traffic. I say "hur rah for Bristol.'' It is bad policy to send our money out of the State to build up other communities, as North Carolina and some other pre tended prohibition States are do ing. Success to The News. S. G. L. To the Committee ot Caldwell County. Have you secured a teacher for your schoolT If you have not write Mies Ella Kirby, Boone, or Granite Falls, N. C. who is Sec. of the "Caldwell County Teacher's Association of the A. T. School" and she will will send you a list of the best teachers in the county, who are now attending the Normal part of the Appalachian Training School. A good teacher is known by the effort they make to be a better teacher. This Is The Store Summer Brides, That Wants to See You! Won't You Come? You unquestionablv desire to serve your own lost in terest and those of the man yon wed? Then the one Ust way to serve them is through the Houscfurnishing aid of the Bcrhardt-Soagle store. It means money saved and your home more artistically, satisfactorily furnished and at less cost to you. Won't you visit our store and learn of opportunities that mean much to you J 4P Ml 1 IJILI The Wadsworth Cll AS. F. WADSWORTH. JAN. W. WADSWORTH, OBI. P. WAMWORTH, rftaa. in Titii. v. r. ldui'lii'h,i OKKICKOK J. W. Wadsworth Sons Co. Wadsworth Transfer Co. Livery, Feed sad Sales Sublet Bifgage sid Ptsteager Service Dealert In Bugglai, Carriages, Wagons, Harnett, Horsaa, 1ulc, Etc. Charlotte, N. C. Jan. 23, 1909. Price-Cline H. and T. Co. , Leno i r , N . C . Gentlemen : Yours of the 22nd at hand; also the three sample collars came this norning. Ship us five dozen No. 82 collars, same as sample. We remain, Yours truly , J. W. Wardsworth s Sons Co. By Q. P. W. (We are rather proud of the He Made a Scoop. A paper iu a good sized town in Oklahoma recently published this item: "The business man in the town who is in the habit of hugging his typewriter had better quit, or we will publish his name." The next day thirty seven busi ness men called at the oflice, paid their subscriptions and left behind them thirty seven columns of ad vertising, and told the editor not to pay any attention to little fool ish stories. mm ILJII J a "I People Write Price. patronage of such people.) Bowel Complaint in Children. When six mouths old the little daughter of E. N. Dewey, a well known merchant of Agnewville, Va., had an attack of cholera infantum. Chamberlain'B Colic, Cholera anil Diarrhoea Remedy was given and effected a complete cure. This re medy has proven very successful in case of bowel complaint In child ren when given according to the. plain printed direction can be relied upon with perfect confidence. When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take, which is of (treat importance when a medicine must be given to young children. For sale by J. E. Shell, Drufrgist, Dr. Kents, Druggist. wm w v.-i.r. v.- w ' ...v.,..

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